answer the following two initial questions with about 200 words per question then I will be sending 4 posts to give feedback on with about 50 words per reply

15: Writing and Completing Reports and Proposals15-1
Chapter 15: Writing and Completing Reports and ProposalsLECTURE
Section 1: Writing Reports and Proposals: Adapting to Your Audience
Learning Objective 1: Explain how to adapt to your audience when writing reports and proposals.
Like all messages, reports and proposals are most effective when adapted to the needs and interests of
their intended audiences:

Be sensitive to audience needs.
Build strong relationships with your audience.
Control your style and tone.
Being Sensitive to Your Audience’s Needs
All four aspects of audience sensitivity apply to reports and proposals:

Adopting the “you” attitude
Maintaining a strong sense of etiquette
Emphasizing the positive
Using bias-free language
Reports and proposals that are highly technical, complex, or lengthy can put heavy demands on
readers, so the “you” attitude takes on special importance with these messages.
You can meet the needs of a diverse audience, provided that you plan for these elements in advance.
Readers today want results quickly and easily. If you want readers to understand and accept your
message, help them seamlessly navigate your document by using:

Smooth transitions
Headings are brief titles that cue readers about the content of sections that follow.

They improve a document’s readability and are especially useful for identifying the
framework of a report.
They also visually indicate shifts from one idea to the next and allow readers to see the
relationship between subordinate and main ideas.
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15: Writing and Completing Reports and Proposals
Whatever scheme you use, make the hierarchy of headings and subheadings clear.
When using three levels of headings in a report, for example, an effective scheme could be:

20 point bold type for the first level headings
16 points for the second level
12 points for the third level
Another option is to put the first level headings in all capital letters or emphasize them using
Use transitions to help readers move from one section of a report to the next and from key point
to key point within sections. Transitions can be:

Complete paragraphs
Effective transitions can help readers summarize and remember what they’ve learned so far,
while giving them a mental framework to process new information.
Previews and Reviews
Preview sections come after a body of material and summarize the information just covered.
They introduce important topics and help readers get ready for new information; they are
particularly helpful when the information is:

Previews and reviews can be written in sentence format, in bulleted lists, or using a combination
of the two.
Both are effective, but when appropriate, bullets can increase your document’s readability by
adding white space to the document design and making it easier to skim.
Building Strong Relationships with Your Audience
Building relationships with your readers starts with planning how to adapt style and language to meet
their needs and expectations.
Some reports—particularly any reports that can be transmitted online—can take on lives of their own,
reaching a wider audience than ever imagined. Choose content and language with care.
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15: Writing and Completing Reports and Proposals
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15: Writing and Completing Reports and Proposals
Establishing credibility is vital to successful communication:

To gain the audience’s trust, research all sides of the topic and document findings with
credible sources.
Setting audience expectations too high can lead to problems with your credibility if you can’t
deliver everything people expect.
Take particular care with the introductory sections of important reports.
Controlling Your Style and Tone
If a report is likely to meet with audience approval, you can usually adopt a fairly informal tone.
To create a tone that is less formal, refer to readers as you, and refer to yourself as I (or we, if there
are multiple report authors).
A formal tone is objective and businesslike, and is more appropriate for:

Longer reports, especially those that deal with controversial or complex information
Reports being sent to other parts of the organization or to outsiders
Imposing a controlled distance between you and your readers
Class discussion question: Given the informal influence of texting, social media, and other casual
formats, should business reports follow the trend and become super-casual as well?
Section 2: Composing Reports and Proposals: Drafting Report Content
Learning Objective 2: Name five characteristics of effective report content, and list the topics commonly
covered in the introduction, body, and close of formal reports.
Before composing a first draft, review the outline one last time. Verify that the organization you’ve
chosen makes sense and review the wording of the headings and subheadings to make sure they establish
the right tone.
For a direct tone, use informative phrasing. For an indirect tone, use descriptive phrasing.
Like other written business communications, reports and proposals have three main sections:

An introduction (or opening)
A body
A close
The content and length of each section varies, depending on the:

Type and purpose of the document
Organizational structure
Length and depth of the material
Document’s degree of formality
Relationship between writer and audience
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15: Writing and Completing Reports and Proposals
An effective introduction accomplishes at least four things:

Puts the report or proposal in a broader context by tying it to a problem or an opportunity
Introduces the subject or purpose of the report or proposal indicating why the subject is important
Previews the main ideas and the order in which they’ll be covered
Establishes the tone of the document and the writer’s relationship with the audience
In the body (the middle section in the report or proposal), cover these actions:

Present the information
Analyze the information
Interpret the information gathered during an investigation
Provide detailed proof supporting conclusions and recommendations
The close (the final section of your report or proposal) has three important functions:

Emphasizes the main points of the message and briefly reiterates the logic behind any conclusions
or recommendations
Summarizes the benefits to readers if the document suggests a change or some other course of
Brings all the action items together in one place and gives details about who should do what,
when, where, and how
The final section of a report or proposal leaves a strong lasting impression. The close offers one last
chance to make sure that the report says what is intended.
Your credibility is on the line with every business report you write, so make sure your content is:

