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F. SCOTT FITZGERALD (1896-1940), regarded as the literary spokesman
for the “Lost Generation” of the 1920s in America, was born in St. Paul, Minnesota.
His family had some social standing but little money, and it was only with help from a
maiden aunt that he was able to go to an eastern preparatory school and then on to
Princeton, where he said his family hoped that he would attend to his studies and stop
“wasting his time scribbling.” He left college before graduating to accept a commis
sion as a second lieutenant in the Regular Army during World War I, but he spent
most of his time in the service writing his first novel, which he revised several times
before it was published in 1920 as This Side of Paradise. The novel was such a suc
cess that magazines were eager to print Fitzgerald’s stories, and his first story collec
tion, Flappers and Philosophers, was rushed into print later the same year to take
advantage of the novel’s popularity. Another story collection, Tales of the Jazz Age,
followed in 1922. Years later Fitzgerald would say, writing in the third person, that he
was grateful to the Jazz Age because”it bore him up, flattered him, and gave him more
money than he had dreamed of simply for telling people that he felt as they did, that
something had to be done with all the nervous energy stored up and unexpended in the
In 1925, with the publication of’ his novel The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald
reached the peak afhis fame as a writer. His reputation declined rapidly in the harsher
years of the 1930s. The Great Depression in the United States and around the world
coincided with his own emotional and physical collapse, as his marriage and careerfell
apart because of his wife’s mental illness and his alcoholism. Gertrude Stein had
coined the term “Lost Generation” to describe the young men who had served in
World War I and were forced to grow up “to find all Gods dead, all wars fought, all
faiths in man shaken.” But Fitzgerald’s last years were truly lost, as he confronted the
“waste and horror” ofhis dissipated talent, writing Hollywood screenplays and strug
gling unsuccessfully to finish his novel The Last Tycoon.
At the time of his death Fitzgerald had written about 160 stories. As one of his
editors, Malcolm Cowley, has said, the exact number is hard to set because some afhis
work was on the borderline between fiction and the essay or “magazine piece.” Simple
and clear in style, Fitzgerald’s stories make up an informal history afhis career, dating
from before the publication of his first novel to after his final craCk-Up, “Babylon
Revisited” (1931), one ofhis later stories, is one ofhis best. It is more complicated emo
tionally than his earlier short fiction. As Cowley realized, it embodies “less regret for
the past and more dignity in the face of real sorrow.”
Babylon Revisited
“And where’s Mr. Campbel1?” Charlie asked.
“Gone to Switzerland. Mr. Campbell’s a pretty sick man, Mr. Wales.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. And George Hardt?” Charlie inquired.
“Back in America, gone to work.”
“And where is the Snow Bird?”
“He was in here last week. Anyway, his friend, Mr. Schaeffer, is in Paris.”
Two familiar names from the long list of a year and a half ago. Charlie
scribbled an address in his notebook and tore out the page.
“If you see Mr. Schaeffer, give him thiS,” he said. “It’s my brother-in
law’s address. I haven’t settled on a hotel yet.”
He was not really disappointed to find Paris was so empty. But the still
ness in the Ritz bar was strange and portentous. It was not an American bar
any more – he felt polite in it, and not as if he owned it. It had gone back into
France. He felt the stillness from the moment he got out of the taxi and saw the
doorman, usually in a frenzy of activity at this hour, gossiping with a chasseur
by the servants’ entrance.
Passing through the corridor, he heard only a single, bored voice in the
once-clamorous women’s room. When he turned into the bar he traveled the
twenty feet of green carpet with his eyes fixed straight ahead by old habit; and
then, with his foot firmly on the rail, he turned and surveyed the room,
encountering only a single pair of eyes that fluttered up from a newspaper in
the comer. Charlie asked for the head barman, PauL who in the latter days of
the bull market had come to work in his own custom-built car – disembark
ing, however, with due nicety at the nearest comer. But Paul was at his coun
try house today and Alix giving him information.
“No, no more,” Charlie said, ”I’m going slow these days.”
Alix congratulated him: “You were going pretty strong a couple of years
ago.” .
“I’ll stick to it all right,” Charlie assured him. “I’ve stuck to it for over a
year and a half now.”
“How do you find conditions in America?”
“I haven’t been to America for months. I’m in business in Prague, repre
senting a couple of concerns there. They don’t know about me down there.”
Alix smiled.
“Remember the night of George Hardt’s bachelor dinner here?” said
Charlie. “By the way, what’s become of Claude Fessenden?”
Alix lowered his voice confidentially: “He’s in Paris, but he doesn’t
r -\
come here any more. Paul doesn’t allow it. He ran up a bill of thirty thousand
frincs, charging all his drinks and his lunches, and usually his dinner, for
more than a year. And when Paul finally told him he had to pay, he gave him a
bad check.”
Alix shook his head sadly.
“I don’t understand it, such a dandy fellow. Now he’s all bloated up-”
He made a plump apple of his hands;.
Charlie watched a group of strident queens installing themselves in a
“Nothing affects them,” he thought. “Stocks rise and fall, people loaf or
work, but they go on forever.” The place oppressed him. He called for the dice
and shook with Alix for the drink.
“Here for long, Mr. Wales?”
“I’m here for four or five days to see my little girl.”
“Oh-h! You have a little girl?”
Outside, the fire-red, gas-blue, ghost-green signs shone smokily through
the tranquil rain. It was late afternoon and the streets were in movement; the
bistros gleamed. At the comer of the Boulevard des Capucines he took a taxi.
The Place de la Concorde moved by in pink majesty; they crossed the logical
Seine, and Charlie felt the sudden provincial quality of the Left Bank.
