ASU Common Verbal Reasoning Tests Passages Questions
Common Verbal Reasoning Tests PassagesPassage 1:
Until the 1990s the design and manufacturing method for radios had remained
virtually static for many years. However, in recent years the customer base has grown
with increased demand from teenagers, commuters and exercise enthusiasts. The trend
has been to produce more fashionable radios in a variety of shapes, miniature radios
and waterproof radios. The variety of models has increased enormously, though their
durability and dependability has not radically changed.
Questions Radios:
1- The production of waterproof radios is one of the trends seen since the 1990s. (F )
2- There has always been a lot of innovation in radio design and manufacturing. ( T)
3- There are now a greater variety of radios available than before 1990s. (T )
4- Exercise enthusiasts have been the main buyers of waterproof radios. (Cs )
5- Miniature radios and waterproof radios are expensive to manufacture. ( Cs)
Passage 2:
Until 1995, the use of bicycles had remained virtually static for many years, However,
in recent years the number of people using bicycles has grown with increasing
pressure from environmentalists, transport agencies and health officials, The trend has
been to produce more fashionable bicycles in a variety of styles, lighter cycles, and
more comfortable cycles, The diversity of models has increased enormously, though
their general shape has not changed radically.
Questions Bicycle :
1- There has been an increasing pressure from transport agencies to use bicycles T
2- There is now a greater diversity of bicycles available than before 1996. T
Passage 3:
Developing new brands of ice cream can be financially unpredictable. Even during
periods of hot weather some ice cream manufacturers become unprofitable, while
others survive only because of extensive advertising. Consumer research contributes
to a high proportion of total expenditure, which is essential given that competition for
customers is quite strong. Purchasing licenses for existing brands of confectionery has
been invaluable to ice cream manufacturers by providing access to an established
brand, and by increasing the efficiency of the development process.
Questions Ice cream:
1- The ice cream development process can become more efficient when existing
brand licenses are bought
2- Purchasing existing brand licenses has been useful in more than one way to ice
cream manufacturers.
3- Ice cream manufacturers become unprofitable only during periods of cold
4- Purchasing licences for established brands of confectionery results in fewer brands
of ice cream.
5- There is little rivalry between ice cream manufacturers for customers.
Passage 4:
Short-sightedness is to a large extent inherited; its incidence varies from one family to
another. The reason behind the link between the common incidence of shortsightedness and high intelligence is unclear. Previous generations thought that eyes
could become strained by years spent poring over books, but a few decades ago the
popular medical view was that short- sighted people gravitated towards the library
because they found it hard to excel at sports. Recently there has been partial support
for a theory that high intelligence and short- sightedness may, in fact, be part of a
genetic package.
Questions Short-sightedness :
1- People from all families stand an equal chance of being short-sighted.
2- Intelligence is to a large extent inherited.
3- No one knows for sure what connects intelligence and short-sightedness.
Passage 5:
Recent developments in occupational medicine have made stress-related back pain a
subject of intense interest. A new test has now been developed to assess
predisposition to stress-related back pain by measuring general stress levels.
Respondent reporting high stress levels experience more backache and muscular
tension than other people, but after stress counselling the frequency of these
complaints decreases and reported stress levels on the test also decrease. People with
lower stress levels are less likely to have stress-related back pain but are also less
likely to respond to stress counselling.
Questions occupational medicine:
1- Stress counselling reduces complaints of muscular tension from those found to
have high levels of stress on the test
2- Stress counselling is of greater benefit to an individual with stress- related back
pain than more conventional treatments, such as bed rest.
3- Until recently, there was very little interest in stress-related back pain.
4- The occurrence of stress-related back pain can decrease following stress
Passage 6:
The military occupy a contradictory position in the political structure. Their role in
sustaining a particular hierarchical and political structure normally encourages a
conservative social ideology, but at the same time they are subjected to a system of
command and authority in which they have little say. This has driven the military in
most democratic countries to create welfare organizations to represent their interests.
Questions The military:
1- No military person is allowed to be a member of political party.
2- Most governments are opposed to military welfare organizations
3- Some military personnel believe that society should be completely transformed.
4- A conservative social ideology is rarely associated with the military
5- The role of the military is associated with the preservation of a political structure.
Passage 7:
Cleaner fuel policies in Europe, first introduces in the motor industry and leading to a
reduction in carbon dioxide exhaust emissions, were the result of several government
funded studies. The studies confirmed that fuel quality is important, and
environmental groups were rewarded with firm backing from the government. This
provided the support required to drive through fuel quality refinement programmes in
many engineering and manufacturing corporations, culminating in the creation of the
European Fuel Charter. This has been vital in obtaining investment from fuel
companies that had previously resisted the pressure to develop cleaner fuel.
Questions Cleaner fuel policies:
1- The creation of the European Fuel Charter was the first step in the process of
engineering and manufacturing fuel quality refinement programmes.
2- Fuel emissions are the key concern of most environmental groups.
3- Investment in fuel companies is only permitted within countries covered by the
European Fuel Charter
4- Cleaner fuel policies were first introduced in Europe.
Passage 8:
A major concern is that company relocation contributes to personal distress, social
disintegration and poverty by reducing the choice of working families and decreasing
employment opportunities. This is because most single individual can relocate from
one area to another with relative ease, but those with children are far more restricted
in their ability to relocate due to the need to avoid disrupting schooling. However,
individuals working for certain organisation may feel that, regardless of such
disruption, they have to make long term organizational commitments because of the
financial implications of leaving an organisation, i.e. loss of pension gratuity.
Questions that company relocation contributes to personal distress:
1- Company relocation causes personal distress for most workers
2- Company relocation presents increased options for working families.
3- Most young people can relocate to another area with relative ease.
4- Some workers fear the financial implications of leaving a company.
5- Working parents have increased job opportunities as a result of company
6- Working mothers can be restricted in their ability to relocate.
7- Many employees have little choice regarding their decision to relocate
8- A potential consequence of organisational relocation is fewer job opportunities for
working parents.
Passage 9:
It is thought that company leadership, company development and company direction
are the responsibility of all company managers and that combined responsibility is not
abandoned in situations where one individual is selected as company director. The
promise of effective leadership, development and direction is that the talent and
knowledge of different people can be pooled together to produce excellent company
performance so that good working relationship are created between managers. As
those who have worked in successful organisation will know, the consequences in
term of individual satisfaction and sense of competence are enhanced considerably,
and the sense of being part of an effective, influential team is indeed a rewarding one.
Questions that company leadership:
1- Combined responsibility for company direction precludes allocation the role of
company director to one person
2- When one person is selected as company director, combined responsibility is
3- Good working relationships require company managers to have different talents.
4- Good working relationships between similar company managers can produce
excellent company performance.
5- Being part of an ineffective company is not rewarding.
