COMS 356 College of Southern Nevada North Las Vegas Campus COMS 356 CSUN Before the Course Presentation

For this assignment you will be required to do the following:

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  • Purchase a poster board (traditional size, which you can find at any local convenience store).
  • Gather magazines/newspapers, print Google Images, or use your personal drawing skills (you will cut out images or words from the magazines or print images or draw right onto the poster board.
  • With these materials, you will do the following:On one half of the front side of the poster board, you will use the materials to create a collage that expresses the characteristics of what you thought culture was prior to taking this class (specifically, the characteristics of your culture).—white american-europeanOn the other half of the front side of the poster board, you will use the materials to create a collage that expresses the characteristics of your culture(s) now that you have taken this course. Hopefully your ideas of what culture is has changed to recognize that you have multiple cultures (you will express the characteristics of your multiple cultures on this half of the poster board).

  • Once your poster is done, you will take a picture of the poster and attachment that picture to this assignment (The assignment DOES NOT require you to include any written essay or description with the poster. You only need to upload and submit your picture of the completed poster board).
  • Welcome!! In this course I will set up an online environment that will enable us to share
    in the learning experience together. I will do so by posting video lectures that will not
    only teach material from the textbook, but I will also be posing thought provoking
    questions to get you to think and engage while you watch. My intention is to engage you
    in the excitement of learning so that lectures are not just static content that you just
    listen to –my hope is that you will feel intrigued to learn more about yourself and the
    around you. I will also be using discussion questions to support my educational value
    we are both teachers and learners in this course being that you are the expert of your
    experiences and we need your expertise to learn and grow from one another.
    experience and capacities as human beings are
    valuable resources for us all.
    Respect for
    yourself and others is essential for creating a positive learning environment in this class.
    I look forward to working with you to make this happen.
    Course Context and General Objectives
    This course is a journey. As most journeys, our travels take us to places both known
    unknown. In the process, we will learn a great deal about others—their values,
    standpoints, ways of thinking, behaving, and communicating. We will also learn about
    ourselves and how we are shaped by culture, positions of power and forms of inclusion
    and exclusion. Reflection upon oneself as a cultural
    being is an important aspect of
    intercultural communication. In our exploration of new territory in this class, we go
    away from home, leaving what is familiar and “normal” and we return home with new
    insights, perspectives and actions.
    The purpose of this class is to understand how culture and communication intersect in
    context of globalization. Communication across cultural groups is complex and
    challenging and often leads to misunderstanding and conflict in our global world.
    Intercultural communication is also informing and creative and can lead to personal,
    local and global change, growth and innovation. While both difficult and reward,
    communication is central to all our lives in the global context. You will have the chance
    to gain knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will increase your intercultural
    communication competence.
    Specific Course Objectives
    To explore cultural self-awareness, other-culture awareness and the dynamics that
    arise in interactions between people
    from different cultures.
    To understand how communication processes differ among cultures and to acquire
    knowledge and skills that increase intercultural competence.
    To understand that socially constructed systems of exploitation and exclusion–racism,
    sexism, and classism, for example–are historically based; to recognize how
    privilege, disadvantage and discrimination are perpetuated today and to develop
    alternative attitudes and actions to challenge and dismantle these systems of
    To make critical connections between local and global issues by examining the
    historical, political and economic dimensions of intercultural communication in the
    context of globalization.
    COMS 356 Exam #1 Study Guide

    The exam will include 40 multiple-choice questions.
    You will be given 90 minutes on Canvas to complete the exam.
    The questions will cover chapters 1 – 4 and the articles read up until Exam #1.
    Questions will ask you to define a key-term, or will provide you with an example/scenario and ask you
    to identify the term that defines the example provided.
    Chapter 1: Opening the Conversation

