CS 441 UOK Parser in Racket Programming Code

CS 441Fall 2021
Programming Assignment
For this assignment, you will use Racket, a functional programming language, to write a simple parser.
Note that we’re writing only a parser, not a full interpreter (although interpreters in Racket aren’t that
difficult1). Also, your program only needs to pass a verdict on the syntactical correctness of the
program, not produce a full parse tree.
The standard interpreter for Racket is DrRacket, and is installed on all Flarsheim lab machines as well
as available as a free download from https://racket-lang.org/.
Racket is a functional language, so it requires a different approach than what you may be used to. It’s
expression-oriented; functions take in parameters and return function values, with no side effects. I’d
suggest spending some time getting familiar with it, perhaps working out some common algorithms in
a functional form.
Your code should have a function called parse, which takes one parameter—the name of the file of
source code to be processed:
(parse source.css)
It should return a string: either “Accept”, indicating the program is syntactically correct; or a message
as to which line the first syntax error was found:
So output will be either:
or something like:
Syntax error found on line 25
In the case of a syntax error, printing the offending line would also be helpful. It is not necessary to
continue scanning for additional syntax errors.
You are given a grammar for Cascading Style Sheets 2.0. Your parser will be tested against other
source code in the same language.
Programming notes:
• You will need other functions besides parse, of course. This will be a top-down recursivedescent parser.
• You’re not limited to printing just a final verdict; progress messages will probably be helpful in
• Submit your source code (.rkt file) and a short document listing any resources you used in
developing your program. (This refers to things where you copied & modified someone else’s
code, used a workaround verbatim, or something like that. General references for Racket don’t
need to be listed.)
There’s an online book, Beautiful Racket, that shows how to write an interpreter for the Basic language, along with a
couple of specialized languages.
program {id, read, write, $$}
stmt_list {id, read, write}
stmt {id, read, write}
expr {(, id, number
term_tail {+, – }
term {(, id, number}
factor-tail {*, /}
factor {C, id, number}
add_op {+, – }
mult_op {*, /}
7. expr
1. program → stmt_list $$ {id, read, write, $$}
2. stmt_list + stmt stmt_list {id, read, write}
3. stmt_list + € {$$}
4. stmt →id := expr {id}
5. stmt read id {read}
6. stmt + write expr {write}
+ term term_tail {(, id, number}
8. term_tail + add_op term term_tail {+, -}
9. term_tail te{, id, read, write, $$}
10. term factor factor-tail {(, id, number}
11. factor-tail + mult op factor factor-tail {*, /}
12. factor-tail + e{+, -, ), id, read, write, $$}
13. factor ( expr ) {C}
14. factor id {id}
15. factor number {number}
16. add-op ++{+}
17. add-op +-{-}
18. mult-op *{*}
19. mult_op +/{7}
stmt_list {$$}
stmt {id, read, write, $$}
expr {), id, read, write, $$}
term_tail {), id, read, write, $$}
term {+, -, ), id, read, write, $$}
factor-tail {+, -, ), id, read, write, $$}
factor {+, -, *, 7,), id, read, write, $$}
add-op {(, id, number}
mult-op {(, id, number}
For this assignment, you will use Racket, a functional programming language, to write a simple parser.
Note that we’re writing only a parser, not a full interpreter (although interpreters in Racket aren’t that
difficult’). Also, your program only needs to pass a verdict on the syntactical correctness of the
program, not produce a full parse tree.
The standard interpreter for Racket is DrRacket, and is installed on all Flarsheim lab machines as well
as available as a free download from https://racket-lang.org/.
Racket is a functional language, so it requires a different approach than what you may be used to. It’s
expression-oriented; functions take in parameters and return function values, with no side effects. I’d
suggest spending some time getting familiar with it, perhaps working out some common algorithms in
a functional form.
Your code should have a function called parse, which takes one parameter—the name of the file of
source code to be processed:
(parse source.css)
It should return a string: either “Accept”, indicating the program is syntactically correct; or a message
as to which line the first syntax error was found:
So output will be either:
or something like:
Syntax error found on line 25
In the case of a syntax error, printing the offending line would also be helpful. It is not necessary to
continue scanning for additional syntax errors.
You are given a grammar for Cascading Style Sheets 2.0. Your parser will be tested against other
source code in the same language.
Programming notes:
You will need other functions besides parse, of course. This will be a top-down recursive-
descent parser.
You’re not limited to printing just a final verdict; progress messages will probably be helpful in
Submit your source code (.rkt file) and a short document listing any resources you used in
developing your program. (This refers to things where you copied & modified someone else’s
code, used a workaround verbatim, or something like that. General references for Racket don’t
need to be listed.)

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