eco exam

u need read the file that i upload and finish the eco history exam, the final doc is the question sheet, each short answer need i to 2 paragraph 

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Econ 4130 Final Exam

Answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Use of notes,or electronic resources are allowed, but

please do not contact each other. Good luck!

Section 1: Multiple Choice (4 points each, 64 total)

1) ______ Cincinnati was founded by missionaries with the intention of developing a
theocratic society.

a. True
b. False

2) ______ The discovery of oil in Texas led to waves of industrialization and significant
changes to the economy.

a. True
b. False

3) ______ American slaves were often undernourished as children, but fed well as adults,
resulting in a unique “catching up,” of heights relative to comparison groups.

a. True
b. False

4) ______ During South Korea’s economic development, very little change came to the
industrial structure or makeup of exports

a. True
b. False

5) ______ Piketty’s theory on inequality was that faster increases in the growth of capital
income vs. wage income led to an increase in the concentration of wealth.

a. True
b. False

6) ______ During the roaring twenties, prosperity was widespread and economists believed
they reached a new level of prosperity

a. True
b. False

7) ______ Knowledge during the European age of exploration was partially built off that of
Arab and Muslim explorers during preceding years.

a. True
b. False

Page 2 of 3

8) ______ Which of the following is a major reason the city of Columbus developed?
a. Columbus was a transportation hub, and could trade with cities like Cincinatti

and Pittsburg easily

b. Columbus was the state capital, and offered political value for those who
sought to influence legislators

c. Rich deposits allowed Columbus to export coal cheaply

9) ______ Which does NOT describe a limitation of China during their economic reforms of
the last few decades?

a. Unemployment and difficulty finding jobs
b. Inequality between Eastern and Western portions of the country
c. Abnormally high tariffs on steel

10) _____ Which was NOT an effect of the Black Plague?
a. Religious fervor and fanaticism increased, resulting in persecution in some


b. Wages rose due to the reduction in the supply of labor
c. Approximately 75 to 200 million people died across Europe and Asia
d. An increase in exploration and understanding of science and medicine

11) _____ Which is most likely to describe a “source country,” for human trafficking?
a. A developing country with low rates of growth
b. A highly religious country with traditional institutions
c. A rich and economically forward country
d. A socially liberal, sexually relaxed country

12) _____ Which of the following did not contribute to the long-run prosperity of the US?
a. Good Economic institutions
b. Geography and natural resources
c. Unified religion and a further demand for central governance
d. Opportunity-centered and hard-working culture

13) _____ Which was NOT a policy that led to Singapore’s economic expansion?
a. Good free trade relationships with other countries
b. Investments in infrastructure and technology
c. Adoption of Calvinism as the national religion
d. Work with the UN and adoption of the Economic Development Board

14) _____ What was of India’s responses to the financial crisis?
a. Collectivization of the means of production
b. Decrease of import taxes and an expansion of trade
c. Return to traditional agricultural methods

Page 3 of 3

15) _____ Which was not an effect of the Bubonic Plague in Europe
a. Population reduction of approximately 33% in Europe
b. Food prices rose due to strains on livestock
c. Unrest and revolts as landlords attempted to control economic responses

16) _____ Which of the following was NOT a reason China adopted the One Child Policy?
a. Limited food relative to agricultural capacity
b. Limited economic opportunity relative to number of young people seeking


c. Widespread child labor led to pressure to reduce it

Section 2: Short Answer (12 points each, 36 total)

Choose 3 of the following 4 questions to answer. I am expecting 1-2 paragraphs for each question. You are

demonstrating knowledge of the material, so more detail is always better.

17. In his “Essay on the Principle of Population,” Malthus summarizes two ways of thinking,

which we coined; the “perfectibility of man,” and “oscillation of misery.” Briefly describe

these schools of thought, and explain why Malthus supported one or the other.

18. Describe 2 historical events or time periods that display the principles (or support or refute

the conclusions) of the Malthusian population model. (Note: I’m not looking for any 2 specific

events here, I’m looking to see how well you can relate the model to historical events.)

19. In the Allen paper, there were 4 unique qualities about British input prices mentioned:

-British wages were higher than other countries

-High silver wages meant a high standard of living

-British wage-to-capital ratio was high

-British wage-to-energy ratio was high

Choose 3, and briefly describe how they affected the incentive structure of Great Britain’s

economy, and led to the Industrial Revolution taking place in Great Britain.

