Communications Question
For your final assignment in this class, you will complete a research paper. This paper will draw on elements completed in previous class assignments (literature review, research questions, research methods, etc.) The paper will include: a title page, abstract, introduction, literature review with research questions, research method description, findings, discussion, conclusion, and references page (appendixes as needed).
Literature Review
Kimora Lewis
Frontier’s of Science
Loyola Marymount University
November 10th, 2022
Literature Review on the Impact of Teratogens on Pregnancy
Many internal and external factors may seriously and negatively impact an unborn child’s
life. Although it may appear that the unborn child lives in a safe, pleasant habitat, it is not
entirely shielded from the mother’s surrounding environment. There are several established ways
in which the environment might impact the child. Teratogenic substances have several effects on
genes and protein synthesis. Through self-replacement in the genetic code, they may harm the
child’s genes and render them inactive. No matter the stage the pregnancy is exposed to,
teratogens have a negative impact on the child. The first eight weeks of pregnancy are when the
risk is somewhat higher. This is because the fetus is growing and developing many organs and
systems, which increases its sensitivity to teratogens’ damaging effects. Teratogens, according to
studies, may affect the developing baby as early as two weeks after conception.
According to Offor, Awodele, and Oshikoya (2019), teratogens refer to anything that,
when it comes into contact with a growing embryo or fetus, has the potential to result in birth
deformities or other abnormalities. Some medications, cigarettes, alcohol, recreational drugs, and
in very unusual cases, medical disorders such as uncontrolled diabetes in pregnant women may
all be classified as teratogens. During pregnancy, a woman may be exposed to a teratogen by
ingestion or environmental exposure. According to Feldkamp, Botto, and Carey (2015), alcohol
and cigarettes are the two most common teratogens, and their exposure can result in stillbirth,
miscarriage, or premature labor. Teratogens can affect a baby or pregnancy depending on several
Although it may seem that the unborn child is safe and comfortable in the womb of their
mother, Scheuerle & Aylsworth (2016) contend that the woman is not immune to some internal
and external stimuli which can harm the baby. These factors can result in severe and intentional
health issues at certain junctures in a person’s development. Teratogenic substances can be
present in the mother’s surroundings, rendering genes useless as they replace them in the genetic
coding. This causes the genes to be destroyed. According to research by Gao et al. (2020),
teratogens—events that impact the mother’s life before birth—are responsible for thousands of
children born yearly with mental disorders and/or physical abnormalities.
In a study to examine the effects of smoking during pregnancy, Kallen (2001) used the
Swedish Medical Birth Registry, where the midwife questioned women. Among other things,
smoking habits were recorded. She then chose children exposed to smoking during the first
trimester and were born between 1990 and 2000. The Swedish standard for birth weight was
utilized in conjunction with gestational age to estimate newborn birth weights. The estimated
head circumferences for the baby were determined using the gestational age and a range of fewer
than two standard deviations.
From her study, Kallen (2001) concluded that smoking during pregnancy is harmful to
the unborn child and can lead to permanent implications for the child. Her study also showed that
women who smoke are more likely to be infertile, to have spontaneous and late abortions, to
have infant death syndrome, and to have children who are more likely to have intellectual
disabilities. Nicotine, one of the major components in cigarettes, is particularly harmful to the
developing baby. Since smoking generally harms future generations, pregnant women should
avoid it at all costs.
Similarly, in a study by Muzik & Hamilton (2016) to examine the impacts of
antidepressants on pregnant women, the author used a computerized search of different databases
to get the required data. The authors also conducted scientific experiments and studied academic
literature discussing the impacts of antidepressants on pregnant women. Muzik & Hamilton
(2016) reported that antidepressants during pregnancy are linked to spontaneous abortions,
premature births, low birth weight, stillbirths, and decreased gestational age. The authors also
highlighted the possibility of chronic pulmonary hypertension in newborns.
