UCLA The Role of Audio in The Diegesis of Virtual Reality Games Discussion Questions
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Hissing roaches recognize familiar touch
The giant hissing cockroach is not a creature most people would want to encounter in
the dark, let alone pick up and stroke its polished, mahogany-coloured back.
After just a few petting sessions, a University of Guelph researcher has demonstrated
beyond a doubt that the rodent-sized roaches, which come from the island of
Madagascar, not only get used to humans, but can tell them apart.
Psychology professor Hank Davis enlisted student Emily Heslop to handle the horned
arthropods for two minutes a day. Within a few sessions, all but two stopped their
defensive behaviour when she picked them up.
(The two holdouts were “damaged goods,” according to Prof. Davis: One had a broken
leg and the other had both antennae broken.)
When Ms. Heslop prevailed upon one of her roommates to act as the new handler, the
cockroaches were infuriated by the unfamiliar pheromones.
“They actually spit on her hand, and it was quite a lot of liquid,” said Ms. Heslop, a
native of Caledon East, Ont., who had never seen a cockroach before she signed on to
Prof. Davis’s experiment. “It just seemed very dramatic.”
Prof. Davis has been conducting the same experiment in more than a dozen species of
animals since publishing The Inevitable Bond: Examining Scientist-Animal
Interactions in 1992 with Diane Balfour.
In it, they argued that the close relationship scientists develop with research animals
allows the creatures to get to know them and to anticipate what is going to happen to
them. If an animal associates a certain researcher with a painful shock, for example, it
will start preparing, psychologically and metabolically, for what is about to befall it.
“That’s Pavlovian conditioning,” Prof. Davis said. “In a sense, you become a walking
metronome, or a walking buzzer, or a walking bell.”
The implications for research are profound, and Prof. Davis has now proved everything
from penguins to llamas to chickens to bees can differentiate between individual
“The two-word message is: Know it. Because things will turn up in your research that
might be a little puzzling to you. And they’re not as puzzling if you realize: ‘This guy
knows me. This guy also knows, when I pick him up, x, y, and z are going to happen to
him.’ ”
It’s not surprising that social animals such as bees can differentiate between a worker
and a drone, since their survival depends on it. Prof. Davis doesn’t ascribe any
anthropomorphic significance to the fact that cockroaches can tell his scent from Ms.
Heslop’s. He said the handlers were just tapping into the animal’s ability to tell one
roach from another.
Prof. Davis admitted that he and Ms. Heslop are not “bug people,” and both were
creeped out when they first turned over one of the paper egg cartons in a 20-gallon
aquarium and saw hundreds of cockroaches skitter away. A collective hiss, not unlike
that of a cat encountering a dog, emanated from inside.
“The first visit, we both just stood there taking some very deep breaths,” he said. “It was
not easy. I’m sure we both had thoughts: ‘My God, am I going to be able to do this?’ ”
The professor and the student are now over their fear of roaches, something Prof. Davis
figured is an evolutionary remnant from the days when our ancestors actually had
something to fear from insects.
In fact, he would take one home as a pet, if he could, and some people do, according to
the Pet Arthropod page (www.key-net.net/users/swb/pet–arthropod).
By the end of the Guelph experiment, which required Ms. Heslop to visit her hairylegged subjects for two minutes a day, the cockroaches may have preferred her company
to that of her roommate, but she had her favourites, too.
“Basically, it was the nice ones,” she said, laughing.
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Cultural Studies Review
volume 22 number 1 March 2016
pp. 196–242
© Dinesh Joseph Wadiwel 2016
Do Fish Resist?1
In 2010 the UK-‐based organisation, Fishcount.org.uk, released a pioneering report
which attempted to estimate the number of wild sea animals killed each year as part
of commercial fishing. Data has been available from national and international
organisations on commercial fishing quantities; however, most of these previous
measures, such as those maintained by the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation,
refer to sea animals produced for food by weight rather than number, thus veiling
from public perception the actual number of sea animals which are used by
humans.2 Based on their own research, Fishcount.org.uk and the report’s lead
author, Alison Mood, proposed a sobering statistic: that between 0.97 and 2.7 trillion
wild fish are slaughtered every year through commercial fishing.3 In a follow up
report, Mood and Phil Brooke attempted to also estimate the number of fish killed
annually through fish farming (or aquaculture): their estimate in 2012 was that this
was of the order of 37 to 120 billion per year.4 (To put these figures in perspective,
the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation data indicates that in 2010, 63 billion
ISSN 1837-8692
Cultural Studies Review 2016. © 2016 Dinesh Joseph Wadiwel. This is an Open Access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported (CC BY 4.0) License
(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any
medium or format and to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially,
provided the original work is properly cited and states its license.
Citation: Cultural Studies Review (CSR) 2016, 22, 4363, http://dx.doi.org/10.5130/csr.v21i1.4363
land animals were slaughtered for human consumption, a figure that is likely to be
close to 70 billion for the year just past.)5 These figures do not include the
potentially large numbers of fish caught globally through recreational fishing
We know that the global use of sea animals for food is set to increase. World per
capita fish consumption has more or less doubled in the last fifty years (from 9.9
kilgrams to19.2 kilograms per person per year), meaning that not only are more fish
being killed to feed a larger human population across the globe, but on average
humans are eating more fish per person than ever before.7 Concern around
industrial wild fish capture, particularly the effects of this exponential increase in
human utilisation, has also been the focus of environmental concern. The UN Food
and Agriculture Organisation claims that in 2011 some ‘28.8 percent of fish stocks
were estimated as fished at a biologically unsustainable level’.8 It is little wonder
that Nobel Prize winner Paul Crutzen, in proposing the geological time period of the
‘Anthropocene’, singled out mechanised fishing as one example of a significant area
of planetary scale human impact. Crutzen noted in 2002 that ‘fisheries remove more
than 25% of the primary production in upwelling ocean regions and 35% in the
temperate continental shelf’.9 Human wild fish capture certainly accounts for the
largest proportion of all fish caught globally; however, industrialised fishing is
shifting from the use of mechanised predation towards intensive fish farming in the
context of aquaculture. Following an explosion in the use of aquaculture since the
1990s (at a growth rate of around 9.5 per cent per year), farmed fish now account
for a sizeable proportion of all fish killed for human use, standing at around 42 per
cent of all fish slaughtered.10 Today fish farming has overtaken beef farming globally
as a source of animal protein.11 Aquaculture—factory farms for fish—looks to be
positioned as an essential element within global food supply.