6- Companies perform better when the managers have different talents
Passage 10:
It has been argued that team management, team coaching and team leadership are the
responsibility of all team members and that collective responsibility is not
relinquished in situations where one person is designated as team leader. The promise
of effective managing, coaching and leadership is that the skills and abilities of
diverse individuals can be molded together to produce excellent team performance so
that synergy is created between members. As those who have worked in successful
teams will know, the consequences in terms of personal satisfaction, sense of
competence and camaraderie, are enhanced considerably, and the sense of being part
of an effective dynamic unit is indeed a rewarding one.
Questions team coaching:
1- Teams perform better when the individuals have different skills.
2- When one person is designated as team leader, collective responsibility is negated.
3- Synergy between similar team members can produce excellent team performance.
Passage 11:
A vast amount of money is spent each year on training, and the benefit can be
numerous. Training can be educational, aimed at imparting new information to
employees and developing their skills, it can be motivating in that it can make
employers feel more valued and increase their commitment to the company, and it can
also be persuasive by attempting to promote the competitors. However, training
expenditure is the focus of criticism by some people, who state that training is not
targeted at the right employees at the right time, and therefore it is likely that half of
this expenditure is wasted.
Questions Vast amount:
1- Some people believe that the money spent on training is wasted
2- The purpose of training is purely to educate
3- Training cannot be educational or motivation
4- Training is one of the greatest expenditures for companies.
5- Employees who receive training stay with a company for a longer period of time.
Passage 12:
In general, the longer an employee stays with an organisation, the more that employee
is needed. Long-serving employees contribute more while requiring less supervision,
they take up less of a manager’s time and are less sensitive to internal politics. They
are also more likely to recommend other new employees. Businesses usually gauge
their performance on the basis of turnover and profit. They rarely study another metric
that reflects how much expertise the company is holding – employee retention.
Questions longer an employee stays:
1- New employees usually add little value to a company in their first few weeks.
2- Internal politics take up a manager’s time.
3- Businesses pay due attention to employee retention
4- Financial measures are not the only indicators of company performance. ( T) (me t
usually)وتحت بالقطعه اللي بعدها نفس السؤال كتبنا انها أيضا صحيحه
5- Long-serving employees require less supervision.
Passage 13:
In general, the longer a customer stays with a company, the more that customer is
worth. Long term customers buy more while costing less to service; they take up less
of a company’s time and are less sensitive to price. They are also more likely to bring
in other new customers. Senior managers usually gauge company performance on the
basis of cash flow and profit. They rarely study the statistic that reflects how much
real value the company is creating – customer retention.
Questions longer a customer :
1- Long-term business success depends mainly on customer retention.
2- Financial measures are not the only indicators of company performance.
3- Senior Managers pay due attention to customer retention. (CS ) (CS حسب اللي قبل
)الن الدراسات قليلة عن الموضوع
Passage 14:
Effective allocation of resources is based on carefully planning the tasks that are
required of each member of the team in order to achieve the project goals and the
targets of the team. This involves the clarification of each individual’s objectives and
responsibilities, and ensuring complete clarity regarding the skills and abilities
required to perform effectively so that team members are capable of carrying out their
roles. Such allocation of resources is a joint venture, which requires managers and
staff to work collaboratively.
1- Clarifying responsibilities is unimportant in developing plans with staff about the
contribution they are expected to make.
2- It is necessary for managers and staff to work collaboratively for the effective
allocation of resources.
3- Managers devote more time to planning and resource allocation than team
4- Clarifying an individual’s objectives and responsibilities can be motivating.
5- Clarifying objectives is one element involved in developing plans with staff about
the tasks they are required to undertake.
6- Effective resource allocation does not depend on co-operation between
management and staff.
Passage 15:
A recent report from an anti-doping agency that monitors sporting events argues that
sport bans should be imposed for drug test evasion as a key step in helping to fight
prohibited substance use and illegal performance enhancement. The agency states that
it is essential to counter illegal performance enhancement to beat illicit sports drug
suppliers, and that most illegal performance enhancement involves drug test evasion.
Drug offences are currently excluded from sporting bans by many amateur
federations, and less scrupulous federation are unlikely to permit bans for such
Questions an anti-doping agency:
1- Most drug test evasion involves illegal performance enhancement
2- Nearly all amateur sport federation incorporate drug offences in their bans
3- Some less scrupulous federations are likely to object to bans for drug offences
Passage 16:
A recent report, from an inter-governmental agency monitoring the narcotics trade,
argues that tax evasion should be included in all extradition treaties as a key step in
helping to fight drug trafficking and money laundering. The agency states that it is
essential to counter money laundering to beat the international drug cartels, and that
most money laundering involves tax evasion. Tax offenses are currently excluded
from extradition treaties by many countries, and less democratic countries are unlikely
to allow extradition for such offenses.
Questions an inter-governmental:
1- Putting a stop to money laundering is unlikely to have an impact on the drug
2- Less democratic countries are unlikely to object to extradition for tax offenses.
3- Including tax offenses in extradition treaties will help overcome the drug cartels
Passage 17:
Anxieties about air and water pollution, desertification and resource depletion are
nothing new. It is increasingly accepted that the human impact on the environment is
intensifying, compounded by population growth, the increasing pace of economic life
and the spread of pollutants far beyond their places of origin. New scientific evidence
– about global climate change, changes to ozone in the upper atmosphere and the
reduction of biodiversity – contributes to the growing concern. In addition highly
publicized environmental disasters have led the public to conclude that the very
license to operate conferred on stakeholders in business might be infringed by the
environmental impact of corporate activities.
Questions desertification and resource:
1- Population growth is the sole factor associated with the impact of human activity
on the environment.
2- Water and air pollution have caused concern before now.
3- New scientific evidence has increased anxiety about the impact of human activity
on the environment
Passage 18:
At the moment GTC, like other European producers, is able to relieve at least some of
its over-capacity by exporting, partly to Central America. A decade from now, that
region will be largely self-sufficient and trade will be starting to flow the other way.
However, for GTC investors, the company’s recent restructure could herald better
times. The group’s lack of focus and lackluster returns have been much criticized of
Questions GTC:
1- The successful export trade with Central America seems set to continue
2- GTC’s approach has been seen as ill defined.
3- Central American producers will find a ready market for their products in Europe.
Passage 19:
Political, economic and demographic developments are combining to increase the
wealth of individuals in leading economies. These individuals take a much more
active role in managing their personal financial affairs and in determining how their
assets should be invested for their long-term benefit. As a result, we are seeing the
emergence of a new market, consisting of so-called ‘affluent individuals’. This
structural trend is set to continue and will provide significant opportunities for
financial services providers. This band of individuals has traditionally been dominated
by old money inheritance, and this will remain a factor, but the rise of new affluent
money is increasing as individuals benefit from higher salaries and compensation in
the form of stock options. These new affluent individuals are also creating wealth as
small business entrepreneurs.