In their study, Zomerdijk et al. (2015) found that various prescription drugs, including
Accutane, progestin, and synthetic estrogen, and antibiotics like streptomycin and tetracycline
act as teratogens and end up affecting the unborn child. Additionally, according to Stancil et al.
(2016), prescription medications, including diet pills, aspirin, and caffeine, are particularly
harmful to unborn children since they end up interfering with organ development. However, a
review of research on caffeine intake during pregnancy found that pregnant women who
consume less than 250 milligrams of caffeine daily have little to no risks to the unborn baby.
According to Hasin, Shmulewitz, and Keyes (2019), there are many ways to consume
alcoholic beverages, ranging from traditional beverages like pito, palm wine, and ogogoro to
more modern beverages like lager beer, wine, and spirituous liquors. In their study on the impact
of alcohol on expectant mothers, Hasin, Shmulewitz, and Keyes (2019) found that pregnant
women who overdrink put the health of their unborn children at risk. It is more probable that
moms who use alcohol often and in significant quantities may pass on the disorder known as
fetal alcohol syndrome to their children. Malformations of the face, limbs, and face are among
the abnormalities that are commonly observed among children born to alcoholic mothers. Most
of these children also have IQs that are average or lower than average, and some of them even
have mental retardation. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that pregnant women should
avoid drinking any alcohol because of the potential dangers it poses not only to their health but
also to that of their children.
According to Stancil et al. (2016), the timing of the exposure in relation to the fetus’s
various developmental phases has a significant impact on the consequences of teratogen
exposure. Congenital abnormalities are far more likely to occur if exposure occurs during critical
developmental phases, such as when organs are developing. This is due to the fast cell division
and differentiation occurring throughout these significant developmental phases. Between days
fifteen and sixty after fertilization, organ development, or organogenesis, occurs. Before this,
during the first two weeks of embryonic development, exposure to teratogens is more likely to
result in birth abnormalities. Furthermore, the likelihood of termination is also probable up to
around week eight of pregnancy if the exposure to teratogens is extensive and the embryo has
major abnormalities (Gao et al., 2020). Every organ goes through a critical stage, which may be
thought of as a period of rapid cell proliferation and development. During this critical period,
exposure to a teratogen can inflict the greatest harm to the organ. The critical window of time
varies depending on the organ. For example, the most important stage in the development of the
heart occurs between the third and eighth weeks of gestation. Still, the most important stage in
the development of the brain occurs between the third and sixteen weeks of gestation (although
brain development does not stop there and continues into infancy). Teratogen exposure is usually
assumed to create the bulk of substantial morphological abnormalities between the weeks of 3
and 8, while teratogen exposure between the weeks of 9 and 38 often results in either minor
abnormalities or functional issues.
Teratogens have detrimental impacts on unborn children. Both prenatal and postnatal
periods of human development are affected adversely. Teratogens have been proven to be present
in a woman’s body before the onset of pregnancy. These teratogens can potentially affect an
unborn child during labor and delivery or at a later point in the child’s life. Therefore, women of
reproductive age are advised to keep off harmful substances that may negatively impact the
development and health of the unborn child. When injecting any medicine, whether prescribed or
over-the-counter, expectant mothers should exercise the utmost care to avoid potentially harmful
side effects. From the above findings, pregnant women are advised to avoid doing anything
harmful to their unborn child, including eating, drinking, or participating in any activity that may
jeopardize the unborn child’s health.
Denny, C. H., Acero, C. S., Naimi, T. S., & Kim, S. Y. (2019). Consumption of alcohol
beverages and binge drinking among pregnant women aged 18–44 years—United States, 2015–
2017. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 68(16), 365.
Feldkamp, M. L., Botto, L. D., & Carey, J. C. (2015). Reflections on the etiology of structural
birth defects: Established teratogens and risk factors. Birth Defects Research Part A:
Clinical and Molecular Teratology, 103(8), 652-655.
Gao, S., Wang, S., Fan, R., & Hu, J. (2020). Recent advances in the molecular mechanism of
thalidomide teratogenicity. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 127, 110114.