The welfare picture in the context of industrialised fishing is frightening.12
Despite the huge scale of the industry, there is little evidence that significant welfare
precautions are taken in fishing practices to reduce the suffering fish experience as
part of their use by humans. There are a number of publicly documented welfare
concerns surrounding recreational and industrial fishing practices, including around
line fishing, net fishing and the trauma associated with the capture and transport of
live fish.13 However, arguably, the mode of slaughter used to kill fish in most fishing
Dinesh Joseph Wadiwel—Do Fish Resist?
industry practices offers us the most telling insight into the poverty of current basic
welfare protections available to fish that are used by humans. By far the most
prevalent means of slaughter by the fishing industry is death by asphyxiation, where
fish are left in the open air to die slowly as their bodies are deprived of oxygen. Fish
usually take a long time to die this way, and studies have shown that the period until
stunning—that is, the period during which fish suffer before they are unconscious—
is considerable. Rainbow trout take some fifteen minutes before they are stunned;
sea bream twenty-‐five minutes and sea bass sixty minutes.14 The prevalent practice
of placing live fish on an ice slurry is no better; indeed is likely to further prolong the
time before fish are effectively stunned. Studies have shown that trout take between
twenty-‐eight and 198 minutes to be stunned using this method; salmon sixty
minutes, and sea bream twenty to forty minutes.15 Many fish are subject to live
gutting as part of the slaughter process. Some fish continue to live during and after
being gutted; one study indicates that stunning times vary between twenty-‐five and
sixty minutes for gutted fish.16 The use of carbon dioxide to stun fish may speed up
stunning periods. But this may also lead to a ‘quick and violent reaction, such as
repeated swimming around, attempts to escape from the tub and abnormal activity
before stunning’.17 In some cases, sea animals may take a relatively long time to be
stunned using carbon dioxide; for example 109 minutes for eels.18 Many fish are
indirectly killed or injured by nets, hooks or other fish before they land on board a
ship (something I discuss below). However, many forms of suffering are directly,
intentionally, imposed on fish as part of the killing process, often as a means to
produce a desired marketable commodity at the end of the process (that is, fish
meat). One example is cutting fish across the gills and returning them alive to the
water. This uses the beating heart of the fish while it is still alive to flush blood from
its body, supposedly to produce a desirable effect on fish meat in terms of taste and
appearance. In the case of eels, it is common practice to place them in a saltwater
bath to ‘deslime them’—a process to which eels are aversive—before being
eviscerated alive. The whole ordeal takes some twenty minutes.19
These visceral horrors are part and parcel of fishing and fishing industries, but
the advocacy challenge for pro-‐animal activists, scholars and workers remains
daunting. While legal protections are offered to many land animals routinely used
for food, the same protections are not available for fish.20 In part, this situation is a
result of a lack of agreement that fish are capable of suffering, or at least that this
suffering matters. There is some recognition that land animals used for food,
experiments and recreation can suffer at human hands, and this shapes welfare laws
and regulation aimed at minimising this suffering.21 This in turn shapes the
advocacy arguments made by animal advocates on behalf of land animals, which
usually involve balancing animal suffering against human utility.22 In the case of fish,
there is no universal acceptance that fish suffer, which in turn shapes the advocacy
task. Advocates are forced to argue first that fish do indeed suffer (since this is
contentious), and then, subsequently, argue for minimal (and often very minimal)
welfare measures to be adopted to mitigate the intense volume of this suffering.23
This situation—where advocates must argue that fish feel pain since this
knowledge is not taken for granted—is at least in part a result of the uncertain
science on fish suffering. There are many scientific studies which have shown that
some fish do feel pain and that this has significant welfare implications. In 2003, for
example, Lynne Sneddon and her colleagues performed experiments on rainbow
trout. They observed aversive behaviours to potentially painful experiences and also
observed that administering morphine to the fish significantly reduced pain-‐related
behaviours.24 These studies, and the problems they raise, were further expanded
upon by one of Sneddon’s co-‐researchers, Victoria Braithwaite, in her 2010 book Do
Fish Feel Pain?25 Against this view, other scientists have consistently argued,
perhaps as an echo of the view that is attributed to Descrates’ that animals are mere
automata (bête-‐machine), that fish do not experience suffering, only reaction to
stimuli.26 Notably James D. Rose and his fellow researchers in 2012 contested the
view that fish could experience pain in the way humans do. The researchers argued:
even if fishes were conscious, it is unwarranted to assume that they
possess a human-‐like capacity for pain. Overall, the behavioural and
neurobiological evidence reviewed shows fish responses to nociceptive
stimuli are limited and fishes are unlikely to experience pain.27
The uncertainty within the scientific community over whether fish feel pain,
combined with a public attachment to the maintenance of existing fishing practices,
produces a somewhat perverse silence in relation to fish welfare. The lack of
consistent agreement on the question of fish suffering leads to inaction. It limits the
capacity of policy makers to take decisive steps towards mitigating fish suffering. As
Dinesh Joseph Wadiwel—Do Fish Resist?
