Virtual Teams Reflection Essay

-2000-2500 words
At least 3 references
APA style referencing
Footer (page number)
1.5 spacing
Font (times new roman)
What is required:
The reflection should be written after you establish a successful virtual team. The reflection
should describe the process of 4 main components of virtual management: team building,
tools, procedures, and task management. Please use these guidelines on how to do so:
1. Virtual Team:
In this section, you need to describe the workings of your virtual team.

Name your team.

Who are your team members, and what are their roles?

What are the personal objectives for each member?

What is the collective goal for your team?

Refer to the four different stages of team building? Have you experienced these stages
2. Virtual Tool
In this section, you describe the process of choosing a tool for your virtual team.

What virtual tool did you use to manage the tasks? (Provide pictures)

Describe the features this tool has (provide pictures).

Why did you choose these tools? What are the other options?

Suppose your budget was SAR 10k; how did you use that budget to get the best possible

How frequently does the team meet? How long is each meeting? (Provide photos of the
team meetings at different times)

What are the meeting minutes? How have they been used effectively? (Provide an
example of your team meeting minutes).
3. Virtual work dynamics

How did you create a virtual office?

What are the challenges that you faced in your work? (Discuss from different roles’

How did you utilize vacation time, holiday times?

How did you divide the workload?

What are the challenges that your team faced in communication? (Discuss from
different roles’ perspectives).
4. Reports and presentations

Provide an example of a proposed strategy that your team worked on to make the
marketing campaign successful for the international company.

The report should be 300 words that describe the best practices of doing virtual
marketing in Saudi Arabia.
o The report should have an introduction, brief strategy, and conclusion.

Include graphs and statistics to support your report.

The international company representative in your team should provide his/her feedback
on the report (one or two comments)

The rest of the team should address those comments.

Conclude your reflection.

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