Hasin, D. S., Shmulewitz, D., & Keyes, K. (2019). Alcohol use and binge drinking among US
men, pregnant and non-pregnant women ages 18–44: 2002–2017. Drug and alcohol
dependence, 205, 107590.
KĀLLÉN, K. (2001). The impact of maternal smoking during pregnancy on delivery
outcome. The European Journal of Public Health, 11(3), 329-333.
Muzik, M., & Hamilton, S. E. (2016). Use of antidepressants during pregnancy?: What to
consider when weighing treatment with antidepressants against untreated depression. Maternal
and child health journal, 20(11), 2268-2279.
Offer, I., Awodele, O., & Oshikoya, K. A. (2019). Drug related teratogenic and pathologic
causes of birth defects in a tertiary hospital in Southwestern Nigeria. Pharmacology
Research & Perspectives, 7(1), e00452.
Scheuerle, A. E., & Aylsworth, A. S. (2016). Birth defects and neonatal morbidity caused by
teratogen exposure after the embryonic period. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical
Molecular Teratology, 106(11), 935-939.
Stancil, S. L., Miller, M., Briggs, H., Lynch, D., Goggin, K., & Kearns, G. (2016). Contraceptive
provision to adolescent females prescribed teratogenic medications. Pediatrics, 137(1).
Zomerdijk, I. M., Ruiter, R., Houweling, L. M., Herings, R. M., Straus, S. M., & Stricker, B. H.
(2015). Dispensing of potentially teratogenic drugs before conception and during pregnancy: a
population based study. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 122(8),
Communication in Leadership
Firms have different core values that aid in meeting the organization’s goals. Employers
encourage workers to collaborate to attain the organization’s goals and objectives. It is prudent,
therefore, for organizations to employ mechanisms that ensure employees meet the
organization’s requirements for the future development of the firms. Communication is among
the critical aspects that enable the company to meet its objectives. It refers to the flow of
information among employees across the working station. Leaders are also required to pass
information to the junior employees to effect changes in the firms. This research elaborates on
the significance of communication from the leaders to the junior employees in the organizations.
It explains the positive impacts of communication among the workers and its effect on the firm’s
productivity. Communication in leadership is vital as it improves the organization’s productivity
and cohesion.
Literature Review
Organizational Culture
Every organization has its way of conducting its operations and activities. The norms and
methods of performing the actions bring the employees together, thus enabling the company’s
operations to be accomplished within a specified time (Astuti et al., 2020). Organizations recruit
employees from different regions and train them to fit into the firm’s culture. Recruitment and
training encompass communication between the leaders and the newly recruited individuals in
the company. Company leaders are responsible for informing the recruits about the firm’s routine
and norms to curb confusion and errors during activity implementation (Astuti et al., 2020).
Through communication, leaders can educate employees about organizational changes and the
best methods to enact specific changes, thus improving the company’s output.
Trust is also essential among employees in various companies across different domains. It is
pivotal for trust to exist among the workers to improve the co-existence among the co-workers.
Trust makes workers share critical information in the organization, thus improving the
employment relationship for the company’s goals (Johnson et al., 2022). Building trust among
employees enhances the relationship among the workers, which in turn contributes to the
company’s success. The leaders accord employees instructions in the form of education.
Entrusting the leaders allows the workers to work on the instructions, thus aiding the company in
meeting its objectives (Johnson et al., 2022). Frequent communication between the leaders and
the workers enhances trust among the top officials and junior workers, improving the
environment for conducting other activities in the company. When the leaders communicate with
the junior employees, employees develop a sense of belonging and equity, thus improving their
output for the company.
Employee Engagement
Employee engagement refers to the worker interaction levels at the firms. The levels of how
the executives interact with the junior employees determine the engagement levels in every
company, which improves or affects the co-existence between workers. Leaders summon
meetings and convections in organizations to improve the interaction levels (Gemeda et al.,
2020). Workers are allowed to contribute to the firm’s ideas and recommendations. The
communication from the leaders to the junior employees thus increases employee engagement
which improves the cohesion among the workers in firms. Leaders also use communication to
convey the importance of employee engagement to the employees, which enhances their
understanding and implementation of the aspect (Gemeda et al., 2020). It enables the workers to
gain freedom of expression, enhancing democracy at the workstations and reducing turnover
rates. Therefore, leaders in various companies should improve their communication to create an
enabling environment for the workers.
