Please follow the direction provided below
Also use the template build in the direction page 8-11
1 elementary and 1 for secondary
ELSE 6193 Laboratory Experience
Assessment Module-Elementary
100 Points
Updated 8/12/2024
Guidelines for Assessment Module
Select a special education student within the
Kindergarten through sixth grade range that you will target for individual projects during the Assessment Module. This student may have either academic or behavioral needs but should NOT only be identified for Speech and Language. The child may not be your own child or any child in your personal care (foster children, relatives etc. are not permissible subjects for this assignment). Prior to gaining access to the student’s special education file and conducting an informal assessment, you
MUST obtain written consent from the parent/guardian of the child. The permission slip is included in this Assessment Module. Assure the parent that all findings will be confidential, and the child’s name will be changed.
Purpose – Special Education teachers in the field are expected to understand the assessment process and expected to interpret assessment data from other reports. The LAB student will be able to take the findings of an assessment and develop informal assessments aimed at determining specific strengths and weaknesses and link them to an instructional plan for the target student. This assessment should be fully created by the Lab student rather than pulled from internet sources.
Note: The Lab student is creating an informal assessment and as such should not use any testing resources (ex. Diboll’s, STAR Reading etc.)
Students, who are not currently teaching in a classroom, will need to contact their mentor for assistance to gain access to a target student and the student’s special education records.
Once access to the target student’s file is obtained, complete the following parts of the Assessment Module and write a report containing all the information using the template provided.
Part 1: Identifying the Data/Background Information
The purpose of this section of the module is to obtain all the background information on the student that will assist you as a teacher in understanding where the child comes from and how he/she was placed in a special education setting.
Once you have retrieved the information from the student’s file, you will compile your findings into a detailed written report. The information will be graded using the Assessment Module Rubric included in this assignment.
This paper should be double-spaced, using 12-point type and Times New Roman font.
Following is the information to find from the target student’s file.
· Give student/parents a fictitious name that you will use throughout this module.
· Description of the family (i.e. family background, siblings, etc.)
· Birth date, age, gender and grade
· Thorough description of student (i.e. include any health issues, birth history, achievement of developmental milestones, history of education, previous diagnosis and special education settings/services etc.)
· Thorough description of placement (give amount of time in all settings)
· Eligibility criteria (under what disability is the child being served?)
· Description of related services (i.e. speech, P.T., O.T. etc.)
Assessment Module Part 2: Diagnostic Summary
Using the same special education student’s file, you will write a report and include the following information.
Identification of Test and Scoring: You will need to provide the following from the student’s file:
· Tests administered to the student- both formal and informal.
Provide the name and description of the test to include: purpose of test, ages it was developed for, etc.
· Provide the test results. This should be done within a table format if at all possible.
In your own words, interpret/explain the meaning of the scores of each test given.
Conclusion or Summary of Findings (Summary and Explanation of Scores):
In this section you will summarize the findings of the evaluation and make some final conclusions based upon the information that the test scores revealed.
In your own words, discuss the findings from the evaluation report. For example: The conclusion of the evaluation report states that “Jack” has significant delays in the area of reading comprehension. Your summary will obviously be more than one sentence as it should be specific about skills that Jack lacks and how they will be addressed instructionally. Tell whether you agree with the diagnosis and the findings. If you disagree, explain why.
Strengths & Needs: Identify the student’s strengths and weaknesses by making a list.
Recommendations: What do you recommend for this child?
· Include a minimum of three instructional techniques /strategies for each area of weakness, making sure they are supported by the details within the diagnostic summary.
Assessment Module Part 3: Formal Observation
As part of the Assessment Module, you will conduct a formal observation of the target student. Plan on observing the child in at least two settings that would be considered part of the child’s natural environment. For example: home setting, school setting, and or during a play session in the child’s natural environment. Note: A classroom observation is required. Be sure to include the date, time and length of observation. You will write this observation up as an Anecdotal Report.
The purpose of the observations is to get an overall view/ impression of the child’s skills. You might consider the following questions:
· How independently does the child function?
· How does the child communicate with others?
· How effectively does the child use social skills?
· How effectively does the child use motor skills?
· How effectively does the child use adaptive behavior skills?
· What types of cognitive skills were exhibited?
· Discuss child’s ability to attend to a task
· Discuss the child’s academic performance during a classroom observation.
Be sure to describe the physical environment, such as:
· Seating arrangements (if applicable)
· Lighting
· Noise level
· Distractions
· Climate
· Atmosphere: Is the classroom/home warm and accepting
· General Layout: Type and placement of furniture; amount and type of space
Consider the learning environment, such as:
· Types and variety of materials used
· Manipulative
· Learning activities
· Instruction
al Demands
· Modifications
· Grouping
· Instruction
· Expectations
· Student Involvement
· Assessment
· Curriculum
· Schedule
· Transitions
Consider the Social Environment:
· Teacher
/Parent/Caregiver/ student interactions
· Behavioral supports and interventions made on behalf of the student
· Peer interactions
· General atmosphere: is there a positive climate?
Once you have completed the observations, you will compile your findings into a written report (Anecdotal Report). Give a detailed description of what you observed followed by a summary of findings. End your report with recommendations for changing the behavior/academic skill or making improvements. Base your recommendations upon what you observed. The report will be graded using the Formal Observation section of the rubric included in this assignment.
The written report should be no more than four pages and double-spaced, using 12-point type and Times New Roman font.
Part 4: Informal Assessment –
Refer to the assessment material within the student’s folder. Using the assessment material
develop an informal assessment to get current information about the student’s weakness.
Note: The Lab student is creating an informal assessment and as such should not use any testing resources (ex. Diboll’s, STAR Reading etc.)
The purpose of the Informal Assessment is to provide current information about the skills of the child. The Informal Assessment should target an academic skill within the disability area of the student. (Reading, Math, Written Expression, or a combination of two, etc.). The Informal Assessment should be the type of assessment that any educator could administer upon receiving the child. An example of an Informal Assessment could be in the target area of math, for example; the student is having trouble with addition. A probe that is appropriate is a sampling of math problems that the child would be given to see if he or she can perform the skills with mastery. You can also find instructions and examples of Informal Assessments at:
The Informal Assessment must be tied directly to the student’s weaknesses. The informal assessment must be created by you. It cannot be a commercially prepared instrument. You will write a defendable summary of why the Informal Assessment is appropriate for the target student.
After administering the informal assessment to the target student, you will score it and interpret the results, and summarize your findings. Using the results of the informal assessment, you will include recommendations for improving the areas assessed. Upload a copy/scan of the child’s completed informal assessment. Also upload a blank version of the informal assessment (note directions for administering the assessment is required).
Part 5: Reflection of Module. You need to reflect on each part of the module in a narrative.
a) Tell process you used to complete the Assessment Module
How you feel the Assessment Module process went with your target student,
What changes/improvements within your informal assessment would you make to the Assessment Module. Provide examples and explanation of why you would make the changes.
d) What is your overall feeling of the Assessment Module Process
Part 6: Videos: In addition to a written interpretation of the scores, the Lab student will be required to provide two video presentations explaining the scores and their meanings. The videos will need to be uploaded to YouTube. When uploading these into YouTube, be sure that you select the “unlisted” option. Once the videos are successfully uploaded to YouTube, copy, and paste the links into the comments section of Blackboard in the work submission portal. Once this is done, click on the link to make sure that it will open. Please, send your link to friends and your mentor and have them ensure your link works.
Note: If the professor and/or AA are not able to open the video on the first submission, there will be no resubmissions of video links. Please, make sure your links are active and able to be opened prior to submitting.
Video Guidelines:
You will need a way to video yourself. This could be your phone, IPAD, tablet, computer camera, video camera. Keep in mind that whichever method is used, that you must be able to upload the video to YouTube.