Charlie directed his taxi to the Avenue de l’Opera, which was out of his
way. But he wanted to see the blue hour spread over the magnificent fa<;ade,
and imagine that the cab horns, playing endlessly the first few bars of La Plus
que Lente,2 were the trumpets of the Second Empire.3 They were closing the
iron grill in front of Brentano's Book-store, and people were already at dinner
behind the trim little bourgeois hedge of Duval's. He had never eaten at a
really cheap restaurant in Paris. Five-course dinner, four francs fifty, eighteen
cents, wine included. For some odd reason he wished that he had.
As they rolled on to the Left Bank and he felt its sudden provincialism,
he thought, “I spoiled this city for myself. I didn’t realize it, but the days came
along one after another, and then two years were gone, and everything was
gone, and I was gone.”
He was thirty-five, and good to look at. The Irish mobility of his face was
sobered by a deep wrinkle between his eyes. As he rang his brother-in-law’s
bell in the Rue Palatine, the wrinkle deepened till it pulled down his brows; he
felt a cramping sensation in his belly. From behind the maid who opened the
door darted a lovely little girl of nine who shrieked “Daddy!” and flew up,
struggling like a fish, into his arms. She pulled his head around by one ear and
set her cheek against his.
“MyoId pie,” he said.
“Oh, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, dads, dads, dads!”
She drew him into the salon, where the family waited, a boy and a girl
his daughter’s age, his sister-in-law and her husband. He greeted Marion with
2″Slower than Slow,” whimsical piano piece by Claude Debussy (1862-1918).
3The reign of Napoleon III, 1852-1871.
his voice pitched carefully to avoid either feigned enthusiasm or dislike, but
her response was more frankly tepid, though she minimized her expression of
unalterable distrust by directing her regard toward his child. The two men
clasped hands in a friendly way and Lincoln Peters rested his for a moment on
Charlie’s shoulder.
The room was warm and comfortably American. The three children
moved intimately about, playing through the yellow oblongs that led to other
rooms; the cheer of six o’clock spoke in the eager smacks of the fire and the
sounds of French activity in the kitchen. But Charlie did not relax; his heart sat
up rigidly in his body and he drew confidence from his daughter, who from
time to time came close to him, holding in her arms the doll he had brought.
“Really extremely well,” he declared in answer to Lincoln’s question.
“There’s a lot of business there that isn’t moving at all, but we’re doing even
better than ever. In fact, damn well. I’m bringing my sister over from America
next month to keep house for me. My income last year was bigger than it was
when I had money. You see, the Czechs -”
His boasting was for a specific purpose; but after a moment, seeing a
faint restiveness in Lincoln’s eye, he changed the subject:
“Those are fine children of yours, well brought up, good manners.”
“We think Honoria’s a great little girl too.”
Marion Peters came back from the kitchen. She was a tall woman with
worried eyes, who had once possessed a fresh American loveliness. Charlie
had never been sensitive to it and was always surprised when people spoke of
how pretty she had been. From the first there had been an instinctive antipa
thy between them.
“Well, how do you find Honoria?” she asked.
“Wonderful. 1was astonished how much she’s grown in ten months. All
the children are looking well.”
“We haven’t had a doctor for a year. How do you like being back in
“It seems very funny to see so few Americans around.”
”I’m delighted,” Marion said vehemently. “Now at least you can go into
a store without their assuming you’re a millionaire. We’ve suffered like every
body, but on the whole it’s a good deal pleasanter.”
“But it was nice while it lasted,” Charlie said. “We were a sort of royalty,
almost infallible, with a sort of magic around us. In the bar this afternoon”
he stumbled, seeing his mistake – “there wasn’t a man I knew.”
She looked at him keenly. “I should think you’d have had enough of
“I only stayed a minute. I take one drink every afternoon, and no more.”
“Don’t you want a cocktail before dinner?” Lincoln asked.
“I take only one drink every afternoon, and I’ve had that.”
“I hope you keep to it,” said Marion.
Her dislike was evident in the coldness with which she spoke, but Char
lie only smiled; he had larger plans. Her very aggressiveness gave him an
advantage, and he knew enough to wait. He wanted them to initiate the dis
cussion of what they knew had brought him to Paris.
At dinner he couldn’t decide whether Honoria was most like him or her
mother. Fortunate if she didn’t combine the traits of both that had brought
them to disaster. A great wave of protectiveness went over him. He thought he
knew what to do for her. He believed in character; he wanted to jump back a
whole generation and trust in character again as the eternally valuable ele
ment. Everything else wore out.
He left soon after dinner, but not to go home. He was curious to see Paris
by night with clearer and more judicious eyes than those of other days. He
bought a strapontin4 for the Casino and watched Josephine Baker go through
her chocolate arabesques.
After an hour he left and strolled toward Montmartre, up the Rue
Pigalle into the Place Blanche. The rain had stopped and there were a few
people in evening clothes disembarking from taxis in front of cabarets, and
cocottesS prowling singly or in pairs, and many Negroes. He passed a lighted
door from which issued music, and stopped with the sense of familiarity; it
was Bricktop’s, where he had parted with so many hours and so much money.
A few doors farther on he found another ancient rendezvous and incautiously
put his head inside. Immediately an eager orchestra burst into sound, a pair of
professional dancers leaped to their feet and a maitre d’hotel swooped toward
him, crying, “Crowd just arriving, sir!” But he withdrew quickly.
“You have to be damn drunk,” he thought.
Zelli’s was closed, the bleak and sinister cheap hotels surrounding it
were dark; up in the Rue Blanche there was more light and a local, colloquial
French crowd. The Poet’s Cave had disappeared, but the two great mouths of
the Cafe of Heaven and the Cafe of Hell still yawned – even devoured, as he
watched, the meager contents of a tourist bus – a German, a Japanese, and an
American couple who glanced at him with frightened eyes.
So much for the effort and ingenuity of Montmartre. All the catering to
vice and waste was on an utterly childish scale, and he suddenly realized the
meaning of the word “dissipate” – to dissipate into thin air; to make nothing
out of something. In the little hours of the night every move from place to
place was an enormous human jump, an increase of paying for the privilege of
slower and slower motion.