Collaboration and Team Work
Teamwork comprises employees working together to achieve a particular objective. Workers
could be from different departments but collaborate to accomplish the organization’s specific
task. When leaders summon employees to perform various functions in the firms, workers
organize themselves in groups, improving teamwork and collaboration (Matzke et al., 2021).
Communication from the leaders to the junior employees thus encourages the workers to work
together to accomplish the tasks at hand. Leaders can also instruct the workers on the
significance of teamwork through communication, thus improving the organization’s levels of
cooperation. Informing the employees about the importance of collaboration not only aids the
employees in accomplishing the tasks within the required time but also improves unity in the
firm. In the current systems, firms employ diversification at the workplace. Diversification
employs recruiting people from different social backgrounds and having other competencies
across the domains. Communicating with workers from various departments and of different
social backgrounds encourages them to collaborate toward accomplishing particular objectives
(Matzke et al., 2021). For instance, workers competent in information technology fields can
collaborate with employees with human resource management skills to improve the
organization’s productivity. Communication from the leaders thus promotes collaboration among
the workers, which fastens the company’s goal achievement rates.
Internal Miscommunications
As aforementioned above, teamwork improves the cohesion among workers, thus promoting
the chances of success in the organization. The presence of workers from different social
backgrounds can, however, lead to conflicts resulting from differences in social beliefs and
norms (Safapour at al., 2020). The employees disagree on procedures and systems of conducting
various aspects, thus affecting the general unity among the workers. When the employees engage
in misunderstandings, the company’s productivity gets compromised. Workers direct time could
be significant in enhancing the company’s productivity in problem-solving, thus affecting the
organization’s output. Leaders take the initiative to converge meetings and discuss
misunderstandings among the workers. Leaders listen to the parties and find an effective way of
handling the case among the workers in the companies. Employees are thus allocated time to
explain their views and concerns before the executive board makes the final verdict (Safapour at
al., 2020). Companies also convey information to the workers regarding new changes in the
organizations. The workers can misinterpret information, leading to poor implementation of the
procedures. Upon realization of the misinformation, leaders rectify the concerns through
communication with the workers in the organization. They set the record straight through the
changes and improved the outcome for the company. Leaders communicate, thus eliminating
internal miscommunication and its effects on the organization’s employees.
Strategic Goals
Organizations set realistic goals to motivate employees to develop intrinsic morale and aid
them in achieving the goals. However, employees can behave contrary to the organizational
policies’ dictates, affecting the goal achievement objective. Leaders remind employees about the
company’s strategic goals and keep them on the right track (Cunningham et al., 2020). For
instance, leaders organize awards for the best-performing employees in the firms, motivating
other employees to work hard and meet their targets. Communication in leadership is essential as
it enables the executive committee of various organizations to inform their workers about the
strategic goals, thus motivating the employees towards meeting the goals.
Communication in leadership is critical as it enhances output and unity in organizations.
Communication in leadership maintains the organizational culture, sustains employee trust,
improves worker engagement, promotes employee team works and collaboration, and curbs
internal miscommunications. Firms should therefore consider communication in leadership as
vital to achieving the organization’s goal.
Astuti, R. Y., Sa’adah, N., Rahmawati, S. D., Astuti, J. P., Suprapti, S., & Sudargini, Y. (2020).
impact of leadership style, work motivation, organization culture toward Satuan Polisi
Pamong Praja work performance. Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management
Research, 1(3), 49-64.
Cunningham, C. M., Hazel, M., & Hayes, T. J. (2020). Communication and Leadership 2020:
Intersectional, Mindful, and Digital. Communication research trends, 39(1).