Video 1:
1. You will first need to video yourself discussing the testing information you have reviewed in the child’s folder, i.e. interpretation of scores. When making this video, you need to present your information as though you were discussing the results with the parent of the child and/or the classroom teacher. Assume that your audience has no prior knowledge of the terms and vocabulary used in the “assessment world.” This needs to be presented in layman’s terms.
A sample video will be provided by the instructor for the purpose of providing guidance and expectations. Your video should be no more than 10 minutes in length. The following items should be addressed within the video.
-Brief description of the student and purpose of testing.
-State name of each test given, purpose of test, briefly describe what the student had to do in each part of the test and share the results to include (if available):
· Age
/grade level
· Percentile rank
· Standard score
· Specific skills that were noted as strengths and needs
-After discussing each test and results, the student will discuss the conclusions of all of the testing and how the results link to the current diagnosis and eligibility for services.
2. Upload the video to YouTube, cut and paste the links into the comments area, and submit with your assessment report to bblearn so that both may be viewed and graded.
Video 2:
1. After administrating and scoring the informal assessment, the Lab student will video tape him/herself explaining the process used for the assessment and the results. Your video should be no more than 10 minutes long. The following items should be addressed within the video.
-Describe the assessment, what skills you are assessing, and how to score it.
-Describe the student’s behavior during the assessment. Do you feel the student gave his/her best effort? Was the student compliant, distracted, etc.?
-Describe the results of the student’s assessment. What type of score did the test yield? What were the student’s strengths and weaknesses? Do you feel the assessment gave you the information you were looking for? What changes would you make in the assessment and the process? Do the results correlate to the results that were found the in the diagnostic summary that was in the student’s folder?
2. Upload the video to YouTube, cut and paste the links into the comments area, and submit with your assessment report to bblearn so that both may be viewed and graded.
Turning Assessment Module in:
· Be sure to use Microsoft Word.
All parts of the assignment shall be in one document with video links pasted into the comments area. Scan your permission slip onto the last page of the document. Submit your finished product to Blackboard Learn.
Template, Permission Slip and Rubric can be found below.
When submitting the assignment, do not submit the directions to the assignment or the rubric as this will falsely increase your Safe Assign score. Just submit the completed template, informal assessment documents and the permission slip.
Part 1: Background
General Information:
Student Name:_______________________________ Age: ________________ DOB: ___________ Gender: __________________
Teacher: ________________________________ Grade: _____ School: ________________________
Parent/Guardian Name:
Dates of Evaluation:
Date of Evaluation Conference:
Description of Family:
Family History:
Description of Student:
(Include any health issues, birth history, achievement of developmental milestones, history of education, previous diagnosis and special education settings/services etc)
Description of Placement (previous and current):
Give amount of time in all settings
Eligibility Criteria/History of Education:
Under which disability is the child being served? Note: this can NOT be only Speech and Language.
Current Diagnosis:
Related Services:
Part 2: Test & Scores
Provide the name and description of the test to include: purpose of test, ages it was developed for, etc.
Provide the test results. This must be done within a table format- you may expand upon the table created here or recreate your own, but a table is required here.
Assessment Administered
Description of Assessment
Purpose of Assessment
Age/disability most appropriate for Assessment
Conclusion or Summary of Findings: summarize the findings of the evaluation and make some final conclusions based upon the information that the test scores revealed.
Statement of agreement with results/findings:
Strengths & Needs: Identify the student’s strengths and weaknesses by making a list.
Recommendations: What do you recommend for this child- give FOUR? Include a minimum of three instructional techniques /strategies for each area of weakness, making sure they are supported by the details within the diagnostic summary.
Part 3: Formal Observations
you will conduct a formal observation of the target student. Plan on observing the child in at least two settings that would be considered part of the child’s natural environment. For example: home setting, school setting, and or during a play session in the child’s natural environment. Note: A classroom observation is required. You should complete the ABC chart during your observations and include that chart here noting the child’s behavior every 5 minutes as done in your PBIS course. Note: do NOT submit any handwritten notes or charts- please type your notes into the chart to maintain professionalism.
Date/Time/Length |
Activity |
Antecedent |
Behavior |
Consequence |
Date/time/Length that behavior occurred |
What activity was occurring when behavior occurred? |
What happened right before the behavior that may have triggered the behavior? |
What did the behavior look like? |
What happened after or as a result of the behavior? |
Anecdotal Report:
· How independently does the child function?
· How does the child communicate with others?
· How effectively does the child use social skills?
· How effectively does the child use motor skills?
· How effectively does the child use adaptive behavior skills?
· What types of cognitive skills were exhibited?
· Discuss child’s ability to attend to a task
· Discuss the child’s academic performance during a classroom observation.
Physical Environment:
· Seating arrangements (if applicable)
· Lighting
· Noise level
· Distractions
· Climate
· Atmosphere: Is the classroom/home warm and accepting
· General Layout: Type and placement of furniture; amount and type of space
Learning Environment:
· Types and variety of materials used
· Manipulative
· Learning activities
· Instructional Demands
· Modifications
· Grouping
· Instruction
· Expectations
· Student Involvement
· Assessment
· Curriculum
· Schedule
· Transitions
Behavioral Observations:
· Teacher/Parent/Caregiver/ student interactions
· Behavioral supports and interventions made on behalf of the student
· Peer interactions
· General atmosphere: is there a positive climate?
· Academic Performance of student
Recommendations: 3 recommendations for changing the behavior/academic skill or making improvements. Base your recommendations upon what you observed and make sure you clearly link it all together.
Part 4: Informal Assessment
Interpretation and Summary of findings:
· Detailed and accurate description of the current level of functioning of the student with ELN
· Detailed and accurate interpretation of student’s performance.
· Defendable summary of why the assessment is appropriate for the student with ELN.
· Results are clear and concise.
Recommendations (minimum of 3):
Blank Assessment:
Completed and Scored Assessment:
Part 5: Reflection
Process used to complete the Assessment Module:
How you feel the Assessment Module process went with your target student,
What changes/improvements within your informal assessment would you make to the Assessment Module. Provide examples and explanation of why you would make the changes.
What is your overall feeling of the Assessment Module Process?