He remembered thousand-franc notes given to an orchestra for playing
a single number, hundred-franc notes tossed to a doorman for calling a cab.
But it hadn’t been given for nothing.
It had been given, even the most wildly squandered sum, as an offering
to destiny that he might not remember the things most worth remembering,
the things that now he would always remember – his child taken from his
control, his wife escaped to a grave in Vermont.
In the glare of a brasserie6 a woman spoke to him. He bought her some
4Cheap seat in the aisle. Josephine Baker was an African American entertainer who
gained fame in Paris in the 1920s and 1930s.
6Small, informal restaurant.
eggs and coffee, and then, eluding her encouraging stare, gave her a twenty
franc note and took a taxi to his hotel.
He woke upon a fine fall day – football weather. The depression of yes
terday was gone and he liked the people on the streets. At noon he sat oppo
site Honoria at Le Grand Vatel, the only restaurant he could think of not
reminiscent of champagne dinners and long luncheons that began at two and
ended in a blurred and vague twilight.
“Now, how about vegetables? Oughtn’t you to have some vegetables?”
“Well, yes.”
“Here’s tpinards and chou-fleur and carrots and haricots.”7
“1’d like chou-fleur. ”
“Wouldn’t you like to have two vegetables?”
“1 usually only have one at lunch.”
The waiter was pretending to be inordinately fond of children. “Qu’elle
est mignonne la petite! Elle parle exactement comme une Fran~aise.”8
“How about dessert? Shall we wait and see?”
The waiter disappeared. Honoria looked at her father expectantly.
“What are we going to do?”
“First, we’re going to that toy store in the Rue Saint~Honore and buy you
anything you like. And then we’re going to the vaudeville at the Empire.”
She hesitated. “1 like it about the vaudeville, but not the toy store.”
“Well, you brought me this doll.” She had it with her. “And I’ve got lots
of things. And we’re not rich any more, are we?”
“We never were. But today you are to have anything you want.”
“All right,” she agreed resignedly.
When there had been her mother and a French nurse he had been
inclined to be strict; now he extended himself, reached out for a new tolerance;
he must be both parents to her and not shut any of her out of communication.
“1 want to get to know you,” he said gravely. “First let me introduce
myself. My name is Charles J. Wales, of Prague.”
“Oh, daddy!” her voice cracked with laughter.
“And who are you, please?” he persisted, and she accepted a role imme
diately: “Honoria Wales, Rue Palatine, Paris.”
“Married or single?”
“No, not married. Single.”
He indicated the doll. “But I see you have a child, madame.”
Unwilling to disinherit it, she took it to her heart and thought quickly:
“Yes, I’ve been married, but I’m not married now. My husband is dead.”
He went on quickly, “And the child’s name?”
7Sp inach, cauliflower, beans.
8″What a cute little girl! She speaks exactly like a French girL”
.”Simone. That’s after my best friend at school.”
, “rm very pleased that you’re doing so well at school.”
”I’m third this month,” she boasted. “Elsie” – that was her cousin
“is only about eighteenth, and Richard is at the bottom.”
“You like Richard and Elsie, don’t you?”
“Oh, yes. I like Richard quite well and I like her all right.”
Cautiously and casually he asked: “And Aunt Marion and Uncle Lin
coln – which do you like best?”
“Oh, Uncle Lincoln, I guess.”
He was increasingly aware of her presence. As they came in, a murmur
of “… adorable” followed them, and now the people at the next table bent all
their silences upon her, staring as if she were something no more conscious ;~;
than a flower. i:
“Why don’t I live with you?” she asked suddenly. “Because mamma’s
“You must stay here and learn more French. It would have been hard for
daddy to take care of you so well.”
“I don’t really need much taking care of any more. I do everything for
myself.” . ‘
Going out of the restaurant, a man and a woman unexpectedly hailed
“Well, the old Wales!”
“Hello there, Lorraine…. Dunc.”
Sudden ghosts out of the past: D~ncan Schaeffer, a friend from college.
Lorraine Quarrles, a lovely, pale blonde of thirty; one of a crowd who had
helped them make months into days in the lavish times of three years ago.
“My husband couldn’t come this year,” she said, in answer to his ques
tion. “We’re poor as hell. So he gave me two hundred a month and told me I
could do my worst on that. … This your little girl?”
“What about coming back and sitting down?” Duncan asked.
“Can’t do it.” He was glad for an excuse. As always, he felt Lorraine’s
passionate, provocative attraction, but his own rhythm was different now.
“Well, how about dinner?” she asked.
“I’m not free. Give me your address and let me call you.”
“Charlie, I believe you’re sober,” she said judicially. “I honestly believe
he’s sober, Dune. Pinch him and see if he’s sober.”
Charlie indicated Honoria with his head. They both laughed.
“What’s your address?” said Duncan skeptically.
He hesitated, unwilling to give the name of his hotel.
”I’m not settled yet. I’d better call you. We’re going to see the vaudeville
at the Empire.”
“There! That’s what I want to do,” Lorraine said. “I want to see some
clowns and acrobats and jugglers. That’s just what we’ll do, Dunc.”
“We’ve got to do an errand first,” said Charlie. “Perhaps we’ll see you
“All right, you snob…. Good-by, beautiful little girl.”
Honona bODDeu pU1HOJ’
Somehow, an unwelcome encounter. They liked him because he was
functioning, because he was serious; they wanted to see him, because he was
stronger than they were now, because they wanted to draw a certain suste
nance from his strength.
At the Empire, Honoria proudly refused to sit upon her father’s folded
coat. She was already an individual with a code of her own, and Charlie was
more and more absorbed by the desire of putting a little of himself into her be
fore she crystallized utterly. It was hopeless to try to know her in so short a time.
Between the acts they came upon Duncan and Lorraine in the lobby
where the band was playing.
“Have a drink?