20. Explain the 2 views of technical change during the Industrial Revolution, and briefly

describe the reasons why Temin supported one side or the other.


Industrial Revolution

Tim Copeland

The Ohio State University

June 26, 2018

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 1 of 1

Industrial Revolution

Prior to 1750, the family unit was the primary economic engine of
society. Families were reasonably self sufficient given that most
people were still agricultural labors.

“For the first time in history, the living standards of the masses of
ordinary people have begun to undergo sustained growth. Nothing
remotely like this economic behavior was even imagined to be
theoretical possible before.”

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 2 of 1

Cottage Industry

Before mass production

Rural families organized by urban merchants
Workers purchased raw materials from a supplier
Merchants purchased finished product for urban consumers
Workers were typically still primarily farmers

Home production was extra income
Each family made only a small amount

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 3 of 1


Proto-factories sprung up with the increased population to meet
the new demand for manufactured goods

Artisans worked in workshops
Workers were supervised by a foreman

Artisans aren’t employees of the factory
Paid per unit of output (piece rate)

Production is capital intensive
Firm provided access to the needed capital

Workers rented machines from firm
usually a monthly fee deducted from pay

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 4 of 1

Characteristics of Modern Industry

1 Extensive use of mechanically powered machinery
2 Use of new sources of power

Coal and steam
3 Growth in the manufacturing sector
4 Diminished role of the agricultural sector

Agricultural output takes off
Farming is no longer the largest employer

5 Larger scale of enterprise
The Rise of Big Business

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 5 of 1

Prior Conditions

The Industrial Revolution was preceded by two other equally
important “revolutions” that made the IR possible.


Scientific Revolution


Agricultural Revolution

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 6 of 1

Scientific Revolution

Europe 1550-1700 sees the emergence of modern science

Nicolaus Copernicus 1543
Heliocentric solar system
Disproves Aristotle’s perfect orbits

Development of the scientific method
Francis Bacon & Royal Society 1660

Study “for improving our natural knowledge”

Break from the classical “sciences”
First systematic use of data to test theories
Value on practical pursuits

Gradual process through trial and error

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 7 of 1

Agricultural Revolution

Food production increased significantly such that the average
British family used less than half of its income on food. For the
first time, most people had significant amounts of disposable
income to produce manufactured goods.

Smaller proportion of the population was needed in agriculture,
which freed people for industry. England produced 300% more food
in 1870 than 1700, but only 14% of population worked the land.

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 8 of 1

Agricultural Revolution

Major Developments:


Technological Advancement

National Market

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 9 of 1

Tragedy of the Commons

A common resource is a non-excludable and rivalrous good. Use of
the commons yields a large benefit to the individual, but places a
small cost on all parties sharing the commons.

An individual can’t exclude other users from extracting value from
the resource, a rational user has an incentive to maximum his
current use of the resource.

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 10 of 1

Tragedy of the Commons

Since the resource is rivalrous, increase use leads to diminished
returns from that resource. So the individually rational market
outcome is complete depletion of the resource due to the
misalignment of individual and societal incentives.

Avoiding this outcome requires restraining both consumption and
access to the resource. Converting common property to private
property is one way to accomplish this.

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 11 of 1

Tragedy of the Commons
Since the resource is rivalrous, increase use leads to diminished
returns from that resource. So the individually rational market
outcome is complete depletion of the resource due to the
misalignment of individual and societal incentives.
Avoiding this outcome requires restraining both consumption and
access to the resource. Converting common property to private
property is one way to accomplish this.
Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 11 of 1

Enclosure Movement

Starting in 1760, British Parliament passed laws enclosing
common pastures into private plots

Eliminated the tragedy of the commons
Make some individuals really wealthy

Produced incentives for experimenting with new techniques
Large farms emerged that hired landless workers

Former serfs and free tenants

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 12 of 1

New Farming Techniques

Alternately used the same land for crops and pastures to
replenish soil between harvests
Used turnips, legumes, and clover to help return nutrients to
the soil
Wide spread use of new world crops


Mechanized farming
Seed drill (1701)
Dutch Plow (1730)
Mechanical reaper (1814)

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 13 of 1

Industrial Revolution

1750 to roughly 1850

Mechanically powered machinery
The emergence of the factory system
Technological innovation and capital accumulation increased
MPL in the factories
Rapid economic growth was not observed until 1850
Changes spanned all aspects of society

