CSE 1325 Animal Shelter Software Programming Code
Product BacklogProduct Name: Mav’s Animal Shelter Software (MASS) Team ID: Team Member Name Initials Required Sprint # 0 1 2 3 4 5 Remaining Completed This Sprint 22 Total 22 0 22 0 22 0 22 0 22 0 Comment Total number of features (in column H) 1 Total features left at the end of […]
Assembly Language Program that Performs Arithmetic Operations Project
ASCII CONTROL CHARACTERSThe following list shows the ASCII codes generated when a control key combination is pressed. The mnemonics and descriptions refer to ASCII functions used for screen and printer formatting and data communications. ASCII Code* Ctrl- Mnemonic 00 Description ASCII Code* Ctrl- Mnemonic NUL Null character 10 Ctrl-P DLE Data link escape Description Device […]
Programming Language and Semantic Rules Project
Choose a programming language with which you are familiar and identify one of the semantic rules of that language. Give an example of a program in that language that violates that rule. Post a screen shot showing the error message that the compiler for that language would generate for your program example. Then review the […]
Humber College Analysis with Spark Data Frames Paper
Introduction: In this Assignment, you will be working with the car.csv dataset that you can download from https://www.kaggle.com/mirosval/personal-cars-clas… or use the wget command provided which can directly load the dataset into HDFS. This dataset has the classified records for several Eastern European countries over several years. Beware that the data is not “clean” and investigating […]
New York University The TicketSales Spreadsheet Excel Task
If you are using a version of Excel other than2013, this screen may appear different If you are using a version of Excel other than 2013, this screen may appear different If you are using a version of Excel other than 2013, this screen may appear different If you are using a version of Excel […]
California State University Bakersfield Hive and Impala Project
Hive: 1. Add each of these (3) files to HDFS (recommended to make a new directory and add it into that): i attached the 3 files as a zip 2. Make a new external table for each file in Hive. 3. Execute a join query between two of the tables. 4. Drop one of the […]
Saint Thomas University Programming Question Worksheet
Linear Programming AssignmentYou must do the necessary calculations in the answer cells. Simply providing a number in the ans When look at the answer cell, I want to see a number, when I click on the cell I want to see the exce if I asked you the sum of cells B5 through D5, this […]
C++ Programming Project
Objectives• Practice on operations on Red-Black tree, such as insert, search, find minimum/maximum, traversal, etc. File(s) Given (right-click to download each of the files) • • • Task6.cpp (Partialy given. This is the driver program used it to check your RedBlackTree.cpp) RedBlackTree.h (Given. Don’t change it, but feel free to add auxillary functions) RedBlackTree.cpp (Partialy […]
AIU Online Deep Learning and Fuzzy Logic Python Coding Task
I intend to have a python coding on Deep learning (CNN) and Fuzzy Logic. implement a CNN with a fuzzy layer in it using python ©2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for […]
University of Massachusetts Lowell Cypher Code Query Project
Task 1: Adding or Updating a Movie Suppose we do not know if we have the movie Rocketman in our graph. If it is not in the graph, we want to set the createdAt property with the value of datetime(). The datetime() function returns the current date and time. If it is in the graph, […]