Questions Political, economic and demographic:
1- Old money inheritance will not be completely replaced by new affluent money.
2- Affluent individuals want to manage their own assets by using financial service
providers. (CS ) (t me)
3- Individuals cannot become ‘affluent’ through inheriting old money.
Passage 20:
The ties which once bound people to organizations appear to be loosening; people in
business today expect and demand from their organizations both greater autonomy on
the one hand, and greater concern for their individual interests on the other. Those
companies which are able to genuinely create such work arrangements will be more
likely to attract and retain the best and brightest in the labor market. These are the
very people who will have the option to make employment decisions on the basis of
the quality of life afforded by their employment. Yet, paradoxically, work
commitments often prevent these individuals from taking full advantage of their
quality of life.
Questions bound people to organizations:
1- employees will be less likely to stay with an organization if it does not allow for
greater autonomy
2- High caliber employees will be less likely to stay with an organization if it does
not allow for greater autonomy. ( T) (me may be cs bcz High caliber)
3- Nowadays individuals in the business world expect quality of life from their
employment even if they can’t enjoy it.
4- Mediocre individuals will not be able to dictate work arrangements to their
Passage 21:
New technology has played a major part in removing some of the chemical and
physical hazards in the workplace, although other risks have resulted. For example,
the increase in machine rather than human control, and the reduction in natural breaks
during the working day or night, has resulted in an increased risk of stress- related
illness to machine operators. Some physical hazards have been introduced equipment that controls many manufacturing processes often contains radioactive
substances. Machine operators must be monitored as a means of preventing the
occurrence of these new hazards.
1- Machine operators now have more control over their work environment.
2- New technology has led to an overall reduction in the various risks and hazards
associated with the workplace.
3- Machine operators who work unsupervised are more exposed to hazards in the
Passage 22:
New documentation for unit trust investors is part of a push by regulators to provide
information and protection similar to that provided to buyers of life insurance and
pension plans. They have also established a cooling-off period, during which the
purchase of a unit trust can be cancelled without charge. This applies only when
advice has been received, typically from an independent financial advisor. Purchases
made directly, for example in response to advertising, are not covered.
Questions New documentation:
1- The establishment of a cooling-off period is the only new intervention introduced
to protect purchasers of unit trusts.
2- The sole aim of the new documentation is to provide information to purchasers of
unit trusts.
3- The cooling-off period does not apply to sales of pensions.
Passage 23:
Success in management and success in sports have similar roots, involving the
mastery of techniques and of oneself, yet the analogy between has seldom been
stressed. Far more often, writers have sought management lessons from warfare.
Many books have dipped into military history, going as far back as the 1100s, to
discover the secrets of business success. Sport offers an alternative model of
leadership, one that stresses the importance of coaching, teamwork and
Questions management and sport:
1- The parallels between sport and management have been highlighted infrequently.
2- Sport has more to teach about management success than warfare does.
3- Communication is more important in sport than in warfare.
Passage 24:
Success in sales and success in customer service have similar features involving the
mastery of communication and interpersonal skills; yet the parallels between sales and
customer service have seldom been stressed. Far more often, people have sought sales
lessons from the domain of psychology. Many books have examined psychology
practices to discover the secrets of good sales techniques. Customer service offers an
alternative representation of sales, one that stresses the importance of gaining the
respect of customers, openness and flexibility.
Questions sales and customer service:
1- Customer service has more to teach about sales success than psychology.
2- Flexibility is more important in customer service than psychology.
3- The similarities between customer service and sales have been highlighted
Passage 25:
As in the tradition of haute couture catwalks and magazines, an effective shop
window must display items in such a way that engenders customers’ aspirations to
lead a certain lifestyle and consequently stimulate their desire to purchase the
merchandise. Financial success may also depend on how frequently the window
display is altered, as this will encourage customers to regularly enter the shop to
inspect new stock. It may also induce an anxiety that the pieces may be removed
imminently and thereby increase customer spending, as well as catch the attention of
passers by because a constantly evolving window display suggests something exciting
is happening. The display items should be large and bright in colour to ensure that
they are visible from a distance and a themed window (e.g. Christmas) often improves
sales considerably. A common drawback of placing items in a shop window is that
they are more liable to be stolen.
Questions haute couture catwalks:
1- Customers are often disappointed when they cannot purchase the items displayed
in shop windows.
2- There is potential for shops to sell more when customers believe that merchandise
will only be available briefly. ( CS) (me t)
3- Repeat customers are less likely to return when the window displays are changed
Passage 26:
The biggest risk facing the world’s insurance companies is possibly the rapid change
now taking place within their own ranks. Sluggish growth in core markets and intense
price competition, coupled with shifting patterns of customer demand and the rising
cost of losses, are threatening to overwhelm those too slow to react.
Questions The biggest risk:
1- Insurance companies are coping well with increased price competition and rising
2- Insurance companies are experiencing depression in their core markets.
3- Insurance companies are competing to provide the best prices to customers
Passage 27:
Organizations are encouraged to provide employees with flexible working
opportunities through work-life balance strategies, and workers are increasingly
attracted to organizations that offer such strategies. For employees, the opportunity to
work flexible hours can reduce conflicts between work and family life, workplace
stress, and work overload. However, some senior managers are reluctant to fully
support these initiatives due to the substantial costs involved, which escalate with
staff numbers. Then again, the cost of implementing flexible working strategies can
be compensated by a reduction in absenteeism and improvements in organizational
commitment and employee motivation.
Questions work-life balance:
1- Removing work-life balance strategies could result in an associated reduction in
2- Employees who have flexible working hours will have happier home lives
compared to those who do not.
3- The cost of implementing flexible working strategies is not dependent on the
number of employees
Passage 28:
The increasing fragility of the rural economy will be the biggest challenge facing
country communities over the next ten years. Agriculture, which accounts for a
quarter of rural jobs, is in decline. Tourism provides no more than half this number of
jobs. The rural manufacturing sector, however, has grown over the last ten years.
Despite this, it still employs fewer than one in twenty people living in rural areas, and
is threatened by companies based in industrial areas, which benefit from access to a
larger skilled workforce and better transportation networks.
Questions rural economy:
1- Agriculture is likely to provide more jobs in rural communities in future.
Industries based in rural areas suffer from poorer transport links.
2- Manufacturing provides the fewest jobs in the countryside.