***Make sure you remove all directions, keep all headers, and check the rubric on the next page (use it as a checklist to ensure all gradable parts of the assignment are included***
Assessment Module Rubric
Acceptable |
Unacceptable |
1:General Information Standard 4: ISCI4S1 (Gather relevant background information) |
The candidate demonstrates exemplary skill in gathering relevant background information about the target child. Report includes all of the following: · student name · parents’ name · DOB · Age · Gender · Grade · School · Teacher (All names are fictitious)
5 points |
The candidate demonstrates acceptable skill in gathering relevant background information about the target child. Report includes all of the following: · student name (All names are fictitious) 4 points |
The candidate does not demonstrate acceptable skill in gathering relevant background information about the target child. Report does not include all of the following: · student name
3 points |
2:Background Information Standard 4: IGC4K3 |
The candidate demonstrates exemplary skill in gathering relevant background information about the target child which is gained from family and public agencies. Report includes all of the following: · description of family background · description of health issues · description of birth/developmental history · history of education · previous testing and special education settings/services · previous and current placement · previous and current diagnosis 3 points |
The candidate demonstrates acceptable skill in gathering relevant background information about the target child which is gained from family and public agencies. Report includes all of the following: · description of family background · current placement · current diagnosis
2 points |
The candidate does not demonstrate acceptable skill in gathering relevant background information about the target child which is gained from family and public agencies. Report does not include all of the following: · description of family background
1 point |
Exemplary 3 points |
Acceptable 2 points |
Unacceptable 1 point |
3:Use and limitations of assessments Standard 4: ISCI 4K4 |
Candidate demonstrates exemplary knowledge of both formal and informal assessments given. Provides a detailed description of each assessment and purpose of the assessment instrument. 3 Points |
Candidate demonstrates basic knowledge of both formal and informal assessments given. Provides a general description of each assessment instrument. 2 Points |
Candidate demonstrates limited knowledge of both formal and informal assessments given. Candidate identifies only the formal or the informal assessments, and /or provides little or no description of each assessment instrument. 1 Point |
4:Using assessment information to determine eligibility and Identification of strengths and weaknesses Standard 4: ISCI 4S6 |
The candidate demonstrates exemplary skill in using assessment information in making eligibility, program, and placement decisions for individuals with exceptionalities · Provides detailed summary of the findings of the evaluation and makes some final conclusions based upon the information that the test scores revealed. · Provides a statement that agrees or disagrees with the findings of the evaluation. · Provides a detailed list of strengths and weaknesses that are directly linked to assessment data. 3 points |
The candidate demonstrates acceptable skill in using assessment information in making eligibility, program, and placement decisions for individuals with exceptionalities. Provides a general summary of the findings of the evaluation and makes some final conclusions based upon the information that the test scores revealed. · Provides a statement that agrees or disagrees with the findings of the evaluation. Provides a list of strengths and weaknesses that are directly linked to assessment data. 2 points |
The candidate does not demonstrate acceptable skill in using assessment information in making eligibility, program, and placement decisions for individuals with exceptionalities. Provides limited or no summary of the findings of the evaluation · Final conclusions are not based upon the information that the test scores revealed. Or conclusion is vague. · Provides no statement that agrees or disagrees with the findings of the evaluation. Or statement is vague and unclear. Provides limited or no list of strengths and weaknesses that may or may not be directly linked to assessment data. 1 point |
5:Analysis: Recommendations Standard 5: ISCI 5S15 |
The candidate demonstrates exemplary skill in selecting instructional strategies and materials according to the characteristics of the individual with exceptionalities. · Provides a minimum of four recommend-dations; stating instructional techniques/strategies. · All instructional techniques/strategies are linked to the assessment data. 3 points |
The candidate demonstrates acceptable skill in selecting instructional strategies and materials according to the characteristics of the individual with exceptionalities. · Provides a minimum of three recommend-dations ; stating instructional techniques/strategies. All instructional techniques/strategies are linked to the assessment data. 2 points |
The candidate demonstrates unacceptable skill in selecting instructional strategies and materials according to the characteristics of the individual with exceptionalities. · Provides less than three recommend-dations; stating instructional techniques/strategies. Instructional techniques/strategies may or may not be linked to the assessment data. OR Candidate fails to provide recommendations. 1 point |
6:Date and Time of Formal Observation |
Report includes: · Date · time · length of the observation Information is in Anecdotal Report form. 3 points |
Report includes the following: · date · time of observation Information is in Anecdotal Report form. 2 points |
Report includes only one of the following : · date · or is not in Anecdotal Report form. 1 point |
7:Purpose of Report And observation of skills: Evaluate Instruction/Monitor Progress of Individuals with Exceptionalities Standard 4 ISCI 4S8 |
Candidate provides detailed purpose of observation and includes answers to all of the following questions: 1. How independently does the child function? 2. How does the child communicate with others? 3. How effectively does the child use social skills? 4. How effectively does the child use motor skills? 5. How effectively does the child use adaptive behavior skills? 6. What types of cognitive skills were exhibited? 5 points |
Candidate provides a general statement which gives the purpose of observation and includes answers to 4 out of the 6 following questions: 1. How independently does the child function? |
Candidate provides a vague statement of purpose for the observation. Answers only 3 of the 6 questions? 1. How independently does the child function? 3 points |
8:Learning Environment Standard 2: ISCI 2K1 |
Candidate demonstrates exemplary knowledge of the demands of the learning environment: Provides detailed description of the learning environment; including all of the following : · materials used; · learning activities, · instructional demands, · modifications, · grouping, · expectations, · student involvement, · curriculum, · assessment, · schedule · transitions. 3 points |
Candidate demonstrates acceptable knowledge of the demands of the learning environment: Provides general description and includes 8 of the following: · materials used; |
Candidate demonstrates unacceptable knowledge of the demands of the learning environment: Provides minimal or no description of setting and description does not clearly address the following: · materials used; · transitions. Includes 7 or less of the items. 1 point |
9:Physical Environment Standard 2: IGC2K2 |
Candidate demonstrates exemplary knowledge of assessing the physical environment. Includes a detailed description that includes all of the following: · seating arrangements, · lighting, · noise level, · distractions, · climate/atmosphere · general layout of the classroom. 3 points |
Candidate demonstrates adequate knowledge of assessing the physical environment. Includes a general description that includes 4 of the 6 following elements: · seating arrangements, · distractions, · Climate/atmosphere · general layout of the classroom. 2 points |
Candidate demonstrates little or no knowledge of assessing the physical environment . Includes a vague description that includes 3 or fewer of the following elements: · seating arrangements, · lighting, · noise level, · distractions, · climate/atmosphere and general layout of the classroom. 1 point |
10:Behavioral Observations Standard 4: IGC4 4S1 |
Candidate demonstrates exemplary skill in assessing and reporting both appropriate and problematic social behaviors and academic skills of individuals with ELN: Writes an organized, detailed, and clear, description of the behaviors/skills observed. Includes all of the following: · teacher/parent/ caregiver/student interactions · behavioral supports and interventions made on behalf of the student · peer interaction, · general atmosphere of the classroom. · Academic performance of student 3 points |
Candidate demonstrates acceptable skill in assessing and reporting both appropriate and problematic social behaviors and academic skills of individuals with ELN: writes an adequate description of the behaviors/skills observed. To include the following: · teacher/parent/ · peer interaction · academic performance of student 2 points |
Candidate demonstrates unacceptable skill in assessing and reporting both appropriate and problematic social behaviors and academic skills of individuals with ELN: Description of behaviors is unorganized and unclear and does not include all of the following: · teacher/parent/ · behavioral supports and interventions made on behalf of the student · peer interaction, · academic performance of the student 1 point |
11: Discussion/Summary Standard 4: ISCI4S5 |
Candidate demonstrates exemplary skill in summarizing and interpreting information from the formal observation(s) of the environment, student’s academic performance, and student’s behavior. Summary includes all elements below: · Detailed interpretation of the data collected. · Conclusions by providing examples/data from the observation. 3 points |
Candidate demonstrates acceptable skill in summarizing and interpreting observations of the environment , student’s academic performance and behavior . Summary Includes all elements below: · Interpretation of the data collected. · Conclusions |
Candidate demonstrates unacceptable skill in summarizing and interpreting observations of the environment, student’s academic skills and student’s behavior. Did not include or partially included the elements below: · Interpretation of the data collected. |
12:Recommendations Standard 4: ISCI 4S6 |