Gemeda, H. K., & Lee, J. (2020). Leadership styles, work engagement and outcomes among
information and communications technology professionals: A cross-national study. Heliyon,
6(4), e03699.
Johnson, N., Turnbull, B., & Reisslein, M. (2022). Social media influence, trust, and conflict: An
interview-based study of leadership perceptions. Technology in Society, 68, 101836.
Matzke, C. M., DeGennaro, R., & Howie-Esquivel, J. (2021). Incorporating TeamSTEPPS
training to improve staff collaboration in an academic level I emergency and trauma center.
International emergency nursing, 55, 100959.
Safapour, E., Kermanshachi, S., & Kamalirad, S. (2020). Analysis of effective project-based
communication components within primary stakeholders in construction industry. Built
Environment Project and Asset Management
Literature Review
Kimora Lewis
Frontier’s of Science
Loyola Marymount University
November 10th, 2022
Literature Review on the Impact of Teratogens on Pregnancy
Many internal and external factors may seriously and negatively impact an unborn child’s
life. Although it may appear that the unborn child lives in a safe, pleasant habitat, it is not
entirely shielded from the mother’s surrounding environment. There are several established ways
in which the environment might impact the child. Teratogenic substances have several effects on
genes and protein synthesis. Through self-replacement in the genetic code, they may harm the
child’s genes and render them inactive. No matter the stage the pregnancy is exposed to,
teratogens have a negative impact on the child. The first eight weeks of pregnancy are when the
risk is somewhat higher. This is because the fetus is growing and developing many organs and
systems, which increases its sensitivity to teratogens’ damaging effects. Teratogens, according to
studies, may affect the developing baby as early as two weeks after conception.
According to Offor, Awodele, and Oshikoya (2019), teratogens refer to anything that,
when it comes into contact with a growing embryo or fetus, has the potential to result in birth
deformities or other abnormalities. Some medications, cigarettes, alcohol, recreational drugs, and
in very unusual cases, medical disorders such as uncontrolled diabetes in pregnant women may
all be classified as teratogens. During pregnancy, a woman may be exposed to a teratogen by
ingestion or environmental exposure. According to Feldkamp, Botto, and Carey (2015), alcohol
and cigarettes are the two most common teratogens, and their exposure can result in stillbirth,
miscarriage, or premature labor. Teratogens can affect a baby or pregnancy depending on several
Although it may seem that the unborn child is safe and comfortable in the womb of their
mother, Scheuerle & Aylsworth (2016) contend that the woman is not immune to some internal
and external stimuli which can harm the baby. These factors can result in severe and intentional
health issues at certain junctures in a person’s development. Teratogenic substances can be
present in the mother’s surroundings, rendering genes useless as they replace them in the genetic
coding. This causes the genes to be destroyed. According to research by Gao et al. (2020),
teratogens—events that impact the mother’s life before birth—are responsible for thousands of
children born yearly with mental disorders and/or physical abnormalities.
In a study to examine the effects of smoking during pregnancy, Kallen (2001) used the
Swedish Medical Birth Registry, where the midwife questioned women. Among other things,
smoking habits were recorded. She then chose children exposed to smoking during the first
trimester and were born between 1990 and 2000. The Swedish standard for birth weight was
utilized in conjunction with gestational age to estimate newborn birth weights. The estimated
head circumferences for the baby were determined using the gestational age and a range of fewer
than two standard deviations.
From her study, Kallen (2001) concluded that smoking during pregnancy is harmful to
the unborn child and can lead to permanent implications for the child. Her study also showed that
women who smoke are more likely to be infertile, to have spontaneous and late abortions, to
have infant death syndrome, and to have children who are more likely to have intellectual
disabilities. Nicotine, one of the major components in cigarettes, is particularly harmful to the
developing baby. Since smoking generally harms future generations, pregnant women should
avoid it at all costs.