Passage 29:
Over the past decade there has been a steady growth in the holiday industry whilst the
number of travel agencies has declined. This is due to the increasing number of
customers who are booking their holidays online, because of a quicker and more
financially viable service. However, specialist travel agencies, such as those focusing
on particular regions or holiday activities, remain successful as they have an in-depth
understanding of a region and the customers who go there. The staff are also
multilingual, and thanks to their specialized knowledge they can provide good deals,
meaning that their prices are often lower than non-specialist travel agents and online
Questions holiday industry:
1- More people are booking their holidays online rather than through a travel agent,
even though it takes longer to find the right holiday this way. False
2- A travel agent’s specialist knowledge can be used to the financial benefit of the
customer. True
3- Only specialist travel agencies employ multilingual staff. cannot Say
Passage 30:
Increasingly, psychotherapy is being shown in relevant studies to be an effective form
of treatment for mental disorders in its own right, despite frequent claims that
evidence for its effectiveness in a number of serious disorders is almost totally
lacking. Moreover, studies have suggested that a combination of psychotherapy and
appropriate medication may lead, in the case of at least some identifiable mental
disorders, to significantly better outcomes compared to those in which medication is
applied without the support of psychotherapy. This provides support for mental health
professionals to consider psychotherapy when deciding on the treatment of patients
suffering from mental disorders.
Questions mental disorders:
1- Psychotherapy, often combined with medication, is used more and more by
mental health professionals.
2- Unless combined with psychotherapy, medication is rarely effective in the
treatment of mental disorders
3- It cannot be concluded that psychotherapy can be as effective as medication in the
treatment of every form of mental disorder.
Passage 31:
Amateur scientists have long been attracted to the discipline of astronomy, and
professional astronomers are frequently supportive of their contribution to the science.
Indeed, amateur astronomers have often been the first to spot an uncharted comet or
star. Until now, the required scientific equipment has, unfortunately, been largely very
expensive, varying according to the intricacy and size of the apparatus. According to
some scientists, however, the spread of new, cheap technology, particularly in
information and data management, promises to dramatically change and facilitate
amateur-professional interaction, and even collaboration.
Questions Amateur scientists:
1- It is widely felt that cheap technology will facilitate amateur-professional
2- Amateur-professional collaboration will contribute to the advancement of
3- In the past, all scientific equipment required for research in astronomy was very
Passage 32:
In recent years, many issues have been considered when attempting to ameliorate the
wellbeing of patients and the efficiency of hospital administration. Patients have often
complained about endless waiting lists, low standards of cleanliness, poor hospital
food, and unsatisfactory doctor- patient communication and now, according to an
expert from a leading image consultancy, doctors’ dress codes and their general
appearance must come under close scrutiny. If healthcare professionals have an
unwashed appearance, dirty nails or unkempt hair, this exudes the impression of
recklessness and untrustworthiness; wearing red reminds patients of blood; and power
dressing is discouraged because patients may feel undermined and less relaxed.
Although campaign groups approve of healthcare professionals leading by example
with high standards of hygiene in hospitals, some individuals argue that this potential
new image legislation is merely a case of jumping on the bandwagon of the current
media trend for home and lifestyle makeovers.
Questions of hospital administration:
1- It is always preferable for healthcare professionals to wear blue instead of red.
2- Most campaign groups are mainly concerned with long hospital waiting lists.
3- Individuals have argued that the current media trend for lifestyle make-overs is a
direct result of the concern over the image of healthcare professionals.
Passage 33:
Some cleaning fluids are now being packaged in child resistant bottles in an attempt
to reduce the large number of young children who have to be treated in hospital for
chemical poisoning. Studies with children of viruses ages have shown that the new
design proves far more difficult to open, especially those under the age of 6.
Unfortunately, elderly people with degenerative diseases and disorders such as
osteoarthritis also have difficulty in opening the bottles. However, it is still possible to
purchase cleaning fluids in the original twisted top containers from certain stores
Questions cleaning fluids :
1- The large number of young children needing treatment for chemical poisoning has
resulted in cleaning fluids being packaged in child resistant bottles
2- The new bottles will reduce the number of young children being treated in
hospital for chemical poisoning by at least half
3- No cleaning fluid can now be packaged in twist top bottle
4- All cleaning products are now packaged in child resistant bottles.
5- The main reason that young children are admitted to hospital is for chemical
6- Some cleaning fluids are packaged in twist-top containers.
Passage 34:
Some companies find it not only possible, but also desirable, to set personal targets
with sales executives for different quantities of sales, to suit both the individual
employee and the organizational targets. In order to meet sales targets, the sales
executive must tailor his or her approach and adopt the most efficient method of
communicating with clients. Every sales executive, therefore, must recognize the
importance of flexibility, time management and effective communication. All of these
skills are necessary if a sales executive is to be successful.
Questions sales executives:
1- The most important skill required in selling is the ability to be flexible.
2- Sales executives with personal targets have greater job satisfaction. (
3- Individual sales targets are based solely on organizational targets.
Passage 35:
While personality instruments are not yet adopted widely for selection purposes,
especially in some countries, the results of such questionnaires do show evidence of a
person’s motivations, interests, strengths and weaknesses. Examples of these include a
desire to work with other people or a preference for physical activity. Personality
questionnaires are often used in formulating vocational advice and provide
information with which occupational psychologists may often astonish the jobsearcher.
Questions personality instruments:
1- job-incumbents tend not to be very impressed by occupational psychologists.
2- The outputs of personality questionnaires are used to formulate vocational advice.
3- The results of a person’s personality questionnaire may provide dues to his or her
strong points.
4- Personality instruments do not reveal people’s strengths and weaknesses
5- In certain countries, personality questionnaires are rarely used for selection
Passage 36:
Stocks of fish in the North Sea have fallen dramatically during the last few years. A
current trend is towards cutting fishing quotas and towards restricting the number of
trawlers in fishing areas. This has an impact on the percentage of unemployed people
in the fishing industry, and on the average income of these workers, and therefore
subtly alters local communities and employment in local areas more generally.
Questions Stocks of fish:
1- Environmental groups are supportive of restrictions in the fishing industry.
2- Restricting the number of trawlers has an impact on the average income of
workers in the fishing industry.
3- Despite restrictions, employment in the fishing industry as a whole is unchanged.
Passage 37:
When purchasing new machinery for factory production, many issues need to be
considered. For example, price is clearly of importance; the purchaser needs to
confirm whether any service arrangements are included in the quoted price, and what
else will have to be purchased before the equipment is fully operational that is not
included in the price. Data on the machinery’s performance must also be carefully
considered, especially the claims for energy efficiency. Frequently, these are obtained
under ideal operating conditions, which in practice are difficult to obtain.
Questions purchasing new machinery for factory production:
1- Any factory plant should easily be able to achieve the energy efficiency figures
presented in the literature.
2- When purchasing machinery, it is important to check whether service
arrangements are included in the price.
3- Machinery buyers often base their decision on the durability of the equipment.
4- Service arrangements are always included in the quoted price.