“All right, but not up at the bar. We’ll take a table.”
“The perfect father.”
Listening abstractedly to Lorraine, Charlie watched Honoria’s eyes
leave their table, and he followed them wistfully about the room, wondering
what they saw. He met her glance and she smiled.
“I liked that lemonade,” she said.
What had she said? What had he expected? Going home in a taxi after
ward, he pulled her over until her head rested against his chest.
“Darling, do you ever think of your mother?”
“Yes, sometimes,” she answered vaguely.
“I don’t want you to forget her. Have you got a picture of her?”
“Yes, I think so. Anyhow, Aunt Marion has. Why don’t you want me to
forget her?”
“She loved you very much.”
“I loved her too.”
They were silent for a moment.
“Daddy, I want to come and live with you,” she said suddenly.
His heart leaped; he had wanted it to come like this.
“Aren’t you perfectly happy?”
“Yes, but I love you better than anybody. And you love me better than
anybody, don’t you, now that mummy’s dead?”
“Of course I do. But you won’t always like me best, honey. You’ll grow
up and meet somebody your own age and go marry him and forget you ever
had a daddy.”
“Yes, that’s true,” she agreed tranquilly.
He didn’t go in. He was coming back at nine o’clock and he wanted to
keep himself fresh and neW for the thing he must say then.
“When you’re safe inside, just shOW yourself in that window.”
” All right. Good-by, dads, dads, dads, dads.”
He waited in the dark street until she appeared, all warm and glowing,
in the window above and kissed her fingers out into the night.
* .. ….-~
They were waiting. Marion sat behind the coffee service in a dignified
black dinner dress that just faintly suggested mourning. Lincoln was walking
up and down with the animation of one who had already been talking. They
were as anxious as he was to get into the question. He opened it almost imme
“I suppose you know what I want to see you about – why I really came
to Paris.”
Marion played with the black stars on her necklace and frowned.
”I’m awfully anxious to have a home,” he continued. “And I’m awfully
anxious to have Honoria in it. I appreciate your taking in Honoria for her
mother’s sake, but things have changed now” – he hesitated and then con
tinued more forcibly – “changed radically with me, and I want to ask you to
reconsider the matter. It would be silly for me to deny that about three years
ago I was acting badly-”
Marion looked up at him with hard eyes.
“- but all that’s over. As I told you, I haven’t had more than a drink a
day for over a year, and I take that drink deliberately, so that the idea of alco
hol won’t get too big in my imagination. You see the idea?”
“No:’ said Marion succinctly.
“It’s a sort of stunt I set myself. It keeps the matter in proportion.”
“I get you,” said Lincoln. “You don’t want to admit it’s got any attrac
tion for you.” .
“Something like that. Sometimes I forget and don’t take it. But I try to
take it. Anyhow, I couldn’t afford to drink in my position. The people I repre
sent are more than satisfied with what I’ve done, and I’m bringing my sister
over from Burlington to keep house for me, and I want awfully to have Hono
ria too. You know that even when her mother and I weren’t getting along well
we never let anything that happened touch Honoria. I know she’s fond of me
and I know I’m able to take care of her and – well, there you are. How do you
feel about it?”
He knew that now he would have to take a beating. It would last an
hour or two hours, and it would be difficult, but if he modulated his inevitable
resentment to the chastened attitude of the reformed sinner, he might win his
point in the end.
Keep your temper, he told himself. You don’t want to be justified. You
want Honoria.
Lincoln spoke first: “We’ve been talking it over ever since we got your
letter last month. We’re happy to have Honoria here. She’s a dear little thing,
and we’re glad to be able to help her, but of course that isn’t the question-”
Marion interrupted suddenly. “How long are you going to stay sober,
Charlie?” she asked.
“Permanently; I hope.”
“How can anybody count on that?”
“You know I never did drink heavily until I gave up business and came
over here with nothing to do. Then Helen and I began to run around with -”
“Please leave Helen out of it. I can’t bear to hear you talK aDOUt ner liKe
He stared at her grimly; he had never been certain how fond of each
other the sisters were in life.
“My drinking only lasted about a year and a half – from the time we
came over until I – collapsed.”
“It was time enough.”
“It was time enough:’ he agreed.
“My duty is entirely to Helen,” she said. “I try to think what she would
have wanted me to do. Frankly, from the night you did that terrible thing you
haven’t really existed for me. I can’t help that. She was my sister.”
“When she was dying she asked me to look out for Honoria. If you
hadn’t been in a sanitarium then, it might have helped matters.”
He had no answer.
‘TIl never in my life be able to forget the morning when Helen knocked
at my door, soaked to the skin and shivering and said you’d locked her out.”
Charlie gripped the sides of the chair. This was more difficult than he
expected; he wanted to launch out into a long expostulation and explanation,
but he only said: “The night I locked her out -” and she interrupted, “I don’t
feel up to going over that again.”
After a moment’s silence Lincoln said: “We’re getting off the subject. You
want Marion to set aside her legal guardianship and give you Honoria. I think
the main point for her is whether she has confidence in you or not.”
“I don’t blame Marion:’ Charlie said slowly; “but I think she can have
entire confidence in me. I had a good record up to three years ago. Of course,
it’s within human possibilities I might go wrong any time. But if we wait
much longer I’ll lose Honoria’s childhood and my chance for a home.” He
shook his head, ‘TIl simply lose her, don’t you see?”
“Yes, I see,” said Lincoln.
“Why didn’t you think of all this before?” Marion asked.
“I suppose I did, from time to time, but Helen and I were getting along
badly. When I consented to the guardianship, I was flat on my back in a sani
tarium and the market had cleaned me out. I knew I’d acted badly, and I
thought if it would bring any peace to Helen, I’d agree to anything. But now
it’s different. I’m functioning, I’m behaving damn well, so far as-”
“Please don’t swear at me,” Marion said.