Similarly, in a study by Muzik & Hamilton (2016) to examine the impacts of
antidepressants on pregnant women, the author used a computerized search of different databases
to get the required data. The authors also conducted scientific experiments and studied academic
literature discussing the impacts of antidepressants on pregnant women. Muzik & Hamilton
(2016) reported that antidepressants during pregnancy are linked to spontaneous abortions,
premature births, low birth weight, stillbirths, and decreased gestational age. The authors also
highlighted the possibility of chronic pulmonary hypertension in newborns.
In their study, Zomerdijk et al. (2015) found that various prescription drugs, including
Accutane, progestin, and synthetic estrogen, and antibiotics like streptomycin and tetracycline
act as teratogens and end up affecting the unborn child. Additionally, according to Stancil et al.
(2016), prescription medications, including diet pills, aspirin, and caffeine, are particularly
harmful to unborn children since they end up interfering with organ development. However, a
review of research on caffeine intake during pregnancy found that pregnant women who
consume less than 250 milligrams of caffeine daily have little to no risks to the unborn baby.
According to Hasin, Shmulewitz, and Keyes (2019), there are many ways to consume
alcoholic beverages, ranging from traditional beverages like pito, palm wine, and ogogoro to
more modern beverages like lager beer, wine, and spirituous liquors. In their study on the impact
of alcohol on expectant mothers, Hasin, Shmulewitz, and Keyes (2019) found that pregnant
women who overdrink put the health of their unborn children at risk. It is more probable that
moms who use alcohol often and in significant quantities may pass on the disorder known as
fetal alcohol syndrome to their children. Malformations of the face, limbs, and face are among
the abnormalities that are commonly observed among children born to alcoholic mothers. Most
of these children also have IQs that are average or lower than average, and some of them even
have mental retardation. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that pregnant women should
avoid drinking any alcohol because of the potential dangers it poses not only to their health but
also to that of their children.
According to Stancil et al. (2016), the timing of the exposure in relation to the fetus’s
various developmental phases has a significant impact on the consequences of teratogen
exposure. Congenital abnormalities are far more likely to occur if exposure occurs during critical
developmental phases, such as when organs are developing. This is due to the fast cell division
and differentiation occurring throughout these significant developmental phases. Between days
fifteen and sixty after fertilization, organ development, or organogenesis, occurs. Before this,
during the first two weeks of embryonic development, exposure to teratogens is more likely to
result in birth abnormalities. Furthermore, the likelihood of termination is also probable up to
around week eight of pregnancy if the exposure to teratogens is extensive and the embryo has
major abnormalities (Gao et al., 2020). Every organ goes through a critical stage, which may be
thought of as a period of rapid cell proliferation and development. During this critical period,
exposure to a teratogen can inflict the greatest harm to the organ. The critical window of time
varies depending on the organ. For example, the most important stage in the development of the
heart occurs between the third and eighth weeks of gestation. Still, the most important stage in
the development of the brain occurs between the third and sixteen weeks of gestation (although
brain development does not stop there and continues into infancy). Teratogen exposure is usually
assumed to create the bulk of substantial morphological abnormalities between the weeks of 3
and 8, while teratogen exposure between the weeks of 9 and 38 often results in either minor
abnormalities or functional issues.
Teratogens have detrimental impacts on unborn children. Both prenatal and postnatal
periods of human development are affected adversely. Teratogens have been proven to be present
in a woman’s body before the onset of pregnancy. These teratogens can potentially affect an
unborn child during labor and delivery or at a later point in the child’s life. Therefore, women of
reproductive age are advised to keep off harmful substances that may negatively impact the
development and health of the unborn child. When injecting any medicine, whether prescribed or
over-the-counter, expectant mothers should exercise the utmost care to avoid potentially harmful
side effects. From the above findings, pregnant women are advised to avoid doing anything
harmful to their unborn child, including eating, drinking, or participating in any activity that may
jeopardize the unborn child’s health.
Denny, C. H., Acero, C. S., Naimi, T. S., & Kim, S. Y. (2019). Consumption of alcohol
beverages and binge drinking among pregnant women aged 18–44 years—United States, 2015–
2017. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 68(16), 365.
