Health & Medical Question

Course: CGS3096 Technology in the Global Arena


– This week you will be completing two separate assignments: Research Paper (Part 1) and PowerPoint Presentation (Part 2) – Research Paper (Part 1) will be submitted in a word document following the instructions below and the PowerPoint Presentation (Part 2) will be submitted in a professional, well-organized PowerPoint presentation following the instructions below.


Research Paper Instructions:

  • Please read all of the instructions and review the linked documents at the end of the assignment. You will need to use the paper template for your paper.
  • Assignment purpose:As technical professionals, we are often called to research and report on topics associated with our projects. We must always be ready to analyze and evaluate a given problem, gain an understanding of the impact locally, nationally and internationally as well as analyze the potential ethical implications of our decisions. As part of this assignment, you will be able to practice your analysis skills as well as apply the knowledge we have gained throughout the semester.In professional writing, we do not use personal pronouns like “I” when presenting a conclusion based on our research. The thesis is the reasoned conclusion based on the research. The conclusions you reach should be supported by citations from your research and should be based on what you found. In this type of writing, we never want to say things such as “I believe”. We want to make statements that synthesize our research and present well reasoned conclusions supported by our research sources.For this assignment you will create a 5 to 8 page research paper to explore a technology topic in depth. The topic must involve an ethical issue that is directly caused by or significantly exacerbated by technology.The discussion assignments throughout the semester have prepared you for this assignment. You can use the research and lessons learned during these assignments as a starting place for the paper.The audience for the paper is someone who holds at least a bachelors degree and has a strong background in information technology.The assignment is designed to ensure that you have practice in creating research papers in preparation for post baccalaureate work.The genre for this assignment is an analytical research paper.In this approach, the author is not taking a stand or expressing an opinion about the topic. Neither is it a book report, essay or summary of the resources used in researching the paper.This paper should be used to explore the use of a technology and evaluate the ethical and global implications.Part of a good evaluation is to present both sides of an issue. As you discuss the technology and evaluate the ethical and global implications, but sure to examine the issue(s) from both sides of the arguments. For example, we might want to strive to understand the positive as well as the negative impacts of a technology.Your goal is to inform the reader about the topic, give him/her an in-depth understanding, and then present your conclusions. The paper should have minimal “what is” or “how to”, because this paper’s audience is technology savvy and knowledgeable of ethical theory,and the paper’s goal is to do an ethical and global analysis of your issue.You can read more about the tone and approach as well as find an example of a thesis statement at the Purdue OWL site ( a topic from the list of possible topics linked below at the end of this page. If you wish to propose a new topic, please email me within Canvas mail. New topics MUST be approved by the instructor. If you previously took this course, you must select a new topic. Submitting work that was previously submitted in a prior version of this course or for another course may result in an academic charge for self-plagiarism under the FIU student code of conductUse the principles and analysis methods you have learned to explore the topic in-depth, showing clearly the global ethical issue(s) involved, any fallacies practiced to justify actions, what aspects of any recognized code of standards are violated or which could be applied. Include an ethical analysis using an ethical theory found in the Topic 3 material.Be sure to explain how technology has played a key role in causing or exacerbating the global ethical dilemma. You must discuss the issues for at least two geographical areas.Support your statements and analysis using in-text citations. A reference page is not sufficient. All works cited on the reference page must be cited using in-text citations within the paper.
  • Goals for the paper:Identify the global issue or concern from the list provided or propose a new topic for your professor’s approval and succinctly summarize the global impact in your own words.Analyze the global ethical issue(s) involved in your own words using the ethical theories discussed over the course of the semester. See Topic 3 for the ethical frameworks.The paper should discuss at least two different countries (or regions) by name and give specific, concrete examples of the technology or technologies involved as well as the ethical concerned raise by the use of these technologies. The ethical analysis may be a separate section, or it may be woven into the analysis as the various aspects of the issue are presented.Discuss any fallacies used to justify actions, what aspects of any recognized code of standards are violated or which could be applied.Provide sufficient context and use common language to communicate your ideas to a reader who has a strong background in technology with at least a bachelors level of education.Give examples that make abstract concepts concrete.Organize content in a way that effectively reaches, engages, and communicates to the reader.The paper is formatted in traditional IEEE format. The template provided within Canvas should be used for the structure and format of the paper. It also provides additional suggestions and assistance with the structure and tone of the paper.
  • Learning Outcomes: This assignment will fulfill one or more of the following learning outcomes:Describe the legal, ethical, and social impacts of technology as related to individual privacy, security, and anonymity in societies across the globe and in the global Internet society. (Global Awareness)Describe the legal, ethical, and social impacts of technology as related to intellectual property rights, and how the global reach of the Internet affects these issues. (Global Perspective)Identify a computing professional’s roles and responsibilities as related to intellectual property, privacy, anonymity, legal, social, and ethical issues. (Global Engagement)

