
Programming Question

Question 1 (25 pts):Assume the following list of keys: 52, 7, 92, 28, 70, 49, 86, 33, 63, 25, 15 This list is to be sorted using the quick sort algorithm as discussed in this chapter. Use pivot as the middle element of the list, and fill in the blank squares below. Question 2 (25 […]

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question regarding R language

Preprocessing your dataIt’s way more important than you think… ISTA 321 What is preprocessing? Preprocessing is the process of making your data useable for statistical or machine learning models. It is probably one of the most critical steps for the whole data mining pipeline, as improper preprocessing can lead to improper inference What tasks are […]

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Programming Question

Program 1 Roman Numerals: Design a program that prompts the user to enter a number within the range of 1 through 10. The program should display the Roman numeral version of that number. If the number is outside the range of 1 through 10, the program should display an error message. Program 2 Change for […]

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CSCI448behavioral emblems: shrugging

1. Capture your own video, where upper body, head, and shoulders, are visible, and natural/realistic movements are performed. You may want to consider a video with smooth uncluttered background for easier processing. 2. Detect the head position in each frame, using an existing method; two most popular approaches are the one of Viola-Jones (see HW1) […]

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Case Study Integrated Enterprise Systems

College of Computing and InformaticsCase Study Deadline: Tuesday 05/13/2024 @ 23:59 [Total Mark is 14] Student Details: CRN: Name: Name: Name: ID: ID: ID: Instructions: • You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not be in […]

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Write a Verilog module for the FSM and demonstrate its operation using a VIVADO

Q1)Consider a parking lot with a single entry and exit gate. Two pairs of sensors, SF and SB, are used at the gate. Whena car is between the photo transmitter and the photoreceiver, the light is blocked, and the corresponding sensoroutput is asserted to 1. For entrance, when both sensors areunblocked, SB SF=”00″. As the […]

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Programming Question

Option 1 (Research Writing & Presentation): We may choose a topic related to Data Centers, Data Center Security,  or any subject connected to topics covered in class. Our goal is to  learn and summarize research ideas and proposed  systems/models/algorithms/architectures as well as the results from the  state-of-the-art. Include simulation/app deployment, prototype, results and analysis  (even […]

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aba research

Overview The Capella Compassion Code offers guidance on important areas of compassionate care when working in the field of ABA. For this assignment, you will examine the first section of the code more closely. Instructions Review the Capella Compassion Code [PDF]  Download Capella Compassion Code [PDF]. Looking specifically at the first section “Compassion in Interacting […]

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CSMC 451 Homework 4

Consider the following directed graph for each of the problems:1. Perform a breadth-first search on the graph assuming that the vertices and adjacency lists are listed in alphabetical order. Show the breadth-first search tree that is generated. 2. Perform a depth-first search on the graph assuming that the vertices and adjacency lists are listed in […]

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Programming Question

College of Computing and InformaticsAssignment 2 Deadline: Day 05/06/2024 @ 23:59 [Total Mark for this Assignment is 8] Student Details: Name: ### ID: ### CRN: ### Instructions: • You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not […]

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