He looked at her, startled. With each remark the force of her dislike
became more and more apparent. She had built up all her fear of life into one
wall and faced it toward him. This trivial reproof was possibly the result of
some trouble with the cook several hours before. Charlie became increasingly
alarmed at leaving Honoria in this atmosphere of hostility against himself;
sooner or later it would come out, in a word here, a shake of the head there,
and some of that distrust would be irrevocably implanted in Honoria. But he
pulled his temper down out of his face and shut it up inside him; he had won
a point, for Lincoln realized the absurdity of Marion’s remark and asked her
lightly since when she had objected to the word “damn.”
“Another thing,” Charlie said: “I’m able to give her certain advantages
now. I’m going to take a French governess to Prague with me. I’ve got a lease
on a new apartment -”
He stopped, realizing that he was blundering. They couldn’t be
expected to accept with equanimity the fact that his income was again twice as
large as their own.
“I suppose you can give her more luxuries than we can,” said Marion.
“When you were throwing away money we were living along watching every
ten francs …. I suppose you’ll start doing it again.”
“Oh, no,” he said. “I’ve learned. I worked hard for ten years, you
know – until I got lucky in the market, like so many people. Terribly lucky. It
won’t happen again.”
There was a long silence. All of them felt their nerves straining, and for
the first time in a year Charlie wanted a drink. He was sure now that Lincoln
Peters wanted him to have his child.
Marion shuddered suddenly; part of her saw that Charlie’s feet were
planted on the earth now, and her own maternal feeling recognized the natu
ralness of his desire; but she had lived for a long time with a prejudice – a
prejudice founded on a curious disbelief in her sister’s happiness, and which,
in the shock of one terrible night, had turned to hatred for him. It had all hap
pened at a point in her life where the discouragement of ill health and adverse
circumstances made it necessary for her to believe in tangible villainy and a
tangible villain.
“I can’t help what I think!” she cried out suddenly. “How much you
were responsible for Helen’s death, I don’t know. It’s something you’ll have to
square with your own conscience.”
An electric current of agony surged through him; for a moment he was
almost on his feet, an unuttered sound echoing in his throat. He hung on to
himself for a moment, another moment.
“Hold on there,” said Lincoln uncomfortably. “I never thought you were
responsible for that.”
“Helen died of heart trouble,” Charlie said dully.
“Yes, heart trouble.” Marion spoke as if the phrase had another meaning
for her.
Then, in the flatness that followed her outburst, she saw him plainly and
she knew he had somehow arrived at control over the situation. Glancing at
her husband, she found no help from him, and as abruptly as if it were a mat
ter of no importance, she threw up the sponge.
“Do what you like!” she cried, springing up from her chair. “She’s your
child. I’m not the person to stand in your way. I think if it were my child I’d
rather see her -” She managed to check herself. “You two decide it. I can’t
stand this. I’m sick. I’m going to bed.”
She hurried from the room; after a moment Lincoln said:
“This has been a hard day for her. You know how strongly she feels -”
His voice was almost apologetic: “When a woman gets an idea in her head.”
“Of course.”
“Irs gOIng IU uc dU “5”” , …….. ~— – – .
for the child, and so we can’t very well stand in your way or Honoria’s way.”
“Thank you, Lincoln.”
“I’d better go along and see how she is.”
“I’m going.”
H~ was still trembling when he reached the street, but a walk down the
Rue Bonaparte to the quais set him up, and as he crossed the Seine, fresh and
new by the quai lamps, he felt exultant. But back in his room he couldn’t sleep.
The image of Helen haunted him. Helen whom he had loved so until they had
senselessly begun to abuse each other’s love, tear it into shreds. On that ter
rible February night that Marion remembered so vividly, a slow quarrel had
gone on for hours. There was a scene at the Florida, and then he attempted to
take her home, and then she kissed young Webb at a table; after that there was
what she had hysterically said. When he arrived home alone he turned the key
in the lock in wild anger. How could he know she would arrive an hour later
alone, that there would be a snowstorm in which she wandered about in slip
pers, too confused to find a taxi? Then the aftermath, her escaping pneumonia
by a miracle, and all the attendant horror. They were “reconciled,” but that
was the beginning of the end, and Marion, who had seen with her own eyes
and who imagined it to be one of many scenes from her sister’s martyrdom,
never forgot.
Going over it again brought Helen nearer, and in the white, soft light
that steals upon half sleep near morning he found himself talking to her again.
She said that he was perfectly right about Honoria and that she wanted Hono
ria to be with him. She said she was glad he was being good and doing better.
She said a lot of other things – very friendly things – but she was in a swing
in a white dress, and swinging faster and faster all the time, so that at the end
he could not hear clearly all that she said.
He woke up feeling happy. The door of the world was open again. He
made plans, vistas, futures for Honoria and himself, but suddenly he grew
sad, remembering all the plans he and Helen had made. She had not planned
to die. The present was the thing – work to do and someone to love. But not
to love too much, for he knew the injury that a father can do to a daughter or a
mother to a son by attaching them too closely: afterward, out in the world, the
child would seek in the marriage partner the same blind tenderness and, fail
ing probably to find it, tum against love and life.
It was another bright, crisp day. He called Lincoln Peters at the bank
where he worked and asked if he could count on taking Honoria when he left
for Prague. Lincoln agreed that there was no reason for delay. One thing – the
legal guardianship. Marion wanted to retain that a while longer. She was
upset by the whole matter, and it would oil things if she felt that the situation
was still in her control for another year. Charlie agreed, wanting only the tan
gible, visible child.
. Then the question of a governess. Charles sat in a gloomy agency and
talkedto a cross Bearnaise and to a buxom Breton peasant, neither of whom he
could have endured. There were others whom he would see tomorrow.
He lunched with Lincoln Peters at Griffons, trying to keep down his
“There’s nothing quite like your own child,” Lincoln said. “But you
understand how Marion feels too.”
