DU Programming Project

Q1 (06 marks) Let us suppose that you are designing an e-commerce application for an ABCcompany. The company keeps a detailed record and offers a loyalty card to each of its customers.The customers can accumulate loyalty points through their purchases and can also get discountsbased on their loyalty points. Now, you are trying to design a class to represent these customers.Your highly productive partner already designed a class called Customer using the provided interfaceICustomer. However, currently, the class does not follow the single responsibility principle (SRP),which leads to several unexpected issues. For example, discount rate cannot be changed withoutmodifying the code from Customer class, which is undesirable. To solve this issue, you will usean attribute (or delegate) namely Membership to the customer entity where the membership isconnected to a discount calculation rule. Using this attribute, you will move the business logic ofcalculating discount to elsewhere and thus will make sure that every class follows SRP. (Rememberthe salary calculation example from Lecture 11 on SOLID principles). Please do the following.ˆ Run CustomerTest class and see the testCustomer() method to passand the testCustomerWithSRP() method to fail.ˆ The assignment code contains an incomplete, buggy implementation of CustomerSRP,Membership and DiscountCalculator. The testCustomerWithSRP() method is also notpassing. Add the missing code to these three classes so that each of them follows the single responsibility principle (SRP). The modified code should pass all the tests from theCustomerTest class. Once done, make a separate commit with an appropriate message toGitLab and attach a screenshot of the passing tests to the answer PDF (06 marks).Q2 (06 marks): Let us suppose that ABC superstore wants you to design a loyalty card application. Each of its customers owns a card that is loaded with a few loyalty points. The customers canaccumulate more points through their purchases. The application should allow the customers to(a) convert their loyalty points into cash, (b) transfer their points to another card, and (c) buy thefresh produce from the store. Interestingly, ABC has an old, incomplete version of the applicationcalled LoyaltyCard that implements the first two requirements. However, it does not follow theopen/closed principle (OCP), which leads to several issues. For example, LoyaltyCard cannot beextended without modifying its code or behaviour, which could be risky. You will design a newversion namely SmartLoyaltyCard that implements all three requirements above and follows OCP.That is, one should be able to extend SmartLoyaltyCard application (e.g., adding another benefitfor the customers) later without modifying its code. (Remember the example of CloudPersistencefrom Lecture 11). Please do the following.ˆ Run LoyaltyCardTest class and see the testOldCardOperations() method to passand the rest test methods to fail.ˆ The assignment code contains an incomplete, buggy implementation of SmartLoyaltyCard,CashInTransaction, TransferTransaction and BuyProduceTransaction, and the corresponding test methods are not currently passing. Add the missing code to these four classesand ensure that SmartLoyaltyCard follows the open/closed principle (OCP). The new codeshould pass all the tests from LoyaltyCardTest class. Once done, make a separate commitwith an appropriate message to GitLab and attach a screenshot of the passing tests to theanswer PDF (06 marks). Assignment 4: SOLID Principles, Design Patterns, & TDD
Assignment Instructions
Prerequisites: To complete this assignment, you will need experience with SOLID principles,
design patterns, and Test-Driven Development (TDD). SOLID principles were discussed
and demonstrated in Lecture 11. Design patterns were discussed and demonstrated in Lectures
13 and 14. If you are still facing difficulties with TDD, BrightSpace contains extensive materials
on TDD. The following tools and frameworks should be installed on your machine and should be
working properly to complete this assignment:
ˆ Android Studio 4.1.2+
ˆ Git
ˆ Espresso framework.
Assignment Repository: https://git.cs.dal.ca/masud/csci3130-winter2022-a4
Note: To access the assignment repository, you must log in to your GitLab account.
Assignment Deadline: March 18 2022 11:59 PM.
Expectations: A single PDF document with a naming structure of BannerID-CSCI3130A4.pdf should be submitted to Brightspace by the deadline.
ˆ Document format and naming structure are followed (01 mark).
ˆ Fork the assignment repository to your Dalhousie GitLab account. Then clone the forked
repository (under your GitLab account) to your local machine using Git. If this step is not
followed properly, 03 marks will be penalized.
ˆ Must change your repository permission to private (Must be done!) (01 mark).
ˆ Must add user prof3130 as a maintainer of your repository. Markers will use this account for
evaluation. They will not be able to mark the rest if you fail to invite prof3130 (01 mark).
ˆ Must add GitLab link of your forked repository to the answer PDF (01 mark).
ˆ Q1: Screenshot of the passing unit tests + Commit submitted to GitLab with an appropriate
message (06 marks)
ˆ Q2: Screenshot of the passing unit tests + Commit submitted to GitLab with an appropriate
message (06 marks)
ˆ Q3: Screenshot of the passing unit tests + Commit submitted to GitLab with an appropriate
message (05 marks)
ˆ Q4: Screenshot of the passing unit tests + Commit submitted to GitLab with an appropriate
message (08 marks)
ˆ Q5: Screenshot of the passing unit and Espresso tests + Commit submitted to GitLab with
an appropriate message (10 marks)
ˆ Push all commits to the master branch of your GitLab repository (01 mark).
Total marks: 40
Winter 2022: CSCI 3130 – Introduction to Software Engineering
Assignment 4
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Q1 (06 marks) Let us suppose that you are designing an e-commerce application for an ABC
company. The company keeps a detailed record and offers a loyalty card to each of its customers.
The customers can accumulate loyalty points through their purchases and can also get discounts
based on their loyalty points. Now, you are trying to design a class to represent these customers.
Your highly productive partner already designed a class called Customer using the provided interface
ICustomer. However, currently, the class does not follow the single responsibility principle (SRP),
which leads to several unexpected issues. For example, discount rate cannot be changed without
modifying the code from Customer class, which is undesirable. To solve this issue, you will use
an attribute (or delegate) namely Membership to the customer entity where the membership is
connected to a discount calculation rule. Using this attribute, you will move the business logic of
calculating discount to elsewhere and thus will make sure that every class follows SRP. (Remember
the salary calculation example from Lecture 11 on SOLID principles). Please do the following.
ˆ Run CustomerTest class and see the testCustomer() method to pass
and the testCustomerWithSRP() method to fail.