Celeste Black puts it: ‘the absence of a consensus on the basic issue of fish suffering
may be used as grounds to exclude fish from the reach of animal welfare laws’.28 For
animal advocates, I would argue that there is now a tactical quandary over how we
might respond to the massive human violence directed against fish. We know
already that the global expansion of human utilisation of land animals for food
represents an extraordinary ethical and political challenge. The reality of growing
human use of animals, the expansion of industrialised reproduction, containment
and slaughter, combined with limited will from decision makers—indeed most
humans—to mitigate their use of animals, means prospects of change in favour of
land animals remains slim. As Sue Donaldson and Will Kymlicka have frankly noted:
‘for the foreseeable future, we can expect more and more animals every year to be
bred, confined, tortured, exploited, and killed to satisfy human desires’.29 For sea
animals the situation looks even more grim: the growing world per capita appetite
for fish, the exponential expansion of industrial aquaculture, and limited public
agreement on the question of fish suffering, all suggest that fish welfare will
continue to be a low priority in the face of a massive restructuring of global human
consumption towards fish-‐based protein.
It is with this in mind that in this article I now abandon the question of fish
suffering—at least directly—and focus instead on understanding the potential of the
question ‘do fish resist?’ My interest in resistance is that it offers a different model
for considering political agency. If we award moral recognition to animals on the
basis of their sentience, then we argue that moral worth depends upon some innate
capacity related to sentience (for example the ability to feel pain, or to experience
emotions). Classic pro-‐animal approaches have tried to demonstrate innate
capability in order to ‘ground’ a claim for moral recognition. For example Peter
Singer’s foundational text, Animal Liberation, uses a utilitarian approach to suffering
as a basis to weigh the moral claims of animals; Tom Regan’s The Case for Animal
Rights instead argues that animals, in so far as they are ‘subjects of a life’, have an
intrinsic moral worth; and Martha Nussbaum applies the capabilities approach to
animals to argue that animals have their own needs for flourishing that we must
recognise.30 Against these approaches, my interest in resistance is that it describes a
form of political agency that need not be grounded in an innate capability or worth.
If we think about resistance—for example, human political mobilisation against a
totalitarian dictator—we are not initially concerned with recognising the moral
worth of those who resist; we are instead interested in how those who resist are
involved in relationships of power. This understanding of resistance draws explicitly
from the tradition established by Foucault in understanding resistance as always in
relation to power (although, as I discuss in this article, there is scope to build further
on this understanding); power describes the existence of contestation.31 For
Foucault power involves:
mobile and transitory points of resistance, producing cleavages in a society
that shift about, fracturing unities and effecting regroupings, furrowing
across individuals themselves, cutting them up and remoulding them,
marking off irreducible regions in them, in their bodies and minds.32
Foucault’s view of power as a frictional tussle of forces allows resistive elements
within relations of power to be understood as engaging ‘agentially’ within relations
of power without having to demonstrate that those who resist possess capabilities
worthy of moral recognition (language, reason, capability for suffering and so on).33
Keeping the dynamics of power in the frame, in some respects it is simply enough to
understand that if there is power, there must be resistance. Focusing on relations of
power and their resistance also allows us to ask whether these relationships of
power are ‘just’ relations, particularly where these relations are violent. Thus, when
we think about political resistance to authority, we frequently ask if the resistance is
justified, and how those who protest are responding with respect to power.
Thinking about resistance opens question of social justice, perhaps without needing
to think about whether those who resist have an innate individual capacity that we
must ethically recognise (such as the capacity to suffer).
My aim in this article is to explore whether conceptualising fish resistance
offers some opportunities to reframe human violence towards sea animals, and
whether it offers different tools for advocacy. I use the term ‘fish’ extraordinarily
loosely here to describe ‘sea animals’. Others have elsewhere discussed the technical
difficulties in deciding between categories of sea animals—aquatic mammals,
vertebrates and aquatic invertebrate—and whether these different animals are
owed differential welfare consideration.34 In keeping with my broad conceptual
questions, I will suspend discussion of taxonomic classification of sea animals, and
whether these variations suggest differences in how we might understand
Dinesh Joseph Wadiwel—Do Fish Resist?
resistance. But my primary focus is on fish that are the object of industrialised
fishing. I do not draw from observational studies of fish to ‘prove’ that fish resist
through observed normatively defined behaviours. As I discuss in the following
section, part of my challenge is to tackle fish resistance as an ‘epistemological
problem’; that is, a problem of how we frame human knowledge of fish, and how this
shapes what we can know and think is possible. In the second part of the article, I
examine existing discussions of resistance within animal studies. I look particularly
at the ‘autonomous’ model of resistance as one that is promising for understanding
fish. Finally, I apply this autonomous model of resistance to examining three fishing
technologies: the hook, purse seine, and aquaculture. I argue that these technologies,
their existence, have been formed against the creative resistance of fish, highlighting
that fish do resist and opening a different way to conceptualise the resistance of
In order to understand fish resistance, it seems worth attending to the question of
‘epistemology’ and then, the concept of ‘epistemic violence’.35 In some respects the
question ‘do fish resist?’ can only be answered by deliberating on the question of
epistemologies; of what we ‘know’ and how what we ‘know’ frames what is possible.
I will treat ‘epistemology’ here as suggesting a system of knowledge or truth: it is
within the confines of a system of truth that we may verify whether statements may
be true or false, and a system of truth renders the way in which we see and
understand the world. One example of an epistemology is the system of knowledge
that has been built around the scientific method, which has relied upon making
systematic and repeated observations of the world and phenomena, and based upon
these observations has theorised what might be true. A related consideration for
epistemology is the way we frame a particular issue, how this frame simultaneously
situates actors, and how this frame enables what is possible and impossible within
any given context.
