Communications Question

Purpose: This assignment is designed for you to examine an organization’s programevaluation that deals with an issue, risk or crisis . The knowledge that you will gain from
this assignment will provide a basis for comparison when you begin to plan a strategic
communication effort.
Task: Follow the below instructions.
1. Find a program evaluation for an organization of your choice that deals with
an issue, risk or crisis event. Some programs share them freely on their
website. Health and medical organizations, as well as educational programs,
rely on program evaluations. Here is an example of a program evaluation
using a logic modeling approach from the National Institutes of Health
2. Links to an external site.
2. Provide a summary of the issue, risk or crisis that the program evaluation
addresses. (Note: No two program evaluations are alike because different
models and frameworks exist, and some elements are selected by the
3. Pay particular attention to communication. Are any tactics or strategies
pertaining to communication included? (If not, that is OK. Many program
evaluation reports are not explicit in their virtual and physical communication
efforts. Rather, tell how information about the organization’s communicative
activities would have been important to know.)
4. Discuss your observations on communication or other elements of the
evaluation in a response of 250-300 words in the text field provided. Include a
link to the program evaluation or logic model.

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