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 14 of 1

Factory System

Steam Engine
Thomas Newcomen 1712
James Watts 1778

Assembly line
Conveyer Belt System 1785

Interchangeable Parts
Joseph Whitworth 1841

Scientific Management
Fred Taylor 1890

Efficiency Wages
Larger than normal market wages

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 15 of 1

Coal and Iron

Charcoal had long been used as fuel for iron smelting
Sulfur in coal created impurities in the iron

Invention of coke allowed for the use of coal in blast furnaces
Coal is more widely available
Burns heater and longer

Economies of scale by locating next to coal mines
By late 1700’s, Britain was producing 200,000 tons of iron

Net exporter of iron and iron goods

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 16 of 1

Steam Engines and Water Power

Newcomen’s Steam Pump 1712
Draining mines
Powering mine carts

Early steam engines were very inefficient
Wasted 95% of available heat energy
Only produced 15 horsepower

Improvements led to engines capable of 1,000 horsepower

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 17 of 1

Population Growth

Britain experienced rapid population growth
Jobs without apprenticeship allowed earlier marriage
Greater availability of food led to better nutrition
Coal production helped Britons heat their homes cheaply
Better soap production led to better hygiene

Population of London doubled between 1700 and 1801
City of 1 million people
England had 5.5 million in 1750

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 18 of 1

Factory Life

Initially, manufacturing happened in workshops. Workers rented
out the machinery and floor space from the factory owner, but got
paid at a piece rate. Workers controlled when and how long they
worked, since the factories were “open” for 16 hrs a day.

Workshops gave way to modern factories, where employee conduct
was regulated and disciplined. Most workers earned hourly wages.

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 19 of 1

Factory Discipline

Factory owners imposed strict codes of conduct of workers:
Fines for tardiness
Dismissal for public drunkenness
Beaten for taking breaks or socializing at work

As political suffrage expanded, those conditions eventual led to the
development of unions and labor laws.

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 20 of 1

Why the Change to Factories?

Two theories have been proposed to explain the change from
workshops to factories:

1 Coordination

2 Coercion

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 21 of 1

Coordination Theory

The need for new factory discipline arose because of:

Larger startup investment costs
New technology
More use of manmade power
More fixed capital per worker

Greater division of labor
Assembly line

Greater coordination was required to achieve profit maximizing
efficiency needed to overcome the large initial investment required
for new technology.

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 22 of 1

Coercion Theory

Factory discipline was profitable because it extracted more effort at
a given wage from the workers, not because it lower costs.

Firms got workers to increase daily output above what they were
natural delivering in the workshop.

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 23 of 1


Expanding urban industries created a high demand for jobs
Factory wages were higher than agricultural wages

Initially just sons and daughters of farmers migrated
Over time majority of the rural population moved

Poor sanitation
Higher incidence of epidemic diseases

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 24 of 1


People increasingly moved into cities

30% of population living in cities in the early 19th century
75% living in cities by the 1901 census

Russia had only 12.5% of people living in cities
Moscow and St. Petersburg each had over 1 million people
Most of eastern Europe is still mostly agricultural

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 25 of 1

Malthus’s predictions:
Population would vary inversely with wages
Individuals would regulate marriage decision in response to
economic conditions

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 26 of 1

Lee’s findings:
Population does vary (strongly) inversely with wages
Population change driven by mortality rate, not birth rate

Econ 4130: Lecture 9-I 27 of 1

  • Mercantilism
  • & Colonialism

    Tim Copeland

    The Ohio State University

    June 21, 2018

    Econ 4130: Lecture 8 1 of 15

    Age of European Exploration

    While European powers were exploring the globe, they usually set up
    trading outposts that would become colonies.

    Colonies were administrated as to benefit the interest of home country, we
    now call this system of economic policies Mercantilism.

    Econ 4130: Lecture 8 2 of 15



    Power of the state is a function of its wealth
    Gold and silver are the only real measure of wealth

    Prohibit export of gold and silver
    Control foreign trade to obtain a “favorable balance of trade”

    Discourage imports
    Import only cheap raw materials
    Encourage domestic production
    Export expensive manufactured products

    Economic nationalism
    Large military is required to build and defend a strong state
    Enforce trade restrictions
    Obtain concessions in trade treaties

    Econ 4130: Lecture 8 3 of 15


    Mercantilism in Theory

    Classic “Zero-Sum” game
    Only a finite amount of resources and wealth in the system
    Each nation should become self-sufficient by accumulating as many
    resources as possible
    Whatever one country gains, another must lose

    Export > Imports
    Trade isn’t valuable, merely the profits from trade

    Trade is generates monetary flows

    Econ 4130: Lecture 8 4 of 15

    Mercantilism in Theory

    As Europe explored more of the world, it became imperative to be the first
    to lay claim to whatever lands were encountered. The more land that was
    claimed, the more resources that country would control.