Accurate. Information presented in a report must be factually correct. Double-check facts and
references in addition to checking for typos.
Complete. To help audiences make informed decisions, present information in a way that meets
their needs. Include all the information necessary for readers to understand the situation, problem,
or proposal, and support all key assertions.
Balanced. Present all sides of the issue fairly and equitably, and include all essential information,
even if some of it doesn’t support your line of reasoning. Omitting relevant information or facts
can bias your report.
Clear and logical. Make sure sentences are uncluttered, contain well-chosen words, and proceed
logically. Make your transitions clear and logical.
Documented properly. If you use primary and secondary sources, be sure to properly document
and give credit to your sources.
Table 15.1 lists the elements to consider including in the introduction, body, and close of any business
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15: Writing and Completing Reports and Proposals
Section 3: Drafting Proposal Content
Learning Objective 3: List six strategies to strengthen a proposal argument, and list the topics commonly
covered in the introduction, body, and close of proposals.
The scope and organization of a solicited proposal are usually governed by the request for proposals.
Most RFPs spell out precisely what should be covered and in what order. This uniformity lets the
recipient evaluate competing proposals in a systematic way.
The general purpose of any proposal is to persuade readers to do something, similar to persuasive sales
You must sell your audience on your ideas.
Here are some additional strategies to strengthen your persuasive argument:

Demonstrate your knowledge. Show that you have the knowledge and experience to solve the
problem or address the opportunity outlined in your proposal.
Provide concrete information and examples. Give quantifiable details on how the job will be
Research the competition. Emphasize why your solution is the optimum choice.
Prove that your proposal is workable. Your proposal must be appropriate and feasible for your
audience and be consistent with your audience’s capabilities.
Adopt the “you” attitude. Relate to the reader’s exact needs, either as stated in the RFP for a
solicited proposal or as discovered through your own investigation for an unsolicited proposal.
Package your proposal attractively. Make sure your proposal is letter perfect, inviting, and
readable. Readers will prejudge the quality of your products or services by the proposal you
The introduction of a proposal presents and summarizes the problem or opportunity you want to explore
along with your proposed solution:

If the proposal is solicited, its introduction should refer to the RFP to clarify which RFP you’re
responding to.
If your proposal is unsolicited, your introduction should mention any factors that led to
submitting your proposal.
The proposal’s body gives complete details on the proposed solution and specifies what the anticipated
results will be.
Proposals are persuasive messages, so the audience expects confidence and professionalism; but maintain
an objective tone so that you don’t risk overselling your message.
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15: Writing and Completing Reports and Proposals
Class discussion question: Proposals are persuasive messages, but does this mean they should be done
with a tone more in line with advertising? Why or why not?
In addition to providing facts and evidence to support your conclusions, an effective body covers this

Proposed solution. Describes what you have to offer: your concept, product, or service. Focus on
the strengths that are relevant to your readers’ needs, and point out advantages you have over
Work plan. Describes how you’ll accomplish what must be done. Explain the steps you’ll take,
their timing, the methods or resources you’ll use, and the person(s) responsible. Include when the
work will begin, how it will be divided into stages, when you will finish, and whether any followup is involved.
Statement of qualifications. Describes your organization’s experience, personnel, and facilities—
all in relation to reader needs. This section is a significant selling point and should be handled
Costs. Covers pricing, reimbursable expenses, discounts, and cost factors.
The proposal close should meet these objectives:

Summarize key points.
Emphasize the benefits to readers.
Summarize the merits of your approach.
Restate why you and your firm are the best choice.
Ask for a decision from the readers.
The close is your last opportunity to persuade readers to accept your proposal.
In both formal and informal proposals, make this section relatively brief, assertive, and confident.
Table 15.1 lists the elements to consider including in the introduction, body, and close of any proposal.
Section 4: Completing Reports and Proposals
Learning Objective 4: Summarize the four tasks involved in completing business reports and proposals.
The process of writing a report or proposal doesn’t end with a first draft. As with all messages, there are
four tasks involved in completing longer messages:

Formal reports and proposals are documents that require an extra measure of polish and professionalism;
be sure to carefully select the elements you want to include in each of your documents.
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15: Writing and Completing Reports and Proposals
As you revise, carefully evaluate the organization and tone of the report or proposal.
Clearly say what you want and make sure that content is:

In a logical order
Responsive to audience needs
Clear, concise, and compelling
Producing Formal Reports and Proposals
Formal reports and proposals can include a variety of features beyond the text and visuals:

See Table 15.2 for elements to consider including.
Most of these elements provide additional information; a few are more decorative and add a
degree of formality.
One of the most important elements to consider, particularly in a longer report (they are less common
in proposals), is a synopsis or an executive summary:

A synopsis is a brief overview (one page or less) of a report’s most important points,
designed to give readers a quick preview of the contents. The phrasing of a synopsis can be
either informative or descriptive.
An alternative is an executive summary, a fully developed “mini” version of the report itself.
Distributing Reports and Proposals
Pay particular attention to the length and complexity of your documents. For physical distribution,
consider these options:

Professional courier
Package delivery service
Personal delivery
For digital distribution, use PDF files, unless word-processor files are specifically requested.
If your company or client expects you to distribute your reports via a web-based content management
system, intranet, or extranet, be sure to upload the correct file(s) to the correct online location and
verify placement of these elements:

Onscreen display of the report
After you’ve sent your report or proposal off to your audience, your next task is to wait for a
response. If you don’t hear from your readers within a week or two, you might want to ask politely
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15: Writing and Completing Reports and Proposals
whether the report arrived. If the RFP specifies a response window, however, do not inquire before
that time has elapsed.
Section 5: Writing Requests for Proposals
Learning Objective 5: Identify the elements to include in a request for proposals (RFP).
When writing an RFP, remember that it is more than just a request; it’s an informational report that
provides potential bidders with the information they need to craft effective proposals.
Writing an RFP demands careful consideration because it starts a process that leads to a proposal, a
contract, and eventually the delivery of a product or the performance of a service.
An RFP’s specific content will vary widely from industry to industry, but most RFPs include some
combination of the following elements:

Company background. Give potential bidders background information on your organization,
your business priorities, and other information they might need in order to respond in an
informed manner.
Project description. Put your requirements in context; are you seeking bids for routine
supplies or services, or do you need a major computer system?
Requirements. The requirements section should detail everything you expect from potential
vendors; don’t leave anything to unstated assumptions.
Decision criteria. Let bidders know how you’ll be making the decision. Specific requirements
will not only help bidders determine whether they’re right for your project but also help them
craft proposals that meet your needs.
Proposal requirements. Explain exactly what you expect to see in the proposal itself—which
sections, what media, how many copies, and so on.
Submission and contact information. A well-written RFP answers most potential questions,
and it also tells people when, where, and how to respond. In addition, effective RFPs always
give bidders the name of a contact within the organization who can answer detailed questions.
A smart approach to managing RFPs can minimize the work and maximize their effectiveness:

Identify your decision criteria and then determine the information needed to measure against
those criteria.
Give bidders plenty of time to respond. Successful companies are usually busy responding to
other RFPs, and you can’t expect them to drop everything to focus solely on your RFP.
Consider establishing an online system for tracking responses automatically.
Copyright © 2018 Bovée and Thill LLC
Business Communication Today
Fourteenth Edition
Chapter 15
Writing and Completing Reports
and Proposals
Copyright © 2018, 2015, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Learning Objectives (1 of 2)
15.1 Explain how to adapt to your audiences when writing
reports and proposals.
15.2 Name five characteristics of effective report content,
and list the topics commonly covered in the
introduction, body, and close of formal reports.
15.3 List six strategies to strengthen a proposal argument,
and identify the topics commonly covered in the
introduction, body, and close of proposals.
Copyright © 2018, 2015, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Learning Objectives (2 of 2)
15.4 Summarize the four tasks involved in completing
business reports and proposals.
15.5 Identify the elements to include in a request for
proposals (RFP).
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Writing Reports and Proposals: Adapting to
Your Audience
• LO 15.1 Explain how to adapt to your audiences when
writing reports and proposals.
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Being Sensitive to Your Audience’s Needs
• The “You” Attitude
• Maintaining Etiquette
• Emphasizing the Positive
• Using Bias-Free Language
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Guiding Your Readers
• Headings
• Transitions
• Preview Sections
• Review Sections
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Building Strong Relationships With Your
• Style
• Language
• Content
• Language
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Controlling Your Style and Tone
Informal Tone
Formal Tone
Known Audience
Complex and Longer Reports
Message Meets With Audience’s
Message Sent to Outsiders
Use First and Third Persons Style
Use Objective Journalism Style
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Drafting Report Content
• LO 15.2 Name five characteristics of effective report
content, and list the topics commonly covered in the
introduction, body, and close of formal reports.
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Report Structure
• Three Main Sections
– The Introduction
– The Body
– The Close
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The Introduction
• Helps Reader Understand the Context of the Report
• Introduces the Subject Matter and Why It Is Important
• Previews the Main Idea
• Establishes the Tone and Writer’s Relationship to the
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The Body
• Presents
• Analyzes
• Interprets
• Supports
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The Close
• Summarizes Key Points
• Emphasizes Benefits
• Brings All Action Items Together
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Effective Report Content
• Accurate
• Complete
• Balanced
• Clear and Logical
• Documented Properly
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Drafting Proposal Content
• LO 15.3 List six strategies to strengthen a proposal
argument, and identify the topics commonly covered in the
introduction, body, and close of proposals.
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Writing Successful Proposals
• Demonstrate Your Knowledge
• Provide Concrete Information and Examples
• Research the Competition
• Prove That Proposal is Workable
• Adopt the “You” Attitude
• Package Proposal Attractively
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Three Main Sections of a Proposal
• Introduction
• Body
• Close
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Introduction to a Proposal
• Follow Instructions for a Solicited Proposal
• Present and Summarize the Problem You Want to Solve
• Propose Solution
• Refer to RFP or What Led You to Submit Proposal
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The Body of a Proposal (1 of 2)
• Gives Details on the Proposed Solution
• Specifies Anticipated Results
• Promotes Offering in a Persuasive Manner
• Maintains Objective Tone
• Avoids Overselling
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The Body of a Proposal (2 of 2)
• Summarizes Key Points
• Emphasizes Benefits
• Summarizes Merits of Your Approach
• Restates Why You Should Perform Job
• Asks for a Decision from Readers
• Last Chance to Persuade Reader to Accept Proposal
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Completing Reports and Proposals
• LO 15.4 Summarize the four tasks involved in completing
business reports and proposals.
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Revising Reports and Proposals
• Evaluate Organization, Style, and Tone
• Ensure Content is Clear, Logical, and Reader-Oriented
• Improve Readability
• Review Online Content Carefully
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Producing Formal Reports and Proposals
Table 15.2 Production Elements to Consider for Formal Reports
and Proposals
Prefatory Elements
Supplementary Elements
Title Page
Letter of Transmittal
Table of Contents
Résumés or CVs of Key Players
Synopsis or Executive Summary
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Figure 15.2 Executive Summary
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Distributing Reports and Proposals
Professional Courier
PDF Format for
General Use
Web-based CMS
Specialized Format By
Shared Workspace
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Writing Requests for Proposals
• LO 15.5 Identify the elements to include in a request for
proposals (RFP).
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Writing RFPs
• Company Background
• Project Description
• Requirements
• Decision Criteria
• Proposal Requirements
• Submission and Contact Information
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Managing RFPs
• Identify Decision Criteria
• Allow Sufficient Response Time
• Establish an Online Tracking System
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16: Developing Presentations in a Social Media Environment
Chapter 16: Developing Presentations in a Social Media Environment
Section 1: Planning a Presentation
Learning Objective 1: Describe the tasks involved in analyzing the situation for a presentation and
organizing a presentation.
Oral presentations offer important opportunities to put all your communication skills on display,

