Southwestern College Public Marketing Website Project
Session 2 Project 3 Create a Public Marketing WebsiteSynopsis: A aerospace company has decided to update their customer-facing website with a more modern, responsive design. Description: An aerospace company, called AAC, is restructuring its external website. AAC is a large corporation that develops and assembles airplanes and cutting-edge craft for several markets, including commercial and […]
Harvard University Web Development in the Internet Explorer Project
Chapter 2 Individual Case Project Addition Plan and add a feature to one of the web pages in your personal site that uses at least one function to perform a mathematical calculation based on user input. Test the page to ensure it works as planned. Chapter 3 Individual Case Project Addition Plan and add a […]
Programming Question
assignment 4. Java coding due August 2, 11:00 pm. For tutor already Anthropology Tentative Degree Plan Name: Date: EMPLID: University Core Requirements (42 units) Actual Program Specified (54 units) Needed Communication (6 units) Other (24 units) Actual Needed Anthropology Specified Actual Needed Optional Minor (see minor advisor) see approved list 2307 Biological Anthropology 2322 Global […]
DAT 210 Anthem College Phoenix Data Programming Languages Project
Imagine you work for an independent grocery store with 20 employees. The business owner has tasked you with creating a relational database that will track employee names, IDs, positions (e.g., cashier, manager, clerk, or night crew), and salaries. Create a relational database table in Microsoft® Excel® for the grocery store using the provided data points […]
EECE 326 American University Signal Spectral Analysis Programming Lab Report
Course: EECE326–Communication Systems I w/LabLab 3: Signal Spectral Analysis Objective The objective of this lab is to perform spectral analysis using the mixed signal oscilloscope. At the end of this lab, you should be able to perform the following: 1. Generate signals using the Agilent function generator. 2. Utilize the Tektronix oscilloscope to analyze signals […]
Write a Program in The Processing Programming Environment Computer Programming Task
Write a program in the Processing programming environment. Remember, you must do your own work on this assignment, and your code must be your own, but you may consult with your discussion group peers about how certain functions, structure and methods could be employed to further your vision for this artwork assignment. Instructions for downloading […]
San Diego Mesa College Workbook Excel File
Part 1 – Create your file and Import your data Start Excel creating a new Blank workbook using Excel 2016 or 2019Save the file with the Name _Excel_Exam2Files created in older versions of Excel may not earn full credit! Enter the appropriate Excel header and footer elements in the locations below. The only part you […]
phase 3 project java
here’s the files for phase 3 for my tutor. also additional_avatar and character_avatar files from the phase 2 question, for some reason it’s not letting me open it here. CSE 1325: Object-Oriented Programming University of Texas at Arlington Summer 2021 Dr. Alex Dillho Project Phase III Description In the nal phase of the project, you […]
IDS 201 MVCC Write a Program Code Computer Programming Questions
IDS201 Homework 4Write a program to perform functions like below: 1. Create an array (size = 50) – Assign random* integer numbers to the array (generate an unsorted list) – Range of random values between 1 and N (N >= 100) – Display data (format: 10 values per line) in the list (no comma for […]
CS 410 Southern NH University Assembly to C Programming Project
6/3/2021 Project One Guidelines and Rubric – CS-410-T5470 Software Reverse Engineering 21EW5 Competencies In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies: U lize fundamental reverse engineering technologies and prac ces Apply the fundamentals of assembly language in reverse engineering tasks Scenario SNHU Investments is a large investment company that offers […]