Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University Dart Programming PPT Insights
provide 7 insights bullets points about the 8 group presentations.
Dart Programming
Jenny Fisher, Yiming Liang, Tianheng Wu, Wen Liu
What is Dart?
● Dart is a client-optimized language for developing
fast apps on any platform.
Why Dart?
● Free and Open Source.
● Optimized for UI.
● Support Productive Development.
● Fast on All Platforms.
Data Types
int, double, num
represent numeric literals
represent Boolean values true and false
an ordered group of objects
represent a sequence of characters
represents a set of values as key-value pairs
Data Types
● Lexical Scope language
● The scope of variable is determined statically, simply by the
layout of the code. You can “follow the curly braces outwards”
to see if a variable is in scope
Support to OO Programming
Dart is an OOP language
Dart has three characteristics in OOP:
Encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism
Support to OO Programming
1. methods or attributes are encapsulated in a class”Yiming”
Default constructor : the same name as the class,
when class is instantiated, the constructor will be
automatically called.
Support to OO Programming
2.methods or attributes in a class can be private, so they can not be
called by another dart file.
Attributes and methods can be private by adding a underscore at the beginning of
their name
num age; //public attribute num _age; //private attribute
run(); //public method _run() //private method
Support to OO Programming
Num _age //private attribute
_run() //private method
main function, a new dart file not contains Person.
Object p can call attribute name and method printinfo()
But p cannot call attribute _age or method _run() (the red
warning line under them)
Support to OO Programming
1. Parent class can inherit any public methods or attributes to their subclass.
2. Like Java, Dart can use “extends” keyword to let subclass get inherited from its
parent class.
3. Subclass can both add its methods or attributes and modify methods from its
parent class (by using @override)
4. However,Parent class cannot inherit its constructor, private methods or attributes
to their subclass.
Web: subclass Person: parent class
Object w can call the method run() ,personinfo() and
work() from Web rather than Person.
Using “super” keyword can call method from parent
(call Person
method work())
Support to OO Programming
A parent class, which defines virtual method and attribute(abstract class) ,its
subclass must implement all of methods and attribute from the parent class and
override them. Also the parent class cannot be instantiated.
The printer(parent class, abstract
music(), printing() and receiving() are virtual methods ,var uri is a virtual attribute
Receiving a phone call (subclass phonecall implements the abstract class printer, only receiving a
phonecall (a function))
Play music
Main function(instantiate three classes)
Implement three
The printer can
playmusic, printpaper
and phonecall (multifunction)
Functional Programming
Pass a function as a parameter to another function.
Functional Programming
Assign a function to a variable.
Create an anonymous function that can be assigned to a variable.
Functional Programming
Shorthand syntax
Equal to
Calling add(a) like this will return a function, which is (b) ⇒ a + b;.
Exception Handling and Event Handling
Throw and catch exceptions.
Exception Handling and Event Handling
Throwing is an expression, thus can be used in ⇒ statements
and anywhere else that allows expressions.
Exception Handling and Event Handling
Use on to capture a certain type of exception.
Use catch to capture the exception object.
Use rethrow to throw captured exception.
Use the second parameter, the stack trace, to
get information about the call sequence that
triggered an exception.
Exception Handling and Event Handling
Expressions run with or
without an exception
Concurrent programming using isolates: independent workers that
are similar to threads but don’t share memory, communicating
only via messages.
To use this library in your code:
import ‘dart:isolate’;
● The definition of isolate
implementation of the Actor concurrency mode.
a running entity with its own memory and single-threaded control.
The code in isolate is executed in sequence, and the concurrency of any Dart
program is the result of running multiple isolates.
isolate has no shared memory, there is no possibility of contention, so no locks
are needed, and there is no need to worry about deadlocks.
● Communication between isolates
through ReceivePort and SendPort, and message delivery in Dart is always
● Libraries in Dart are modules with specific
○ contain a single file or multiple files
○ library can be divided into three categories:Custom library,System library, public library
● Declare the library through the keyword: library
Each Dart file is a library by default, but the library is not used to display the declaration
uses identifiers starting with _underscore to indicate that the access in the library is visible
The suggestion of name of a library: lowercase characters + _ , eg. http_auth
Import the library through keyword:import
● Import Different types of libraries in different ways
import ‘dir/fileName.dart’;
import ‘dart:fileName’;
import “package:xxx/xxx.dart”
Import libraries with some specific function (import on demand):
○ include:show import ‘dir/fileName.dart’ show f1,f2…;
○ exclude:hide
import ‘dir/fileName.dart’ hide f1,f2…;
Specify the prefix of the library (resolve naming conflicts):
import ‘dir/fileName.dart’ as name1;
● Lazy loading:import ‘dir/fileName.dart’ deferred as func;
● Assemble the library through keyword: part, part of
● Create library package:
Programming Language:GO
Shudong Lai, Jingzhou Shen, Jie Zhu
🞐 Go is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed
at Google by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson.