    What is High Culture and Low Culture?
    What is Popular Culture and Folk Culture?
    What is culture defined as?
    What are the definitions of culture according to:
    • Anthropological definition
    • Cultural Studies definition
    • Globalization definitions
    What is Positionality? Examples?
    What is Standpoint Theory? Examples?
    What is Ethnocentrism? Examples?
    What is Hegemony? Examples?
    What is Intercultural Praxis? What are the six points of entry into intercultural praxis? How are these
    points/ports of entry useful in your intercultural interactions? Examples?
    Chapter 2: Understanding the Context of Globalization

    What is the role of history in shaping intercultural interactions in the global context?
    How is globalization linked to colonization?
    What is Globalization?
    What are characteristics of economic globalization? Examples?
    What are characteristics of political globalization? Examples?
    What are characteristics of cultural globalization? Examples?
    What are characteristics of Neoliberalism?
    What are Ideological Wars? Examples?
    What is does it mean when a culture is De-territorialized? Examples?
    What is does it mean when a culture is Re-territorialized? Examples?
    What is Cultural Imperialism? Examples?
    What is Americanization? Examples?
    Chapter 3: Globalizing the Body Politics

    What is Body Politics? Examples?
    Describe examples of Body Politics as it relates to gender and race.
    Define race; Can you explain why race is a social construct?
    What is the history of the social construction of race?

    What was the purpose/effect of the social construction of race historically? Today?
    What is a Social Construct? Examples?
    What is Semiotics?
    What is the definition of a Signifier and Signified? Examples for each?
    Describe the arbitrary relationship between the Signifier and the Signified.
    What is White supremacy?
    How has the idea of “race” changed in the U.S.?
    What does it mean that race has been re-articulated as “culture” and “class?”
    How does hip hop culture offer an alternative to “race-based” U.S. culture?
    What is the Power of Texts and who has the power?
    What are Silenced Histories? Examples?
    Chapter 4: (Dis) placing Culture and Cultural Space

    Define Cultural Space and give examples.
    What is Avowed Identity? Examples?
    What is Ascribed Identity? Examples?
    What is a Location of Enunciation? Examples?
    What is (Dis) placed culture and cultural space? Examples?
    What is the Time-Space Compression?
    What is In-hereness and Out-thereness?
    What is Glocalization?
    What is Segregated Cultural Space? Examples both of Voluntary and Involuntary Segregated Cultural
    What is Contested Cultural Space? Examples?
    What is Hybrid Cultural Space? Examples?
    Hall and Hall Article

    What is the main theme of the article?
    What does “Culture is Communication” mean?
    What are some differences between Individualistic cultures and Collectivistic cultures?
    What is High/Low Context? Examples?
    What is Proxemics (contact/non-contact)? Examples?
    What is Monochronic/Polychronic? Examples?
    Grinde Article

    What is the main theme of the article?
    What were some differences between Grinde’s cultural beliefs and practices versus the mainstream
    What were some of the stereotypes/prejudices that Grinde experienced throughout his life?
    Orbe Article

    What is the main theme of the article?
    Describe the beliefs held by people who describe America as a “Post-racial Society.”
    What is Standpoint Theory? How does Standpoint Theory relate to this article?
    What were some of the findings in Orbe’s study?
    What is a Dialectical Approach?
    McIntosh Article

    What is the main theme of the article?
    What is White Privilege?
    What are some examples of the daily effects/privileges of White Privilege?
    Martin Article

    What is the main theme of the article?
    How does Martin characterize Whiteness and White Identity?
    What is the difference between Race and Ethnicity?
    What is Structural Privilege?
    Tanno Article

    What is the main theme of the article?
    How does ethnic identity shift?
    How did Tanno describe her ethnic identities?
    What is the value/worth of having multiple identities?
    Nero Article

    What is the main theme of the article?
    Why is experiential research as important as scientific research?
    What were some challenges that Nero experienced due to his identity?
    COMS 356 Exam #2 Study Guide

    The exam will include 40 multiple-choice questions.
    You will be given 90 minutes on Canvas to complete the exam.
    The questions will cover chapters 5 – 10.
    Questions will ask you to define a key-term, or will provide you with an example/scenario and ask you
    to identify the term that defines the example provided.
    Ch. 5: Privileging Relationships