    Colonies served as:
    Suppliers of raw materials to the home country
    Consumers of manufactured goods from the home country

    Econ 4130: Lecture 8 5 of 15


    Mercantilism in Practice

    There is only a finite amount of trade every year. Therefore trade must be
    restricted and regulated to ensure that it brings in the maximum amount
    of wealth for the country.

    Although the policies and laws were different across Europe, all the
    countries that practiced mercantilism had 5 major things in common.

    Econ 4130: Lecture 8 6 of 15

    Mercantilism in Practice

    1 Bullionism
    Accumulating gold and silver within a country
    Forbidding its export abroad

    2 Promote domestic industries
    Economic self-sufficiency
    Restricting the consumption of foreign goods

    3 Restricted international trade
    Tax imports
    Subsidize exports

    4 Utility of Poverty
    Support low wages
    Promote large working population

    5 Navigation Acts
    All trade must go through the mother country first
    All trade is handle by the mother country’s merchant marines

    Econ 4130: Lecture 8 7 of 15


    Shortcomings of Mercantilism

    Mercantilism began to decline by the late 17th century because it was a
    self-defeating system.

    Colonies had insufficient income to support sustained trade

    Sold raw materials (low prices)
    Purchased manufactured goods (high prices)

    Bullionism backfired
    All countries are stockpiling precious metals
    Lack of scarcity, SGold ↑ ⇒ PGold ↓

    Econ 4130: Lecture 8 8 of 15

    Shortcomings of Mercantilism

    Market regulations lead to an explosion of the blackmarket
    Blackmarket isn’t taxed
    Undermines legitimate demand
    Major items smuggled: sugar, molasses, and tea

    Empire-builders colonized all available foreign lands
    Mercantilism requires an every increasing market
    Large military and naval to enforce policies
    Majors wars are inevitable
    Limited invest in infrastructure

    Econ 4130: Lecture 8 9 of 15


    Effects of Mercantilism

    It is fair to say that the European colonization of Asia, Africa, and the
    lower Americas weakened the economies in these areas to reduce them to
    a condition of dependency.

    Colonial economic policies were actively designed to maintain the low cost
    of production of the goods imported to Europe. Most of the colonial
    economies were restricted to single industries with suppressed wages.

    Econ 4130: Lecture 8 10 of 15


    Reaction to Mercantilism

    Adam Smith- An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of
    Nations (1776)

    Only source of wealth for a country was its land and labor. Markets self
    regulate through the “invisible hand” of individual self-interest. Therefore
    trade itself, not the actually goods being traded matter.

    Theory of Value
    (1) Value of a good doesn’t come from its ability to be

    exchanged for gold and silver
    (2) All goods have some basic intrinsic value
    (3) Market value for a good is the intrinsic value plus the labor,

    talent, technology, and resources used

    Econ 4130: Lecture 8 11 of 15


    Effects of Mercantilism (Smith’s view)

    Domestic merchants and traders benefited from mercantilist policies,
    at the expense of everyone else
    Monarchs had little, if any, understanding of economic principles

    Relied on self-interested ministers to run the economy

    Mercantilism often undermined national wellbeing in the long run
    Potential for positive effects in the short run

    Misallocation of resources and investment
    Prohibitions on specialization limits benefits from comparative
    advantage and trade

    Numerous costly wars in Europe and in the colonies

    Econ 4130: Lecture 8 12 of 15


    Mercantilism vs. Neoclassical Economics

    Neoclassical Economics strongly disagrees on the fundamental assumptions
    of Mercantilism:

    Country’s wealth is measured by it’s real output
    Real goods/services matter, not the money supply
    Actual commodities generating the GDP is irrelevant

    Trading is a voluntary, mutually beneficial act
    Both parties gain from trade
    Trade generally lowers cost
    Increases product diversity

    Econ 4130: Lecture 8 13 of 15


    Political Influences on Economic Growth

    The major colonist powers of Europe were Spain, Portugal, France,
    Netherlands, and England.