The student demonstrates exemplary skill in using assessment information in making programming decisions for individuals with ELN: States a minimum of three detailed recommendations for implementing change for improvement. Suggestions relate directly to behaviors observed. 3 points |
The student demonstrates acceptable skill in using assessment information in making programming decisions for individuals with ELN: States a minimum of two recommendations for implementing change for improvement. Suggestions relate directly to behaviors observed. 2 points |
The student demonstrates unacceptable skill in using assessment information in making programming decisions for individuals with ELN: Fails to state realistic suggestions or only makes one recommendation for implementing change or for improvement. 1 point |
Part 4: Informal Assessment |
13:Uses exceptionality-specific assessment instrument Standard 4: IGC4S2 |
Candidate demonstrates exemplary skill in developing and using exceptionality –specific assessment instruments with individuals with exceptionalities. · The informal assessment addresses disability/ weaknesses noted in the student’s diagnostic summary. · The target student’s greatest area of need is addressed in the informal assessment. 3 points |
Candidate demonstrates acceptable skill in developing and using exceptionality –specific assessment instruments with individuals with exceptionalities. · The informal assessment addresses disability/ weaknesses noted in the student’s diagnostic summary. |
Candidate demonstrates unacceptable skill in developing and using exceptionality –specific assessment instruments with individuals with exceptionalities. · The informal assessment does not address disability/weaknesses noted in the student’s diagnostic summary. 1 point |
14:Formal Assessment is used to develop informal assessment Standard 4: ISCI4S4 |
Candidate developed individualized assessment strategies using the information from the formal assessments. 3 points |
Candidate developed individualized assessment strategies using some information from the formal assessments. 2 points |
Candidate did not develop an individualized assessment using information from the formal assessments. 1 point |
15:Informal Assessment is well designed Standard 4: IGC4S3 |
Candidate demonstrates exemplary skill in designing and adapting an assessment instrument to accommodate the unique needs of individuals with exceptionalities. All of the following criteria are met. • Directions for administration are clear • Instrument is appropriate for target student • Formatting of instrument is neat and provides ample space for responses and scoring. •Directions for scoring and interpretation are clear. 3 points |
Candidate demonstrates acceptable skill in designing and adapting an assessment instrument to accommodate the unique needs of individuals with exceptionalities. Three of the criteria are met. • Directions for administration are clear 2 points |
Candidate does not demonstrate acceptable skill in designing and adapting an assessment instrument to accommodate the unique needs of individuals with exceptionalities. Less than three of the criteria are met. • Directions for administration are clear • Instrument is appropriate for Target student • Formatting of instrument is neat and provides ample space for responses and scoring. 1 point |
16:Interpret and Use information for programming decisions Standard 4: ISCI 4S5 |
Candidate demonstrates exemplary skill in summarizing and interpreting results of informal assessment. Includes: · Detailed and accurate description of the current level of functioning of the student with ELN · A minimum of 3 recommendations for improving the skill. 3 points |
Candidate demonstrates acceptable skill in summarizing and interpreting results of informal assessment. Includes: · An accurate description of the current level of functioning of the student with ELN · Accurate interpretation of student’s performance. · Defendable summary of why the assessment is appropriate for the student with ELN. · A minimum of 2 recommendations for improving the skill. 2 points |
Candidate demonstrates unacceptable skill in summarizing and interpreting results of informal assessment. Includes: · An inaccurate or vague description of the current level of functioning of the student with ELN · Inaccurate or vague interpretation of student’s performance. · summary of why the assessment is appropriate for the student with ELN is vague. · Fewer than 2 recommendations for improving the skill. 1 point |
17:Uses Effective Communication skills Standard 4: ISCI 4S7 |
The candidate demonstrates exemplary skill in reporting assessment results to all stakeholders using effective communication skills. Results are clear and concise. No spelling, usage, or grammatical errors present. 3 points |
The candidate demonstrates acceptable skill in reporting assessment results to all stakeholders using effective communication skills. Results are clear. No more than 3 spelling, usage, or grammatical errors present. 2 points |
The candidate demonstrates unacceptable skill in reporting assessment results to all stakeholders using effective communication skills. Results are unclear and unorganized. More than three spelling, usage, or grammatical errors present. 1 point |
Part 5: Reflection |
18:Reflection of Assessment Module Standard 6 ISCI 6S11 |
Answers all the questions: a) Tell process you used to complete the Assessment Module b) How you feel the Assessment Module process went with your target student, c) What changes/improvements within your informal assessment would you make in the Assessment Module d) Provide examples and explanation of why you would make the changes? e) What is your overall feeling of the Assessment Module Process? 1 0 points |
Answers 3 of the questions: a) Tell process you used to complete the Assessment Module c) What changes/improvements within your informal assessment would you make Assessment Module d) Provide examples and explanation of why you would make the changes? 7 points |
Answers 2 of the questions: a) Tell process you used to complete the Assessment Module d) Provide examples and explanation of why you would make the changes? e) What is your overall feeling of the Assessment Module Process? |
19. Permission Slip |
Parent permission slip is completed and is included. 5 points |
Parent permission slip is not complete and/or is not included. 0 points |
20. Follows Directions |
Overall quality of the module was exceptional: The candidate followed all formatting directions for completing the assignment. All sections contained the required elements and were well developed. 10 points |
Overall quality of the module was adequate: May have not followed all formatting directions, but document was easy to comprehend. All sections contained the required elements. 7 points |
Overall quality of the module was poor: Did not follow the formatting directions. Document was difficult to read and to understand. Some of the sections were missing required elements. 5 points |
PART 6: Video |
21. Video 1: Interpretation of Test Scores |
Candidate demonstrates exemplary skill in interpreting and presenting scores to stakeholders. -Provided a detailed explanation of the purpose of each test. -Provided correct and detailed interpretation of all testing results in a manner that non- educators would understand. -Provided a conclusion of the results and how they link to the diagnosis and eligibility of special education services. Video Quality: Video was easy to hear and see. 10 points |
Candidate demonstrates adequate skill in interpreting and presenting scores to stakeholders. -Provided a brief explanation of the purpose of each test. The listener may not have a complete understanding of the test’s components and purpose. -Provided correct interpretation of all testing results in a manner that most non- educators would understand. Parts of the explanation could have been too technical. -Provided a conclusion of the results and how they link to the diagnosis and eligibility of special education services. Video Quality: Video may have been somewhat difficult to hear or see but understandable. 7 points |
Candidate demonstrates limited skill in interpreting and presenting scores to stakeholders. -Does not provide explanation of the purpose of each test. Some elements of the explanation are missing. -Does not provide correct interpretation of all testing results in a manner that non- educators would understand. -The conclusion of the results is vaguely linked to the diagnosis and eligibility of special education services. OR no conclusion is present. -Video quality was poor: Video was not easy to hear and/or see. 5 points |
22. Video 2: Informal Assessment |
Candidate demonstrates exemplary skill in reporting results of assessments. -Provided detailed description of assessment, skills assessed and scoring. -Provided information about student behavior during assessment – Discussed type of score the test yielded. -Discussed student’s strengths and weaknesses -Discussed effectiveness of assessment and needed changes. -Discussed correlation of results with previous assessments. -Video Quality: Video was easy to hear and see. 10 points |
Candidate demonstrates adequate skill in reporting results of assessments. -Provided general description of assessment, skills assessed and scoring. -Discussed student’s strengths and weaknesses -Discussed correlation of results with previous assessments. Video Quality: Video may have been somewhat difficult to hear or see but understandable. 7 points |
Candidate demonstrates limited skill in reporting results of assessments. -Provided incomplete description of assessment, skills assessed and scoring. -Did not completely discuss student’s strengths and weaknesses, -Discussion of effectiveness of assessment and needed changes was vague. -Video quality was poor: Video was not easy to hear and/or see. 5 points |
Comments: |
Total Points ______/100 points |
This form must be completed and submitted for
an Elementary K-6th student and a Secondary 7th-12th student as part of the ELSE 6193 Laboratory Experience course requirements.
Parent/Guardian Name: ___________________________________________
Child’s Name: _________________________________________________
ASU Graduate Candidate Name: _____________________________________________
My signature below grants my permission for ASU Graduate Candidate
(list graduate candidate name)
to administer educational tests to my child and to review my child’s special education records for the purpose of completing course requirements (ELSE 6193) at Arkansas State University.
I understand that these test results are solely for academic purposes and will not be used for placement or programming decisions. All information gathered, including my child’s educational records, will be handled with strict confidentiality and used only to fulfill the requirements of the Laboratory Experience for the student pursuing a Master’s degree or licensure in special education.
Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________
Date: ___________________
ELSE 6193 Laboratory Experience
Assessment Module-Elementary
100 Points
Updated 1/4/22
Guidelines for Assessment Module
Select a special education student within the
7th – 12th grade range that you will target for individual projects during the Assessment Module. This student may have either academic or behavioral needs but should NOT only be identified for Speech and Language. The child may not be your own child or any child in your personal care (foster children, relatives etc. are not permissible subjects for this assignment). Prior to gaining access to the student’s special education file and conducting an informal assessment, you
MUST obtain written consent from the parent/guardian of the child. The permission slip is included in this Assessment Module. Assure the parent that all findings will be confidential, and the child’s name will be changed.
Purpose – Special Education teachers in the field are expected to understand the assessment process and expected to interpret assessment data from other reports. The LAB student will be able to take the findings of an assessment and develop informal assessments aimed at determining specific strengths and weaknesses and link them to an instructional plan for the target student. This assessment should be fully created by the Lab student rather than pulled from internet sources.
Note: The Lab student is creating an informal assessment and as such should not use any testing resources (ex. Diboll’s, STAR Reading etc.)
Students, who are not currently teaching in a classroom, will need to contact their mentor for assistance to gain access to a target student and the student’s special education records.
Once access to the target student’s file is obtained, complete the following parts of the Assessment Module and write a report containing all the information using the template provided.
Part 1: Identifying the Data/Background Information
The purpose of this section of the module is to obtain all the background information on the student that will assist you as a teacher in understanding where the child comes from and how he/she was placed in a special education setting.
Once you have retrieved the information from the student’s file, you will compile your findings into a detailed written report. The information will be graded using the Assessment Module Rubric included in this assignment.
This paper should be double-spaced, using 12-point type and Times New Roman font.
Following is the information to find from the target student’s file.
· Give student/parents a fictitious name that you will use throughout this module.
· Description of the family (i.e. family background, siblings, etc.)
· Birth date, age, gender and grade
· Thorough description of student (i.e. include any health issues, birth history, achievement of developmental milestones, history of education, previous diagnosis and special education settings/services etc.)
· Thorough description of placement (give amount of time in all settings)
· Eligibility criteria (under what disability is the child being served?)
· Description of related services (i.e. speech, P.T., O.T. etc.)
Assessment Module Part 2: Diagnostic Summary
Using the same special education student’s file, you will write a report and include the following information.
Identification of Test and Scoring: You will need to provide the following from the student’s file:
· Tests administered to the student- both formal and informal.
Provide the name and description of the test to include: purpose of test, ages it was developed for, etc.
· Provide the test results. This should be done within a table format if at all possible.
In your own words, interpret/explain the meaning of the scores of each test given.
Conclusion or Summary of Findings (Summary and Explanation of Scores):
In this section you will summarize the findings of the evaluation and make some final conclusions based upon the information that the test scores revealed.
In your own words, discuss the findings from the evaluation report. For example: The conclusion of the evaluation report states that “Jack” has significant delays in the area of reading comprehension. Your summary will obviously be more than one sentence as it should be specific about skills that Jack lacks and how they will be addressed instructionally. Tell whether you agree with the diagnosis and the findings. If you disagree, explain why.
Strengths & Needs: Identify the student’s strengths and weaknesses by making a list.
Recommendations: What do you recommend for this child?
· Include a minimum of three instructional techniques /strategies for each area of weakness, making sure they are supported by the details within the diagnostic summary.
Assessment Module Part 3: Formal Observation
As part of the Assessment Module, you will conduct a formal observation of the target student. Plan on observing the child in at least two settings that would be considered part of the child’s natural environment. For example: home setting, school setting, and or during a play session in the child’s natural environment. Note: A classroom observation is required. Be sure to include the date, time and length of observation. You will write this observation up as an Anecdotal Report.
The purpose of the observations is to get an overall view/ impression of the child’s skills. You might consider the following questions:
· How independently does the child function?
· How does the child communicate with others?
· How effectively does the child use social skills?
· How effectively does the child use motor skills?
· How effectively does the child use adaptive behavior skills?
· What types of cognitive skills were exhibited?
· Discuss child’s ability to attend to a task
· Discuss the child’s academic performance during a classroom observation.
Be sure to describe the physical environment, such as:
· Seating arrangements (if applicable)
· Lighting
· Noise level
· Distractions
· Climate
· Atmosphere: Is the classroom/home warm and accepting
· General Layout: Type and placement of furniture; amount and type of space
Consider the learning environment, such as:
· Types and variety of materials used
· Manipulative
· Learning activities
· Instruction
al Demands
· Modifications
· Grouping
· Instruction
· Expectations
· Student Involvement
· Assessment
· Curriculum
· Schedule
· Transitions
Consider the Social Environment:
· Teacher
/Parent/Caregiver/ student interactions
· Behavioral supports and interventions made on behalf of the student
· Peer interactions
· General atmosphere: is there a positive climate?
Once you have completed the observations, you will compile your findings into a written report (Anecdotal Report). Give a detailed description of what you observed followed by a summary of findings. End your report with recommendations for changing the behavior/academic skill or making improvements. Base your recommendations upon what you observed. The report will be graded using the Formal Observation section of the rubric included in this assignment.
The written report should be no more than four pages and double-spaced, using 12-point type and Times New Roman font.
Part 4: Informal Assessment –
Refer to the assessment material within the student’s folder. Using the assessment material
develop an informal assessment to get current information about the student’s weakness.
Note: The Lab student is creating an informal assessment and as such should not use any testing resources (ex. Diboll’s, STAR Reading etc.)
The purpose of the Informal Assessment is to provide current information about the skills of the child. The Informal Assessment should target an academic skill within the disability area of the student. (Reading, Math, Written Expression, or a combination of two, etc.). The Informal Assessment should be the type of assessment that any educator could administer upon receiving the child. An example of an Informal Assessment could be in the target area of math, for example; the student is having trouble with addition. A probe that is appropriate is a sampling of math problems that the child would be given to see if he or she can perform the skills with mastery. You can also find instructions and examples of Informal Assessments at:
The Informal Assessment must be tied directly to the student’s weaknesses. The informal assessment must be created by you. It cannot be a commercially prepared instrument. You will write a defendable summary of why the Informal Assessment is appropriate for the target student.
After administering the informal assessment to the target student, you will score it and interpret the results, and summarize your findings. Using the results of the informal assessment, you will include recommendations for improving the areas assessed. Upload a copy/scan of the child’s completed informal assessment. Also upload a blank version of the informal assessment (note directions for administering the assessment is required).
Part 5: Reflection of Module. You need to reflect on each part of the module in a narrative.
a) Tell process you used to complete the Assessment Module
How you feel the Assessment Module process went with your target student,
What changes/improvements within your informal assessment would you make to the Assessment Module. Provide examples and explanation of why you would make the changes.
d) What is your overall feeling of the Assessment Module Process
Part 6: Videos: In addition to a written interpretation of the scores, the Lab student will be required to provide two video presentations explaining the scores and their meanings. The videos will need to be uploaded to YouTube. When uploading these into YouTube, be sure that you select the “unlisted” option. Once the videos are successfully uploaded to YouTube, copy, and paste the links into the comments section of Blackboard in the work submission portal. Once this is done, click on the link to make sure that it will open. Please, send your link to friends and your mentor and have them ensure your link works.
Note: If the professor and/or AA are not able to open the video on the first submission, there will be no resubmissions of video links. Please, make sure your links are active and able to be opened prior to submitting.
Video Guidelines:
You will need a way to video yourself. This could be your phone, IPAD, tablet, computer camera, video camera. Keep in mind that whichever method is used, that you must be able to upload the video to YouTube.