This understanding of epistemology, which gives preference to understanding
the contours, dynamics and effects of what we know as true, rather than seeking to
verify what is in itself ‘true’, is shaped by an explicitly Foucauldian outlook, which
comprehends epistemology as constituted by contesting social and political
processes.36 Foucault’s method provides a way to understand and reframe the
‘scientific’ method of progressively completing the documentation of what is true
through empirical observation (for example, through experimentation to
conclusively determine if fish feel pain), by allowing us to instead understand
knowledge as determining what is possible, including what is possible to think:
I am not concerned … to describe the progress of knowledge towards an
objectivity in which today’s science can finally be recognized; what I am
trying to bring to light is the epistemological field, the episteme in which
knowledge, envisaged apart from all criteria having reference to its
rational value or to its objective forms, grounds its positivity and thereby
manifests a history which is not that of its growing perfection, but rather
that of its conditions of possibility.37
Here the focus of Foucault’s approach is not to evaluate knowledge, or the history of
knowledge, by understanding its potential ‘proximity’ to an objective truth. On the
contrary, of more interest to Foucault is understanding how a regime of truth
conditions possibility, and in turn how this inflects relations of power.
This approach is incredibly useful for unpacking human relations of power with
fish. As I have discussed above, one of the tensions when considering whether fish
that are utilised by humans are owed welfare is the current scientific debate over
whether fish suffer. It is important to consider the epistemological framing here. The
fact that fish suffering is in question, the fact that we need scientists to answer this
question before we—humans—decide to take action, demonstrates a problem of
framing, where it is impossible to imagine offering welfare to fish—or indeed stop
fishing—until verification arrives that fish do indeed suffer.
Perhaps of more concern is that this framing creates apparently rational
positions, which are in some respects easily rendered as irrational, and certainly
unjustifiable, at least when examined using a different perspective on ‘truth’. At
present humans kill trillions of fish; many of these fish are hunted and slaughtered
(or bred, intensively contained and slaughtered) with minimal (or no) welfare
precautions taken. Humans apparently feel able to continue their practices because
no science has consistently verified whether fish suffer. There is insufficient
evidence to support change, and change is costly.38 On the other hand, we could
equally argue that we should not use fish until we are clear on the science of fish
Dinesh Joseph Wadiwel—Do Fish Resist?
suffering. Given the gravity of the volume of potential suffering that we may impose
on trillions of fish through our use of them, the ‘rational position’ could easily be that
we should not harm fish, or alternatively offer maximal welfare to fish, until such a
time comes when we have confirmed evidence, one way or other, on the question of
whether fish suffer. Certainly some of the minimal welfare precautions that have
been adopted with respect to fish have occurred through this kind of cautious
‘benefit of the doubt’ approach, but these same precautious have been strongly
criticised, precisely because, as I have said, fish suffering has been framed in a way
that assumes we can continue using fish the way we do until somebody proves that
we should not.39
I do not raise all of this to call into question the scientific method and its
capacity to answer the pressing question: ‘Do fish feel pain?’ I raise it rather to stress
that the epistemology of fish suffering is shaped by a vast human investment—
monetary, infrastructural, dietary, institutional—in precisely making fish suffer, and
this has in turn shaped the high stakes of how we see fish and the meaning of the
question ‘do fish feel pain?’ The fact that we utilise fish on a monstrous scale, and in
such a way that they are likely to suffer if they have a capacity to suffer, and that we
do so without reliable science to confirm that fish do not suffer at our hands, tells us
something about the relationship of our system of truth to power, and the way this
frames problems and determines subject positions. Instead of asking ‘do fish feel
pain?,’ a different order of question might be: ‘How can we use fish the way we do,
on the scale we do, when we are still not certain that they do not suffer?’40 Fish and
fishing remind us that violence itself is shaped by our systems of knowledge, and as
such many of these questions are essentially epistemic in nature. Violence, as it is
rendered within the public space and by the politics of suffering, can only be
made visible within the context of available knowledge systems.41 It is only
possible to see violence towards animals when we conceptualise this as
possible.42 The relative silence around the fishing practices, the large global
and industrial scale of this endeavour and the reliance on the scientific
project to verify fish suffering, all perhaps indicate that we fundamentally
lack the knowledge systems to imagine fish as subjects of violence, or
understand fishing as a system of concentrated violence against sea animals.
In a well known essay called ‘Can the Subaltern Speak?,’ Gayatri Chakravorty
Spivak describes what she calls ‘epistemic violence’ as a way to understand the
capacity of systems of truth to silence particular subjects, and render visible and
invisible particular forms of truth and possibility.43 Spivak offers the case study of
ritual widow burning in India, sati, the practice that was subject to legal regulation
by the British as part of their colonising mission in India, and then subject to
response from Indian traditionalists claiming the practice as a ‘custom’.44 Spivak
draws attention to the way in which a system of truth shaped the narratives of these
two voices of the coloniser and the colonised, in such a way as to silence the voices
of Indian women:
The Hindu widow ascends the pyre of the dead husband and immolates
herself upon it. This is widow sacrifice. (The conventional transcription of
the Sanskrit word for the widow would be sati. The early colonial British
transcribed it suttee.) The rite was not practiced universally and was not
caste-‐ or class-‐fixed. The abolition of this rite by the British has been
generally understood as a case of ‘White men saving brown women from
brown men’. White women—from the nineteenth-‐century British
Missionary Registers to Mary Daly—have not produced an alternative
understanding. Against this is the Indian nativist argument, a parody of
nostalgia for lost origins: ‘The women actually wanted to die.’45
The quotation from Spivak is, I believe, of very strong relevance to animal studies
generally, the challenge of understanding anthropocentricism, and the problem of
how violence renders its subject. It partly serves as a reminder that the ethical
problem of animal suffering as we currently frame it has its limits and creates a
logical structure that is difficult to escape. The politics of suffering—the insistence
on determining if fish feel pain and shaping social and political responses only to the
answer to this question—generates its own politics and its own subjectivities which
become irrefutable. If pro-‐animal advocates explain that we want to save animals
from suffering, or reduce the suffering of animals through welfare practices—if this
is the only frame we have at our disposal—then we run the risk of being trapped
within this truth, and more importantly, the animals we are trying to ‘save’ being
trapped by this truth. This does not mean that we should not respond to violence, or
that existing responses have no value; on the contrary, work by scholars and
Dinesh Joseph Wadiwel—Do Fish Resist?