Evaluation criteria:

REMINDER: Everything you need to know about the structure and format of the paper is in the template document. Use a copy of that file as your starting document and your formatting will already be set for you.

Key Content:

  • Ethical analysis included, using theory or codes of conduct
  • Global issue and analysis included
  • Counterarguments presented and ethically analyzed


  • You should have an introduction that indicates the structure
  • The paper should be structured in appropriate sections and subsections
  • You should have a conclusion that summarizes
  • You have started new paragraphs where appropriate (not one big giant section with only 1 paragraph)
  • You gave a number to your last section (not N)


  • Follow the template’s formatting EXACTLY for all parts of the paper
  • Pagination (abstract, start of body, refs page should all start on a new page)
  • Check that page header has correct page numbering
  • No excess space between paragraphs or sections


  • Run a grammar check in Word and correct issues: run-on sentences, incorrect verb tenses, incorrect noun-verb agreement
  • Run a spell check in Word
  • Avoid useless, fluff, space-filling leading phrases (e.g., to begin with, in other words, furthermore, in addition, etc.). If you can remove that phrase and the meaning of the sentence does not change, it is useless and should be removed.

Inline citations:

  • All works in the reference page should have at least one inline citation within the paper.
  • Using citations is important to identify where that information originated.
  • Remember, citations both identify the source of where the ideas or thoughts originated as well as provide support for our assertions. In addition, it provides the reader with sources to explore if they wish to further explore the concept.
  • You followed the IEEE format (not APA, Chicago, etc.)


  • You followed the IEEE format (not APA, Chicago, etc.) and refs are complete (not just URLs)
  • Refs are listed in the order encountered in the paper
  • Refs must include the URL you used to access the articles and they must be properly formatted.

Things that should NOT be in your paper:

  • Use of 1st (I, me, my, mine, we, us our, ours) or 2nd person (you, yours)
  • Use of contractions (e.g., doesn’t should be does not)
  • Use of questions (this is not a conversation – it is a research paper)
  • Personal opinions (no I think/I feel) – statements must be supported by your citations

The MUST USE Topics: Legal and Social Issues in Virtual Worlds

This topic may be a starting point for your search for a topic for your paper and presentation.

Many of these topics are quite broad, so you should focus on one specific subtopic.

Topic: Legal and Social Issues in Virtual Worlds

  • Sovereignty on the Internet versus cyberanarchy Getting accurate information – consider blogs, freelancers Collaborative information: Wikipedia and the possibility of spin, defamation, etc. Democracy (or benevolent oligarchy) in cyberspace governance
  • Second life: Blurred boundaries between virtual worlds and real life Virtual adultery – is it the same as real world adultery?

Guidelines: “Attached below titled: CGS 3095 Paper & Presentation Guidelines (Word)”

Template: “Attached below titled: Research Paper Format template_rev2.docx”


Presentation Instructions:

  • Topic: Legal and Social Issues in Virtual WorldsSovereignty on the Internet versus cyberanarchy Getting accurate information – consider blogs, freelancers Collaborative information: Wikipedia and the possibility of spin, defamation, etc. Democracy (or benevolent oligarchy) in cyberspace governance Second life: Blurred boundaries between virtual worlds and real life Virtual adultery – is it the same as real world adultery?

The purpose of your presentation assignment is to present the information that you have already written in your research paper.