Visual design
Interpersonal communication
Nonverbal communication
Presentations also demonstrate your ability to think on your feet, grasp complex business issues, and
handle challenging situations—all attributes of successful employees.
To avoid the jitters when presenting, keep three points in mind:

Everybody gets nervous when speaking in front of groups, even experienced professionals.
Being nervous is a good thing; it means you care about the topic, the audience, and career
With practice, you can convert nervous feelings into positive energy that helps you give more
compelling presentations.
Preparing a professional-quality presentation takes time—a week or two for one-hour presentation.
Planning oral presentations is much like planning any other business message. The same four tasks apply:

Analyze the situation.
Gather information.
Select the right medium.
Organize the information.
Analyzing the Situation
Analyzing the situation for an oral presentation involves defining your purpose and developing an
audience profile:

The purpose of most presentations is to inform or to persuade.
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16: Developing Presentations in a Social Media Environment

Make sure your purpose is crystal clear in order to maximize the opportunity and show
respect for your listeners’ time and attention.
When developing an audience profile, try to anticipate the likely emotional state of your audience
Also consider the specific circumstances in which you’ll be making your presentation. The four basic
formats have distinct advantages and disadvantages:

Classroom or theater seating, in which all chairs or desks face forward: keeps attention
focused on the speaker; usually the best method for accommodating large audiences; inhibits
interaction among audience members.
Conference table seating, in which people sit along both sides of a long table and the speaker
stands at one end: common arrangement for smaller meetings; promotes interaction among
attendees; tends to isolate the speaker at one end of the room.
Horseshoe seating, in which tables are arranged in the shape of a “U”: improves on
conference table seating by allowing the speaker to walk between the tables to interact with
individual audience members; impractical for large audiences; requires enough tables.
Café seating, in which people sit in groups at individual tables: best for breakout sessions and
other small-group activities; places some in the audience with their backs to the speaker,
making it awkward for both them and the presenter.
All these variables can influence not only the style of your presentation but also the content. In a
public environment full of distractions, it’s best to keep content simple and short to retain audience
Selecting the Best Combination of Media and Channels
When selecting the right medium for oral presentations there is an array of choices, which include:

Live, in-person presentations
Webinars (online presentations that people either view live or download later from your
Screencasts (recordings of activity on computer displays with audio voiceover)
Twebinars (online events that combine a webinar with the use of Twitter as a backchannel)
Explore these options early in your planning efforts so that you can take full advantage of the media
at your disposal.
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16: Developing Presentations in a Social Media Environment
Organizing a Presentation
The possibilities for organizing a business presentation fall into two basic categories.
Linear presentations (e.g., typical PowerPoint presentation) are like printed documents in the sense
that they are outlined like conventional messages and follow a predefined flow from start to finish.
Appropriate for:

Technical and financial presentations
Other presentations in which you want to convey your message point by point
Nonlinear presentations (e.g., Prezi) don’t flow in any particularly direction but rather give the
presenter the option to move back and forth between topics and up and down in terms of level of
detail. Useful when you want to:

Show complicated relationships
Zoom in and out between the “big picture” and specific details
Explore complex visuals
Have the flexibility to move from topic to topic in any order
Prezi is sometimes viewed as more dynamic and engaging way, but keep several points in mind:

Always match the tool to the task, not the other way around.
Your message is what matters—not the software. If they are used poorly, even the best
software features only get in the way.
PowerPoint and other slide programs aren’t limited to creating boring, linear flows of bullet
Organizing a presentation involves the same tasks as organizing a written message:

Define your main idea.
Limit your scope.
Select the direct or indirect approach.
Outline your content.
Class discussion question: Have you tried nonlinear presentation tools such as Prezi? What do you
consider the strengths and weaknesses of this approach? How did your audience respond?
Defining Your Main Idea
Identify the most important message you want audience members to take away with them.
Make sure your purpose is based on a clear understanding of audience needs so that you can deliver
information your audience truly cares about.
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16: Developing Presentations in a Social Media Environment
Limiting Your Scope
Limiting your scope is particularly vital with presentations, for two reasons:

For most presentations, you must work within strict time limits.
You have audience attention for only a finite amount of time.
The only sure way to know how much material you can cover in a given time is to practice.
Factor in time for introductions, breaks, demonstrations, question-and-answer sessions, and anything
else that takes away from your speaking time.
Consider a hybrid approach by presenting key points in summary form and give people printed
handouts with additional detail.
Choosing Your Approach
For short presentations, organize your presentation much as you would a brief written message:

Use the direct approach if the subject involves routine information or good news.
Use the indirect approach if the subject involves negative news or persuasion.
For short presentations, plan your time well:

Introduction: spend a minute or two to arouse interest and to give a preview of what’s to
Body: be prepared to explain the who, what, when, where, why, and how of your subject.
Closing: review the points you’ve made, and close with a statement that will help your
audience remember the subject of your speech.
If the purpose of the presentation is to inform, use the direct approach and a structure imposed
naturally by the subject:

Spatial orientation
If your purpose of the presentation is to analyze, persuade, or collaborate, organize your material

Logical arguments
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16: Developing Presentations in a Social Media Environment
Use the direct approach if the audience is receptive, and the indirect approach if you expect
Presentations have one important advantage over written reports: you can readjust quickly if you need
Regardless of the length of your presentation, remember that simplicity of organization is especially
valuable in oral communication.
No matter what the length, look for opportunities to integrate storytelling into the structure of your
presentation. The dramatic tension at the heart of effective storytelling will capture and keep the
audience’s attention.
Preparing Your Outline
A presentation outline helps organize your message, and it serves as the foundation for delivering
your speech. Prepare your outline in several stages:

State your purpose and main idea and then use these to guide the rest of your planning.
Organize major points and subpoints in logical order, expressing each major point as a single,
complete sentence.
Identify major points in the body first and then outline the introduction and close.
Identify transitions between major points or sections, and then write these transitions in fullsentence form.
Prepare bibliography or source notes; highlight those sources you want to identify by name
during your talk.
Choose a compelling title. Make it brief, action oriented, and focused on what you can do for
the audience.
Prepare both a detailed planning outline and a simpler speaking outline that provides all the
cues and reminders you need to present the material.
To prepare an effective speaking outline, follow these steps:

Start with the planning outline. Then strip away what you don’t plan to say directly to the
Condense points and transitions to key words or phrases.
Add delivery cues, such as places where you plan to pause for emphasis or use visuals.
Arrange your notes on numbered cards or use the notes capability in your presentation
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16: Developing Presentations in a Social Media Environment
Section 2: Developing a Presentation
Learning Objective 2: Explain how to adapt to your audience and develop an effective opening, body, and
close for a presentation.
Although you usually don’t write out a presentation word for word, you still engage in the writing process

Developing your ideas
Structuring support points
Phrasing your transitions
Depending on the situation and your personal style, the eventual presentation might follow your initial
words closely, or you might express your thoughts in fresh, spontaneous language.
Adapting to Your Audience
The style of your presentation is influenced by several significant factors:

Audience size
Venue (in person or online)
Time available for preparation
Time allotted for your talk
If you’re speaking to a small group, particularly people you already know, you can use a casual style
that encourages audience participation. If you’re addressing a large audience, or if the event is
important, establish a more formal atmosphere.
Crafting Presentation Content
Like written documents, presentations are composed of distinct elements:

Presentation Introduction
A good introduction arouses the audience’s interest in your topic, establishes your credibility, and
prepares the audience for what will follow.
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16: Developing Presentations in a Social Media Environment
Arousing Audience Interest
Some subjects are naturally more interesting to some audiences than others.
If you will be discussing a matter of profound significance that will personally affect the
members of your audience, chances are they’ll listen.
Other subjects call for more imagination. Here are six ways to arouse audience interest:

Unite the audience around a common goal.
Tell a story. Well-told stories are naturally interesting and can be compelling.
Pass around product samples or other stories.
Ask a question to get the audience actively involved in your presentation.
Share a startling statistic.
Use humor, but make sure any comments are relevant, appropriate, and not offensive to
anyone in the audience.
Regardless of which technique you choose, make sure you can give audience members a reason
to care and to believe that the time they’re about to spend listening to you will be worth their
Building Your Credibility
In addition to grabbing the audience’s attention, your introduction needs to establish your
Techniques for building credibility vary, depending on whether you will be introducing yourself
or having someone else introduce you.
If another person will introduce you, he or she can present your credentials so that you won’t
appear boastful. However, make sure that the person introducing you doesn’t exaggerate your
qualifications; your credibility will probably go down rather than up if this happens.
If you will be introducing yourself, keep your comments simple. At the same time, don’t be afraid
to mention your accomplishments. Your listeners will be curious about your qualifications, so tell
them briefly who you are and why you’re the right person to be giving this presentation.
Previewing Your Message
In addition to arousing audience interest and establishing your credibility, a good introduction
gives audience members a preview of what’s ahead, helping them understand the structure and
content of the message. Your preview should:

Summarize the main idea of your presentation.
Identify major supporting points.
Indicate the order in which you’ll develop those points.
If you are using an indirect approach, the preview can discuss the nature of your main idea
without disclosing it.
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16: Developing Presentations in a Social Media Environment
Presentation Body
The bulk of your speech or presentation is devoted to a discussion of the main supporting points
from your outline.
Whether you’re using the direct or indirect approach, make sure the organization of your
presentation is clear and your presentation holds the audience’s attention.
Connecting Your Ideas
If using written documents, you can show how ideas are related on the page or screen by using a
variety of design clues, such as:

Paragraph indentations
However, with oral communication—particularly when you aren’t using visuals for support—you
have to rely primarily on words to link various parts and ideas.
For links between sentences and paragraphs, use transitional words and phrases:

in addition
in contrast
for example
Holding Your Audience’s Attention
After capturing the audience’s attention with your introduction, work to keep it throughout the
body of your presentation.
Remember, your audience can think and read faster than you can speak.
And with online presentations, where people in remote locations are sitting at their computers,
they may be tempted by numerous distractions.
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16: Developing Presentations in a Social Media Environment
Here are a few helpful tips for keeping the audience tuned into your message:

Relate your subject to your audience’s needs; people are naturally most interested in things
that affect them personally.
Anticipate your audience’s questions.
Use clear, vivid language. If your presentation will involve abstract ideas, show how those
abstractions connect with everyday life.
Explain the relationship between your subject and familiar ideas. Show how your subject is
related to ideas that the audience already understands and give people a way to categorize and
remember your points.
Ask for opinions or pause occasionally for questions or comments.
Illustrate your ideas with visuals.
Presentation Close
The close of a speech or presentation has two critical jobs to accomplish. Make sure your
listeners leave with:

The key points from your talk clear in their minds
An appropriate emotional state
Restating Your Main Points
Use the close to succinctly restate your main points, emphasizing what you want your listeners to
do or to think.
Ending with Clarity and Confidence
To ensure that you end the presentation on a strong note, take the following steps:

Confirm expectations regarding any actions or decisions that will follow the presentation.
Bolster the audience’s confidence in you and your message by retaining control.
Provide a clear wrap-up if the audience is expected to reach a decision or agree to take action.
Review the consensus if the audience agrees on an issue covered in the presentation.
Make the lack of consensus clear if they don’t agree.
Suggest a method of resolving any differences.
Explain who is responsible for doing what if you expect any action to occur.
List action items.
Establish due dates.
Assign responsibility for each task.
Make sure your final remarks are memorable and expressed in a tone appropriate to the situation.
Expressing confident optimism will send the message that you believe in your message and
ability to perform. Think through your closing remarks carefully before stepping in front of the
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16: Developing Presentations in a Social Media Environment
Section 3: Delivering a Presentation
Learning Objective 3: Discuss five steps for delivering a successful presentation.
Delivering a successful presentation starts well before you begin to speak; the first step is choosing the
best presentation method.
Choosing Your Presentation Method
Depending on the circumstance of your presentation, you can choose from a variety of delivery

Memorizing. Except for extremely short speeches, trying to memorize an entire presentation
is not a good idea. However, memorizing a quotation, an opening paragraph, and some strong
finishing remarks can bolster your confidence and strengthen your delivery.
Reading. On rare occasions, you may need to read your speech from a prepared script.
However, unless you’re required or expected to read your presentation verbatim, reading is
never a good choice.
Speaking from an outline or notes. Speaking with the help of an outline or note cards is
nearly always the easiest and most effective delivery mode.
Impromptu speaking. You may be called upon unexpectedly to give an impromptu or
extemporaneous speech on the spot, without any planning or practice. Take a few seconds to
identify the one key idea you want to share with the audience. If you are asked to speak on a
topic and simply don’t have the information at hand, don’t try to fake it.
Regardless of which delivery mode you use, be sure that you’re thoroughly familiar with your
subject. Knowing what you’re talking about is the best way to build your self-confidence.
Practicing Your Delivery
Practice is key to the success of presentations, no matter how much experience you have. Practice
helps ensure that you appear polished and confident, and it lets you verify the operation of visuals and
A day or two before you’re ready to step on stage for an important talk, consider the following
questions to make sure you and your presentation are ready:

Can you present your material naturally, without reading your slides?
Is the equipment working, and do you know how to work it?
Could you still make a compelling and complete presentation if you experience an equipment
failure and have to proceed without using your slides at all?
Is your timing on track?
Can you easily pronounce all the words you plan to use?
Have you anticipated likely questions and objections?
Copyright © 2018 Bovée and Thill LLC
16: Developing Presentations in a Social Media Environment
With experience, you’ll get a feel for how much practice is enough in any given situation. Practicing
helps keep you on track, helps you maintain a conversational tone with your audience, and boosts
your confidence and composure.
Preparing To Speak
In addition to knowing your material thoroughly and practicing your delivery, make sure that your
location is ready, you have everything you’ll need, and you’re prepared to address audiences from
other cultures, if that applies.
Whenever you can:

Scout the location for your presentation in advance.
Check the seating arrangement to make sure it’s appropriate for your needs and the
Verify the availability and operation of all the equipment and supplies you’re counting on.
Make sure you know how to get the file from your computer or other device to the projection
system, if applicable.
Consider using an interpreter if you’re addressing audience members who speak a different
native language.
Send the interpreter a copy of your speaking notes and visuals in advance of your
Team up with a sign-language interpreter if your audience is likely to include persons with
hearing impairments.
Take into account cultural differences in appearances, mannerisms, and other customs.
Overcoming Anxiety
Recognize that nervousness is an indication that you care about your audience, your topic, and the
occasion. These techniques will help you convert anxiety into positive energy:

Put yourself into a positive frame of mind.
Stop worrying about being perfect.
Prepare more material than necessary.
Practice, practice, practice—the more familiar you are with your material, the less panic
you’ll feel.
Visualize yourself in front of the audience, feeling confident, prepared, and able to handle
any situation that might arise.
Breathe slowly and deeply to maintain a sense of calm and confidence.
Be ready with your opening line.
Dress appropriately but as comfortably as possible.
Take a three-second break if you sense that you’re starting to race; pause and arrange your
notes or perform some other small task while taking several deep breaths.
Concentrate on your message and your audience, not on yourself.
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16: Developing Presentations in a Social Media Environment