Video 1:
1. You will first need to video yourself discussing the testing information you have reviewed in the child’s folder, i.e. interpretation of scores. When making this video, you need to present your information as though you were discussing the results with the parent of the child and/or the classroom teacher. Assume that your audience has no prior knowledge of the terms and vocabulary used in the “assessment world.” This needs to be presented in layman’s terms.
A sample video will be provided by the instructor for the purpose of providing guidance and expectations. Your video should be no more than 10 minutes in length. The following items should be addressed within the video.
-Brief description of the student and purpose of testing.
-State name of each test given, purpose of test, briefly describe what the student had to do in each part of the test and share the results to include (if available):
· Age
/grade level
· Percentile rank
· Standard score
· Specific skills that were noted as strengths and needs
-After discussing each test and results, the student will discuss the conclusions of all of the testing and how the results link to the current diagnosis and eligibility for services.
2. Upload the video to YouTube, cut and paste the links into the comments area, and submit with your assessment report to bblearn so that both may be viewed and graded.
Video 2:
1. After administrating and scoring the informal assessment, the Lab student will video tape him/herself explaining the process used for the assessment and the results. Your video should be no more than 10 minutes long. The following items should be addressed within the video.
-Describe the assessment, what skills you are assessing, and how to score it.
-Describe the student’s behavior during the assessment. Do you feel the student gave his/her best effort? Was the student compliant, distracted, etc.?
-Describe the results of the student’s assessment. What type of score did the test yield? What were the student’s strengths and weaknesses? Do you feel the assessment gave you the information you were looking for? What changes would you make in the assessment and the process? Do the results correlate to the results that were found the in the diagnostic summary that was in the student’s folder?
2. Upload the video to YouTube, cut and paste the links into the comments area, and submit with your assessment report to bblearn so that both may be viewed and graded.
Turning Assessment Module in:
· Be sure to use Microsoft Word.
All parts of the assignment shall be in one document with video links pasted into the comments area. Scan your permission slip onto the last page of the document. Submit your finished product to Blackboard Learn.
Template, Permission Slip and Rubric can be found below.
When submitting the assignment, do not submit the directions to the assignment or the rubric as this will falsely increase your Safe Assign score. Just submit the completed template, informal assessment documents and the permission slip.
Part 1: Background
General Information:
Student Name:_______________________________ Age: ________________ DOB: ___________ Gender: __________________
Teacher: ________________________________ Grade: _____ School: ________________________
Parent/Guardian Name:
Dates of Evaluation:
Date of Evaluation Conference:
Description of Family:
Family History:
Description of Student:
(Include any health issues, birth history, achievement of developmental milestones, history of education, previous diagnosis and special education settings/services etc)
Description of Placement (previous and current):
Give amount of time in all settings
Eligibility Criteria/History of Education:
Under which disability is the child being served? Note: this can NOT be only Speech and Language.
Current Diagnosis:
Related Services:
Part 2: Test & Scores
Provide the name and description of the test to include: purpose of test, ages it was developed for, etc.
Provide the test results. This must be done within a table format- you may expand upon the table created here or recreate your own, but a table is required here.
Assessment Administered
Description of Assessment
Purpose of Assessment
Age/disability most appropriate for Assessment
Conclusion or Summary of Findings: summarize the findings of the evaluation and make some final conclusions based upon the information that the test scores revealed.
Statement of agreement with results/findings:
Strengths & Needs: Identify the student’s strengths and weaknesses by making a list.
Recommendations: What do you recommend for this child- give FOUR? Include a minimum of three instructional techniques /strategies for each area of weakness, making sure they are supported by the details within the diagnostic summary.
Part 3: Formal Observations
you will conduct a formal observation of the target student. Plan on observing the child in at least two settings that would be considered part of the child’s natural environment. For example: home setting, school setting, and or during a play session in the child’s natural environment. Note: A classroom observation is required. You should complete the ABC chart during your observations and include that chart here noting the child’s behavior every 5 minutes as done in your PBIS course. Note: do NOT submit any handwritten notes or charts- please type your notes into the chart to maintain professionalism.
Date/Time/Length |
Activity |
Antecedent |
Behavior |
Consequence |
Date/time/Length that behavior occurred |
What activity was occurring when behavior occurred? |
What happened right before the behavior that may have triggered the behavior? |
What did the behavior look like? |
What happened after or as a result of the behavior? |
Anecdotal Report:
· How independently does the child function?
· How does the child communicate with others?
· How effectively does the child use social skills?
· How effectively does the child use motor skills?
· How effectively does the child use adaptive behavior skills?
· What types of cognitive skills were exhibited?
· Discuss child’s ability to attend to a task
· Discuss the child’s academic performance during a classroom observation.
Physical Environment:
· Seating arrangements (if applicable)
· Lighting
· Noise level
· Distractions
· Climate
· Atmosphere: Is the classroom/home warm and accepting
· General Layout: Type and placement of furniture; amount and type of space
Learning Environment:
· Types and variety of materials used
· Manipulative
· Learning activities
· Instructional Demands
· Modifications
· Grouping
· Instruction
· Expectations
· Student Involvement
· Assessment
· Curriculum
· Schedule
· Transitions
Behavioral Observations:
· Teacher/Parent/Caregiver/ student interactions
· Behavioral supports and interventions made on behalf of the student
· Peer interactions
· General atmosphere: is there a positive climate?
· Academic Performance of student
Recommendations: 3 recommendations for changing the behavior/academic skill or making improvements. Base your recommendations upon what you observed and make sure you clearly link it all together.
Part 4: Informal Assessment
Interpretation and Summary of findings:
· Detailed and accurate description of the current level of functioning of the student with ELN
· Detailed and accurate interpretation of student’s performance.
· Defendable summary of why the assessment is appropriate for the student with ELN.
· Results are clear and concise.
Recommendations (minimum of 3):
Blank Assessment:
Completed and Scored Assessment:
Part 5: Reflection
Process used to complete the Assessment Module:
How you feel the Assessment Module process went with your target student,
What changes/improvements within your informal assessment would you make to the Assessment Module. Provide examples and explanation of why you would make the changes.
What is your overall feeling of the Assessment Module Process?