    One of the most important difference between the countries that led to
    different status of powers heading into the 20th century was how
    concentrated the power was in a central authority.

    Econ 4130: Lecture 8 14 of 15

    Political Influences on Economic Growth

    Spain, Portugal, and France were absolute monarchies with the king
    having unlimited authority to tax and borrow.

    England and the Netherlands had strong representative legislatures that
    limited the authority of the monarch.

    Econ 4130: Lecture 8 15 of 15


    Temin –


    Views of the Industrial Revolution


    , 2018

    1 2 Views

    • Traditional view

    – Inventors/entrepreneurs came from all social classes and parts of the country

    – Innovation across all industries

    – Suddenness of shift difficult to find parallel

    – Landes (Promethus Unbound)

    – Deane and Cole growth estimates

    – Mokyr

    • ”Localized growth”

    – Newer theory

    – Multiple economists adjusted growth estimates of IR-era UK downward (Harley 1982,
    Crafts and Harley 1992)

    – Implied that residual industries, or those grouped as ”other manufacturing,” may not
    have grown as much as previously thought

    – Craft theorized that growth was restricted to cotton and iron, not manufacturing as a

    2 Two Good Ricardian Trade Model

    • Simple general equilibrium model of international trade

    • 2 countries (A, B)

    • 1 factor of production (L)

    • 2 goods (X, Y )

    • Constant returns to scale production (fixed labor acg needed to produce one unit of output of
    good g in each country c)

    • Competitive markets, P cg = wcacg

    • Fixed, immobile supply of labor (Lc)

    • Representative consumer maximizes Uc = Uc(Ccx, CcY )

    We assume country A has a comparative advantage in X. The quantitative way of saying this is:


    < aBX aBY

    This also implies:

    P̃ AX
    P̃ AY

    < P̃ BX P̃ BY

    where P̃ represents a price in autarky (no trade)

    The last thing we assume is that trade is free and frictionless. As a result, trade will occur until
    the prices in both countries are equal. So:

    P̃ AX
    P̃ AY

    < P̄ AX P̄ AY

    P̄ BX
    P̄ BY

    < P̃ BX P̃ BY

    Each country produces the 1 good it has the comparative advantage in


    3 Extending to multiple goods

    • Goods in economy indexed 1, 2, …N

    • an, a∗n represents British, foreign labor requirement respectively

    • Reordered so a


    is highest (Britain has higher comparative advantage for lower numbers)

    • w, w∗ wages in Britain, abroad

    Line A

    • a

    for each good

    • Shows interaction between number of exports and relative prices in the goods market

    Line B

    • More domestically produced goods mean more demand for labor, leading to increased w

    • Shows interaction between number of exports and relative wages in the labor market

    Theory 1 – Broad technical change

    • Increased a

    for all n

    • increased exports, demand for labor in UK

    • A → A′ on graph

    Theory 2 – Narrow technical change


    • More complicated

    • If productivity change is confined to good already exported by Britain, trade balance at any

    achieved with export of fewer goods (B → B′ on graph)

    • Productivity change that causes reordering is more complicated, and not easily graphed


    Empirical Analysis

    An indirect test of the two main theories can be carried out by observing the lists of imported and
    exported goods during the Industrial Revolution.

    The author’s empirical tests consistently show that orderings or rankings of England’s exports
    did not change drastically during the industrial revolution. Had the narrow/localized productiv-
    ity change theory been accurate, export proportions of lagging aspects of manufacturing would
    decrease, or become negative, and we do not see this.


    9 A Historical Perspective
    on Economic Aspects
    of the Population
    Explosion: The Case of
    Preindustrial England
    Ronald Demos Lee

    9.1 Introduction

    The preindustrial context offers particular advantages for the study of
    population change and its consequences. Over the course of centuries
    the effects of population pressure on resources have a chance to emerge
    and to dominate the more transitory influences. And other sources of
    long-run economic change, such as technology, capital accumulation,
    education, and institutional reorganization, were formerly weaker or
    absent. Thus history may provide us with an actual ceteris paribus situa-
    tion where statistical attempts to control for extraneous influences on
    contemporary development have failed. Of course there is always the
    risk that changing circumstances may have rendered the lessons of his-
    tory obsolete, but one has to start someplace; the drunk looks for his
    dime under the lamppost, though he lost it down the street.

    There have been many studies of the effects of population growth on
    economic development, but only a few of these studies are empirical.