5- Quotes for machinery may exclude some essential parts.
Passage 38:
The company expects the new factory, its first in Asia, to begin production early next
year, and aims to build 18,000 tractors during its first year of operation. Full capacity
will be achieved about five years later, by which time annual output will be about
40,000 tractors, making it the company’s largest producer worldwide. The move to
open such a large production site stemmed from the availability of labor within the
region, low production costs, positive inducements by the government to encourage
foreign investment, good communication and transport links, and increasing demand
for tractors locally.
Questions 18,000 tractors:
1- Communication links were not an important consideration in deciding where to
locate the new factory
2- Full production capacity will not be achieved after the first year of operation.
3- Currently the company has no production facilities within Asia
Passage 39:
The company expects the new service center, its first in the North, to begin answering
queries early next month, and aims to respond to 50,000 calls during its first month of
operation. Full capacity will be achieved about two months later, by which time
monthly throughput will be about 2 million calls, making it the company’s largest call
center nationwide. The move to open such a large call center facility stemmed from
the availability of labour within the region, low start-up costs, successful marketing
by the local authority to encourage new business, good service and transport links,
and increasing demand for customer service locally.
Questions 50,000 calls:
1- Full call answering capacity will be achieved within the first month of operation.
2- Currently the company has no operational service center facilities within the
3- The local authority has strict rules concerning new business. (Cannot Say)
4- Service links were not a consideration in deciding where to locate the new call
Passage 40:
Acupuncture has been practiced by Far Eastern healers since ancient times, but it is
only in recent years that it has become popular in the West, as its benefits for certain
conditions have become recognized. Evidence indicates that people treated with
acupuncture have a lower incidence of relapses and side effects than do people treated
with conventional medicine People who use acupuncture take fewer prescription
medicines and use more self-diagnosis treatments, and adopt this holistic approach
both to manage illness and to maintain good heath.
Questions Acupuncture:
1- The popularity of acupuncture has expanded beyond the Far East.
2- Acupuncture has been found to be useful in treating certain conditions.
3- Acupuncture has only been practiced in recent years.
4- People treated with conventional medicine are more likely than those treated with
acupuncture to have relapses or side-effects.
5- No differences have been shown between people treated with acupuncture and
people treated with conventional medicine
6- Acupuncture may be used in place of conventional medicine for all aliments and
Passage 41:
Most employees are attracted by flexible working arrangements and many employers
nowadays provide flex time system for staff. For employers, the ability to turn credit
hours into flexi leave means that it is always to an employees ’ advantage to take their
accrues time off each month that would otherwise be lost if not used. Unfortunately,
however, the majority of these systems are expensive, although this sometimes
depends on the number of employees within an organization and the type of system
purchased. The cost of purchasing flex time computer system, however, is likely to be
offset by improvement to staff morale.
Questions flexible working arrangements:
1- Different flex time system have different implication for organization.
2- There is a broad of flexi time system available on market.
3- Large organizations’ flexi-time systems cost more than those of small firms.
4- The cost associated with implementing a flexi-time system may depend on the
number of staff employed by an organization.
5- Flexible working arrangements are rare today’s workplace.
6- All flexi-time systems are expensive.
Passage 42:
Call centers are chief method of handling customer service complaints; however, this
method is particularly resource intensive. Self help facilities are an alternative, but
many people oppose their introduction because of the danger of lost sales
opportunities. There is also concern over the fact that self help option has to be trialed
for several months before their impact ceases to be an unknown.
Questions Call centers:
1- The impact of self option is unknown for over a month after they are introduced.
2- Cell centers are too recourse intensive to be profitable.
3- The impact of self facilities can be accurately judged before their introduction.
4- If new approaches to dealing with complaints were found, we would have no need
for self-help facilities.
5- The impact of introducing self-help options can be recognized in under a month.
6- Call centers are the best way to achieve a high level of sales.
Passage 43:
Assessment can have a number of objectives. It can be informative, aiming to
enlighten the individual regarding his or her strength and weaknesses ( i.e in a
personal development situation) and it can be used to improve team working and
leadership. However, assessment is mainly used to measure the skills and abilities of
job applicants to screen them for qualities required for success in a specific role.
Lively debate usually accompanies the allocation of expenditure to the annual
recruitment budget. Critics argue that certain costs associated with such recruitment
campaigns could be scaled down. And those programmes that are unproductive could
be axed
Questions Assessment:
1- The allocation of budgetary funds to recruitment tends to be agreed quickly and
easily without a high level of discussion
2- The sole objective of assessment is to screen candidates for job roles.
3- Assessment techniques can help individuals to identify the things that they are
good at
4- One-on-one assessment is the most effective form of selection.
Passage 44:
Despite their aesthetic landscaping, ease of access and generous parking, out-of-town
business parks have not turned out to be the attractive proposition that speculative
developers had hoped. Their polished appearance and spaciousness have failed to
compensate for limited provision of basic infrastructures such as shops, banks and
leisure facilities as less scrupulous developers reneged on earlier promises or
struggled with cash flow problems and other difficulties. It is thought that an
expansion of home working, relying on advanced communication systems and
technology, would make visits to smaller head offices situated in the heart of town
centers mere acceptable.
Questions aesthetic landscaping:
1- Proximity to retail outlets is seen as an important issue when evaluating office
locations. (True Cannot Say) (me cs)
2- The continued popularity of business parks will be reinforced by new technology.
3- Cash flow is the main problem for speculative developers.
4- In certain instances, there have been discrepancies between the original plans and
the finished business park.
Passage 45:
A new course aimed exclusively at training unemployed young people in sales and
marketing skills has been started in the city center by the CPU group. Financial
backing for the course has come from the government and a local private enterprise
fund. The CPU course can cater for up to 180 students at a time on either six- month
or one-year courses. The CPU group already runs about 30 similar programmes,
primarily in the south of the country. To be eligible, students must be unemployed, at
least 19 years of age and have been out of full time education for the previous two
years. Depending on their personal circumstances, they may receive a cash allowance.
Questions CPU group:
1- All trainees on the course are entitled to an allowance.
2- The CPU group has its head office in the south of the country.
3- Funding for the new CPU course comes from a couple of sources.
4- Students completing any of the CPU courses have a greater chance of finding
suitable employment than students from other equivalent colleges.
Passage 46:
Although the number of companies actively promoting customers feedback has
escalated in recent years, the introduction of customer feedback schemes has led to a
corresponding increase in complaints. However, data has demonstrated that only one
in fifteen unhappy customers bothers to complain to the organization concern. This
inertia typically reflects the belief that no one is interested in customers ’ concern,
regardless of how important their concern are, and to a lesser extent uncertainty about
the unhappy consumers are likely to discuss their dissatisfaction with their
individuals. Companies are now addressing the issues of communication channel in
order to obtain the views of a wide range of customers on how best to improve
Questions customers feedback:
1- Business is lost when customers share their negative views with others.