activists to highlight this suffering has been immensely successful in shaping public
perceptions. However, even valuable responses participate in systems of truth that
generate their own violence. Speaking of the value of the discourse of rights for
women, Wendy Brown acknowledges the bittersweet attachment we can have to
some emancipatory discourses, which both create relief from suffering yet,
simultaneously, create the terms for continuing domination:
if violence is upon you, almost any means of reducing it is of value. The
problem surfaces in the question of when and whether rights for women
are formulated in such a way as to enable the escape of the subordinated
from the site of that violation, and when and whether they build a fence
around us at that site, regulating rather than challenging the conditions
Arguably animal advocates face this same dilemma with respect to improved
welfare protections for animals aimed at reducing suffering. On one hand, at least
with respect to land animals used for food, there have been tangible improvements
in the conditions of containment and slaughter. However, a number of critics have
pointed out that a reduction in suffering has not been accompanied by a reduction in
use; on the contrary there has been an exponential global increase in the scale and
intensity of animal utilisation for food.47 As Deirdre Bourke suggests, ‘animal welfare
legislation is often used not just to protect animals but also to regulate, and indeed
facilitate, the ongoing use of animals’.48 Recent ‘thought experiments’ on the
possibility of bioengineering livestock to not feel pain, only seem to further highlight
the problem related to political and ethical claims that are solely based on the
reduction of animal suffering as a goal.49 Just as Spivak might suggest there is an
epistemic violence in imagining that the solution—the only solution—that Indian
women wanted to the ritual practice of sati was to be saved by British colonisers, we
might similarly ask if the only solution available to the problem of large-‐scale human
utilisation of animals is to reduce or avoid suffering (to ‘save’ animals who suffer).
But it is the final sentence of that short quote from Spivak above that most
intrigues me, and is relevant to both the epistemological problem of how we imagine
what animals might want, and the significant challenge in imagining that animals
may not want to be used for human benefit. Spivak describes the conservative
Indian response defending ritual widow sacrifice with the short, ironic phrase: ‘“The
women actually wanted to die”.’ In observing that an ‘Indian nativist’ defence of sati
effectively participated in reproducing the absurd logic that women wanted to die,
Spivak mocks a patriarchal institutional practice that silences women in such a way
that the only explanation for why women would consent to take part in the custom
is the preference of death over life. The phrase ‘the women actually wanted to die’ is
perfectly useable as a tool to understand the material and epistemic violence
humans exert against animals, precisely because our epistemic framing of animals,
and the monstrous systems of violence towards animals that exist all around us,
appear to rely on a logic that ‘the animals actually want to die’ for our benefit and
pleasures. Defenders of animal use explicitly endorse this messaging when they
argue, for example, that animals used by humans enjoy a better life than they would
if they were not used by humans.50 We find this logic powerfully present in at least
some fishing practices, where fish are, as the official nomenclature used by the UN
Food and Agriculture Organisation states, simply ‘harvested’ for human use from
oceans, seas and rivers.51 In these cases we are presented with the idea of fish giving
themselves passively to us to be used, with no particular preference as the whether
they continue living or meet the end of life at our hands: ‘the fish actually wanted to
die.’ Epistemic violence renders fish as uninterested in their own lives. However, we
can see that the statement—‘the fish actually wanted to die’—is absurd, precisely
because it implies that fish lack any resistance to being used for our benefit and, like
the fishing fantasy of fish throwing themselves onto the decks of boats, would prefer
to die at our hands (or at least, have no preference whether they die or not at our
hands). As I shall discuss later, it is precisely because of the possibility of offering a
different framing, indeed the need to continually explore new framings, that it is
important to conceptualise the possibility that animals, including sea animals, resist
human utilisation and that they prefer not to be used, indeed they prefer not to die.52
There has been some interesting scholarly work within animal studies on the
question of animal resistance. Perhaps most prominent is the work of Jason Hribal,
which documents, through historical case studies, examples of animals breaking free
from human control—breaking down fences, escaping abattoirs, tussling with
human controllers, maiming those who stand in their way.53 Hribal’s method is to
Dinesh Joseph Wadiwel—Do Fish Resist?