🞐 Go is syntactically similar to C, but with memory safety, garbage collection, structural
typing, and CSP-style concurrency.
🞐 Names, Binding, and Scopes
🞐 Concurrency
🞐 Data Types
🞐 Expressions and Assignment Statements
🞐 Exception Handling and Event
🞐 Functional Programming
🞐 Support to OO programming
Names, Binding, and Scopes
🞐 A variables name can use letters, numbers and underline(“_”). But first character
must be letters or underline. And it is Case sensitive.
Reserved Word
Names, Binding, and Scopes
🞐 It also has local variables and global variables. Local variables have the first priority.
For example:
Data Types
🞐 Go has different data types such as boolean, int, float, pointer, array, struct, function,
slice, interface and so on.
🞐 An array has a fixed size. A slice, on the other hand, is a dynamically-sized, flexible
view into the elements of an array. In practice, slices are much more common than
Expressions and Assignment Statements
🞐 Go has the following character represent operators to make the language more
convenient and shorter.
Warning: the golang cannot allow variables with different
data type to operator with each other
Expressions and Assignment Statements
There are three ways for assignment:
1. Var v1, vtype1
V1 = value
//If not initialize it, the value would be 0
2. Var v1 = value
//The type of the v1 would depend on the data type of the value
3. V1 := value
//Identify and initialize the variable
//This method cannot be used if the variable has already been declared
OO programming: Struct
🞐 Go supports OOP.
1. It doesn’t have “class”, but it
supports struct, like:
type Creature struct {
Name string
Real bool
Structs are user-defined types.
Struct types (including methods)
provide services similar to classes in
other languages.
2. You can embed anonymous structs
into each other, like:
type FlyingCreature struct {
WingSpan int
And at that time you can do
things like that:
dragon := &FlyingCreature{
Creature{“Dragon”, false },
OO programming: Interface
🞐 Interfaces are a hallmark of the Go
language’s object-oriented support. An
interface is a type that declares a set of
methods. Like interfaces in other
languages, they do not contain
implementations of methods.
🞐 Objects that implement all interface
methods automatically implement the
interface. It has no inheritance or subclass
or “implements” keyword.
🞐 Goroutine is at the heart of Go’s parallel design. A Goroutine is essentially a
coroutine, but it’s smaller than a thread. It’s not strictly a thread, They are not true
threads because they do not always execute in parallel. However, because of
multiplexing and synchronization, you get concurrent effects. Just like the example
It will generate a random series
of “world”, ”hello”.
Concurrency: Channels
🞐 Channels are a typed conduit through which you can send and receive values with
the channel operator, val sex = “male”
sex: String = male
· Block expression
In Scala, {} is used to represent a block expression
· for
for(i val nums =
nums: scala.collection.immutable.Range.Inclusive =
Range(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
//print for loop
scala> for(i var i = 1 i:
Int = 1
scala> while(i do something; if case
failure -> do something.
//An example of how this works
def trySuccessFailure(a: Int, b: Int): Try[Int] = Try {
For example:
Running out of
memory. Thrown by
system, never by
user programs
For example:
“trySuccessFailure” should “handle NegativeNumberException” in {
import CalculatorExceptions._
val result = trySuccessFailure(-1,-2)
result match {
case Failure(e) => assert(e.isInstanceOf[NegativeNumberException])
case Success(_) => fail(“Should fail!”)
Event Handling of Scala
//define the object
Scala uses Java GUI for UI. As a
result, the event handling model
of it is basically the same.
Three steps:
Define the UI objects like a button.
Listen to the objects.
Add reactions while on change of the
state (such as onClick() or
selectionChanged(..) ).
val likeScala = new CheckBox(“I like Scala”)
likeScala.selected = true
//add reactions
reactions += {
case ButtonClicked(`likeScala`) =>
if (!likeScala.selected) {
“Are you sure you don’t like
!= Dialog.Result.Yes)
likeScala.selected = true
Pure Function
The function’s output depends only on its input variables
It doesn’t mutate any hidden state
It doesn’t read data from the outside world (including the
console, web services, databases, files, etc.), or write data
to the outside world
abs ceil max min
isEmpty length substring
def double(i: Int): Int = i * 2
But impure
functions are
needed …
Write the core of your
application using pure
functions, and then write
an impure “wrapper”
around that core to
interact with the outside
world. If you like food
analogies, this is like
putting a layer of impure
icing on top of a pure
Passing Function Around
Create functions as variables
val doubles = * 2)
def double(i: Int): Int = i * 2
val doubles =
val double(i: Int): Int => i * 2
Method or Function
•The def syntax is more familiar to people
coming from a C/Java/C# background
•You can use def methods just like they are
val functions
No Null Values -Use Option
Option/Some/None classes
Use Option and Some
Thank You!
