Week 8 and Week 9 Discussion
Week 8 Discussion – Ethical Leadership What are the key characteristics of an ethical leader? How does ethical leadership impact employee motivation and organizational culture positively? This week you read Ch. 14 in The Leader of the Future 2. In this chapter the authors discuss the concept of servant leadership. Discuss two examples of how […]
Business Question
Written AssignmentRead and review information related to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in the textbook. Also, review additional information on the IMF found on www.imf.org. After reviewing the IMF, read and complete the questions (10-5 & 10-6 found in the Ethical Challenge section).Written Work RequirementsAll graded assignments must be typewritten, as designated by the professor […]
Business Question
Directions: Download and read the material and watch the three videos posted under the Week 11 learning module. Then post your answers to the following questions by Friday night. To receive full credit for this assignment, you will need to read and comment on at least two other students’ posts by Sunday night. In order […]
5-1 Presentation: Insights From Uber
Overview You have analyzed the current financial records of your organization and evaluated whether the operational plan aligns with key performance indicators of the finance department. Now, your CEO wants you to present to senior management how your department (or any individual department) can contribute to the financial success of the organization. Prompt Analyze Uber’s […]
Week 4 Discussion
Scenario #1: You are at work. Your boss calls you honey, but you prefer that he call you by your first name or as Ms. (last name). You explain this to your boss as tactfully as possible, but he laughs it off. You don’t want to offend your boss, but you don’t feel that he […]
Business Question
“”””””Important note””””””” please please don’t use AI please don’t use AI, don’t use hard or un-understandable English as I’m an international student so make sure that the grammar is for international students. Every specific detail will be given below please work based on it and don’t use things that aren’t mentioned in the details. Read […]
Positive Change Management
Change is a difficult thing to navigate for many people and many organizations, but change is needed to grow. Employees and employers alike need managersto support change and go beyond accepting it to normalize change. Discuss strategies managers can use for creating positive, organizational change with their teams. How does collaboration influence positive organizational change? […]
Positive Organizational Change Chart
To prepare for the Week 6 Assessment, you will complete an organizational change chart, like you did in Week 1, only this time for a well-known multi-national corporation. Choose an organization such as Samsung, Starbucks, Ford Motor Company, or Waste Management that implemented a major change. For example, a sustainability initiative at Starbucks or Apple […]
Business Question
BUSI 745DISRUPTIVE MARKETING PLAN: BRAND PROPOSAL PAPER ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS Product/Service Topic Identification Each student must choose an existing consumer product/service to analyze for the Disruptive Marketing Plan. You will submit a proposal in 750–1000 words in regards to your idea using the provided template. Three references, including one Journal of Marketing reference, are required. Important: […]
Business Ethics
Please follow the detailed instructions in the attached document. Assignment This assignment involves imagining yourself in a specific scenario. For this assignment, you will make a decision and present it to the Board of Directors for approval. THE SCENARIO You are the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Facey, Inc., a (fictional) cosmetics company that creates […]