ˆ The assignment code contains an incomplete, buggy implementation of CustomerSRP,
Membership and DiscountCalculator. The testCustomerWithSRP() method is also not
passing. Add the missing code to these three classes so that each of them follows the single responsibility principle (SRP). The modified code should pass all the tests from the
CustomerTest class. Once done, make a separate commit with an appropriate message to
GitLab and attach a screenshot of the passing tests to the answer PDF (06 marks).

Q2 (06 marks): Let us suppose that ABC superstore wants you to design a loyalty card application. Each of its customers owns a card that is loaded with a few loyalty points. The customers can
accumulate more points through their purchases. The application should allow the customers to
(a) convert their loyalty points into cash, (b) transfer their points to another card, and (c) buy the
fresh produce from the store. Interestingly, ABC has an old, incomplete version of the application
called LoyaltyCard that implements the first two requirements. However, it does not follow the
open/closed principle (OCP), which leads to several issues. For example, LoyaltyCard cannot be
extended without modifying its code or behaviour, which could be risky. You will design a new
version namely SmartLoyaltyCard that implements all three requirements above and follows OCP.
That is, one should be able to extend SmartLoyaltyCard application (e.g., adding another benefit
for the customers) later without modifying its code. (Remember the example of CloudPersistence
from Lecture 11). Please do the following.
ˆ Run LoyaltyCardTest class and see the testOldCardOperations() method to pass
and the rest test methods to fail.
ˆ The assignment code contains an incomplete, buggy implementation of SmartLoyaltyCard,
CashInTransaction, TransferTransaction and BuyProduceTransaction, and the corresponding test methods are not currently passing. Add the missing code to these four classes
and ensure that SmartLoyaltyCard follows the open/closed principle (OCP). The new code
should pass all the tests from LoyaltyCardTest class. Once done, make a separate commit
with an appropriate message to GitLab and attach a screenshot of the passing tests to the
answer PDF (06 marks).
Q3 (05 marks): In your course project, you have been dealing with different types of items
such as small tasks (e.g., walk a dog, mow the lawn) or goods (e.g., baby toy, computer parts).
Winter 2022: CSCI 3130 – Introduction to Software Engineering
Assignment 4
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Traditionally, these classes are instantiated using new operator in OOP, which might not be safe.
It does not encapsulate the object creation logic in the client code. As discussed in the Lecture
13, Abstract Factory Method design pattern can be used to encapsulate the object creation logic.
Currently, the assignment code contains an incomplete implementation of the required classes and
the tests from ItemFactoryTest class are not passing. While ItemFactory is an abstract contract
(or interface) for making the Item objects, SmallTaskFactory and GoodsFactory are the real
factories (a.k.a., concrete classes) that make different types of small tasks and goods respectively.
On the other hand, ItemFactoryProducer returns one of these two factories that can be used by
the client code to request for a specific Item (e.g., walk a dog, baby toy). These interfaces and
classes can be found in the assignment repository. Please do the following:
ˆ Run ItemFactoryTest class and see the tests to fail.
ˆ Use Abstract Factory Method design pattern, complete the missing code in the provided
classes, and implement the missing classes if needed. Your code should be able to pass all the
tests from ItemFactoryTest class. Once done, make a separate commit with an appropriate
commit message to GitLab and attach a screenshot of the passing tests to the answer PDF
(05 marks).
Q4 (08 marks): Let us suppose that ABC company wants you to design a smart card application
for their customers. Currently, the customers pay for their purchases either with cash or in credit
using their debit cards or credit cards respectively. You are going to design a smart card application
that will allow them to pay either with cash or in credit using the same digital card. ABC company
has two different interfaces – IDebitCard and ICreditCard – that are incompatible with each
other and offer two different ways of payment. IDebitCard allows one to pay with cash whereas
ICreditCard allows to pay in credit. As discussed in the Lecture 13, Adapter pattern can be
used to combine two incompatible interfaces like these. (Remember the example of media adapter).
Currently, the assignment code contains an incomplete implementation of the required classes (e.g.,
MasterCard, SmartCardAdapter, SmartCard) and thus, all unit tests are failing. In this question,
you will design a SmartCard that offers both ways of payment where Adapter design pattern should
be implemented. Please do the following.
ˆ Run SmartCardTest class and see all the tests to fail.
ˆ Use Adapter design pattern to combine the payment methods from IDebitCard and ICreditCard.
The assignment code contains all necessary classes to implement this pattern, but the required code might be missing or buggy. Your code should be able to pass all the tests from
SmartCardTest class. Once done, make a separate commit with an appropriate message to
GitLab and attach a screenshot of the passing tests to the answer PDF (08 marks)
Q5 (10 marks): In your course project, you might be developing a notification system that
notifies the subscribed users of an event according to their preferences. That is, once small tasks
(e.g., walk a dog) or any goods (e.g., baby toy) are available, the interested users should be notified.
The assignment code contains the skeleton version of a notification system. Once the assignment
repository is run on an emulator, you will see an item selector, a price text box, a press button,
and four users. The design can be found in layout/activity main.xml file and the business code
can be found in the MainActivity.java class. As discussed in the Lecture 14, Observer pattern
can be used to broadcast an event to its subscribers. Currently, the application has two types of
notifications. First, once a new bid is placed (in the price text box) for a selected small task (e.g.,
walk a dog) and the NOTIFY button is clicked, your code should update the bids for User#1
Winter 2022: CSCI 3130 – Introduction to Software Engineering
Assignment 4
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and User#2. Second, once a goods item (e.g., baby toy) is selected and the NOTIFY button is
clicked, the item name should be sent to User#3 and User#4 and also should be shown on their
UI. Both notification mechanisms should use Observer design pattern. Please do the following.
ˆ Run NotificationManagerTest class and see the unit tests to fail.
Run ExampleInstrumentedTest class and see the Espresso tests to fail.
ˆ For small tasks, use Observer design pattern to instantly update the bids of User#1 and
User#2 on the UI. User#1 should add $10 and User#2 should add $20 to the new bid sent
to them. For goods, use Observer pattern to send the name of the selected goods to User#3
and User#4. The assignment code contains all necessary classes and interfaces including
Observer, User, TaskPreferenceManager, GoodsPreferenceManager, and MainActivity.
