
Total Size of All Files in The Current Directory Program Project

Write a program to calculate the total size of all files in the current directory / folderand all sub-folders. 3 different languages. Use C, C++, and Java. Upload a zip with all 3 files. After that answer the following question: 1. Was one language easier or faster to write the code for this? If so, […]

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Florida State College at Jacksonville Salary Calculator C Program

Write a C program that runs on ocelot for a salary calculator using only the command line options. You must use getopt to parse the command line. The calculator will only do bonuses and raises to a base salary as well as a veterans bump. Usage: salary [-b bnum] [-r rnum] [-v] base The variable […]

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Robert Morris University Mobile Forensics Celebrity Stalking Case Lab 2 Report

For this weeks lab, you will need to access the software through VM. Once you are in VM, go to the Start Menu, find Paraben and the click Device Seizure. Please note that some of the information in the videos deals with actual working with physical devices. Since this is an online class, you will […]

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IS 676 University of Maryland Baltimore County Retrieving Metadata Information using SQL Project

UMBC – Department of Information SystemsIS 676: Information Integration Homework 3: Retrieving Metadata Information You have already created a metadata integration layer on top of two databases, localDB1 and localDB2. The purpose of this homework is to go further and retrieve information from that integration layer. In such an environment, there are two types of […]

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CISC 225 NCC First Assembly and The C Program Question

First Assembly ProgramPlease see the attached C++ program, first.cpp. Write an assembly program that produces the same results as the code in this program. In other words, you should allocate memory locations by the same name and of the same type shown in this program, and carry out equivalent operations to change those memory locations […]

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JMU Matlab ASK FSK and PSK Digital Modulation Lab Report

IT300 Virtual Lab 3 V5ASK, FSK and PSK Digital Modulation Student Name: ___________________ GMU ID: ____________Date: _____________ Objectives. VLAB3 covers part 1: On-Off Keying (OOK), part 2: Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK), part 3: Frequency Shift Keying (FSK), and part 4: Phase Shift Keying (PSK) digital signaling techniques. As you read through this procedure, you will […]

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UART Palindrome checker

I need help with array_ptr and poll_UART asap. CSE 230 Project 3: UART Palindrome Checker Learning Objectives: ● Create modular code and interface with unfamiliar modularized code The Task In this project, you will be writing a program that receives a string of characters via the UART, checks if this string is a palindrome, and […]

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ER diagram

draw the ER diagram in lucid chart or any other software. here is the question CSC 134 Fall 2021 Assignment 1 Draw an ER diagram accordingly to the following user requirements. You can draw the diagram using tools that you prefer, such as Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power Point. Hand-drawn diagram will get a […]

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CSU Evaluation and Recommendation of Organizational Security Paper

You are the chief information technology officer at a small outpatient health care facility in Riyadh. The medical facility employs five specialist physicians, ten certified nurses, five administrative assistants, and two technicians. There are 25 clinical rooms. Each room is equipped with a computer. In addition, five computers are used by the administrative assistants for […]

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Texas Womens University Networking Concepts and Ideas Questions

As some of you have noted, the routers provided by many ISPs are not very good and limit your ability to harden your network. What would be some good features to consider when upgrading your home router? What is 5G (not the 5.0 GHz band on your router) in networking? Should you consider switching to […]

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