Sinclair College Listening and Hearing Essay
Writing Assignment 2: Listening StylesAssignment Directions: Spring 2019
The revised Listening Styles Profile (LSP-R) measures four constructs including relational listening, analytical listening,
task-oriented listening and critical listening (Bodie, Worthington & Gearhart, 2013) styles are outlined in chapter 7 of
your textbook. For this writing assignment, you are asked to complete the Listening Styles Profile (LSP-R) and then
answer the following prompts.
Take time to read each of the following and assess how each statement applies to you by marking your level of
agreement/disagreement with each item. Do not think of any specific listening situation. The stronger you disagree with a
statement the lower the number you will write in the far right column next to the statement. The stronger you agree with a
statement, the higher the number you will write down. Your score for each item should reflect the following: Strongly
Disagree = 1, Disagree =2, Somewhat Disagree =3, Unsure = 4, Somewhat Agree = 5, Agree = 6, Strongly Agree = 7.
Calculate your scores for each of the four categories.
Relational Listening
When listening to others, it is important to understand the feelings of the speaker.
When listening to others, I am mainly concerned with how they are feeling.
I listen to understand the emotions and mood of the speaker.
I listen primarily to build and maintain relationships with others.
I enjoy listening to others because it allows me to connect with them.
When listening to others, I focus on understanding the feelings behind words.
Relational Listening Total Score
Analytical Listening
I wait until all the facts are presented before forming judgments and opinions.
I e d
i hh d dg e ab
a he idea
i I ha e hea d e e hi g he ha e
a .
Whe i e i g
he , I a e
i hh d a i g a
i i
i I e hea d hei e i e e age.
When listening to others, I consider all sides of the issue before responding.
I fully listen to what a person has to say before forming any opinions.
To be fair to others, I fully listen to what they have to say before making judgments.
Analytical Listening Total Score
Task-Oriented Listening
I am impatient with people who ramble on during conversations.
I get frustrated when people get off topic during a conversation.
When listening to others, I become impatient when they appear to be wasting time.
I prefer speakers who quickly get to the point.
I find it difficult to listen to people who take too long to get their ideas across.
When listening to others, I appreciate speakers who give brief, to the-point presentations.
Task-Oriented Listening Total Score
Critical Listening
Whe i e i g
he , I f c
a i c i e cie a d/ e
I f e ca ch e
he ea e
I e d
a a
ice e
i ha he ea e
a .
I have a talent for catching inconsistencies in what a speaker says.
When listening to others, I notice contradictions in what they say.
Good listeners catch discrepancies in what people say.
bei g aid.
Critical Listening Total Score
*Bodie, G. D., Worthington, D. L., & Gearhart, C. G. (2013). The Revised Listening Styles Profile (LSP-R): Development and
validation. Communication Quarterly, 61, 72-90. doi: 10.1080/01463373.2012.720343
After you have totaled your scores for each category you will begin the writing assignment.
Be sure to include a complete introduction to the paper that includes a thesis statement introducing the main
ideas of the paper.
Organize the body of the paper into main ideas that fit with your thesis statement.
1. Discuss the importance of listening in interpersonal relationships.
2. Analyze your results from the Revised Listening Styles Profile; each listening style (relational,
task-oriented, critical, analytical) should be discussed in a complete paragraph.
3. Consider the responses that could increase your effectiveness as a listener and discuss nonverbal
skills that will help you improve.
Include a definitive conclusion that summarizes the key themes in the paper.
Include proper in-text citations in either APA (see ) or
MLA (see ) format.
Be certain that you include the textbook definitions of the concepts you use and that you cite these
definitions correctly. A reference list (see ) or works
cited (see ) should be included at the end of your paper.
Your paper should be typed, approximately 3-4 pages long, and double spaced.
The paper should also be proofread, and mistakes in grammar, spelling, sentence structure, formatting and
other areas of paper mechanics should be kept to a minimum.
In the first part of the paper, discuss the importance of listening in interpersonal communication. Define the
terms listening and hearing. Explain how hearing and listening are different. Describe an example of each
Listening vs. Hearing
Unmet (0 %)
Needs Improvement (5069%)
Fair (70-79%)
Good (80-89%)
Excellent (100%)
The student has not addressed
the importance of listening
AND/OR it is not complete.
The student attempts to
address the importance of
listening but fails to provide
definitions AND/OR fails to
explain or provide examples.
The student may be
developing ideas but the
introduction of the paper
needs improvement to meet
minimum requirements.
The student addresses the
importance of listening and
identifies the differences
between hearing and listening.
However, the definitions are
incomplete, not explained
well or examples may not be
provided OR some of the
information is addressed but
the overall answer lacks
The student identifies and
explains the importance of
listening within
communication, AND the
student explains how listening
and hearing are different by
defining each term AND the
explanation of listening and
hearing is clear AND the
student provides examples to
support his or her explanation.