However, many methods have missing code that is clearly indicated in the assignment code.
You need to add the missing mode to pass both the unit tests from NotificationManagerTest
class and the Espresso tests from ExampleInstrumentedTest class. Once done, make a
separate commit with an appropriate message to GitLab and attach a screenshot of the
passing tests to the answer PDF (10 marks).
Version: March 04, 2022
Winter 2022: CSCI 3130 – Introduction to Software Engineering
Assignment 4
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Lab 9: Multithreading and Thread Pools
CSCI 2122 – Winter 2022
This lab is designed to introduce you to the basics of multithreading. By the end of this lab, you will be expected to
understand how to create threads, handle critical sections using semaphores, and create thread pools.
In this lab you are expected to perform the basics of cloning your Lab 9 repository from the GitLab course group.
A link to the course group can be found here and your repository can be found in the Lab9 subgroup. See the
Lab Technical Document for more information on using git. You will notice that your repository has a file in the
Lab9 directory named delete this file. Due to the limitations of GitLab, we are not able to push completely empty
directories. Before you push your work to your repository (which should be in the Lab9 directory anyway), make
sure to first use the git rm command to remove the extra file. If you do not, your pipeline could fail.
Be sure to read this entire document before starting!
Multithreading is a common practice in performance computing and is the primary way to get the most out of your
modern CPUs. As the size of components gets smaller and smaller, they are now very close to the smallest component we can pass electricity through without causing interference with other components. Due to this limitation,
manufacturers are now (instead of making things smaller) putting multiple processing units on their CPUs, called
cores. These cores can act as independent processing units from the point of view of the operating system (and thus
your software), allowing you to create lightweight processes called threads, which can be processed in parallel.
Often you will hear about limitations in software design which keep CPUs from reaching their maximum potential on
a single process. Most software, and especially as you go back in time, tends to be single-threaded from the point of
view of the operating system, meaning very little of the software is capable of utilizing more than one core of a CPU
at a time, which is a leftover practice from times when CPUs weren’t capable of the kind of multiprocessing they’re
able to achieve now. Video games are a huge culprit, as many of the popular engines still run on a single ”catch
all” frame calculation cycle which acts as a single monolithic main loop for all of the game’s logic and graphics handling.
In this lab we will discuss some basic principles for handling multithreaded software, then code some simple examples
before moving on to more heavy-duty applications.
Heavyweight vs. Lightweight Processes
The first thing to understand is the difference between heavyweight and lightweight processes, which is a very straightforward distinction: programs are heavyweight processes and threads are lightweight processes.
When it comes to heavyweight processes, the operating system treats them as distinct entities in the memory space.
They’re cloned from a previous heavyweight process, and then the cloned data is overwritten with the new program
so that it is distinct relative to the code which it was loaded from. Once the heavyweight process is creating by
the operating system, it has its own memory, it’s own address space, and its memory is protected so that no other
programs are able to access it without permission of the system or the process itself. These are the programs you see
if you run your Task Manager in Windows, or htop on Timberlea. This is also how every one of your C programs
starts when you execute them.
A lightweight process is a member of (belongs to) a heavyweight process. In general, they’re viewed through
the lens of a thread. Threads are sub-programs of a program and do not have their own memory assigned by the
operating system. Instead, they share the existing memory already allocated to the program they belong to. This
means that threads are able to see any global variables, functions, and definitions held within a program and are
able to communicate through those mechanisms freely, as long as the code designer has allowed that kind of interaction. Even though threads are considered a part of a heavyweight process, they are still scheduled independently
to ensure maximum resource utilization. You will learn more about process scheduling in the Operating Systems class.
When a heavyweight program is allowed to run by the operating system, the system also decides which of the
program’s threads it will place on the CPU to execute. Threads will run freely until their subroutine is completed,
at which point their return value is stored and the thread is destroyed. Since it is up to the operating system which
threads are allowed to execute on a CPU at any given time, there’s no guarantee which order the threads will be
executed in, or for how long, which is important to note when we’re trying to work with shared memory later.
The POSIX Thread Library
When working with threads in this course, we will be using the POSIX Thread Library, which is normally referred
to as pthreads. The pthreads library is available on Timberlea and will supply you with all of the functionality you
need to take advantage of multiprocessing in C. You can view the man page for the pthreads library by entering man
pthreads into the terminal on Timberlea. You will also find additional man pages for all of the commands specific
to the pthreads library by entering them into the man program accordingly. Note that we will not be using any of
the advanced features of pthreads, mostly because it’s not necessary under most use cases, but also because we don’t
want to make the concept of threads too complicated.
Importing and Compiling POSIX Threads
In order to import the pthreads library into your code, there are a few things to consider. The first thing to understand is that pthreads do not like to be compiled without also being linked. This means that you will not be able
to easily apply the -c option in your gcc commands in your Makefile. When you compile a C source file (.c) which
includes pthreads, you will have to do it directly. For this reason, in this lab, you will not be required to make any
object files (.o) for any source file which imports the pthreads library.
To import the pthreads library into your code, you will need to use #include . This will give you
access to all of the pthread functions outlined below. You will also need to include the library import option on your
gcc command, which is -lpthread. This should be the last thing attached to any gcc command which requires it to
ensure maximum compatibility with your files and other gcc options.
Creating a POSIX Thread
The basics of a pthread revolve around creating functions which your threads will execute to completion. These
functions need to be constructed in a very particular fashion before being passed to the pthread library to have the
thread created and executed.
In order to create and execute a pthread, you will need to use pthread create function. The pthread create
function takes four parameters, which are outlined as follows:
1. A pointer to a thread ID, represented by the pthread t data type.
2. A struct of attributes which you wish to modify, represented by the pthread attr t data type. For our
purposes, this will always be set to NULL.
3. A function pointer to a function which the thread will execute when it is created.
4. A void* to any data you wish to pass to the function held by this thread when it begins execution. In this lab,
we will create structs for this purpose.