Feldkamp, M. L., Botto, L. D., & Carey, J. C. (2015). Reflections on the etiology of structural
birth defects: Established teratogens and risk factors. Birth Defects Research Part A:
Clinical and Molecular Teratology, 103(8), 652-655.
Gao, S., Wang, S., Fan, R., & Hu, J. (2020). Recent advances in the molecular mechanism of
thalidomide teratogenicity. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 127, 110114.
Hasin, D. S., Shmulewitz, D., & Keyes, K. (2019). Alcohol use and binge drinking among US
men, pregnant and non-pregnant women ages 18–44: 2002–2017. Drug and alcohol
dependence, 205, 107590.
KĀLLÉN, K. (2001). The impact of maternal smoking during pregnancy on delivery
outcome. The European Journal of Public Health, 11(3), 329-333.
Muzik, M., & Hamilton, S. E. (2016). Use of antidepressants during pregnancy?: What to
consider when weighing treatment with antidepressants against untreated depression. Maternal
and child health journal, 20(11), 2268-2279.
Offer, I., Awodele, O., & Oshikoya, K. A. (2019). Drug related teratogenic and pathologic
causes of birth defects in a tertiary hospital in Southwestern Nigeria. Pharmacology
Research & Perspectives, 7(1), e00452.
Scheuerle, A. E., & Aylsworth, A. S. (2016). Birth defects and neonatal morbidity caused by
teratogen exposure after the embryonic period. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical
Molecular Teratology, 106(11), 935-939.
Stancil, S. L., Miller, M., Briggs, H., Lynch, D., Goggin, K., & Kearns, G. (2016). Contraceptive
provision to adolescent females prescribed teratogenic medications. Pediatrics, 137(1).
Zomerdijk, I. M., Ruiter, R., Houweling, L. M., Herings, R. M., Straus, S. M., & Stricker, B. H.
(2015). Dispensing of potentially teratogenic drugs before conception and during pregnancy: a
population based study. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 122(8),
Communication in Leadership
Firms have different core values that aid in meeting the organization’s goals. Employers
encourage workers to collaborate to attain the organization’s goals and objectives. It is prudent,
therefore, for organizations to employ mechanisms that ensure employees meet the
organization’s requirements for the future development of the firms. Communication is among
the critical aspects that enable the company to meet its objectives. It refers to the flow of
information among employees across the working station. Leaders are also required to pass
information to the junior employees to effect changes in the firms. This research elaborates on
the significance of communication from the leaders to the junior employees in the organizations.
It explains the positive impacts of communication among the workers and its effect on the firm’s
productivity. Communication in leadership is vital as it improves the organization’s productivity
and cohesion.
Literature Review
Organizational Culture
Every organization has its way of conducting its operations and activities. The norms and
methods of performing the actions bring the employees together, thus enabling the company’s
operations to be accomplished within a specified time (Astuti et al., 2020). Organizations recruit
employees from different regions and train them to fit into the firm’s culture. Recruitment and
training encompass communication between the leaders and the newly recruited individuals in
the company. Company leaders are responsible for informing the recruits about the firm’s routine
and norms to curb confusion and errors during activity implementation (Astuti et al., 2020).
Through communication, leaders can educate employees about organizational changes and the
best methods to enact specific changes, thus improving the company’s output.
Trust is also essential among employees in various companies across different domains. It is
pivotal for trust to exist among the workers to improve the co-existence among the co-workers.
Trust makes workers share critical information in the organization, thus improving the
employment relationship for the company’s goals (Johnson et al., 2022). Building trust among
employees enhances the relationship among the workers, which in turn contributes to the
company’s success. The leaders accord employees instructions in the form of education.
Entrusting the leaders allows the workers to work on the instructions, thus aiding the company in
meeting its objectives (Johnson et al., 2022). Frequent communication between the leaders and
the workers enhances trust among the top officials and junior workers, improving the
environment for conducting other activities in the company. When the leaders communicate with
the junior employees, employees develop a sense of belonging and equity, thus improving their
output for the company.