    What is the history of intercultural relations in the U.S.?
    What are Anti-Miscegenation laws?
    What is Miscegenation?
    What are characteristics of Class Prejudices and Classism?
    What is Heteronormativity and Heterosexism? Examples?
    What are multidimensional cultural differences? Examples?
    What are Hofstede’s Five Cultural Dimensions? Examples?
    How is the notion of friendship different in different cultures?
    What are the Three Phases of the Intercultural Relationship Development Process? (Initial Encounter
    Phase, Exploratory Interaction Phase, On-Going Involvement Phase)? Examples?
    What are the Four Stages of the Intercultural Romantic Relationship Development Process?
    (Racial/Cultural Awareness, Coping, Identity Emergence, Relational Maintenance). Examples?
    How are levels of self-disclosure/intimacy/love/romance different in different cultures? Impact ICC
    What are some benefits of intercultural relationships? Long term relationships?
    What is an Intercultural Ally, Intercultural Alliance, and Intercultural Bridgework?
    Ch. 6: Crossing Borders

    Define migrant, immigrant, and sojourner.
    What is the difference between voluntary and involuntary migrant? Examples?
    What are Nativist Movements and Xenophobia?
    What is Chain Migration?
    What are Post-Colonial Migrants?
    What are macro, micro and meso level theories of migration?
    What is the Push-Pull Theory? Examples?
    What is the World System Theory?
    What is Melting Pot, Pluralism, Brain Drain?
    What are the U and W-Curve models and the communication systems model of adaptation?
    Migrant-home modes of relationship: Assimilation, Separation, Marginalization, Integration
    What is the Integrative Theory of Cultural Adaptation?
    What are Migrant Networks and Social Capital?
    General trends in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd waves of migration
    What are guest workers? Postcolonial migrants? Transmigrants?
    What are transnational communities?
    Ch. 7: Jamming Media and Popular Culture

    What role does media and technology play in intercultural communication?
    What is popular culture? Examples?
    Characteristics of pop culture? How is pop culture different from folk culture?
    What are the functions of popular culture?
    What role does popular culture play in globalization?
    What is Cultural Imperialism and Cultural Homogenization?
    What generalizations can you make about media representations of non-dominant groups?
    What does Stuart Hall mean by Dominant readings, Negotiated readings and Oppositional readings?
    What is Encoding and Decoding? Examples?
    Can you identify ways to resist popular culture?
    How does popular culture impact identity?
    Ch. 8: The Culture of Capitalism

    What is Capitalism?
    What is Neoliberalism? Characteristics of Neoliberalism?
    Define the Commodification of Culture. Examples?
    What is a Spectacle and Fetishization?
    Explain why tourism often sets up challenging dynamics for effective intercultural communication.
    What impact does economic inequity have on intercultural communication?
    What actions can you take to challenge economic injustice? What are the Four Steps towards
    Economic Sustainability?
    Ch. 9: Negotiating Intercultural Conflict and Social Justice

    What is Intercultural Conflict?
    What are some sources of intercultural conflict?
    What is High Context vs. Low Context?
    What is Facework? Examples?
    Describe In-Group vs. Out-Group conflicts.
    What are Oppositional Metaphors?
    What is the Immigration Industrial Complex?
    Define and give an example of independent and interdependent orientations to conflict.
    How do group based prejudices, ethnocentrism and racism impact intercultural conflict?
    Ch. 10: Engaging Intercultural Communication for Social Justice

    What is Social Justice?
    What is Global Citizenship?
    What are the qualities of Global Citizenship? (Wisdom, Courage, Compassion and Empathy).
    Identify some of the capacities necessary for global citizenship
    What are the Capacities of the Heart?
    Define intercultural competency and give examples of intercultural praxis as intercultural competency.
    Give an example of a successful and effective intercultural alliance.
    What is intercultural activism, intercultural alliance?
    Identify and discuss the Four Principles in studying Intercultural Communication?

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