When the pthread is created successfully, it is also immediately executed. The pthread itself is held internally, in
the systems created by the pthread library, and thus you do not have direct access to it. However, when your
pthread create function ends, it assigns an integer value to the provided pthread t, which can be used later to
designate which thread you would like to reference in further function calls to the pthread library. In practice, the
pthread t type is an int value, although its exact size is implementation-specific, and thus it is not appropriate to use
integer types directly. You can see an example of how to create a few simple pthreads here:
// Compile with : gcc — std = c18 fileName . c – lpthread
# include < stdio .h >
# include < pthread .h >
void * example ( void * args )
pthread_t me = pthread_self () ;
printf ( ” This is inside thread % ld .\ n ” , me ) ;
int main ( int argc , char ** argv )
pthread_t thread ;
pthr ead_crea te (& thread ,
pthr ead_crea te (& thread ,
pthr ead_crea te (& thread ,
pthr ead_crea te (& thread ,
pthr ead_crea te (& thread ,
example ,
example ,
example ,
example ,
example ,
NULL ) ;
NULL ) ;
NULL ) ;
NULL ) ;
NULL ) ;
return 0;
When this program executes, it will create five threads, each executing a single print statement which prints its
thread ID. Each thread in this case is being executed using a single pthread t variable, so each time a thread is executed its ID is lost. For the purposes of the example, this is sufficient. In a real execution scenario, creating multiple
threads is better done with an array of pthread t values. Creating an array of pthread t values is no different than creating any other array. It can be iterated through with pthread create calls to initialize and execute all of your threads.
You may notice that we used the pthread self() function. This function, when used inside a thread, will return you
the ID it has been assigned. This can be useful for determining which thread is which in situations where it may be
important to have their execution monitored or synchronized with other threads.
Setting up a Thread Function
You may notice in the examples throughout this lab that the example functions are written with a very specific
signature: they accept a single void*, and return a void*. When you are setting up a function which will be executed
by a thread, you need to consider the following things:
1. Once a thread starts, it acts as a mini-program which executes in parallel to the main thread of your program,
which is usually your main function. The thread will run the function you give it until that function is done, and
then the thread will stop and store that function’s return value so you can retrieve it. The return value is stored
as a void*, but since you know what the thread’s function returns, you should have no problem converting it
to the correct pointer type and using it however you wish. You can retrieve this data by using a pthread join,
which is explained below.
2. The function accepts a single void* argument, which is the same void* pointer passed in as the fourth argument
to pthread create. When pthread create is executing, it creates a new thread (which runs outside of the standard
execution flow of the function that created it), and once the thread is created it calls the function stored in
the function pointer and passes the arguments pointer into it. This is how your function is given access to the
arguments structs we will create over the course of the lab. Once your function starts, since you know what
kind of argument pointer you passed it, you can convert the void* to the correct data type and use it however
you wish.
Passing Arguments to a POSIX Thread
To pass arguments to a pthread, you can convert any type of data into a void* and pass it into the pthread create
function as the final argument. This can be any data you choose, although we recommend using structs for anything
beyond a simple value, as they’re the easiest way to manage a variety of different data types that would normally be
associated with a single function.
An example of passing data to a pthread can be seen here:
# include < stdio .h >
# include < pthread .h >
typedef struct _Args
char * this ;
int that ;
float other ;
} Args ;
void * example ( void * args )
Args * arg = args ;
printf ( ” My arguments are : % s % d % f \ n ” , arg – > this , arg – > that , arg – > other ) ;
int main ( int argc , char ** argv )
pthread_t thread ;
Args arg ;
arg . this = ” Hello ! ” ;
arg . that = 13;
arg . other = 815.0 f ;
pthr ead_crea te (& thread , NULL , example , & arg ) ;
return 0;
As you can see, if you have a firm understanding of how void pointers work (and you should by now, after all of the
lists and collections you’ve had to set up with void pointers!), it should be fairly easy to pass arguments into your
thread’s function during creation. We can simply cast the incoming void pointer to whatever struct type we’re using
and have access to all of the fields, assuming it was properly allocated. In the above example you may notice that I
did not manually allocate the Args struct. You can allocate it manually if you so desire, but I did not for this example.
When you run this code, you may notice that sometimes it doesn’t print anything at all. What’s going on? It turns
out that, by default, your program will not wait for the individual threads to finish. If the program creates a thread
and then exits too quickly, the thread may not have time to properly execute and will be cancelled by the operating
system when the heavyweight process ends. How can we stop that from happening?
Joining a POSIX Thread
To ensure your threads finish their execution, you can perform a pthread join on them. Joining a thread to your
program has two benefits. First, joining a thread stops the main program logic from continuing until the thread in
question stops. If you have multiple threads currently executing and you want them to be guaranteed to finish, you
can join each one in your code, one after the other. This can be done manually, with a series of individual lines, or
via a loop if you have to iterate through an array of thread IDs.
The second benefit of using a join is that you’re able to receive a return value from the function the thread is running.
You may have noticed in the previous code snippets that the example function has a very specific signature: it must
return a void*, and it must also accept a void* as a function parameter. We saw in the previous example that
we can pass a void* into the function via the pthread create function. In order to retrieve data from the function via
a return statement, we must do so with a pthread join function call.
A pthread join takes in two parameters:
1. A thread ID value, represented by the pthread t data type. Note that unlike pthread create, this is not a
2. A void** value for holding the returning value after the join has completed.
The second parameter can be a little strange at first. The reason it is a void** and not a void* is because the
pthread join function has to be able to give you the original pointer, which means you need to store the pointer
itself, not just the data inside. If you only have it a void*, it would only be able to affect the data the pointer is
pointing to. What the void** allows the function to do is not just change the data in the pointed memory location,
but it can change the whole void* to a totally different pointer location.
The key here is that because C passes by copy, when you pass in a pointer (which is technically just an unsigned
long), C makes a copy of that pointer and makes it point to whatever the original pointer was pointing to. That
means if you only pass in a void*, C makes a copy of that void* inside the function. Since the function is working
with a copy, any changes it makes to that copied void* will not affect the original pointer it was copied from. In order
for it to be able to return a value to you, you therefore have to give it a pointer to the void*. That way it receives
the address to the void* you want modified, then modifies its data, and your original pointer has now been altered.