Maintain eye contact with friendly audience members. Eye contact not only makes you
appear sincere, confident, and trustworthy but can give you positive feedback as well.
Keep going. Things usually get better as you move along, with each successful minute, giving
you more and more confidence.
Preparation is the best antidote for anxiety; it gives you confidence that you know your material and
that you can recover from any glitches you might encounter.
Confident delivery starts as soon as you become the focus of attention, before you even begin to
speak, so don’t rush. As you approach the front of the room:

Walk with confidence.
Breathe deeply.
Stand up straight.
Face your audience.
Adjust the microphone and other equipment.
Count to three slowly, and then scan the audience.
Make eye contact and smile.
Look away, count to three again.
Begin your presentation.
If you are nervous, this slow, controlled beginning will help you establish rapport and appear more
confident. Make sure your nonverbal signals also send a message of confidence. Use silence instead
of meaningless filler words; silence adds dramatic punch and gives the audience time to think about
your message.
Class discussion question: What steps have you taken in presentation or public speaking situations to
boost your confidence and reduce your anxiety level? Have you been able to convert anxiety into positive
energy? Have you ever had a full-on disaster with a presentation or speech? If so, how did you recover?
Handling Questions Responsively
Handing questions from the audience is often one of the most important aspects of a presentation.
Depending on the circumstances, you may answer questions as they come up, or you may have a
designated question-and-answer (Q&A) period near the end of your presentation.
Answering questions gives you a chance to:

Obtain important information.
Emphasize your main idea and supporting points.
Build enthusiasm for your point of view.
Whether or not you can establish ground rules for Q&A depends on the audience and the situation.
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16: Developing Presentations in a Social Media Environment
Don’t assume that you can handle whatever comes up without some preparation. Learn enough about
your audience members to get an idea of their concerns and think through answers to potential
When people ask questions, take the following steps to maximize the opportunity:

Pay attention to nonverbal signals to help determine what each person really means.
Repeat the question to confirm your understanding and ensure that the entire audience has
heard it.
Ask for clarification if the question is vague or confusing.
Give a simple, direct answer.
If you are asked a difficult or complex question, avoid the temptation to sidestep it:

If you don’t know the answer, don’t pretend that you do. Instead, offer to get a complete
answer as soon as possible.
Be on guard for audience members who use questions to make impromptu speeches or to take
control of your presentation.
If a question puts you on the hot seat, respond honestly but keep your cool:

Look the person in the eye.
Answer the question as well as you can.
Keep your emotions under control.
Defuse hostility by paraphrasing the question and confirm that you’ve understood it correctly.
Maintain a businesslike tone of voice and a pleasant expression.
Prepare the audience for the end of the presentation when your time is almost up.
Summarize the main idea of the presentation.
Thank people for their attention.
Conclude with the same confident demeanor you’ve had from the beginning.
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16: Developing Presentations in a Social Media Environment
Section 4: Incorporating Technology in Your Presentation
Learning Objective 4: Explain the growing importance of the backchannel in presentations, and list six
steps for giving effective presentations online.
Like most business communication, presentations have become high-tech affairs in many companies.
Two such aspects you will most likely encounter on the job are the backchannel and online presentations.
Embracing the Backchannel
Many business presentations these days involve more than just the spoken conversation between the
speaker and the audience.
By using Twitter and other digital media, audience members often carry on their own parallel
communication during a presentation via the backchannel.
The backchannel presents both risks and rewards for business presenters. On the negative side,
listeners can:

Research your claims the instant you make them.
Spread the word quickly if they think your information is shaky.
Gain more leverage, sometimes leading to presentations spinning out of control.
On the plus side, listeners who are excited about your message can:

Build support for it.
Expand on it and spread it to a much larger audience.
Provide valuable feedback during and after presentations.
Follow these tips to make the backchannel work for you:

Integrate social media into the presentation process.
Monitor and ask for feedback.
Review comments to improve your presentation.
Automatically tweet key points from your presentation while you speak.
Establish expectations with the audience.
Giving Presentations Online
Online presentations have become a routine matter in business communication.
They are conducted via internal groupware, virtual meeting systems, or webcast systems designed
specifically for online presentations. Therefore, your audience members will view your presentations
on a variety of devices.
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16: Developing Presentations in a Social Media Environment
The benefits of online presentations are considerable, by providing the opportunity to:

Communicate with a geographically dispersed audience.
Save significantly on the cost of travel.
Allow a project team or an entire organization to meet at a moment’s notice.
However, the challenges for a presenter can be significant due to the added layer of technology
between you and your audience.
To ensure successful online presentations, keep the following advice in mind:

Consider sending preview study materials ahead of time.
Rehearse using the system live, if at all possible.
Keep your presentation as simple as possible.
Ask for feedback frequently. Visual feedback is limited, making it hard to know when
audience members are confused, and many online viewers are reluctant to call attention to
Consider the viewing experience from the audience members’ point of view. Will they be
able to see what you think they can see?
Allow plenty of time for everyone to get connected and familiar with the screen they’re
Don’t get lost in the technology. Remember that the most important aspect of any
presentation is getting the audience to receive, understand, and embrace your message.
Copyright © 2018 Bovée and Thill LLC
Business Communication Today
Fourteenth Edition
Chapter 16
Developing Presentations in a
Social Media Environment
Copyright © 2018, 2015, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Learning Objectives
16.1 Describe the tasks involved in analyzing the situation
for a presentation and organizing a presentation.
16.2 Explain how to adapt to your audience and develop an
effective opening, body, and close for a presentation.
16.3 Discuss five steps for delivering a successful
16.4 Explain the growing importance of the backchannel in
presentations, and list six steps for giving effective
presentations online.
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Planning a Presentation
• LO 16.1 Describe the tasks involved in analyzing the
situation for a presentation and organizing a presentation.
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The Three-Step Process
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Analyzing the Situation
• Define Your Purpose
– Inform
– Persuade
– Collaborate
• Develop an Audience Profile
– Emotional State
– Comfort Level with Your Language
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Assessing the Environment
• Four Basic Seating Arrangements
– Classroom or Theater
– Conference Table
– Horseshoe or U-shaped
– Café Seating
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Selecting the Best Combination of Media
and Channels
Controlled Methods
Choice of Methods
Specific Software
Live, In-Person
Built-in Display
Webcasts or Screencasts
Online Meeting Software
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Organizing a Presentation
• Linear
– Outlined Like Conventional Messages
– Follow a Predefined Flow
• Nonlinear
– Doesn’t Flow in Any Particular Direction
– Allows Presenter to Move Back and Forth Between
• Select the Right Software
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Defining Your Main Idea
• One-Sentence Summary
– Subject
– Purpose
– Audience
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Limiting Your Scope
• Work Within Time Constraints
• Hold Audience’s Attention
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Choosing Your Approach
• Shorter Presentations
– Direct approach for routine information or good news
– Indirect approach for bad news or persuasion
• Longer Presentations:
– Direct approach to motivate or inform
– Indirect approach to analyze, persuade, or collaborate
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Preparing Your Outline
• State the Purpose and Main Idea
• Organize the Points and Sub-Points
• Identify Major Points Throughout
• Plan Transitions Between Sections
• Prepare a Bibliography or Source Notes
• Choose a Compelling Title
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Creaking a Speaking Outline
• Simplify the Planning Outline
• Condense Points
• Add Delivery Cues
• Arrange Your Notes
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Crafting Presentation Content
• LO 16.2 Explain how to adapt to your audience and
develop an effective opening, body, and close for a
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Adapting to Your Audience
Small Groups
Large Audiences
Conversational Tone
Formal Tone
Conference Room
State or Platform
Invite Comments
Limit Participation
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Developing the Presentation
• Distinct Elements
– Introduction
– Body
– Close
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Presentation Introduction
• Arousing Audience Interest
• Establishing Your Credibility
• Previewing Your Message
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Arousing Audience Interest
• State Your Purpose and Main Idea
• Organize Your Major Points and Subpoints
• Identify Major Points
• Identify Transitions Between Major Points
• Prepare Your Bibliography
• Choose a Compelling Title
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Establishing Your Credibility
• Have Another Person Introduce You
• Introduce Yourself Humbly and Simply
• Inform Audience Why You Are the Right Person for This
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Previewing Your Message
• Summarize the Main Idea
• Identify Major Supporting Points
• Indicate the Order in Which You’ll Develop the Points
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Presentation Body
• Presenting Your Main Points
• Connecting Your Ideas
• Holding Your Audience’s Attention
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Presentation Close
• Restating Your Main Points
• Ending With Clarity and Confidence
• Providing a Clear Wrap-Up
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Delivering a Presentation
• LO 16.3 Discuss five steps for delivering a successful
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Choosing Your Presentation Method
• Memorizing
• Reading
• Speaking from an Outline Or Notes
• Impromptu Speaking
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Practicing Your Delivery
• Can You Present Your Material Naturally?
• Is the Equipment Working?
• Can You Make a Compelling Presentation Without
• Is Your Timing on Track?
• Can You Easily Pronounce All the Words You Plan To
• Have You Anticipated Questions and Objections?
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Preparing to Speak
• Plan Your Presentation in Advance
– Check the Seating Arrangements
– Check Equipment and Supplies
– Plan for Multicultural Audiences
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Overcoming Anxiety (1 of 2)
• Have a Positive Mindset
• Don’t Worry About Being Perfect
• Know Your Subject
• Practice, Practice, Practice
• Visualize Success
• Remember to Breathe
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Overcoming Anxiety (2 of 2)
• Be Ready with Your Opening Line
• Be Comfortable
• Take a Three-Second Break
• Concentrate on Your Message and Audience
• Maintain Eye Contact
• Keep Going
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Speaking With Confidence
• Controlled Beginning
• Confident Posture
• Make Eye Contact
• Send Confident Nonverbal Signals
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Handing Questions Responsively (1 of 2)
• Establishing Ground Rules
• Preparing to Answer Questions
• Noticing Nonverbal Signals
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Handing Questions Responsively (2 of 2)
• Responding to Difficult Questions
• Controlling Your Presentation
• Controlling Your Emotions
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Incorporating Technology in Your
• LO 16.4 Explain the growing importance of the
backchannel in presentations, and list six steps for giving
effective presentations online.
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Embracing the Backchannel
• The Audience Creates This Line of Communication
• Challenges
– Risk of Criticism
– Loss of Control
• Opportunities
– Audience Support
– Valuable Feedback
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Working the Backchannel
• Integrate Social Media into the Presentation Process
• Monitor and Ask for Feedback
• Review Comments
• Automatically Tweet Key Points
• Establish Expectation with the Audience
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Giving Online Presentations
Cost Savings
“Digital Divide”
“Human Moments”
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Ensuring Successful Online
Presentations (1 of 2)
• Send Preview Materials
• Rehearse Using the System
• Keep Presentation Simple
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Ensuring Successful Online
Presentations (2 of 2)
• Ask for Feedback Frequently
• Consider the Audience’s Point of View
• Give Everyone Time to Get Connected
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