use historical information to construct narratives of animal resistance. For example,
and relevant to my focus here on sea animals, Hribal narrates the successive acts of
resistance by one of the orcas at Sea World, Tilikum (resistance that has since
featured in the documentary BlackFish).54 In these cases, animal resistance is
conceptualised as comprising intentional acts of insubordination against human
domination. In some respects we have the resources to understand this sort of
resistance by ‘big fish’ because it is part of the Western cultural imaginary. Herman
Melville’s Moby Dick, for example, was a similar story of a tussle between Captain
Ahab and a white whale, a story effectively of domination and resistance.55 Similarly
Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea enacts a narrative of human violence
and animal resistance that resonates with a view of animal resistance as reflecting
an intentional tussle against human domination.56 In both cases, it is clear that the
animal would prefer not to die. I note that to an extent recreational fishing
practices—that is, fishing for ‘sport’ where the intention is to catch fish for pleasure
rather than food—rely on a conceptualisation of animal resistance to fuel human
pleasure. It is precisely because fish resist in these cases that recreational fishing
becomes a ‘sport’; since the supposed pleasure and art of these fishing practices
relies upon the capture of an animal who eludes the recreational fisher, and will
struggle against the line when hooked (more on the hook itself below).57 The
practice in recreational fishing of ‘playing’ the fish once they are hooked—
prolonging the period of time that the fish is on the hook so that they swim
themselves to exhaustion trying get away—illustrates the extent to which fish
resistance, or at least one understanding of fish resistance, as comprising acts of
insubordination against human domination, is conceptually an important
component of fishing.58
Against the above conceptualisation of fish resistance, some may argue that fish
cannot reasonably be said to ‘resist’ human domination in an intentional or ‘agential’
way. Indeed, at least two arguments could be made here against the above
conceptualisation of resistance. One view might be that there is no ‘scientific
evidence’ to suggest that fish, as intentional agents, work against human
domination; that is, fish lack the reasoning (or other agential) capacity to choose to
resist or subordinate human domination, and any visible evidence of what might
look like resistance (for example, fish struggling at the end of a fishing line) reflects
‘instinctive’ rather than ‘rational’ behaviour (this is, as I discussed above, a version
of Descartes’ animals-‐as-‐automatons view). It is certainly beyond the scope of this
article to advance an empirically grounded argument for fish agency in relation to
resistance based upon observational or similar studies, and, as discussed above, the
epistemological problem of framing and conceptualising fish resistance might
prevent the possibility of actually ‘proving’ (through observational studies or
otherwise) that fish ‘resist’ in this way. If mainstay scientific empirical approaches
cannot confirm the possibility of fish agency and cognition, then it becomes
impossible to mount an empirically sound case that fish act in intentional ways to
resist human domination, and we are condemned therefore, just as we are with the
question of fish suffering, to wait for science to prove one way or another that fish,
or at least most fish, might be able to resist. One solution for this is to rethink how
we frame agency and its alignment with intentionality, as in Agnieszka Kowalczyk’s
suggestion that ‘acts of resisting exploitation performed by non human bodies do
not necessarily have to be thoughtful … to be recognized as significant’.59 But as I will
discuss below, we do not need to prove that fish exercise what we normatively
might construct as ‘agency’ to understand that they resist human domination; this
depends on the conceptual model of resistance we use.
There is a second, and I would suggest more sophisticated, version of the
argument that animals, and hence fish, cannot be said to resist human domination.
This argument suggests we have such intense systems of violence and containment
applying to animals, that it is literally not possible for animals to resist in the sense
of engaging in meaningful power relations. This view argues that since these forms
of domination seem overwhelmingly one-‐sided and oriented to remove any
possibility of escape, then there is no possibility of interaction or response. This is
the view put forward by Clare Palmer in an early example of a discussion of animal
resistance.60 Within the context of this discussion, Palmer follows a Foucauldian
approach to argue that resistance is not possible for animals caught within intensive
systems of domination. ‘There is no relationship … All spontaneity and almost all
communication is removed from our brutal encounter. Thus it cannot be a power
relationship.’61 Resistance, in this view, is only possible where entities subject to
violence have some means of response or reaction to engage with relations of
Dinesh Joseph Wadiwel—Do Fish Resist?
power. Where there is no perceived freedom to move by the victim of violence, there
is no possibility of power.
Against the view put forward by Palmer, I would suggest that it is possible to
imagine resistance if we focus on the instrumentation of violence used to dominate
animals, and the way in which these apparatuses effectively work against the active
resistance of animals, even if, from the outside, these relations appear to involve no
contest or be unilaterally one-‐sided in character. In an important essay, Tim Ingold
reminds us that violence always aims to put down and contest resistance.62 Indeed,
the technologies of violence would not be used if the objects of violence were not
autonomous or had not evaded capture and utilisation in the first place:
Consider the slave-‐driver, whip in hand, compelling his slave to toil
through the brute infliction of severe pain. Clearly the autonomy of the
slave in this situation to act according to his own volition is very seriously
curtailed. Does this mean that the slave responds in a purely mechanical
way to the stroke of the whip? Far from it. For when we speak of the
application of force in this kind of situation, we impute to the recipient
powers of resistance—powers which the infliction of pain is specifically
intended to break down. That is to say, the use of force is predicated on the
assumption that the slave is a being with the capacity to act and suffer, and
in that sense a person. And when we say that the master causes the slave to
work, the causation is personal, not mechanical: it lies in the social relation
between master and slave, which is clearly one of domination. In fact, the
original connotation of ‘force’ was precisely that of action intentionally
directed against the resistance of another sentient being.63
This understanding of resistance treats instruments of violence, and their
technological development, as intimately related to the forms of resistance that they
encounter in their target. Here, the resisting body generates the need for the
instrument of violence, and technological refinement in the instrumentation of
violence corresponds with the continuing creativity and innovation of those who
This view of resistance as generated by, and working intimately against,
systems of production correlates with what I would describe as an ‘autonomous’ or
operaist model of resistance. In understanding this model of resistance, I have been
influenced by both the Italian Marxist operaist tendency, and by the more recent
work of Fahim Amir, who explores operaism as way to explain animal subordination
in systems of production.64 In this view, systems of production and exchange, such
as capitalism, suck the productive capacities and creativity of the bodies that labour
within these systems. This is essentially a parasitic relation, where resistance is
captured and redeployed through systems of subordination.65 Here, even extreme
forms of domination that appear to lack any movement or resistance are in fact the
product of active forms of creative resistance by those who are subordinated; a
resistance that is subsequently coopted in the process of domination. Thus, the
means used to restrain and intensively dominate animals are themselves a product
of the active forms of resistance employed by animals towards human
instrumentalisation. This autonomous or operaist model of resistance dynamically
re-‐understands the way production occurs so that systems of domination must keep
pace with new forms of resistance to extract productivity (this is part of the process
of ‘subsumption’ inherent to production).66 For example, as Michael Hardt and
Antonio Negri have argued, the novel flexibilities in workplaces that characterise
post-‐Fordist production (flexible work hours, work from home arrangements,
teleworking and so on) are the result of capitalism adapting to the resistance of
workers to Fordist modes of disciplined production. It is because workers actively
dropped out of labour through absenteeism, through cultural experimentation,
through everyday sabotage, that capitalism needed to adapt and re-‐mould work
itself to maintain productivity.67 Here resistance is always present, but it only
becomes apparent where there is organised confrontation; without this there is an
apparently seamless view of production, where those who are subject to intense
forms of domination and discipline appear to be working cohesively with the
production apparatus. As Mario Tronti observes:
Workers’ struggles determine the course of capitalist development; but
capitalist development will use those struggles for its own ends if no
organized revolutionary process opens up, capable of changing that
balance of forces. It is easy to see this in the case of social struggles in
which the entire systemic apparatus of domination repositions itself,
reforms, democratizes and stabilizes itself anew.68
Dinesh Joseph Wadiwel—Do Fish Resist?