While this seems complicated, all you really need to do is create a pointer for the data type you’d like to store the
returned value in, then pass in the address of that variable. You can see an example of a return value with a join
# include < stdio .h >
# include < stdlib .h >
# include < pthread .h >
typedef struct _Args
char * this ;
int that ;
float other ;
} Args ;
void * example ( void * args )
Args * arg = args ;
printf ( ” My arguments are : % s % d % f \ n ” , arg – > this , arg – > that , arg – > other ) ;
int * value = malloc ( sizeof ( int ) ) ;
* value = 15;
return value ;
int main ( int argc , char ** argv )
pthread_t thread ;
Args arg ;
arg . this = ” Hello ! ” ;
arg . that = 13;
arg . other = 815.0 f ;
int * result = NULL ;
pthre ad_crea te (& thread , NULL , example , & arg ) ;
pthread_join ( thread , ( void **) & result ) ;
printf ( ” Returned Value = % d \ n ” , * result ) ;
return 0;
You will notice a few things in this code. First, we don’t allocate the result variable. This is not necessary, as
the thing being returned needs to be allocated inside the function. It’s important to allocate the data you plan on
returning before you return it. Failure to do so could lead to your values being deallocated when your function ends.
Always remember that if you don’t allocate something yourself inside a function, C will automatically deallocate it
when the function ends. Normally this isn’t a problem because C will pass-by-copy, but there are situations where
you can run into bad copies. For example, if you try to create int value = 15 and then return value, C will inform
you that you will lose the value of 15 because int value is local to the function and we be freed automatically when
the function ends.
You should also notice that we specifically have to convert the result’s address (being passed into the join function)
to a void** in order for this to work. If you don’t include that type cast, C will complain that the address types do
not match.
Returning Values without Join
While the above section says you can receive values from the thread by calling a pthread join and giving it a correct
double pointer to store the return value in, it’s also possible to return values in other (less clean) ways. Since you are
handing in a pointer to an argument struct, there’s nothing stopping you from creating a field in that struct which
is capable of storing an output value (or a value for determining ongoing status). Since you still have access to that
argument struct on the outside of the thread, having the thread update that struct while you periodically check it
from outside the thread could prove useful, easier, and more convenient (depending on the situation) than using a
join. Remember that using a join forces your code to stop and wait for the thread, and you may not necessarily want
to do that to see what’s happening inside!
Critical Sections and Race Conditions
Since your threads simply execute and are not directly controlled by you after they’re created, you can run into
problems with certain types of code where it’s possible for two threads to operate on the same piece of data simultaneously, possibly creating instability in your data structures. Consider the following example:
You create an array list and decide that you want to add 100,000,000 integers values to it. Since it would take a
single thread a very long time to read in and add all of those values to the array list, you decide to create ten threads
to split the job up. That way each thread can add 10,000,000 values for you, and since they’re in parallel they should
take about 1/10 of the time.
However, because the operating system doesn’t know what the threads are doing and is likely to want to let every
thread have at least some execution time, it will let each thread run for 10 seconds. Your first thread starts running
(along with a few others) and everything seems fine, until it gets very close to the moment when your thread will be
moved off of the CPU to give another thread some time to execute. Your thread gets the value 27 and tries to add
it to the end of your array list. It manages to get the memory allocated, stores the 27 inside it, and just before it
manages to increase the size of your array list by 1, the operating system swaps it for another thread on the CPU.
That new thread then tries to add something to the array list, but because the first thread wasn’t able to increase the
size in time, this new thread adds something to the end of the array list, which it sees as the same index as the last
thread. It allocates new memory to the last index, overwriting the value 27 and leaking that memory (since we no
longer have a pointer to it) and then increments the size of the array. It eventually is switched out by the operating
system and the original thread is returned to running from the same place it left, where it increments the size and
moves on long nothing happened.
So from this situation, we’ve lost one of our values (27), and the array list thinks that it has one more element inside
it than it actually does, meaning the stability of the array list is now broken. It’s possible that this situation could
happen multiple times and you could end up with some serious errors down the road.
This is referred to as a race condition, where each thread is attempting to change some shared data before the
others are able to do so. The place where this fight for shared data control takes place is referred to as a critical
section in your code, and it is important to protect your critical sections from the impact of multiple threads fighting
for data control.
To avoid this problem, we will implement a type of code locking structure called a semaphore. A semaphore is a
simple piece of code which acts as a check-in or waiting area for your threads. In practice, a semaphore is a very
simple piece of code which acts as a number. The number is initially set equal to the number of threads you want
to allow access to your critical section. In this lab, that number will be 1, to ensure that the critical section is
entirely mutually exclusive, sometimes shorted to mutex. Mutually exclusive things, by definition, cannot happen
together, so when you see people talk about something mutually exclusive, in means that only one thing can happen
at a time. In this case, threads in the critical section will be considered mutually exclusive (only one thread can
access the critical section at a time) if the semaphore is working correctly.
Every time a thread reaches a semaphore wait point, it checks to see if the semaphore is greater than 0. If it is, it
will automatically reduce the value of the semaphore by 1 and then proceed past the wait point. If the semaphore
is 0 or less, the thread will block. A block is what occurs when the operating system is waiting for some kind of
feedback from the user, but it can also be used to temporarily put a process to sleep. This forces a new thread to
be loaded while the previous thread waits for the semaphore to go back to positive. This can happen to multiple
threads, making them all stop and wait at the semaphore wait point. It’s possible to have multiple semaphores to
protect multiple parts of your code, with threads waiting at each.
When a thread enters a critical section, it is able to perform any calculations on the critical section it desires. When
it is done, it will move through a semaphore post point. A post point is where the thread lets the semaphore know
that it has completed its work inside the critical section and thus the next thread is free to move inside. When it
reaches the post point, it tells the semaphore belonging to the current critical section to increase its value by 1. If
this makes the semaphore positive, the next thread will proceed past the wait point (decreasing the semaphore value
by 1) and the process will repeat.
We can create a semaphore with the pthread library. This is done by importing the library (which is
included in the pthread library). This gives us access to the sem t data type, the sem init function, the sem wait
function, and the sem post function.
Using POSIX Semaphores
Similar to pthreads, semaphores are created using their own data type, sem t. For Lab 9 and 10, we will store
semaphores in a global scope (outside of any function) and can be declared below your includes and defines. Once
a semaphore is created, you will need to initialize it before you start creating threads. This can be done with the
sem init function. This function accepts three parameters:
1. A pointer to a sem t value. The value of a semaphore is assigned by the operating system, but is generally a
semaphore value plus a waiting queue.