    Ronald Demos Lee is associated with the Department of Economics and the
    Population Studies Center, the University of Michigan.

    This research was funded by NICHD grant HD 08586-03. I am very grateful
    to Professor E. A. Wrigley and Professor R. Schofield of the Cambridge Group
    for the History of Population and Social Structure for making the aggregate parish
    data set available to me. Philip Mirowski provided valuable research assistance at
    all stages of this project, and I also profited from his knowledge of English history
    and his creative insights. Professors Gavin Wright, Gary Saxonhouse, C. K. Har-
    ley, and Albert Fishlow made helpful comments on earlier drafts. I am particularly
    indebted to Professor Marc Nerlove for his detailed comments and his solutions
    to some of the analytic problems.


    518 Ronald Demos Lee

    Theoretical studies, and the many simulation studies in the tradition of
    the classic work by Coale and Hoover (1958), can be queried on their
    premises (see Simon 1976). Cost-benefit studies of marginal lives, pio-
    neered by Enke (1960), are empirical only in appearance; their results
    can actually be derived a priori for virtually any country, regardless of
    its economic situation, as Ohlin (1969) has shown in an ingenious
    article. l Cross-national studies, seeking correlations of population growth
    rates and growth rates of per capita income (see, e.g., Kuznets 1967;
    Chesnai and Sauvy 1973; Easterlin 1972) have invariably found no
    significant association. 2 Leff’s (1969) well-known article on savings
    rates and dependency rates has been so heavily criticized as to leave the
    results in serious doubt. So although most economists and almost all
    demographers believe high population growth rates are a problem, there
    is a surprising shortage of empirical evidence. A study of the conse-
    quences of population change in a historical context may help demon-
    strate the importance of the variable in at least the simplest case.

    Historical studies may also aid our understanding of the causes of
    population change. It is sometimes suggested that until a couple of
    centuries ago the size of human populations in relation to resources was
    effectively regulated by socioeconomic institutions, but that in recent
    times these mechanisms have broken down under the influences of mor-
    tality decline, urbanization, technical change, and modernization in gen-
    eral. However, there is little understanding of how such mechanisms
    functioned in the past, how effective they were, and how they reacted
    to various kinds of external shocks. An examination of these historical
    mechanisms should help us understand to what extent modern and his-
    torical experience differ qualitatively, and should provide some perspec-
    tive on current high rates of population growth.

    This paper has three major parts. The first discusses the consequences
    of population change in preindustrial England, concentrating on wages,
    rents, and the ratio of industrial to agricultural prices. A simple two-
    sector model is developed to organize the analysis. The second part
    discusses the cause of population change, focusing on the nature of the
    social mechanisms that controlled it and their reaction to variations in
    mortality and productivity. In the third part, a simple model of eco-
    nomic-demographic equilibrium is developed, in which steady shifts in
    labor demand are the main determinant of sustained population growth,
    while the equilibrium living standards maintained during expansion re-
    sult from the interplay of largely exogenous mortality and institutionally
    regulated fertility. These three parts are followed by a brief summary
    and conclusion. Appendixes describe the data sources and the formal
    development of the dual-sector model.

    519 Perspective on Economic Aspects of the Population Explosion

    9.2 Effects of Population Change

    9.2.1 Overview

    For those who care for the overmastering pattern, the elements are
    evidently there for a heroically simplified version of English history
    before the nineteenth century in which the long-term movements in
    prices, in income distribution, in investment, in real wages, and in
    migration are dominated by changes in the growth of population.
    [Habakkuk 1965, p. 148]

    This “heroically simplified version” of English history, which gives
    the central role to population change, appears to be accepted by a ma-
    jority of economic historians. And since there was a rough synchronism
    of changes in population, wages, rents, and industrial and agricultural
    prices across Western Europe, many economic historians extend the
    same argument to the Continent as well. 3 The assertion is that when
    population grew, the additional labor that was applied to a relatively
    fixed amount of land brought diminishing returns, leading to falling real
    wages and rising real rents. Since industry’s main input was labor, indus-
    trial prices closely followed the real wage. Thus a large population
    caused low prices for industrial goods relative to agricultural ones. Since,
    however, total agricultural incomes rose with population, so did the
    demand for industrial goods; thus industrial output-and with it urbani-
    zation-increased when population grew. This extension of the market
    encouraged specialization and trade.