We might apply this autonomist view of resistance to understanding the
relationship between emerging technological and production processes and
confrontation in the context of animal containment, breeding and slaughter. One
example of this is the curved corrals used in slaughterhouses.69 The introduction of
curves into the chutes or races that led cattle towards death minimised the
possibility of an animal responding to the chute by balking and backing up.70 In so
far as the curves work to smooth the process of slaughter and work with (rather
than against) animal movement, these curved corrals directly respond to, and
‘lubricate’ animal resistance.71 I should be clear here that this cooption of resistance
need not lead to outcomes that increase the suffering of animals; quite the reverse.
Working to counter resistance in this sense can work to promote enhanced welfare
outcomes; the curved corals arguably reduce the suffering of animals before death
(suffering at least with respect to stress, and the cognition and anticipation of the
death to come). However, the curves also function to manage resistance and enable
the smooth process of slaughter, maximising the efficacy of human utilisation.
Bodies shape productive processes, while production shapes bodies; in this sense
the ‘agency’ of animals (as at least as resistive agents) is generated as a political
subjectivity. Hardt and Negri state: ‘The great industrial and financial powers thus
produce not only commodities but also subjectivities. They produce agentic
subjectivities within the biopolitical context: they produce needs, social relations,
bodies, and minds-‐which is to say, they produce producers.’72
In some respects, thinking about resistance in this way is a different sort of
‘relational approach’ to thinking about how we engage with animals. ‘Relational
approaches’ are currently enjoying much interest within the field of human animal
studies, through a range of perspectives such as those offered by Clare Palmer, John
Law (discussed below), Donna Haraway and Elspeth Probyn.73 At least some of these
approaches quite explicitly question ‘dualistic’ accounts of human animal
relations—such as animal rights accounts which emphasise one-‐sided domination of
animals by humans—by focusing upon forms of shared relationality and working,
where animals and humans ‘co-‐shape’ each other and might derive mutual benefit
from their relationships.74 The view I advance here differs from these approaches in
so far as I argue that conflict is the starting point for thinking about relationality: we
are in relation with animals, but this is a relation essentially of hostility. As I argue in
the conclusion below, this conflict need not be thought of as a dead end, but can
comprise a potential beginning for different (and hopefully less violent)
Building on this conceptualisation of resistance, I would like to offer three examples
of how we might conceptualise fish resistance, through a focus on three technologies
used to capture, utilise and slaughter fish: the hook, the purse seine and aquaculture.
This identification of technologies conforms to the autonomous or operaist view of
resistance I have described above. All these examples are framed by the
understanding that these technologies aim precisely to counter and put down
resistance; as such, the technology itself tells us something about the active politics
of restraint and resistance involved in fishing practices, without having to
demonstrate that fish display normatively defined intentionality and agency.
The hook is possibly one of the oldest human technological innovations for the
capture of animal life.75 This technological development allowed sea animals, which
otherwise evade capture, to be hunted just as land-‐based animals were also hunted.
Describing evidence of 100,000-‐year-‐old human remains at the Klasies River Mouth
caves in Africa, Richard Klein and Blake Edgar observe that it is probable that these
people avoided confrontation and risky hunting practices:
the people tended to avoid confrontations with the more common—and
more dangerous—buffalo to pursue a more docile and less common
antelope, the eland. Both buffalo and eland are very large animals, but
buffalo stand and resist potential predators, while eland panic and flee at
signs of danger.76
They also suggest there is little evidence of fishing among these people who dwelled
near the water, reflecting a ‘difference of technology’ compared to later humans.
Fish resist differently to buffalo: they evade capture, they are elusive. It is only when
fishing gear is developed that it becomes feasible to counter this resistance:
only the more recent sites contain probable fishing gear like grooved
stones for weighting nets or lines and carefully shaped toothpick-‐size bone
Dinesh Joseph Wadiwel—Do Fish Resist?
splinters that could have been baited and tied to lines like hooks. In short,
only the more recent people undeniably possessed the technology for
In this sense the hook is one of the technological innovations which shifted the
nature of human hunting practice, and opened the sea as a ‘commons’ for the human
pursuit of animal based food.78 Forbes magazine recently listed the hook as one of
the twenty most important tools invented.79
The hook would not be necessary if fish allowed themselves to be passively
‘harvested’. On the contrary, it is precisely because fish elude human capture that
the hook was devised. The fish hook is an ingenious capture and kill device.80 It is a
sharp point with a bend in it, which can be affixed to a line, allowing its operator to
work at a distance. The bend is crucial, in so far as the hook aims to not merely
impale its recipient, but to snag the body of the fish to the hook, allowing it to be
drawn in by a line. The hook frequently works with a lure or bait. In these cases, the
hook is a stealth device; it aims to deceive an animal who would evade capture by
other means. The hook was thus fundamentally conceived to work against fish
resistance to capture. Elaine Scarry, in her classic study of torture, The Body in Pain,
points out that the most ingenious torture devices use the body of the victim against
itself.81 The fish hook is no different. When it finds sinuous flesh with which to
impale itself on and bind itself to, the body of the fish is effectively turned against
the self; the fish will struggle against its own mouth (or elsewhere—the gut, the eye)
which has been caught by the hook, sometimes deepening the hold of the hook on
the flesh.82 The technical innovation of the barb in the hook—a counter facing spur
near the point—heightened the capacity of the hook as a technology to refuse
resistance. The barb makes it more difficult for a fish to free themself once impaled;
freedom from the hook is only possible through further laceration.