“She’s forgotten how hard I worked for seven years there,” Charlie said.
“She just remembers one night.”
“There’s another thing.” Lincoln hesitated. “While you and Helen were
tearing around Europe throwing money away, we were just getting along. I
didn’t touch any of the prosperity because I never got ahead enough to carry
anything but my insurance. I think Marion felt there was some kind of injus
tice in it – you not even working toward the end, and getting richer and
“It went just as quick as it came,” said Charlie.
“Yes, a lot of it stayed in the hands of c1ulsseurs and saxophone players
and maitres d’h6tel- well, the big party’s over now. I just said that to explain
Marion’s feeling about those crazy years. If you drop in about six o’clock
tonight before Marion’s too tired, we’ll settle the details on the spot.”
Back at his hotel, Charlie found a pneumatique9 that had been redirected
from the Ritz bar where Charlie had left his address for the purpose of finding
a certain man.
Dear Charlie: You were so strange when we saw you the other day
that I wondered if I did something to offend you. If so, I’m not con
scious of it. In fact, I have thought about you too much for the last
year, and it’s always been in the back of my mind that I might see you
if I came over here. We did have such good times that crazy spring,
like the night you and I stole the butcher’s tricycle, and the time we
tried to call on the president and you had the old derby rim and the
wire cane. Everybody seems so old lately, but I don’t feel old a bit.
Couldn’t we get together some time today for old time’s sake? I’ve got
a vile hang-over for the moment, but will be feeling better this after
noon and will look for you about five in the sweatshop at the Ritz.
Always devotedly,
His first feeling was one of awe that he had actually, in his mature years,
stolen a tricycle and pedaled Lorraine all over the etoile between the small
hours and dawn. In retrospect it was a nightmare. Locking out Helen didn’t fit
in with any other act of his life, but the tricycle incident did – it was one of
many. How many weeks or months of dissipation to arrive at that condition of
utter irresponsibility?
He tried to picture how Lorraine had appeared to him then – very
attractive; Helen was unhappy about it, though she said nothing. Yesterday, in
9Message delivered through a citywide system of pneumatic tubes.
the restaurant, Lorraine had seemed trite, blurred, worn away. He emphati
cally did not want to see her, and he was glad Alix had not given away his
hotel address. It was a relief to think, instead, of Honoria, to think of Sundays
spent with her and of saying good morning to her and of knowing she was
there in his house at night, drawing her breath in the darkness.
At five he took a taxi and bought presents for all the Peters – a piquant
cloth doll, a box of Roman soldiers, flowers for Marion, big linen handker
chiefs for Lincoln.
He saw, when he arrived in the apartment, that Marion had accepted the
inevitable. She greeted him now as though he were a recalcitrant member of
the family, rather than a menacing outsider. Honoria had been told she was
going; Charlie was glad to see that her tact made her conceal her excessive
happiness. Only on his lap did she whisper her delight and the question
“When?” before she slipped away with the other children.
He and Marion were alone for a minute in the room, and on an impulse
he spoke out boldly:
“Family quarrels are bitter things. They don’t go according to any rules.
They’re not like aches or wounds; they’re more like splits in the skin that
won’t heal because there’s not enough material. I wish you and I could be on
better terms.”
“Some things are hard to forget,” she
“It’s a question of confi
dence.” There was no answer to this and presently she asked, “When do you
propose to take her?”
“As soon as I can get a governess. I hoped the day after tomorrow.”
“That’s impossible. I’ve got to get her things in shape. Not before Satur
He yielded. Coming back into the room, Lincoln offered him a drink.
“1’11 take my daily whisky,” he said.
It was warm here, it was a home, people together by a fire. The children
felt very safe and important; the mother and father were serious, watchful.
They had things to do for the children more important than his visit here. A
spoonful of medicine was, after all, more important than the strained relations
between Marion and himself. They were not dull people, but they were very
much in the grip of life and circumstances. He wondered if he couldn’t do
something to get Lincoln out of his rut at the bank.
A long peal at the door-bell; the bonne atout faire 10 passed through and
went down the corridor. The door opened upon another long ring, and then
voices, and the three in the salon looked up expectantly; Richard moved to
bring the corridor within his range of vision, and Marion rose. Then the maid
came back along the corridor, closely followed by the voices, which developed
under the light into Duncan Schaeffer and Lorraine Quarrles.
They were gay, they were hilarious, they were roaring with laughter. For
a moment Charlie was astounded; unable to understand how they ferreted
out the Peters’ address.
. “Ah-h-h!” Duncan wagged his finger roguishly at Charlie. “Ah-h-h!”
, They both slid down another cascade of laughter. Anxious and at a loss,
Charlie shook hands with them quickly and presented them to Lincoln and
.Marion. Marion nodded, scarcely speaking. She had drawn back a step
toward the fire; her little girl stood beside her, and Marion put an arm about
her shoulder.
With growing annoyance at the intrusion, Charlie waited for them to
explain themselves. After some concentration Duncan said:
“We came to invite you out to dinner. Lorraine and I insist that all this
shishi, cagy business ’bout your address got to stop.”
Charlie came closer to them, as if to force them backward down the cor
“Sorry, but I can’t. Tell me where you’ll be and I’ll phone you in half an
This made no impression. Lorraine sat down suddenly on the side of a
chair, and focusing her eyes on Richard, cried, “Oh, what a nice little boy!
Come here, little boy.” Richard glanced at his mother, but did not move. With
a perceptible shrug of her shoulders, Lorraine turned back to Charlie:
“Come and dine. Sure your cousins won’ mine. See you so sel’om. Or
solemn.” .
“I can’t,” said Charlie sharply. “You two have dinner and I’ll phone
Her voice became suddenly unpleasant. “All right, we’ll go. But I
remember once when you hammered on my door at four A,M. I was enough of
a good sport to give you a drink. Come on, Dunc.”