2. An integer flag for determining whether or not this semaphore should be shared by sub-processes. Leave this
set to 0.
3. An integer for setting the initial semaphore value. In this lab, setting this to 1 should suffice.
Once a semaphore is initialized, it can be freely used in your code. Once you have identified a critical section, you can
place a sem wait function call before it. The sem wait function accepts a pointer to a sem t type, which determines
which semaphore the threads should be waiting in. If you have more than one critical section, you should also have
more than one semaphore, as each should be filtering threads into different blocks of code.
At the end of your critical section, you should include a sem post function call, which accepts a single pointer to a
sem t value. The pointer passed in should match the pointer passed into the original sem wait call. Don’t mix these
up, and if you have multiple semaphores nested together, make sure you are posting them in the correct order.
If you don’t post your sempahores in the correct order, you could end up in a situation where none of your threads
are able to proceed into the critical section. This often happens when you nest semaphores. A good rule of thumb is
that you should post your semaphores in the reverse order that you wait them. That means if a thread has to wait at
semaphore 1 and then wait at semaphore 2 before proceeding into the critical section, the thread inside the critical
section should post semaphore 2, then post semaphore 1 as it is leaving the critical section.
An example of a semaphore can be seen here:
# include
# include
# include
# include
< stdio .h >
< pthread .h >
< semaphore .h >
< unistd .h >
sem_t wait_here ;
void * example ( void * args )
sem_wait (& wait_here ) ;
printf ( ” Sleeping for 2 seconds …\ n ” ) ;
sleep (2) ;
printf ( ” Woke up ! Leaving the critical section .\ n ” ) ;
sem_post (& wait_here ) ;
int main ( int argc , char ** argv )
sem_init (& wait_here , 0 , 1) ;
pthread_t threads [5];
for ( int i =0; i < 5; i ++) pthre ad_crea te (& threads [ i ] , NULL , example , NULL ) ; for ( int i =0; i < 5; i ++) pthread_join ( threads [ i ] , NULL ) ; return 0; } When you run this program, you should find that a thread sleeps, and then wakes up, always in that order. Each thread waits its turn to center the critical section and thus there should never be a mixing of sleeps or a mixing of wakes. Every thread should sleep, then wake, and thus do it five times in sequence. If you comment out the sem wait call, you might find a different behaviour. 3 Thread Pools A thread pool is a specific type of program which allocates a specific number of threads to a given data task. Normally thread pools are created to ensure that only a certain number of threads are created and running at any given time. This is especially useful in shared resource systems (like Timberlea) or systems where stability is incredibly important. It turns out that creating too many threads in rapid succession has the possibility of overwhelming any system, and thus enforcing some restraint gives you the benefit of increasing the speed at which tasks are performed without sacrificing system stability. There are many ways to create thread pools, but we will perform a very simple pool where we create a queue of Operations and as each thread finishes execution, we will dequeue another Operation and create a new thread in place of the old one. This is a very simple model which still suffers from overhead of creating many threads, but still provides us the ability to manage the number of concurrent threads very easily. Other types of thread pools can be more efficient by never finishing execution of a thread while waiting for more tasks to be given. This has the additional benefit of not having to constantly recreate threads at the cost of being more complicated to implement. The thread pool requires a queue and an array. You will be given an array size for managing a certain number of threads. You should never have more threads running than the given integer value. Since you have no direct means of knowing whether or not a thread has completed processing, you will need to create an argument struct capable of reporting when a thread is complete. Under normal circumstances you could join the thread immediately, but in the case of a thread pool it would be inefficient to do so. Your goal is to loop through your currently running threads and any time you find one which has completed processing, then you join it and retrieve its return value before dequeuing the next Operation and creating a new thread. Every time a thread completes and its value is returned, you must store the value in an array list to accumulate all of your data. When all of your Operations have completed, you will return the array list. Since the threads are not managed and the order of thread execution is outside of our control (controlled by the operating system), the array list’s values will be in a somewhat random order. You will need to sort these values and print them. You should already have the programs necessary to sort these values. We recommend looking back through previous lab pipeline results to find a means by which you can sort the values in your array list. Heaps are a good data structure for sorting, and binary trees are potentially a useful alternative. We suggest checking your results from previous pipelines to come up with a way to sort your integers. You will be using the thread pool you create here in Lab 10 as a necessary requirement. We recommend you thoroughly practice setting up your thread pool so that you understand its usage for Lab 10. 7 4 Lab 9 Function Contracts In this lab you will be responsible for fulfilling two lab contracts: the Threads contract and the Pool contract. Each contract is designed to test you on some of the things you’ve learned throughout the instruction portion of this lab. All contracts must be completed exactly as the requirements are laid out. Be very careful to thoroughly read the contract instructions before proceeding. This does not, however, preclude you from writing more functions than you are asked for. You may write as many additional functions as you wish in your C source files. All contracts are designed to be submitted without a main function, but that does not mean you cannot write a main function in order to test your code yourself. It may be more convenient for you to write a C source file with a main function by itself and take advantage of the compiler’s ability to link files together by accepting multiple source files as inputs. When you push your code to Gitlab, you don’t need to git add any of your extra main function source files. For those of you who are concerned, when deciding which naming conventions you want to use in your code, favour consistency in style, not dedication to a style that doesn’t work. The contracts in this document are worth the following points values, for a total of 10. Contract Threads Pool Total 8 Points 6 4 10 4.1 4.1.1 Threads Problem You will create three programs for testing various types of thread features. 4.1.2 Preconditions You are required to write three programs for creating and testing threads: 1. threads: You will create a program which accepts an array and squares each value in the array using threads. 2. unsafe: You will create a program which attempts to increment and print a variable without the use of semaphores. 