Zihao Li; Sihan Adi; Sitong Wan; Ziyan Guo
BECIK,INC // Presentation Title Goes Here
Names, Binding, and Scopes
1. Names
1) Case sensitive, Myname and myname are two
different identifiers;
2) The first character of the identifier can start
with an underscore (_) or a letter, but it cannot
be a number;
3) Other characters in the identifier can be
underscore (_), letters or numbers.
4) Constant and variable names can contain
almost any character, including Unicode
let 🐶🐮 = “dogcow”
BECIK,INC // Presentation Title Goes Here
5) keywords are reserved and can’t
be used as identifiers, unless they’re
escaped with backticks.
let ’class‘ = “Runoob”
2. Binding
A binding is an association between
an attribute and an entity. If we want
to use variables in a programming
language, we need to have the ability
to associate values with variable
names, and to extract the values
when needed. Like C, Swift uses
variables to store and refer to values
by an identifying name.
Names, Binding, and Scopes
3. Scopes
func getAge() -> Int
var age = 42
age += 1
return age
var age = 99
var anotherAge = getAge()
anotherAge += 1
BECIK,INC // Presentation Title Goes Here
We’re working with 2 kinds of scope
in this example, the global and local
The local scope is present within the
function getAge().
The global scope is present
everywhere. Variables defined at the
highest level of the code, i.e. outside
of functions, classes, etc., can be used
Two essential rules:
You cannot use a variable outside the scope
it’s declared in.
Variable names must be unique within their
own scope.
Functional Programming
3. In-Out Parameters
1. Defining functions uses the keyword
func, and we can indicate the function’s
return type with the return arrow ->.
1) Write an in-out parameter by placing
the inout keyword right before a
parameter’s type.
2) Place an ampersand (&) directly
before a variable’s name when you
pass it as an argument to an in-out
parameter, to indicate that it can be
modified by the function.
func greet(person: String) -> String {
let greeting = “Hello, ” + person + “!”
return greeting
2. Calling function
print(greet(person: “Anna”))
// Prints “Hello, Anna!”
print(greet(person: “Brian”))
// Prints “Hello, Brian!”
BECIK,INC // Presentation Title Goes Here
func swap(_ a: inout Int, _ b: inout Int) {
let temp1 = a
b = temp1
var x = 1
var y = 5
swap(&x, &y)
Functional Programming
4. Omitting Argument Labels
If a parameter has an argument label, the
argument must be labeled when you call
the function.
And if you don’t want an argument label
for a parameter, write an underscore (_)
instead of an explicit argument label for
that parameter.
BECIK,INC // Presentation Title Goes Here
5. Default Parameter Values
We can define a default value for any
parameter in a function by assigning a value
to the parameter after that parameter’s type.
If a default value is defined, we can omit that
parameter when calling the function.
Functional Programming
6. Variadic Parameters
A variadic parameter accepts zero or more
values of a specified type. We use a
variadic parameter to specify that the
parameter can be passed a varying
number of input values when the function
is called.
BECIK,INC // Presentation Title Goes Here
Data Types
Because Swift is type safe, it performs type checks when
compiling your code and flags any mismatched types as
errors. This enables you to catch and fix errors as early as
possible in the development process.
Like other major languages:
Int, Float, Double,
String, Bool -Boolean,
var A = 42
A = ”Hello, World”
(The following error will be reported☺)
error: cannot assign value of type ‘String’ to type ‘Int’A = “Hello, World”
BECIK,INC // Presentation Title Goes Here
Type-checking helps you avoid
errors when you’re working with
different types of values.
However, this doesn’t mean that
you have to specify the type of
every constant and variable that
you declare.
Data Types–Type
It is not necessary to specify the type when declaring
constants and variables.
If you don’t specify the type of value you need, Swift uses
type inference to work out the appropriate type.
Type inference enables a compiler to deduce the type of a
particular expression automatically when it compiles your
simply by examining the values you provide.
For example:
In the same way, if you don’t give a floating-point type, Swift will infer that you want a Double:
When inferring the type of floating-point numbers, Swift will always choose Double instead of Float.
If an integer and a floating-point number appear in the expression at the same time, it will be inferred to be the Double type:
BECIK,INC // Presentation Title Goes Here
Expressions and Assignment Statements
b = a // now b is equal to a
Simple assignment operation, assign the right
operand to the left operand.
If the right side of the assignment is a tuple
with multiple values,its elements can be
decomposed into multiple constants or
variables at once
For example :
var (a, b) = (3, 4) // now a = 3 and b = 4
BECIK,INC // Presentation Title Goes Here
Note 1: The assignment operator in
Swift does not return a value by
itself.So equal operator is “==”.
Note 2: ++, — has been cancelled in
Expressions and Assignment Statements
The half-open interval (a.. multiplication/division => addition/subtraction
► Assignment
► Cannot overload the default assignment operator (=), but compound
assignment operator (+=, -=, *=, /=) can be overloaded
Expressions and Assignment
Statements in Swift
► Precedence Group Declaration:
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