2- Nowadays, almost all unhappy customers complain.
3- Customers tend only to contract organizations about the most serious complaint.
4- Organisations only find out about a small proportion of the complaints that
customers have.
Passage 46:
A UN report has warned of the potential problems of global warming. If the
production of greenhouse gases continues at the current rate, this will result in the
melting of ice sheets in Greenland and the Antarctic. The consequences of this will be
rising sea levels, which will endanger 145 million people. In response to the problem,
the report observes the need for an immediate international agreement on reducing
Questions UN REport:
1- Inhabitants of Greenland and Antarctica will be the most severely affected by
rising sea levels.
2- The melting of the ice sheets is the primary consequence of global warming.
Passage 47:
Economic research has identified a trend exhibited by one in six Britons of hiding
cash in their homes instead of investing it. This is termed the ‘Biscuit Tin Economy’.
It is estimated that €3.5 billion is currently hidden, sometimes in obscure places, such
as under mattresses or in fridges, in homes across the country. Reasons for this are
varied, for example 6% are concealing it from their partners, and 4% believe their
money to be safer at home than in a bank. Researchers maintain that these actions
demonstrate economic folly, and that, as a result, Britons are sacrificing up to €174
million in interest every year. This ‘Biscuit Tin Economy’ is betraying those who
trust in it, as it renders their hidden money both unproductive and potentially unsafe,
whereas it could be profitably invested in a stocks or high-interest savings plan, for
Questions €3.5 billion is currently hidden:
1- The majority of people who secrete cash on their property do so because they do
not trust the bank.
2- Money is safer when invested in a bank than it is when stored at home.
Passage 48:
A few ‘Sale As Houses’ alarms have been redesigned in an attempt to reduce the large
number of complaints where alarms have sounded by accident. One of the new types
of alarm is less sensitive than its predecessors. Studies have shown that these newer
alarms are rarely activated for no apparent reason. ‘Save as Houses’ still sells a
number of the original, Sensitive alarm systems, because the increase in threshold for
motion detection means that the new style alarms may fail to register break- in where
limited force is being used.
Questions ‘Sale As Houses’:
1- All of the company’s alarm system are now less sensitive
2- The new alarm systems should reduce the number of accidental soundings by at
least a half.
Passage 49:
Sagas Stores enjoys an international reputation for quality and style. Nowhere is this
more important than in the dress and appearance of its staff. The company sets
minimum standards of appearance which are demanded of all shop floor staff,
although some departments have specific additional requirements. Hair must be clean,
tidy and well cut at all times. With very few exceptions, such as “Designer Corner”,
which operates a different staff dress code reflecting their particular style, business
dress must be worn. Women should wear tailored suits, with a white or cream blouse.
Men should wear dark grey trousers together with a white shirt and navy blazer.
Questions Sagas Stores:
1- Women in “Designer Corner’ are allowed to wear jewellery.
2- Business dress must be worn by staff in all Departments.
Passage 50:
The early chaos of the home computing industry in the USA, where it developed,
probably had a more detrimental effect in Europe than it did in the States. All the
innovators in the field were companies which were too small to cope with or
understand foreign sales. As a result all US companies sold exclusively through
European distributors, some of which were only interested in making maximum
profits in a minimum amount of time. Home computing in Europe got off to a slow
start because greedy distributors worked through incompetent suppliers, none of
which had any real interest in the long term future of the technology.
Questions computing industry in the USA:
1- Incompetent suppliers were one of the reasons for the slow development of home
computing in Europe
2- None of the American innovators in the field were able to deal adequately with
foreign sales.
Passage 51:
Staff training can have a number of objectives. It can be educational, aiming to
develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of the trainees; it can be a vehicle to
promote company policy or values; or, finally, it can raise levels of staff satisfaction
by ensuring employees are able to improve their existing skills. Lively debate usually
accompanies the allocation of expenditure to the annual training budget. Critics argue
that certain costs associated with such programmes could be scaled down, and those
courses which are unproductive could be axed.
Questions Staff training:
1- Knowledge-based training is the most effective form for staff. (CS)
2- Training sharpens an organisation’s competitive edge. (CS)
Passage 52:
Despite decreases in the miles travelled by the average cyclist in recent years, increase
in bicycle sales over the last 5 years have meant a corresponding increase in cycle
accidents. This increase is especially marked amongst teenagers and young children.
Last year, 45% of all cycle casualties were under 14 and another 20% under 20 years.
The provisional figures for this year show some improvement, but the fact remains
that the number of cyclists of all ages injured each year is unacceptably high.
Questions the miles travelled by the average cyclist:
1- The majority of cycle casualties last year involved people under 20 years of age.
2- Fewer adults were involved in cycle casualties this year.
Passage 53:
Hargraves, one of the country’s leading specialist electrical engineering companies
announced the rejection of a take-over bid made by the larger, more generalized MLT
Group. The Board of Directors stated that this was the decision of the majority of
shareholders and the announcement kept the price of Hargraves shares where it had
stood before the bid had been made. The Chairman was known to be very relieved by
the decision as he could see no advantage for the shareholders, the company or its
employees in the take-over.
Questions Hargraves:
1- Some shareholders were against accepting the proposed take-over
2- The employees of Hargraves were against the take- over
Passage 54:
Although people are buying less sugar to add to their food, the percentage of sugar
eaten in manufactured foods is increasing sharply. In that form it is often referred to
on the label as fructose, sucrose or dextrose. Although there is concern at the growing
compulsion to eat over-sugared food, there is no proven link between sugar and
coronary heart disease, and sugar does not by itself make people fat.
Questions less sugar :
1- Over-consumption of sugar sometimes results in heart disease.(
2- The average individual consumption of sugar in all its various forms is increasing.
Passage 55:
A newly developed process of creating artificial skin may be useful for treating burns
and wounds. The established method of treating such injuries is by using a skin graft
taken from another, usually unseen, part of the body. However, artificial skin, grown
in the lab from cells called fibroblasts, has so far shown itself to have better healing
properties than “living skin’ and a lower tendency towards scarring, The process is
currently being refined by researchers, who maintain that the wide availability of
artificial skin could completely transform the way burns and other skin damage are
Questions artificial skin:
1- Fibroblasts are used in the production of artificial skin
2- Lack of scarring is the most important factor when choosing a method of treating
Passage 56:
Despite vehicle improvements and campaigns for road safety, many injuries and
fatalities are still caused by collisions and other incidents involving vehicles.