3. safe: You will create a program which attempts to increment and print a variable by protecting your critical section with semaphores. Each program must include a relevant .c file, which should contain all of your function implementations, and a relevant .h file, which should contain your structure definitions, any necessary typedefs, and all of your forward function declarations. When you compile, you will need to include the source file in your command in order to ensure the functions exist during the linking process. You may include any additional helper functions as you see fit. Since you are dealing with pointers, you will need to check all of your pointers to ensure they are not null. Trying to perform operations on null will lead to segmentation faults or other program crashes at run-time. Details on threads and semaphores can be found in the Multithreading section of this document. The bool type referenced in this contract is found in . You are expected to do basic error checking (such as checking for null pointers and correct index boundaries). Your threads program must include the following structs (typedef-ed appropriately): Structure Name Args (typedef Args) Fields int* arr int start int end Functionality A pointer to an array that you will recalculate the values of. The starting index to perform calculations from. The ending index to perform calculations to (non-inclusive). Your threads program must include the following functions: Requirement Function Input Parameters Return Value Notes Conditions void* fill(void*) A void pointer to an Args struct. A void pointer (to fit the thread function requirement). This will be NULL in practice. This should be passed into the thread creation function. This should return NULL. When executed, this function should iterate through indexes [start, end) in the provided array and square each value before returning null. Conditions void fill memory(int*, int) An int pointer to an integer array, and an integer representing the number of threads to make. None. This function should create the correct number of threads N, create an Args struct for every thread, then divide the array into N equal ranges and execute a thread on each of those ranges. The provided integer array is guaranteed to have 10,000,000 values. Requirement Function Input Parameters Return Value Notes Be careful when calculating your ranges, as not every value of N will create perfectly even ranges. You may find it necessary to account for the indexes lost to fractions by assigning the final end index a value equal to the last index in the list. Your unsafe program must include the following structs (typedef-ed appropriately): Structure Name Count (typedef Count) Fields int counter Functionality A value for counting upward to 1000. Your unsafe program must include the following functions: Requirement Function Input Parameters Return Value Notes Requirement Function Input Parameters Return Value Notes Conditions void* counting(void*) A void pointer to a Count struct. A void pointer (to fit the thread function requirement). NULL in practice. This should be passed into the thread creation function. This function should continue to process as long as the counter value is < 1000. If it is < 1000, increment the counter value by 1, then print it to the screen on its own line. Conditions void count variable(int) An integer representing the number of threads to create. None. This function should create a single Count struct and create the correct number of threads, providing the same Count struct as an argument to each thread. 9 Your safe program must include the following structs (typedef-ed appropriately): Structure Name Count (typedef Count) Fields int counter Functionality A value for counting upward to 1000. Your safe program must include the following functions: Requirement Function Input Parameters Return Value Notes Requirement Function Input Parameters Return Value Notes 4.1.3 Conditions void* counting(void*) A void pointer to a Count struct. A void pointer (to fit the thread function requirement). NULL in practice. This should be passed into the thread creation function. This function should continue to process as long as the counter value is < 1000. If it is < 1000, increment the counter value by 1, then print it to the screen on its own line. Unlike the unsafe program, you should create a semaphore to stop your threads from printing the counter out of order. Conditions void count variable(int) An integer representing the number of threads to create. None. This function should create a single Count struct, initialize a semaphore for the counter to be protected by, and create the correct number of threads, providing the same Count struct as an argument to each thread. Postconditions Your programs should be capable of creating and executing threads. All of the functions should be capable of executing without crashing. 4.1.4 Restrictions None. 4.1.5 File Requirements This contract requires you to provide three C source files and three C header files, named as per the submission instructions. Your header files should contain your forward declarations, struct definitions and typedefs, as well as any library imports (includes) you may need. Always protect your header with a define guard. Your source files must not contain any main functions, or your program will fail during marking. In addition to the C files, you will also be required to make a Makefile capable of producing threads, unsafe, and safe executable files. Your program will be compiled by executing make. Your Makefile should produce those executables by compiling a combination of your C files and their related main object files, threadsM.o, unsafeM.o, and safeM.o, which are located in CI/objects/threads. Your source, header, and make files should be placed in the Lab9/threads/ directory in your GitLab repository. 4.1.6 Testing To test your code, you can compile your source files with the threadsM.o, unsafeM.o, and safeM.o object files found in CI/objects/threads. Your program can then be executed as normal. Each object file contains a main function, so you do not need to provide your own when you submit to GitLab. Using a Makefile for compiling these files together can save you a lot of time. The threads executable will test your code against a static list of integers, which you must square using a series of threads. The unsafe and safe executables will test your code to determine if it is outputting the correct order of 1000 integer values. It’s recommended that you test your code thoroughly using the provided main function objects. 4.1.7 Sample Inputs and Outputs A sample output is provided, and is used against the safe output in the pipeline. Your code should minimally be able to complete the test main functions in the object files, but you may find it more convenient to test your functions with your own main function first. 10 4.2 Pool 4.2.1 Problem You are required to design and implement a thread pool. 4.2.2 Preconditions You are required to write a program for creating a simple thread pool. This consists of pool.c, which should contain all of your function implementations, and pool.h, which should contain your structure definitions, any necessary typedefs, and all of your forward function declarations. When you compile, you will need to include the source file in your command in order to ensure the functions exist during the linking process. You may include any additional helper functions as you see fit. Since you are dealing with pointers, you will need to check all of your pointers to ensure they are not null. Trying to perform operations on null will lead to segmentation faults or other program crashes at run-time. To create a thread pool, you will follow a similar method as presented in the calculator contract of Lab 4. To start, you must create an Operation struct which will contain a function pointer to a math function, an integer value a, and an integer value b. You will then create an Args struct which contains a pointer to an Operation and a boolean for determining if the thread has completed execution. In order for your Operation to successfully process, you must implement the functions add, sub, and mul. Each of those functions accepts two integer values (a, b) and returns an integer value. The operations are always performed a op b. The structure of the operation list file is such that there are 10,000 operations contained in the file, each on their own line. The lines are each represented as three integers, where the first integer is the operation code (op), the second number is the first operand (a), and the third number is the second operand (b) for that calculation. The op codes are mapped such that 0=add, 1=sub, and 2=mul. Thus an operation 0 42 15 would perform 42 + 15, while another operation 2 10 12 would perform 10 × 12. The main point of execution in this program is the execute thread pool function. This function will create all necessary data structures, initialize an array of thread ID values (your thread pool), and then read in an operations file. Reading in operations is performed by the read operations function and will read the operations into