The discussions that are presently occurring within the recreational—‘catch
and release’—fishing community on whether barbless hooks should be used on
ethical (and sustainability) grounds are interesting in this regard.83 Recreational
fishing, as I have stated, derives its supposed pleasure from the resistance of fish to
capture. Recreational fishing is not interested in merely impaling fish, but the whole
process of drawing in a struggling fish, and then, if the animal survives, setting it
free. The barb in the hook offers an additional safeguard against the fish slipping
away once impaled; however, it risks further injury or death to the fish, particularly
if the fish is impaled in the gut, working against the stated aim of recreational fishing
to merely catch and return fish as sport. In some respects it should be no surprise
that hook development can work to maximise resistance to enhance the ‘sport’ of
fishing. For example, ‘circle hooks’ incorporate a wider curve to more efficiently
facilitate sport fishing; this ‘unique hook shape causes the hook to slide toward the
point of resistance and embed itself in the jaw or in the corner of the fish’s mouth.
The actual curved shape of the hook keeps the hook from catching in the gut cavity
or throat.’84 The Florida Sea Grant research circular I quote from here goes on to
explain that ‘fish hooked in the corner of the mouth or jaw tend to fight better than
fish that are hooked in the gut.’85 Here, resistance itself, maximising the intensity of
resistance, making it persist, is the objective of productive activity, its raison d’être.
On one hand recreational fishing tells us a lot about the sorry state of fish welfare,
and the limited impact welfare considerations or the possibility of fish suffering
have upon some fishing practices. On the other hand, though, it tells us something
about the investment recreational fishing has in fish resistance, since this practice is
only deemed productively pleasurable (for the fisherperson) if the fish remains
bound to the line until the fisherperson releases it, even if this process of struggle
and resistance leads to the unplanned death of the fish itself.
Purse seine
The net is another innovation in fish capture and, like the hook, it has a long history
of human use.86 The net is a discriminating capture device, at least in some respects:
the use of rope or twine in a mesh pattern allows water and small creatures to move
through the device, while ensnaring larger target fish. In relation to mechanised
fishing, there has been a great degree of focus on the environmental impacts of net-‐
based fishing, particularly trawling (where a net is pulled through the water at
speed) and the lack of discrimination in net fishing with respect to particular ‘high
value megafauna’ who are caught as ‘by-‐catch’ (such as dolphins).87 Like the hook,
the net is a technological innovation designed to capture animals that would
otherwise evade capture. As I have stated, net fishing is an old technique of human
hunting; today, industrialisation has mechanised this practice of predation to
massively increase its efficiency. Trawl netting, for example, frequently uses
Dinesh Joseph Wadiwel—Do Fish Resist?
motorised speed and net breadth and depth to run down groups of fish in the water;
fish will swim themselves to exhaustion before they finally surrender to the net.88
An example of a net that is commonly used within industrialised wild fish
capture, and a technology that works to counter the resistance of fish, is the purse
seine.89 The purse seine is like a large drawstring bag. A large net—which can be up
to a kilometre long and two hundred metres deep—is threaded over an area, and
then pulled inwards to trap the animals within. This method is very different from
trawl fishing. Rather than using sheer speed to capture fish, the purse seine uses
stealth to encircle them. Decoys can be part and parcel of the fishing operations; for
example, floating objects, or ‘fish aggregating devices’ (FADs), which attract fish, can
be used to congregate fish before the purse seine is used.90 The net technology can
work to selectively target species: ‘the geometry of the net during the set is also
significant for understanding the vertical dimension of the operation, and the
volume enclosed, which may determine which schools and individuals are
This sort of industrial-‐scale net fishing can generate immense welfare concerns.
For example, when the net is drawn in, many fish will die as they are crushed by
other fish on top of them. Here, fish resistance can be used directly to facilitate
human intention. As the net is drawn in, fish will thrash and struggle. The closing
encircling space means that fish will come into violent contact with other fish, and
many fish will injure or kill themselves in this process.92 One practice in industrial
purse seine fishing is to progressively close the net and allow fish to struggle and
injure each other as the compression by the net increases (this is why blood will
surface on the water as the net constricts).93 A pump or a ‘brailer’ (a smaller
scooping net) is then used to extract fish nearer the surface, many of whom may be
injured or already dead. Once these fish are pumped or brailed onto the ship, the net
is tightened further, and the process begins again. Fish resistance, against the
prospect of their own death, is here subsumed and utilised as a means to facilitate
human productivity in wild fish capture.
Purse seine fishing is another example of how we might conceptualise fish
resistance in relation to technological innovation. The purse seine, like the hook is
an ancient technology. But it is used with contemporary technologies: helicopters
used to search out fish schools, mechanised sea transport including speed boats
designed to string the encircled area, the Puretic Power Block which is capable of
hauling large nets in to the boat, the pump which can smoothly extract fish from the
water directly to ice slurries below deck.94 These technologies are accompanied by
techniques which are refined year after year to more efficiently capture fish; for
example, the use of floating devices, or the use of the compression and pump
technique I have already described. These techniques and technologies all aim to
counter resistance; their promise of improved efficiency relates to their ability to
capture entities that evade and resist capture.
Commercial wild fishing is in some respects a form of hunting.95 It operates today as
a peculiar industrial form of mechanised predation. In this respect, commercial
fishing is unlike any other large-‐scale form of animal utilisation for food by humans.
Industrialised ‘farm’-‐based domestication dominates the production of land animals
for human consumption, but mechanised hunting of ‘wild fish’ remains the main way
most of the globe obtains fish for food. In so far as fish numbers in the wild …
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