According to investigations in the United States, some of these accidents could be
prevented through the development of a mobile internet network. All of the cars on a
stretch of road would be linked to each other, comprising the mobile network. Only
one of these vehicles would need to be connected to the internet to download travel
news to the mobile network. The studies highlight the safety advantages of such a
system, which would enable drivers to find out about accidents and potential dangers
as they happen and in relation to their particular location, Drivers and emergency
service teams would have detailed information about problematic areas. There are,
however, possible drawbacks to the development of such networks, not least that the
availability of data within them could facilitate privacy infringements.
Questions vehicle improvements and campaigns for road safety:
1- The advantages of mobile networks outweigh the disadvantages
2- All those in the mobile network must be connected to the internet
Passage 57:
WI-FI® technology, which allows users to wirelessly connect to the Internet, has an
obvious aesthetic benefit in that it can remove some of the unsightly wires which
surround computers. However, Wi-Fi® technology is also beneficial for businesses as
it allows employees to work more flexibly, while it also negates the need for
businesses to install expensive cabling, which is particularly useful if their office is a
rented building. As a result of the popularity of Wi-Fi®, laws have had to be
reviewed, and there have been convictions where people have been using someone
else’s Wi-Fi® without paying for the service. These reviews of the law are crucial in
ensuring that Wi-Fi® is presented as a secure form of technology, as only then will it
retain the support of businesses.
Questions WI-FI® technology:
1- Before the introduction of Wi-Fi, businesses had to install expensive cabling.
2- Wi-Fi is a new form of technology
Passage 58:
A report from a prestigious university has urged the world’s richest countries to
consider the precarious position of bird species from around the world. The study
suggests that acting now could ensure the survival of the 400 to 900 species of land
bird that are at risk because of the actions of man, The report pays particular attention
to the dangers faced by those species which are highly specialized, and may not be
able to adapt to changes in their environment. Richer countries currently have little
awareness of the dangers faced by bird species around the globe, and tend to
concentrate on the preservation of local species instead.
Questions bird species:
1- Rich countries show little awareness of the need to preserve bird species.
2- The report’s main focus is on those species of bird which might not be able to
change to suit different ecosystems
Passage 59:
Timed examinations have always played an influential role in assessing the abilities of
students; however, with increasing worries that pupils are plagiarising material from
the internet for their final year assignments, there is going to be a renewed emphasis
on traditional supervised assessment, albeit in a revised format. The new form of
controlled assessment will still allow students to conduct independent research on the
internet and participate in beneficial practical activities, such as educational trips, but
it will also require students to present their final conclusions under supervised
conditions within their school. It is hoped that these controlled assessments will
maintain the integrity of their school qualifications, while also not disadvantaging
those students who become stressed by traditional timed examinations.
Questions Timed examinations:
1- The new form of assessment will not prohibit students from using the internet to
research their work
2- Students are going to return to traditional assessment
Passage 60:
Graduates, especially those with backgrounds in chemical engineering, are being
welcomed into a thriving industry with some of the finest salaries available to new
entrants, Energy production, climate change, alternative energy sources, innovative
recycling methods, and the development of sustainable technologies are currently
some of the most progressive and sought-after areas for new recruits, Government
policies and public concern over the environmental responsibility and sustainability of
our current energy sources have had a major role to play. This has led to an increase
in the numbers of engineers undertaking work that has a link to sustainable energy.
Developments In alternative energy sources are evident, such as in the generation of
electrical power by capturing the kinetic energy of wind, waves and tides. This, in
turn, has led to a significant growth rate of 20% a year for the alternative energy
Questions chemical engineering:
1- Alternative energy sources are one of the key areas attracting engineering
2- The energy generation industry has not utilized naturally-occurring energy sources
Passage 61:
In the future it may be possible to construct environments in space, capable of
supporting significant numbers of inhabitants in conditions that resemble those on
Earth. New manufacturing technologies are being studied, which will enable work to
be done in space by means of a combination of heat and kinetic energy. It has been
shown that steel casting and welding is possible, heating the metal using a
combination of sunlight and electrical energy. Solar power provides manufacturers
with a readily available natural power resource and this energy can be intensified for
use in manufacturing with the utilization of an arrangement of maneuverable mirrors.
Theoretically, space manufacturing could require only a very small amount of
material being brought from Earth.
Questions(space) :
1- It is thought that it may be possible in the future to work with only a minimal
amount of additional materials from Earth
2- A combination of heat and kinetic energy may be used in the manufacture of
structures in space
Passage 62:
The diverse topography of the Peak District is chiefly due to stretching of the earth’s
crust, and thinning of Chert and Lime-stone as a result of plate tectonics. Chert is a
variety of quartz created where diatoms and microscopic creatures have died and
been condensed as a form of liquid silica, The chalk equivalent is flint, which has
different properties, and was used during the stone ages for making tools, Limestone
is primarily a calcium carbonate and can be created from the integration of shell,
algae or plankton deposits within sediment. Although it would appear that the current
topography came about from re-exposed earlier features, there is not much that can be
uncovered about the geology of the Peak District after the Carboniferous period. It is
possible that there were Permo-Triassic deposits as outcrops of this age have been
discovered close to the boundaries of the area.
Questions diverse topography:
1- Chert has been found to have been used to make stone-age tools
2- Permo-Triassic deposits were left in the Peak District after the Carboniferous
Passage 63:
An aspect of consumer law is used to regulate the taxing of goods and services
purchased by current customers, and the after sales rights of the public. Under
consumer law, the retailer is responsible for including the correct amount of tax in the
price of customers’ purchases on all taxable goods and for ensuring that tax on
purchases is paid to the government. The operation of consumer taxes depends
heavily on the ability of the taxing authority to obtain records of transactions, if the
law is to be implemented properly.
Questions An aspect of consumer law :
1- Under consumer law, customers are responsible for tax payments on goods and
services purchased.
2- Consumer law protects the rights of the public for up to 12 months after making a
purchase. (
3- Not all goods purchased by customers are taxable.
Passage 64:
Crude oil from regions around the Dead Sea was used as early as 1000 BC for ancient
Egyptian mummification, but it wasn’t until 1853 that the process of oil distillation
was discovered and we saw the advent of the modern history of oil. The first oil mine
was constructed the following year. Oil quickly took over from coal as the world’s
principal fuel in the mid 1950s. Oil is now used to run the vast majority of vehicles
and is a key ingredient in many chemicals used in industry. However, concerns have
been raised that as oil is a limited resource, its usage as an economically viable energy
source will eventually come to an end. There is also worry that using and treating oil
has major impacts upon the environment, like the carbon dioxide released when it is
burnt and the contribution of this to global warming.
Questions Crude oil:
1- Oil is only used as an energy source. (
2- The treatment and use of oil may be bad for the environment.
3- The process of oil distillation was used in ancient times.
Passage 65:
Workers are becoming increasingly concerned about company relocation due to its
association with employee distress and isolation, which can be caused by issues such
as the management of property transitions and the loss of community ties.