a queue data structure. Once the Operations have been stored in the queue, you can repeatedly dequeue the next Operation from the queue, then create an Args struct. Utilizing your current data structures in any way you choose, you should create threads for executing operations until the thread pool is full. Once the thread pool is full, constantly iterate through the threads and check if any have completed processing their operation. If they have, you can retrieve the return value from the thread and store it in an array list. Once that is done, set up an Args struct, dequeue the next Operation, and start a new thread in the current thread pool position. If you create an Args struct for each thread index, you can reuse the Args struct from a completed thread, as long as you only use the same struct with the thread in the same index every time. If the queue no longer has any Operations in it, you can stop iterating through the pool. Wait for the final return values from each remaining thread, retrieve them, then return the array list. Your compute function should accept an Args struct, extract the Operation stored inside, then run the operation function on the two values stored in the Operation itself. Set any necessary completion flags and return the calculated value. The print sorted function should accept a pointer to an ArrayList, sort the values stored in the ArrayList, then print them in order from smallest to largest. You may find it beneficial to use a data structure from a previous lab (heaps are a good choice). The main function will expect compareInt and printInt functions to be implemented, even if you don’t use them. Your pool program must include the following structs (typedef-ed appropriately): Structure Name Operation (typedef Operation) Args (typedef Args) Fields int (*op)(int, int) int a int b Operation* operation bool is complete Functionality A function for performing a math operation on a and b. The first value passed to the op function. The second value passed to the op function. A pointer to a valid Operation structure. A boolean showing if the operation has been calculated. Your pool program must include the following functions: Requirement Function Input Parameters Return Value Notes Requirement Function Input Parameters Return Value Notes Conditions void* compute(void*) A void pointer to an Args struct. A void pointer to the integer result of the Operation performed. None. Conditions bool read operations(char*, Queue*) A char* (string) representing a file name, and a pointer to a Queue. True if the operations in the file were successfully read and stored in the Queue. Otherwise false. None. 11 Requirement Function Input Parameters Return Value Notes Requirement Function Input Parameters Return Value Notes 4.2.3 Conditions ArrayList* execute thread pool(char*, int) A char* (string) representing a file name, and an integer representing the thread pool size. A pointer to an array list of calculated Operation values. None. Conditions void print sorted(ArrayList*) A pointer to an array list of integers. None. This function should sort the values in the array list and print them to stdout. Postconditions Your program should be capable of producing all required structures. All of the functions should be capable of executing without crashing. Failure states should be handled by return values. If a function with a void return type fails, it does not need to be reported. 4.2.4 Restrictions None. 4.2.5 File Requirements This contract requires you to provide a C source file named pool.c and a C header file named pool.h. Your header files should contain your forward declarations, struct definitions and typedefs, as well as any library imports (includes) you may need. Always protect your header with a define guard. Your source files must not contain any main functions, or your program will fail during marking. In addition to the C files, you will also be required to make a Makefile for the pool program. Your program will be compiled by executing make. Your Makefile should produce a pool executable file by compiling your code with the poolM.o file located in CI/objects/pool. Your source, header, and make files should be placed in the Lab9/pool/ directory in your GitLab repository. 4.2.6 Testing To test your code, you can compile your source files with the poolM.o object file found in CI/objects/pool. Your program can then be executed as normal. The object file contains a main function, so you do not need to provide your own when you submit to GitLab. Using a Makefile for compiling these files together can save you a lot of time. 4.2.7 Sample Inputs and Outputs A sample output is provided and is compared when executing your pipeline. The main object file for this program will execute your thread pool and determine if the values you output are correct. Your code should minimally be able to complete the test main function in the object file, but you may find it more convenient to test your functions with your own main function first. 12 5 Submission 5.1 Required Files Each file must be contained in the directory listed in the structure requirement diagram below. These files include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. pool.c pool.h threads.c threads.h safe.c safe.h unsafe.c unsafe.h Makefile (for pool) Makefile (for threads) You may submit other files that your Makefile needs to function correctly. Note that the above files are simply the minimum requirements to pass the pipeline. Any additional files will not count against you. Be careful with what you upload, as it could cause issues with the pipeline (such as hiding changes from your Makefile). You should try your best to only push the files your program needs to compile and execute. 5.2 Submission Procedure and Expectations Your code will be submitted to your Lab 9 GitLab repository using the same method as outlined in the Lab Technical Document. Refer to that document if you do not remember how to submit files via the GitLab service. A link to your repository can be found in the Lab9 subgroup of the CSCI 2122 GitLab group here. As mentioned in the Lab Technical Document, we will provide you with a CI/CD script file which will help you test your submissions. The .yml file containing the CI/CD test script logic, and any other necessary script files, are available in your repository at all times. You are free to view any of the script files to help you understand how our marking scripts will function. We make extensive use of relative path structures for testing purposes, which is why strict adherence to directory structure and file contents is such a necessity. Also remember to check your pipeline job outputs on the GitLab web interface for your repository to see where your jobs might be failing. Remember to follow the instruction guidelines as exactly as possible. Sometimes the pipeline scripts will not test every detail of your submission. Do not rely on us to perfectly test your code before submission. The CI/CD pipeline is a great tool for helping you debug major parts of your submissions, but you are still expected to follow all rules as they have been laid out. 5.3 Submission Structure In order for a submission to be considered valid, and thus gradable, your git repository must contain directories and files in the following structure: Lab9/ pool/ pool.c pool.h Makefile threads/ threads.c threads.h safe.c safe.h unsafe.c unsafe.h Makefile As with all labs, accuracy is incredibly important. When submitting any code for labs in this class, you must adhere to the directory structure and naming requirements in the above diagram. Failure to do so will yield a mark of 0. That said, in this lab, your directory structure requirement is to minimally have these files, but you may have more as you require. Remember to remove Lab9/delete this file from your repository using git rm to avoid any pipeline failures. 5.4 Marks This lab is marked out of 10 points. All of the marks in this lab are based on the successful execution of each contract. Any marking pipeline failures of a given contract will result in a mark of 0 for that contract. Successful completion of the various contracts will award points based on the following table: Contract Threads Pool Total 13 Points 6 4 10

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