The student clearly identifies
and explains the importance of
listening within interpersonal
communication, AND the
student skillfully explains how
listening and hearing are
different by defining each
term AND the explanation of
listening and hearing is clear
and articulate AND the
student provides excellent
examples to skillfully support
his or her explanation.
Points Earned:__________/
8 Possible Points
In the next part of your paper, define each listening style, explain the listening style in your own words and
discuss your results for each of the four listening styles. Each listening style should be a separate paragraph.
In your discussion, provide your scores for each of the listening styles. Which styles did you score higher
in? Which styles did you score lower in? Based on this data, what do you conclude about your listening?
Task-Oriented Listening
Unmet (0 %)
Needs Improvement (5069%)
Fair (70-79%)
Good (80-89%)
Excellent (100%)
The student has not addressed
the listening style.
The student attempts to
address the listening style but
may fail to provide his or her
score AND/OR fails to
compare the score. There is
little to no discussion as to the
results of the score.
The student addresses the
listening style AND provides
the overall score. However,
the overall answer lacks
The student identifies, defines
and explains the listening
style, AND the student
provides his or her score for
the listening style AND the
student discusses why he or
she believes they scored the
way they did AND the student
provides evidence to support
his or her explanation.
The student clearly identifies,
defines and explains the
listening style, AND the
student provides his or her
score for the listening style
AND the student clearly
discusses why he or she
believes they scored the way
they did AND the student
provides excellent evidence to
skillfully support his or her
Points Earned:__________/
8 Possible Points
Relational Listening
Unmet (0 %)
Needs Improvement (5069%)
Fair (70-79%)
Good (80-89%)
Excellent (100%)
The student has not addressed
the listening style.
The student attempts to
address the listening style but
may fail to provide his or her
score AND/OR fails to
compare the score. There is
little to no discussion as to the
results of the score.
The student addresses the
listening style AND provides
the overall score. However,
the overall answer lacks
The student identifies, defines
and explains the listening
style, AND the student
provides his or her score for
the listening AND the student
discusses why he or she
believes they scored the way
they did AND the student
provides evidence to support
his or her explanation.
The student clearly identifies,
defines and explains the
listening style, AND the
student provides his or her
score for the listening style,
AND the student clearly
discusses why he or she
believes they scored the way
they did AND the student
provides excellent evidence to
skillfully support his or her
Points Earned:__________/
8 Possible Points
Analytical Listening
Unmet (0 %)
Needs Improvement (5069%)
Fair (70-79%)
Good (80-89%)
Excellent (100%)
The student has not addressed
the listening style.
The student attempts to
address the listening style but
may fail to provide his or her
score AND/OR fails to
compare the score. There is
little to no discussion as to the
results of the score.
The student addresses the
listening style AND provides
the overall score. However,
the overall answer lacks
The student identifies, defines
and explains the listening
style, AND the student
provides his or her score for
the listening style, AND the
student discusses why he or
she believes they scored the
way they did AND the student
provides evidence to support
his or her explanation.
The student clearly identifies,
defines and explains the
listening style, AND the
student provides his or her
score for the listening style,
AND the student clearly
discusses why he or she
believes they scored the way
they did AND the student
provides excellent evidence to
skillfully support his or her
Points Earned:__________/
8 Possible Points
Critical Listening
Unmet (0 %)
Needs Improvement (5069%)
Fair (70-79%)
Good (80-89%)
Excellent (100%)
The student has not addressed
the listening style.
The student attempts to
address the listening style but
may fail to provide his or her
score AND/OR fails to
compare the score. There is
little to no discussion as to the
results of the score.
The student addresses the
listening style AND provides
the overall score. However,
the overall answer lacks
The student identifies, defines
and explains the listening
style, AND the student
provides his or her score for
the listening style, AND the
student discusses why he or
she believes they scored the
way they did AND the student
provides evidence to support
his or her explanation.
The student clearly identifies,
defines and explains the
listening style, AND the
student provides his or her
score for the listening style,
AND the student clearly
discusses why he or she
believes they scored the way
they did AND the student
provides excellent evidence to
skillfully support his or her
Points Earned:__________/
8 Possible Points
e ide ified
e i e i g
e c e, what do you think needs to change about your
listening to strengthen your interpersonal relationships at work or at home?
Based on the style you identified as your lowest score, what do you plan to do to improve your listening for the
future? Be specific in your plans to improve your listening. Choose one or two listening responses, such as
questioning and paraphrasing, that you could use more often. Define each response and explain how using it
would improve your listening.
Explain how you will use nonverbal skills such as appropriate body language, eye contact, and haptics in a
listening environment to improve your listening. Refer back to Chapter 6 and identify specific skills you could
use, define them, and explain how they would improve your listening.