Furthermore, moving home can put a strain on workers’ financial resources and close
relationships, especially for those working parents who may feel guilty about moving
children to new schools. Regardless of the disruption created, some individuals are
very willing to relocate, due to the potential for enhanced career prospects and longterm financial stability.
Questions company relocation distrees,:
1- Some people may feel guilty about the consequences of relocating.
2- The potential benefits of job relocation are seen, by some to be worth the
associated distress and strain.
3- Company relocation can lead to distress for employees.
Passage 66:
Internet shoppers are at an increased risk of both fraud and theft due to a number of
factors. Amongst them are both a decrease in a means of reliable identification and an
increase in the use of websites for monetary transactions whether from online
reservations, internet banking, or other types of business. This fraud is increasing in
severity and frequency in areas such as false business websites, telesales and online
shopping and is now a more serious problem than ever before. One solution to this
problem would be to limit internet transactions to websites authorised by the banks,
Questions Internet shoppers:
1- By restricting internet transactions to only websites authorised by the banks, a
decrease in internet fraud might be seen
2- The increased risk of fraud and theft to internet shoppers is wholly due to a
decrease in a means of reliable identification and an increase in the use of the
internet for online banking.
Passage 67:
A recent study investigating the effects of stress at work argues that stress
management programs should be included in all organisational development policies
as a key step in helping to fight absenteeism from work and work-related stress. The
Confederation of Work and Industry states that it is essential to counter work-related
stress to beat higher absenteeism from jobs, and that most work stress arises from
poor management. Stress management strategies are currently excluded from
organisational development policies by many businesses, and smaller companies are
unlikely to allow organisational development in the area of stress management.
Questions effects of stress at work:
1- Nearly all businesses incorporate stress management strategies in their policy.
2- Many smaller businesses will not permit policies for absenteeism from work
Passage 68:
An ever-Increasing amount of time is spent each year on staff assessment, and the
benefits can be numerous. An appraisal can be informative, shedding light on areas of
good performance; it can be constructive in that it can give employees an opportunity
to consider areas for development within the job; and it can also be motivating by
highlighting those skills, abilities and areas of knowledge that the individual has
gained from the job. However, the frequency of appraisals is the focus of criticism by
some people, who state that assessments do not take place at appropriate times, i, e. in
time for an individual to address performance areas in time for a promotion, and
therefore it is likely that half of the time spent on assessment is used ineffectively.
Questions staff assessment:
1- The purpose of staff appraisals is purely to inform
2- Staff assessment is one of the greatest time consuming aspects of a job.
Passage 69:
Off-shoring has been adopted by banks and other financial organisations in the West
since the 1980’s, but it is only in recent years that it has become popular in other
industry sectors as its financial benefits over more local outsourcing have become
recognised, Evidence indicates that off-shore workers have a lower incidence of
failure and cost less to employ than workers based locally. Off-shore workers need
less financial rewards and become more competent than local workers in a shorter
space of time.
Questions Off-shoring:
1- Off-shoring has only been adopted in recent years
2- In the West, off-shoring was the main method used for banking organisations
outsourcing their work in the 1980’s.
Passage 70:
Since the number of societies actively promoting environmental awareness has
escalated in recent years, the implementation of campaigns is leading to a
corresponding increase in involvement. However, survey data demonstrates that only
one in twenty interested supporters bothers to get involved with the society
concerned, This inertia typically reflects the belief that their contribution would be
inconsequential, and, to a lesser extent, uncertainty about the appropriate channels to
use, The data also suggested that interested followers are likely to discuss their views
with other individuals, While this is a valuable means of promoting environmental
awareness, it would be more beneficial to get involved with the societies themselves.
Questions societies actively promoting environmental awareness:
1- Uncertainty over the appropriate channels to use is the main reason that supporters
do not get involved in the campaigns
2- Nowadays, almost all interested supporters get involved in the campaigns
Passage 71:
Minimum wage policies, first introduced in the service industry and leading to a
reduction in employee exploitation, were the result of numerous studies. The studies
confirmed that a national minimum wage is an important parameter in employee
security, and campaigners were rewarded with key backing from worker’s unions.
This provided the support required to drive through Employment Relations
programmes in many agricultural and industrial sectors, culminating in the creation of
the Low Pay Commission. This has been vital in attracting collaboration from major
corporations which have previously resisted the pressure to improve income stability.
Questions Minimum wage:
1- The Low Pay Commission has played an important part in obtaining support from
large companies.
2- Employee exploitation is the key concern of most workers” unions
3- The creation of the Low Pay Commission was the first step in the process of
agricultural and industrial minimum wage policies
Passage 73:
Water, the most common liquid used for cleaning, has a property called surface
tension. Molecules in the body of the water are surrounded by other molecules, but at
the surface a ‘tension’ is created as molecules are only surrounded by other molecules
on the waterside. This tension inhibits the cleaning process, as it slows the wetting of
surfaces due to tension causing the water to bead up. This is where water droplets
hold their shape and do not spread. For effective cleaning to take place ‘surface
tension’ must be reduced so that water can spread. Surface-active agents, or
surfactants, are chemicals which are able to do this effectively.
Questions Water:
1- The molecules on the waterside hinder the cleaning process
2- If surfactant chemicals are added to water when cleaning a Surface, surface
tension will occur
3- Water droplets will not spread where there are high levels of surface tension
Passage 74:
A major concern is that globalisation contributes to poverty, inequality and social
disintegration by reducing the bargaining power of low-skilled labour and decreasing
job security. This is because production of manufactured goods can be moved from
one country to another with relative ease, but workers are far more restricted in their
ability to cross borders. However companies working with natural resources – for
example, mining, oil and gas, and tree plantations – have to make long- term
workforce commitments because of the more immobile nature of their business.
Questions globalisation:
1- The relative ease of relocating goods production across countries eases poverty
2- Jobs are more secure in the natural resource sector
3- Jobs are less secure in the natural resource sector.
Passage 76:
Many organizations find it beneficial to employ students over the summer. Permanent
staff often wish to take their own holidays over this period. Furthermore, it is not
uncommon for companies to experience peak workloads in the summer and so require
extra staff. Summer employment also attracts students who may return as well
qualified recruits to an organization when they have completed their education.
Ensuring that the students learn as much as possible about the organization
encourages interest in working on a permanent basis. Organizations pay students on a
fixed rate without the usual entitlement to paid holidays or sick leave.
Questions employ students over the summer:
1- It is possible that permanent staff who are on holiday can have their work carried
out by students.
2- Students in summer employment are given the same paid holiday benefit as
permanent staff.
3- Students are subject to the organization’s standard disciplinary and grievance
4- Some companies have more work to do in the summer when students are available
for vacation work
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