***Make sure you remove all directions, keep all headers, and check the rubric on the next page (use it as a checklist to ensure all gradable parts of the assignment are included***
Assessment Module Rubric
Acceptable |
Unacceptable |
1:General Information Standard 4: ISCI4S1 (Gather relevant background information) |
The candidate demonstrates exemplary skill in gathering relevant background information about the target child. Report includes all of the following: · student name · parents’ name · DOB · Age · Gender · Grade · School · Teacher (All names are fictitious)
5 points |
The candidate demonstrates acceptable skill in gathering relevant background information about the target child. Report includes all of the following: · student name (All names are fictitious) 4 points |
The candidate does not demonstrate acceptable skill in gathering relevant background information about the target child. Report does not include all of the following: · student name
3 points |
2:Background Information Standard 4: IGC4K3 |
The candidate demonstrates exemplary skill in gathering relevant background information about the target child which is gained from family and public agencies. Report includes all of the following: · description of family background · description of health issues · description of birth/developmental history · history of education · previous testing and special education settings/services · previous and current placement · previous and current diagnosis 3 points |
The candidate demonstrates acceptable skill in gathering relevant background information about the target child which is gained from family and public agencies. Report includes all of the following: · description of family background · current placement · current diagnosis
2 points |
The candidate does not demonstrate acceptable skill in gathering relevant background information about the target child which is gained from family and public agencies. Report does not include all of the following: · description of family background
1 point |
Exemplary 3 points |
Acceptable 2 points |
Unacceptable 1 point |
3:Use and limitations of assessments Standard 4: ISCI 4K4 |
Candidate demonstrates exemplary knowledge of both formal and informal assessments given. Provides a detailed description of each assessment and purpose of the assessment instrument. 3 Points |
Candidate demonstrates basic knowledge of both formal and informal assessments given. Provides a general description of each assessment instrument. 2 Points |
Candidate demonstrates limited knowledge of both formal and informal assessments given. Candidate identifies only the formal or the informal assessments, and /or provides little or no description of each assessment instrument. 1 Point |
4:Using assessment information to determine eligibility and Identification of strengths and weaknesses Standard 4: ISCI 4S6 |
The candidate demonstrates exemplary skill in using assessment information in making eligibility, program, and placement decisions for individuals with exceptionalities · Provides detailed summary of the findings of the evaluation and makes some final conclusions based upon the information that the test scores revealed. · Provides a statement that agrees or disagrees with the findings of the evaluation. · Provides a detailed list of strengths and weaknesses that are directly linked to assessment data. 3 points |
The candidate demonstrates acceptable skill in using assessment information in making eligibility, program, and placement decisions for individuals with exceptionalities. Provides a general summary of the findings of the evaluation and makes some final conclusions based upon the information that the test scores revealed. · Provides a statement that agrees or disagrees with the findings of the evaluation. Provides a list of strengths and weaknesses that are directly linked to assessment data. 2 points |
The candidate does not demonstrate acceptable skill in using assessment information in making eligibility, program, and placement decisions for individuals with exceptionalities. Provides limited or no summary of the findings of the evaluation · Final conclusions are not based upon the information that the test scores revealed. Or conclusion is vague. · Provides no statement that agrees or disagrees with the findings of the evaluation. Or statement is vague and unclear. Provides limited or no list of strengths and weaknesses that may or may not be directly linked to assessment data. 1 point |
5:Analysis: Recommendations Standard 5: ISCI 5S15 |
The candidate demonstrates exemplary skill in selecting instructional strategies and materials according to the characteristics of the individual with exceptionalities. · Provides a minimum of four recommend-dations; stating instructional techniques/strategies. · All instructional techniques/strategies are linked to the assessment data. 3 points |
The candidate demonstrates acceptable skill in selecting instructional strategies and materials according to the characteristics of the individual with exceptionalities. · Provides a minimum of three recommend-dations ; stating instructional techniques/strategies. All instructional techniques/strategies are linked to the assessment data. 2 points |
The candidate demonstrates unacceptable skill in selecting instructional strategies and materials according to the characteristics of the individual with exceptionalities. · Provides less than three recommend-dations; stating instructional techniques/strategies. Instructional techniques/strategies may or may not be linked to the assessment data. OR Candidate fails to provide recommendations. 1 point |
6:Date and Time of Formal Observation |
Report includes: · Date · time · length of the observation Information is in Anecdotal Report form. 3 points |
Report includes the following: · date · time of observation Information is in Anecdotal Report form. 2 points |
Report includes only one of the following : · date · or is not in Anecdotal Report form. 1 point |
7:Purpose of Report And observation of skills: Evaluate Instruction/Monitor Progress of Individuals with Exceptionalities Standard 4 ISCI 4S8 |
Candidate provides detailed purpose of observation and includes answers to all of the following questions: 1. How independently does the child function? 2. How does the child communicate with others? 3. How effectively does the child use social skills? 4. How effectively does the child use motor skills? 5. How effectively does the child use adaptive behavior skills? 6. What types of cognitive skills were exhibited? 5 points |
Candidate provides a general statement which gives the purpose of observation and includes answers to 4 out of the 6 following questions: 1. How independently does the child function? |
Candidate provides a vague statement of purpose for the observation. Answers only 3 of the 6 questions? 1. How independently does the child function? 3 points |
8:Learning Environment Standard 2: ISCI 2K1 |
Candidate demonstrates exemplary knowledge of the demands of the learning environment: Provides detailed description of the learning environment; including all of the following : · materials used; · learning activities, · instructional demands, · modifications, · grouping, · expectations, · student involvement, · curriculum, · assessment, · schedule · transitions. 3 points |
Candidate demonstrates acceptable knowledge of the demands of the learning environment: Provides general description and includes 8 of the following: · materials used; |
Candidate demonstrates unacceptable knowledge of the demands of the learning environment: Provides minimal or no description of setting and description does not clearly address the following: · materials used; · transitions. Includes 7 or less of the items. 1 point |
9:Physical Environment Standard 2: IGC2K2 |
Candidate demonstrates exemplary knowledge of assessing the physical environment. Includes a detailed description that includes all of the following: · seating arrangements, · lighting, · noise level, · distractions, · climate/atmosphere · general layout of the classroom. 3 points |
Candidate demonstrates adequate knowledge of assessing the physical environment. Includes a general description that includes 4 of the 6 following elements: · seating arrangements, · distractions, · Climate/atmosphere · general layout of the classroom. 2 points |
Candidate demonstrates little or no knowledge of assessing the physical environment . Includes a vague description that includes 3 or fewer of the following elements: · seating arrangements, · lighting, · noise level, · distractions, · climate/atmosphere and general layout of the classroom. 1 point |
10:Behavioral Observations Standard 4: IGC4 4S1 |
Candidate demonstrates exemplary skill in assessing and reporting both appropriate and problematic social behaviors and academic skills of individuals with ELN: Writes an organized, detailed, and clear, description of the behaviors/skills observed. Includes all of the following: · teacher/parent/ caregiver/student interactions · behavioral supports and interventions made on behalf of the student · peer interaction, · general atmosphere of the classroom. · Academic performance of student 3 points |
Candidate demonstrates acceptable skill in assessing and reporting both appropriate and problematic social behaviors and academic skills of individuals with ELN: writes an adequate description of the behaviors/skills observed. To include the following: · teacher/parent/ · peer interaction · academic performance of student 2 points |
Candidate demonstrates unacceptable skill in assessing and reporting both appropriate and problematic social behaviors and academic skills of individuals with ELN: Description of behaviors is unorganized and unclear and does not include all of the following: · teacher/parent/ · behavioral supports and interventions made on behalf of the student · peer interaction, · academic performance of the student 1 point |
11: Discussion/Summary Standard 4: ISCI4S5 |
Candidate demonstrates exemplary skill in summarizing and interpreting information from the formal observation(s) of the environment, student’s academic performance, and student’s behavior. Summary includes all elements below: · Detailed interpretation of the data collected. · Conclusions by providing examples/data from the observation. 3 points |
Candidate demonstrates acceptable skill in summarizing and interpreting observations of the environment , student’s academic performance and behavior . Summary Includes all elements below: · Interpretation of the data collected. · Conclusions |
Candidate demonstrates unacceptable skill in summarizing and interpreting observations of the environment, student’s academic skills and student’s behavior. Did not include or partially included the elements below: · Interpretation of the data collected. |
12:Recommendations Standard 4: ISCI 4S6 |
The student demonstrates exemplary skill in using assessment information in making programming decisions for individuals with ELN: States a minimum of three detailed recommendations for implementing change for improvement. Suggestions relate directly to behaviors observed. 3 points |
