Case study analysis

Case study analysisRead the Harvard Business School case study “Promoting Land & Nature Jerky”
Do not follow the case’s question about promotional spending, rather use the case
information to complete this assignment.
Assume that you are on the marketing and communication team for L&N Jerky, and that
you have a budget of $5 million for creative development and media. Write a creative
brief to provide background and parameters to a new, external agency. Use the format
that was discussed in class, which includes:

Background information
– Situation
– Key challenges
– Key competitors
– Current audience(s)
– Current brand perceptions
– Other considerations
Business objectives (i.e “Increase sales by 10% in 2023)
– Business and/or financial objectives, including metrics and timing
Communication objective (i.e. “Stimulate consumers to purchase L&N
– Desired Results, including what we want the audience to think or do
Scope of campaign or initiative
– Specifics on the types of communication and media vehicles
Target audience(s)
– Who are we trying to influence? • Go beyond pure demographics •
Behavior is most critical • Other descriptors include geographic,
psychographic, influencers
Relevant insights
– KEY AUDIENCE INSIGHTS: What do they hear, see, think, and feel? • Any
problems or needs?
Value message to communicate+ Support points
– What is the single most compelling message/idea to communicate? • Why
should the audience believe this message?
Tone and personality
– What type of voice should the audience hear?
Evaluation criteria
– How will the results of the campaign or initiative be measured?
In addition, please specify what type of agency (or agencies) you would give this
creative brief and assignment. Please put the type of agency on the first page under the
title “Creative Brief.” For example you could select “to an advertising agency” or “to a
public relations agency” or “to a branding agency.”
Please note that your creative brief should be no more than 800 words.

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