Still in slow motion; with blurred, angry faces, with uncertain feet, they
retired along the corridor.
“Good night,” Charlie said.
“Good night!” responded Lorraine emphatically.
When he went back into the salon Marion had not moved, only now her
son was standing in the circle of her other arm. Lincoln was still swinging
Honoria back and forth like a penduhim from side to side.
“What an outrage!” Charlie broke out. “What an absolute outrage!”
Neither of them answered. Charlie dropped into an armchair, picked up
his drink, set it down again and said:
“People I haven’t seen for two years having the colossal nerve-”
He broke off. Marion had made the sound “Oh!” in one swift, furious
breath, turned her body from him with a jerk and left the room.
Lincoln set down Honoria carefully.
“You children go in and start your soup,” he said, and when they
obeyed, he said to Charlie:
“Marion’s not well and she can’t stand shocks. That kind of people make
her really physically sick.”
“I didn’t tell them to come here. They wormed your name out of some
body. They deliberately -”
“Well, it’s too bad, It doesn’t help matters. Excuse me a minute.”
Left alone, Charlie sat tense in his chair. In the next room he could hear
the children eating, talking in monosyllables, already obllvlOUS to tne scene
between their elders. He heard a murmur of conversation from a farther room
and then the ticking bell of a telephone receiver picked up, and in a panic he
moved to the other side of the room and out of earshot.
In a minute Lincoln came back. “Look here, Charlie. I think we’d better
call off dinner for tonight. Marion’s in bad shape.”
“Is she angry with me?”
“Sort of,” he said, almost roughly. “She’s not strong and -”
“You mean she’s changed her mind about Honoria?”
“She’s pretty bitter right now. I don’t know. You phone me at the bank
“I wish you’d explain to her I never dreamed these people would come
here. I’m just as sore as you are.”
“I couldn’t explain anything to her now.”
Charlie got up. He took his coat and hat and started down the corridor.
Then he opened the door of the dining room and said in a strange voice,
“Good night, children.”
Honoria rose and ran around the table to hug him.
“Good night, sweetheart,” he said vaguely, and then trying to make his
voice more tender, trying to conciliate something, “Good night, dear children.”
Charlie went directly to the Ritz bar with the furious idea of finding Lor
raine and Duncan, but they were not there, and he realized that in any case
there was nothing he could do. He had not touched his drink at the Peters’,
and now he ordered a whisky-and-soda. Paul came over to say hello.
”It’s a great change,” he said sadly. “We do about half the business we
did. So many fellows I hear about back in the States lost everything, maybe
not in the first crash, but then in the second. Your friend George Hardt lost
every cent, I hear. Are you back in the States?”
“No, I’m in business in Prague.”
“I heard that you lost a lot in the crash.”
“I did,” and he added grimly, “but I lost everything I wanted in the
“Selling short.”
“Something like that.”
Again the memory of those days swept over him like a nightmare – the
people they had met travelling; then people who couldn’t add a row of figures
or speak a coherent sentence. The little man Helen had consented to dance with
at the ship’s party, who had insulted her ten feet from the table; the women
and girls carried screaming with drink or drugs out of public places
_ The men who locked their wives out in the snow, because the snow of
twenty-nine wasn’t real snow. If you didn’t want it to be snow, you just paid
some money.
He went to the phone and called the Peters’ apartment; Lincoln
” 1 called up because this thing is on my mind. Has Marion said anything
, “definite?”
“Marion’s sick,” Lincoln answered shortly. “1 know this thing isn’t alto
gether your fault, but 1 can’t have her go to pieces abollt it. I’m afraid we’ll
have to let it slide for six months; 1 can’t take the chance of working her up to
this state again.”
“1 see.”
‘Tm sorry, Charlie.”
He went back to his table. His whisky glass was empty, but he shook his
head when Alix looked at it questioningly. There wasn’t much he could do
now except send Honoria some things; he would send her a lot of things
tomorrow. He thought rather angrily that this was just money – he had given
so many people money….
“No, no more,” he said to the waiter. “What do lowe you?”
He would come back some day; they couldn’t make him pay forever.
But he wanted his child, and nothing was much good now, beside that fact. He
wasn’t young any more, with a lot of nice thoughts and dreams to have by
himself. He was absolutely sure Helen wouldn’t have wanted him to be so
alone. [1931J
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT (1821-1880) said that in writing, everything is a
matter of style, of the distinctive way one expresses oneself. Flaubert’s life was remark
able mostly for the way he devoted himself to writing fiction. He once told a friend, “I
have more imagination than heart.” Born into a thrifty, prosperous family in Rouen,
Flaubert was the son of a surgeon. His mother encouraged him to read literature and
write plays while he was still a child. He attended school in Rouen and began to study
law in Paris, but in 1844 he suffered the first of many attacks of unconsciousness
possibly epilepsy – so he gave up law and returned home to live with his widowed
mother. Like many of his contemporaries, including the poet Charles Baudelaire and
his relative Guy de Maupassant, Flaubert was afflicted with syphilis. In his Dictio
nary of Accepted Opinions (1881), Flaubert defined syphilis as being in his time as
common as the cold.
Flaubert’s most famous novel is Madame Bovary (1857), which he worked on
for more than four years, struggling to rewrite and polish it. He knew that “the public
wants works which flatter its illusions,” yet he insisted on telling the truth: “You
don’t make art out of good intentions.” After his mother’s death, he wrote “A Simple
Heart” for the pleasure of remembering his own childhood in a provincial household.
He later said he intended the story to be the legend ofa modern saint. It was one of the
Three Tales he published in 1877. By taking a housemaid as his heroine, he wanted to
shaw that “there are no noble subjects or ignoble subjects; from the standpoint of pure
Art one might almost establish the axiom that there is no such thing as subject
style in itself being an absolute manner of seeing things.” Flaubert’s style consisted
of simple sentences charged with action. He believed that “the ar#st ought not to
appear in the work any more than God in nature,” yet as the writer Italo Calvino
understood, the transparency of Flaubert’s “sentences is the only possible medium to
represent Felicite’s purity and natural nobility in accepting both the good and the bad
things in life.”