The student demonstrates acceptable skill in using assessment information in making programming decisions for individuals with ELN: States a minimum of two recommendations for implementing change for improvement. Suggestions relate directly to behaviors observed. 2 points |
The student demonstrates unacceptable skill in using assessment information in making programming decisions for individuals with ELN: Fails to state realistic suggestions or only makes one recommendation for implementing change or for improvement. 1 point |
Part 4: Informal Assessment |
13:Uses exceptionality-specific assessment instrument Standard 4: IGC4S2 |
Candidate demonstrates exemplary skill in developing and using exceptionality –specific assessment instruments with individuals with exceptionalities. · The informal assessment addresses disability/ weaknesses noted in the student’s diagnostic summary. · The target student’s greatest area of need is addressed in the informal assessment. 3 points |
Candidate demonstrates acceptable skill in developing and using exceptionality –specific assessment instruments with individuals with exceptionalities. · The informal assessment addresses disability/ weaknesses noted in the student’s diagnostic summary. |
Candidate demonstrates unacceptable skill in developing and using exceptionality –specific assessment instruments with individuals with exceptionalities. · The informal assessment does not address disability/weaknesses noted in the student’s diagnostic summary. 1 point |
14:Formal Assessment is used to develop informal assessment Standard 4: ISCI4S4 |
Candidate developed individualized assessment strategies using the information from the formal assessments. 3 points |
Candidate developed individualized assessment strategies using some information from the formal assessments. 2 points |
Candidate did not develop an individualized assessment using information from the formal assessments. 1 point |
15:Informal Assessment is well designed Standard 4: IGC4S3 |
Candidate demonstrates exemplary skill in designing and adapting an assessment instrument to accommodate the unique needs of individuals with exceptionalities. All of the following criteria are met. • Directions for administration are clear • Instrument is appropriate for target student • Formatting of instrument is neat and provides ample space for responses and scoring. •Directions for scoring and interpretation are clear. 3 points |
Candidate demonstrates acceptable skill in designing and adapting an assessment instrument to accommodate the unique needs of individuals with exceptionalities. Three of the criteria are met. • Directions for administration are clear 2 points |
Candidate does not demonstrate acceptable skill in designing and adapting an assessment instrument to accommodate the unique needs of individuals with exceptionalities. Less than three of the criteria are met. • Directions for administration are clear • Instrument is appropriate for Target student • Formatting of instrument is neat and provides ample space for responses and scoring. 1 point |
16:Interpret and Use information for programming decisions Standard 4: ISCI 4S5 |
Candidate demonstrates exemplary skill in summarizing and interpreting results of informal assessment. Includes: · Detailed and accurate description of the current level of functioning of the student with ELN · A minimum of 3 recommendations for improving the skill. 3 points |
Candidate demonstrates acceptable skill in summarizing and interpreting results of informal assessment. Includes: · An accurate description of the current level of functioning of the student with ELN · Accurate interpretation of student’s performance. · Defendable summary of why the assessment is appropriate for the student with ELN. · A minimum of 2 recommendations for improving the skill. 2 points |
Candidate demonstrates unacceptable skill in summarizing and interpreting results of informal assessment. Includes: · An inaccurate or vague description of the current level of functioning of the student with ELN · Inaccurate or vague interpretation of student’s performance. · summary of why the assessment is appropriate for the student with ELN is vague. · Fewer than 2 recommendations for improving the skill. 1 point |
17:Uses Effective Communication skills Standard 4: ISCI 4S7 |
The candidate demonstrates exemplary skill in reporting assessment results to all stakeholders using effective communication skills. Results are clear and concise. No spelling, usage, or grammatical errors present. 3 points |
The candidate demonstrates acceptable skill in reporting assessment results to all stakeholders using effective communication skills. Results are clear. No more than 3 spelling, usage, or grammatical errors present. 2 points |
The candidate demonstrates unacceptable skill in reporting assessment results to all stakeholders using effective communication skills. Results are unclear and unorganized. More than three spelling, usage, or grammatical errors present. 1 point |
Part 5: Reflection |
18:Reflection of Assessment Module Standard 6 ISCI 6S11 |
Answers all the questions: a) Tell process you used to complete the Assessment Module b) How you feel the Assessment Module process went with your target student, c) What changes/improvements within your informal assessment would you make in the Assessment Module d) Provide examples and explanation of why you would make the changes? e) What is your overall feeling of the Assessment Module Process? 1 0 points |
Answers 3 of the questions: a) Tell process you used to complete the Assessment Module c) What changes/improvements within your informal assessment would you make Assessment Module d) Provide examples and explanation of why you would make the changes? 7 points |
Answers 2 of the questions: a) Tell process you used to complete the Assessment Module d) Provide examples and explanation of why you would make the changes? e) What is your overall feeling of the Assessment Module Process? |
19. Permission Slip |
Parent permission slip is completed and is included. 5 points |
Parent permission slip is not complete and/or is not included. 0 points |
20. Follows Directions |
Overall quality of the module was exceptional: The candidate followed all formatting directions for completing the assignment. All sections contained the required elements and were well developed. 10 points |
Overall quality of the module was adequate: May have not followed all formatting directions, but document was easy to comprehend. All sections contained the required elements. 7 points |
Overall quality of the module was poor: Did not follow the formatting directions. Document was difficult to read and to understand. Some of the sections were missing required elements. 5 points |
PART 6: Video |
21. Video 1: Interpretation of Test Scores |
Candidate demonstrates exemplary skill in interpreting and presenting scores to stakeholders. -Provided a detailed explanation of the purpose of each test. -Provided correct and detailed interpretation of all testing results in a manner that non- educators would understand. -Provided a conclusion of the results and how they link to the diagnosis and eligibility of special education services. Video Quality: Video was easy to hear and see. 10 points |
Candidate demonstrates adequate skill in interpreting and presenting scores to stakeholders. -Provided a brief explanation of the purpose of each test. The listener may not have a complete understanding of the test’s components and purpose. -Provided correct interpretation of all testing results in a manner that most non- educators would understand. Parts of the explanation could have been too technical. -Provided a conclusion of the results and how they link to the diagnosis and eligibility of special education services. Video Quality: Video may have been somewhat difficult to hear or see but understandable. 7 points |
Candidate demonstrates limited skill in interpreting and presenting scores to stakeholders. -Does not provide explanation of the purpose of each test. Some elements of the explanation are missing. -Does not provide correct interpretation of all testing results in a manner that non- educators would understand. -The conclusion of the results is vaguely linked to the diagnosis and eligibility of special education services. OR no conclusion is present. -Video quality was poor: Video was not easy to hear and/or see. 5 points |
22. Video 2: Informal Assessment |
Candidate demonstrates exemplary skill in reporting results of assessments. -Provided detailed description of assessment, skills assessed and scoring. -Provided information about student behavior during assessment – Discussed type of score the test yielded. -Discussed student’s strengths and weaknesses -Discussed effectiveness of assessment and needed changes. -Discussed correlation of results with previous assessments. -Video Quality: Video was easy to hear and see. 10 points |
Candidate demonstrates adequate skill in reporting results of assessments. -Provided general description of assessment, skills assessed and scoring. -Discussed student’s strengths and weaknesses -Discussed correlation of results with previous assessments. Video Quality: Video may have been somewhat difficult to hear or see but understandable. 7 points |
Candidate demonstrates limited skill in reporting results of assessments. -Provided incomplete description of assessment, skills assessed and scoring. -Did not completely discuss student’s strengths and weaknesses, -Discussion of effectiveness of assessment and needed changes was vague. -Video quality was poor: Video was not easy to hear and/or see. 5 points |
Comments: |
Total Points ______/100 points |
This form must be completed and submitted for
an Elementary K-6th student and a Secondary 7th-12th student as part of the ELSE 6193 Laboratory Experience course requirements.
Parent/Guardian Name: ___________________________________________
Child’s Name: _________________________________________________
ASU Graduate Candidate Name: _____________________________________________
My signature below grants my permission for ASU Graduate Candidate
(list graduate candidate name)
to administer educational tests to my child and to review my child’s special education records for the purpose of completing course requirements (ELSE 6193) at Arkansas State University.
I understand that these test results are solely for academic purposes and will not be used for placement or programming decisions. All information gathered, including my child’s educational records, will be handled with strict confidentiality and used only to fulfill the requirements of the Laboratory Experience for the student pursuing a Master’s degree or licensure in special education.
Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________
Date: ___________________
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