  • APA 7 Format
  • 5 APA References on reference page & in-text citations (all within 5 years from 2024)
  • Each slide except the title slide and reference slide must have speakers notes on what you will say to present each slide. The note section is at the bottom of each slide, to reveal this section pull up on the bottom slide bar.
  • Must be professionally organized with images

Rubric Outline:

  • Includes slides (12-15 no including title slide and reference slide)

  • Matches the research paper’s topic & content
  • Clear statement and goals of the presentation
  • Well organized, not over cluttered, professional layout and content, images and design.Attractive, professional, & engaging
  • Each slide except the title slide and reference slide must have speakers notes on what you will say to present each slide. The note section is at the bottom of each slide, to reveal this section pull up on the bottom slide bar.

  • Global issues presented & discussed
  • References slide includes at least 5 quality references (APA FORMAT & within 5 years)
  • Includes a clear analysis of the global technology impact.

CGS 3092 – Paper & Presentation Guidelines
• If you have taken the course in a prior semester or if you have written a paper for
a different course based on the same or similar topic, you must select a different
• Submitting work that was previously submitted in a prior version of this course or
for another course may result in an academic charge for self plagiarism under the
FIU student code of conduct.
• Use the supplied document template for instructions on how to format your paper.
• Use the principles and analysis methods you have learned to explore the topic in
depth, showing clearly the ethical issue(s) involved, any fallacies practiced to
justify actions, what aspects of any recognized code of standards are violated or
which could be applied. Include an ethical analysis (use Chapter 3 of your text).
• Be sure to explain how technology has played a key role in causing the ethical
• If you have taken the course in a prior semester or if you have written a paper for
a different course based on the same or similar topic, you must select a different
• Submitting work that was previously submitted in a prior version of this course or
for another course may result in an academic charge for self plagiarism under the
FIU student code of conduct.
• Use PowerPoint to create slides based on your paper
• Slides should be an outline of your topic, with major points shown
• Your title slide should include your topic and your name.
• Each slide should have a slide number in the lower right corner.
• Your presentation MUST NOT exceed 10 minutes (practice it and time it!!!)
• You may use note cards if desired during your presentation
• Present the issues, possible approaches to solutions or analyses of the problem
• Submit your presentation into Canvas
Title of This Paper
Florida International University
CGS 3095 –
This is a very brief synopsis of the entire paper, stating what the issue is
and some idea of the approach or analysis used. You may also wish to
state what you intend to show in this paper. The abstract will be a single
CGS 3095 –
Title of the Paper
This is the start of your paper. The first paragraph should briefly introduce the problem
or issues, without too much detail. Briefly state what you intend to show in this paper. All
should be double-spaced, as shown in this format sample. Margins are 1” on all sides. Add a
page header as shown. Use fonts and font sizes exactly as shown in this document.
Paragraph two should outline the structure of your paper, in a fashion similar to this.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 1 presents a detailed description of the problem or
issue, Section 2 describes…, and Section N presents conclusions. This part of the paper should be
only one or two paragraphs long. Generally, two paragraphs is sufficient for the introduction.
2. BACKGROUND AND SIGNIFICANCE (or whatever is appropriate for your topic)
Major section numbers should then commence, using the heading formats shown below.
Any figures or charts should be small in size, and may not be counted in the page count. They
should be labeled “Figure a.b” where a represents the section number, and b represents the
sequential numbering of figures within that section.
2.1 Section subheading
You must have a minimum of five separate references, from different sources (i.e., do not
use five web pages from the same web site). References must be done in IEEE style, and should
start on a new page. In-line citations and reference numbering will be done in the IEEE fashion.
References should be dated within the past 3 years. Each reference is double-spaced as shown at
the end of this format document. References should appear in the References section in the order
in which they are used in the body of the paper [1], not alphabetically. Inline citations should
CGS 3095 –
use reference document numbers instead of author names [2]. An easy way to get the References
format correct is to use the Citation Machine web site to build your references, located at At the top of this page, select IEEE, then select the type
of reference (journal, book, etc.). Then enter the information on the associated screen, and let