Although Flaubert wrote few short stories, he experimented with different prose
farms during his lifetime. He always sought the most exact use of language, trying to
make his prose”as rhythmical as verse and as precise as the language of science.” He
told the woman writer George Sand that he was writing “A Simple Heart” to show her
that he was capable of telling a tender story, yet he made the story as accurate as pos
sible. As the critic Robert Baldick noted, Flaubert “consulted Grisolle’s classic treatise
on pneumonia to describe Felicite’s last illness, studied the Lisieux euchology to get
the details of the Corpus Christi procession right, and even borrowed a stuffed parrot
from the Rouen Museum to serve as a model for Loulou.” Flaubert’s devotion to per
fecting his literary craft became an example to later writers, his self-discipline teach
ing what the novelist Julian Barnes has called “the virtue of being able to remain by
yourself in your own room.” Flaubert died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage and was
buried in the cemetery at Rouen.
RELATED STORY: Guy de Maupassant, Clochette.
ENGL 1302 Essay #3 Instruction: Literary Analysis
Word Count: 800 (+) / Honors: 1,000 (+)
MLA Format
This assignment asks you to offer an interpretation of a single piece or collection of fictional literature. Like any essay, you should frame and formulate a thesis in your introductory paragraph and spend the majority of your essay proving the truth of your central claim. Unlike the previous essays, however, you are not engaging in argument for or against another’s claims; rather, you must offer an original interpretation of a work of fiction. Your thesis should center on a single claim concerning the work or works you are interpreting.
If you are focusing on a single text, this assignment can be completed in several ways:
1. Choose a single symbol, metaphor, characterization…etc, and offer an interpretation that explains its meaning within the text. For example, I might have this thesis for Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice: “The boy, Tadzio, in Mann’s Death in Venice, represents the philosophical notion of pharmakon, serving as both a poison and a cure at the same time.” The remainder of my essay would examine passages that show Tadzio as both a healing-agent and a means of death for the central character, Aschenbach. Or, I might have this thesis for Thomas Mann’s “The Wardrobe:” “The train in Mann’s “The Wardrobe” represents the dulling, inauthentic aspects of everyday life.” The remainder of the essay would focus on the different aspects of the train that mirror the dulling aspects of life.
2. Offer an interpretation of the entirety of a work. For example, I might write this thesis for Bernard Schlink’s The Reader: “I interpret Schlink’s novel as giving a poignant rendering of the impossible situation that contemporary Germans have in dealing with the guilt that stems from their Nazi past.” I would spend the remainder of the essay detailing where this difficulty is shown in the different generations that have to deal with guilt throughout the novel. Or, I might make a similar thesis that is more universal in character: “Bernard Schlink’s The Reader illustrates the all-consuming nature of guilt and shame.” This would let me explore how the text relates not just to German history but to everyone.
3. Focus on the development of a single character. In this, I would make a claim about the development of a character and show how it plays out in the story. For example, I might write this thesis for Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment: “The character, Sonya, in Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment shows the power of grace.” The remainder of the essay would focus on the aspects of her character that show the Christian concept of grace. Another idea: “Through the character of Sonya, Dostoevsky illustrates the Christian path of salvation.” I would then spend the remainder of the essay tracing how she saves Raskolnikov in keeping with the Christian tradition of Bible-based salvation. The one danger with this type of essay, as opposed to the others, is that it might lead one to summarize rather than interpret. Be warned.
If you are comparing multiple texts, there are a few options:
1. One’s thesis should center on a single element or idea contained in the primary text that is strengthened/proved through presenting that idea in light of others. For example, I might read Heinrich Böll’s Billiards at Half-Past Nine through the lens of his wartime story “Trapped in Paris” and conclude, “Through reading Billiards in light of Böll’s early story “Trapped in Paris,” I interpret the novel as indicating a sense of amor fati as shown in the tragedies that befall the central characters.” The remainder of my essay would focus on examining the tragedies that befall the main characters in Billiards and interpreting them in a similar way that I would interpret “Trapped in Paris.”
2. One should note a common thread among multiple texts, and one’s thesis, therefore, should be based on something that must be proven through a combining of the ideas contained therein. For example, I might have this thesis: “Through a combination of the ideas in Mann’s The Magic Mountain, Doktor Faustus, and Buddenbrooks, we find the true soul of the German artist as one trapped between life and death.” The remainder of my essay would focus on showing the different aspects of the German artist as similarly given in all three of the texts.
1. Interpretation is, by definition, opinion-based. You must make a claim that goes beyond summary or simple commentary. If it is obvious to the reader, it is not an interpretation, in other words.
a. I interpret _______ as showing ________.
b. In the story, ___________ represents ____________.
c. _________ illustrates ____________.
2. Begin by analyzing a single text or pairing two or more works of literature, both those that you have read or discussed in class and/or related works from which you might be able to make comparisons.
a. Chart the notable elements of a single work or the similarities/differences of the multiplicity of texts in note-form
b. Your thesis should come from a claim based on an interpretation of the single element or something shared between the two. Either way, it should be something you can make multiple, substantial arguments based in the text to support your assertion.
3. Analysis before synthesis – before you can begin writing anything, you must do a thorough literary analysis of each text that you are analyzing. The more analysis you do in the beginning, the easier putting that analysis to use will be in the end.
4. Introduction – in your opening paragraph you should clearly present those pieces that you are comparing, while also framing the issue and clearly establishing your position by way of a thesis statement.
5. Body – remember, as always, your paragraphs should represent a single idea, even if you are discussing two or more separate works. Do not allow yourself to get lost in the details of your analysis without a clear eye on the point of each paragraph. Make YOUR argument central.
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