Employee Engagement
Employee engagement refers to the worker interaction levels at the firms. The levels of how
the executives interact with the junior employees determine the engagement levels in every
company, which improves or affects the co-existence between workers. Leaders summon
meetings and convections in organizations to improve the interaction levels (Gemeda et al.,
2020). Workers are allowed to contribute to the firm’s ideas and recommendations. The
communication from the leaders to the junior employees thus increases employee engagement
which improves the cohesion among the workers in firms. Leaders also use communication to
convey the importance of employee engagement to the employees, which enhances their
understanding and implementation of the aspect (Gemeda et al., 2020). It enables the workers to
gain freedom of expression, enhancing democracy at the workstations and reducing turnover
rates. Therefore, leaders in various companies should improve their communication to create an
enabling environment for the workers.
Collaboration and Team Work
Teamwork comprises employees working together to achieve a particular objective. Workers
could be from different departments but collaborate to accomplish the organization’s specific
task. When leaders summon employees to perform various functions in the firms, workers
organize themselves in groups, improving teamwork and collaboration (Matzke et al., 2021).
Communication from the leaders to the junior employees thus encourages the workers to work
together to accomplish the tasks at hand. Leaders can also instruct the workers on the
significance of teamwork through communication, thus improving the organization’s levels of
cooperation. Informing the employees about the importance of collaboration not only aids the
employees in accomplishing the tasks within the required time but also improves unity in the
firm. In the current systems, firms employ diversification at the workplace. Diversification
employs recruiting people from different social backgrounds and having other competencies
across the domains. Communicating with workers from various departments and of different
social backgrounds encourages them to collaborate toward accomplishing particular objectives
(Matzke et al., 2021). For instance, workers competent in information technology fields can
collaborate with employees with human resource management skills to improve the
organization’s productivity. Communication from the leaders thus promotes collaboration among
the workers, which fastens the company’s goal achievement rates.
Internal Miscommunications
As aforementioned above, teamwork improves the cohesion among workers, thus promoting
the chances of success in the organization. The presence of workers from different social
backgrounds can, however, lead to conflicts resulting from differences in social beliefs and
norms (Safapour at al., 2020). The employees disagree on procedures and systems of conducting
various aspects, thus affecting the general unity among the workers. When the employees engage
in misunderstandings, the company’s productivity gets compromised. Workers direct time could
be significant in enhancing the company’s productivity in problem-solving, thus affecting the
organization’s output. Leaders take the initiative to converge meetings and discuss
misunderstandings among the workers. Leaders listen to the parties and find an effective way of
handling the case among the workers in the companies. Employees are thus allocated time to
explain their views and concerns before the executive board makes the final verdict (Safapour at
al., 2020). Companies also convey information to the workers regarding new changes in the
organizations. The workers can misinterpret information, leading to poor implementation of the
procedures. Upon realization of the misinformation, leaders rectify the concerns through
communication with the workers in the organization. They set the record straight through the
changes and improved the outcome for the company. Leaders communicate, thus eliminating
internal miscommunication and its effects on the organization’s employees.
Strategic Goals
Organizations set realistic goals to motivate employees to develop intrinsic morale and aid
them in achieving the goals. However, employees can behave contrary to the organizational
policies’ dictates, affecting the goal achievement objective. Leaders remind employees about the
company’s strategic goals and keep them on the right track (Cunningham et al., 2020). For
instance, leaders organize awards for the best-performing employees in the firms, motivating
other employees to work hard and meet their targets. Communication in leadership is essential as
it enables the executive committee of various organizations to inform their workers about the
strategic goals, thus motivating the employees towards meeting the goals.
Communication in leadership is critical as it enhances output and unity in organizations.
Communication in leadership maintains the organizational culture, sustains employee trust,
improves worker engagement, promotes employee team works and collaboration, and curbs
internal miscommunications. Firms should therefore consider communication in leadership as
vital to achieving the organization’s goal.
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