this web site build the correct reference format for you, which can then be copied and pasted into
your References section. Build the references as you write the paper, so that you will not have to
go back and determine the source of the material in your paper. You can also use Microsoft
Word’s reference generator.
Web-based references are permissible, but should be solid articles, not blogs, forum
posts, or multimedia links (unless absolutely central to your topic). ). Do not use Wikipedia,
Yahoo Answers, or other non-academic encyclopedias or answer sites. Dictionaries do not count
as one of your five references. If the web article is from a newspaper for journal site, treat the
article as if it is a print reference. If you have problems determining how to cite a source, contact
the instructor for assistance.
If a single reference is used more than once in the paper, its number remains the same
throughout the paper. Do not list the same reference more than once in the References section.
For the purposes of this assignment, page count should consider only the body of the
paper. Do not count the Title page, abstract page, reference page(s), or diagrams/images when
determining if you have met the page count requirements. Minimum page count for this
assignment is 5 pages double-spaced. Maximum is 8 pages double-spaced. Images should not be
used in this research paper.
A research paper should never use first person (I, me, my) or second person (you, yours).
Only third person should be used. It should not have a chatty tone as might be found in a
CGS 3095 –
magazine column, but should be a formal, educational tone. Your goal is to inform the reader
about the topic, give him/her an in-depth understanding, and then present your conclusions. The
paper should have minimal “what is” or “how to”, because this paper’s audience is echnologically
savvy, and the paper’s goal is to do an ethical and global analysis of your issue.
Direct quotes from your references should almost never be used. You must demonstrate
that you can research, read, understand, and discuss your topic in your own words. Cobbling
together a set of quoted passages will earn a grade of F, regardless of the use of citations.
Make frequent backups of your paper as you work on it. You may choose to leave the
formatting details until the very end, but plan at least an hour or two to get the formatting correct.
Remember the Undo button when Word does not understand what you intended for it to do.
Anti-plagiarism software will be used to check your paper, and all references will be also
be checked for accuracy. Simply changing a few words in each sentence and adding a citation is
not acceptable – it is plagiarism. You are expected to read and understand the material, and be
able to express it in your own words. When you do so, you will still use a citation to give credit
to the original author of the material. Plagiarism will result in heavy penalties. For more detailed
information on what constitutes plagiarism, please take 15 minutes to read these articles to avoid
a failing grade on the paper:
1. What is plagiarism?
2. Types of plagiarism:
3. Plagiarism FAQs:
4. What is citation?
CGS 3095 –
2. 2 Section subheading
This shows the numbering for subsections.
3.1 Section subheading
Remember that the main purpose of your paper is to perform a global analysis of your
topic and an ethical analysis of all sides of the issue. Present your global analysis by contrasting
how your topic effects / is handled in at least two different countries or regions; you must
mention at least two different countries (or regions) by name and give concrete examples! This is
the main focus for the paper. For your ethical analysis, give a one or two sentence description of
the ethical theory approach(es) that will be used. Then show how using this ethical theory
approach can lead to a conclusion that the issue is ethical or unethical. The ethical analysis may
be a separate section, or it may be woven into the analysis as the various aspects of the issue are
presented. If your paper does not use an ethical theory and include a global analysis of the issue,
the paper will not earn a good grade. The majority of your paper should NOT be about what the
technology is or how it works. The majority of your paper should be an exploration and analysis
of the global and ethical issues. Be sure to clearly indicate why technology created or helped to
create this ethical issue.
N. CONCLUSIONS (substitute the appropriate section number for N and remove this
Paragraph(s) which summarizes your paper. Tell what you have shown and make
conclusions. The paper does not have to take a position on whether the issue it presented is
ethical or not. This section may simply recap what has been presented in the paper. Don’t forget
CGS 3095 –
to use the spell checker and grammar checker available in Microsoft Word. The overall quality
of your writing is also being graded.
CGS 3095 –
Cheng, P., Kilis, D., & Knight, F. (1997). Knowledge assessment using fuzzy conceptual
representation. Proceedings of the 1997 ACM symposium on Applied Computing, 3-9.
(sample to show formatting only)


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