Listening Responses
Unmet (0 %)
Needs Improvement (50-69%)
Fair (70-79%)
Good (80-89%)
Excellent (100%)
The student has not addressed
listening response OR the
section is not complete.
The student attempts to
identify and define listening
responses. The definition is
not complete AND/OR there
is no example provided.
The student identifies, defines
and explains at least one
listening response AND the
student provides an example
of the listening response.
However, the definition may
be incomplete or incorrect
AND/OR the example is not
clearly connected. The overall
example may lack evidence.
The student identifies, defines
and explains at least one
listening response, AND the
student provides an example
with evidence.
The student clearly identifies,
defines and explains two or
more listening responses,
AND the student skillfully
provides examples of the
listening responses with
excellent evidence.
Points Earned:__________/
8 Possible Points
Listening Behaviors
Unmet (0 %)
Needs Improvement (50-69%)
Fair (70-79%)
Good (80-89%)
Excellent (100%)
The student has not addressed
the listening behaviors OR the
section is not complete
The student is developing or
understanding of listening
behaviors AND/OR does not
identify a way to improve his
or her listening to verbally
presented information. The
student does not provide
The student demonstrates
identifying one way to
improve his or her listening to
information. The student may
discuss examples but does not
provide specificity.
The student demonstrates
understanding of listening
behaviors by identifying one
or more ways to improve his
or her listening to verbally
presented information as
evidenced by discussion of
examples that may include but
are not limited to: appropriate
body language, eye contact,
and responses/reactions to a
The student demonstrates
superior understanding of
listening behaviors by
identifying multiple ways to
improve his or her listening to
verbally presented information
as evidenced by discussion of
examples that may include but
are not limited to: appropriate
body language, eye contact,
and responses/reactions to a
Points Earned:__________/
8 Possible Points
Mechanics and Message Construction:
Message Composition
Unmet (0%)
Needs Improvement (5069%)
Fair (70-79%)
Good (80-89%)
Excellent (90-100%)
The paper does not include an
introduction and conclusion.
The body of the paper is
either not complete or lacks
clarity and logical sequence.
Composition of the message
(theme, introduction, and
conclusion, and a sequence of
points with transitions) is
unclear, not included in their
entirety or is only
intermittently observable in
the paper.
Composition of the message
(central theme, introduction,
and conclusion, and a logical
sequence of points with
transitions) is observable
throughout the paper.
Composition of the message
(clear central theme,
introduction, and conclusion,
and a logical sequence of
points with smooth
transitions) is adequate and
consistently observable
throughout the paper.
Composition of the message
(clear central theme,
introduction, and conclusion,
and a logical sequence of
points with smooth
transitions) is superior and
observable throughout the
Points Earned:
/ 8 Points Possible
Message Delivery
Unmet (0%)
Needs Improvement (5069%)
Fair (70-79%)
Good (80-89%)
The paper does not meet the
minimum standards of
effectively communicating the
central message or was not
The message delivery
incorporates grammatically
incorrect, inarticulate
language that ineffectively
communicates the central
The message delivery
incorporates minimal errors in
grammar and includes
language that is
understandable and is able to
communicate the central
The message delivery
incorporates grammatically
correct and consistently
thoughtful language that is
understandable and effectively
communicates the central
Points Earned:
Excellent (90-100%)
The message delivery
incorporates grammatically
correct, articulate, imaginative
language that is easily
understandable and effectively
communicates the central
message in a compelling
/ 8 Points Possible
Unmet (0%)
The paper includes no
citation of any sort.
Needs Improvement (50-69%)
There is some attempt at
citation, BUT: a significant
number of concepts are not
cited; OR there is no in-text
citation; OR paraphrases are
not cited.
Fair (70-79%)
Some attempt at citation is
included for most concepts
used in the paper that are
originally explained in a
printed source AND most of
these ideas are cited, whether
they are paraphrased or
directly quoted AND in-text
citation is used but it is not in a
recognizable style and/or a
Works Cited may not be
Good (80-89%)
In-text citation is included for
most concepts used in the
paper that are originally
explained in a printed source
AND these ideas are cited,
whether they are paraphrased
or directly quoted AND the
citation is in MLA or APA
style, though there are some
format errors AND a Works
Cited is included at the end of
the paper, though there are
some format errors.
Points Earned:
Excellent (90-100%)
In-text citation is included for
all concepts used in the paper
that are originally explained in
a printed source AND all of
these ideas are cited using
correct in-text citation,
whether they are paraphrased
or directly quoted AND the
citation is in correctly
formatted MLA or APA style
AND a correctly formatted
Works Cited is included at the
end of the paper.
/ 8 Points Possible
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