CSU Module 4 Critical Thinking Paper
Conduct research on the Internet to identify a recent cyber-attack on an organization. Describe the occurrence and what could have been done to prevent the situation or lessen its impact. How might risk management have been used to lessen the impact? Directions: Your paper should be four to five pages in length (excluding cover page […]
ISM 530 CSU Global Linux & Windows Worksheet
Earlier in this course, you had the opportunity to experiment with the management and configuration of a Windows-based account. Linux is another popular operating system that is frequently used by organizations. This lab introduces you to the tools and techniques needed to manage Linux accounts. Follow the steps below to complete this assignment: Open the […]
CSU Module 4 Programming Paper
ATTACHED IS THE FIRST PORTFOLIO MILESTONE ASSIGNMENT WITH THE BUSINESS I CHOSE TO WORK ON Submit an outline of your Portfolio Project State your paper topic. Provide an outline of your paper.Your outline should include headers (the major topics), major resources, and the intended flow of the information in the project.Under each header, write a […]
ITS 3105 South University Savannah The Ethics of Coding Discussion
Suppose your supervisor asks you to create a report that lists all employees sorted by salary. Suppose you also know that your employer will use this report to lay off the highest-paid employee in each department. Would you agree to write the program? Instead, what if the report’s purpose was to list the worst performer […]
Programming Question
please follow the ins CSCI 3171 NETWORK COMPUTING Assignment No. 3 Date Given: Sunday, October 24th, 2021 Due: Saturday, November 6th, 2021, 11.59 PM Exercise 1: The objective of this exercise is to implement a Client-Server application that exchanges messages that are encrypted using Caesar cipher. It focuses on developing Client-Server applications using Java socket […]
Algorithm Patterns Questions
Question 1 :1. Write an algorithm to print following pattern P pr pro prog progr program program Implement the algorithm using OUBuild script following the above steps and provide clear screenshots for the OUbuild code with output Question 2 : A friend, Anna, has a lot of books in her house. She has asked me […]
VLSI design Create a compact layout and perform simulations for the follow- ing gates
Description: Create a compact layout and perform simulations for the follow- ing gates Draw the layout for a minimum sized inverter and size transistors according to the INVx1 schematic from lab2. Use the simulation and config views from the previous lab to run simu- lations to verify your layout. Perform simulations with four INVx1 cells […]
Programming Counterfeiting Banknotes SAS Clustering Analysis Report
Counterfeiting banknotes has been a problem since the introduction of color photocopiers and computer image scanners. The banking industry has suffered from counterfeits due to inflation and reduction in the value of real money. Assume that you are a data mining expert who works in the banking industry. The dataset called banknotes.csv (Links to an […]
ITS3105 SUS Programming Automation through Technology Discussion
Fifty or sixty years ago, most people’s paychecks were produced by hand; now it is most likely that yours is produced by a computer or not printed at all but deposited into an account electronically. Forty years ago, most grocery store checkers keyed item prices into the cash register; now it is most likely your […]
Computer Architecture – Discussion Post
Discussion Forum Expectations Forum posts must discuss an issue related to the module topic. Your initial post should be a minimum of 200 words long and responses to classmates should be a minimum of 100 words long. Each student should post one response to classmates as well for a total of 2 posts. Discussions will […]