    Figure 9.1 shows the basic data series for England over the period
    1250 to 1800. This analysis will focus on the latter part, from 1540 to
    1800, for which better data are available; however, the earlier data help
    put this later period into perspective and strengthen the findings by sug-
    gesting their wider applicability. The data plotted in figure 9.1 are de-
    scribed in Appendix 9.1; however, the population series merits special
    mention. It is based on data from 404 parishes, collected and aggregated
    by the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Struc-
    ture. Although the population estimates used here are still preliminary,
    they are far superior to the demographic data previously available.

    The series in figure 9.1 shows that the population-induced changes
    in the preindustrial economy were not trivial; rather, they were of fun-
    damental importance to the people of the time. For example, the seg-
    ment of society dependent primarily on wage income was comfortably
    off at the end of the fifteenth century; after a century of population
    growth their wages had fallen by 60% and their situation was desperate.
    Landlords were enriched over this period; industry grew rapidly; and
    industrial prices plummeted in relation to agricultural prices.

    Life Expectancy
    (upper classes)

    –,…. – …/~


    .c 40
    iii 30
    V> 20

    ~ 10

    Population Size




    Industrial Price
    Divided by
    Agricultural Price


    Rent/Wage Ratio


    1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800

    Fig. 9.1 Basic data for England, 1250-1800. For a description of
    the data and sources, see Appendix 9.1.

    541 Perspective on Economic Aspects of the Population Explosion

    Deaths by Wages Rate of Natural Increase
    by Wages





    \ ~o Lag

    — -~
    —-f’ Yr. Lag










    ~.c _

    Vl ~

    ~ -6 2
    .c ‘”CL~

    Wavelength. i,. In Years Wavelength. 2. In Years

    Fig. 9.7 Cross-spectral estimates of deaths and rate of natural in-
    crease in relation to real wages for England, 1539-1839.
    Phase estimates indicated by solid circles correspond to sig-
    nificant estimates of coherence-squared and are more ac-
    curate than the others. Estimates were made using a
    Parzen window with T = 301, M = 20. Deaths and wages
    were measured as residuals from the regression of the log
    of the basic series on time. Natural increase was used
    un transformed.

    short-run relations also held over the long run, although these data
    provide no evidence on this point. Even in the short run, however, wages
    account for only about 15 % of the variance in growth rates, so that
    most of the variation is exogenous. Furthermore, inspection of long-run
    life-expectancy series, as in figures 9.1 and 9.4, suggests that long-run
    variation in population growth rates was also dominated by exogenous

    Under these circumstances, over the very long run, the average wage
    level will be an important determinant of average population growth
    rates. But even over the course of centuries, fluctuations of growth rates
    about that average level may be largely exogenous.

    9.4 A Model of Economic-Demographic Equilibrium

    At this point it will be helpful to introduce a simple equilibrating
    model relating fertility, mortality, wages, and population. Rent and
    terms of trade could also be added, but they play an essentially passive
    role and would only clutter the diagram.

    The relation of fertility and mortality to wages, measured by their
    crude rates band d, may be plotted as in the top half of figure 9.8. The

    542 Ronald Demos Lee

    Wage (w)



    <0 :; N·a. 0 ll.



    Fig. 9.8

    Wage (w)

    Economic-demographic equilibrium.

    level and curvature of the birthrate curve are determined primarily by
    norms and institutions, although at very low wages biological consider-
    ations may become important. Some societies might have horizontal
    fertility curves, if neither nuptiality nor marital fertility depended on
    material well-being. Societies with institutional arrangements conducive
    to high fertility, such as the extended family system, would have higher
    birthrate curves than those with less pronatalist institutions, such as the
    nuclear family. The death-rate curve is primarily biologically deter-
    mined, although such additional factors as income distribution, central-
    ized famine precautions, and in some cases infanticide and geronticide
    are also important.

    The population growth rate, equal to b – d, is given by the difference
    between the two schedules; where they intersect, the growth rate is zero
    and the population is stationary. The corresponding wage, w*, is vari-
    ously known as the “long-run equilibrium wage,” the “natural wage,”
    the “conventional standard of living,” or “subsistence.”

    The lower half of the diagram shows the relation between the wage
    rate and the size of the population; it corresponds to the demand for
    labor, which I assume is fixed. Corresponding to the equilibrium wage
    is an equilibrium size of population, N*. There will also be equilibrium
    levels of rent and terms of trade, which are not shown. Evidently the

    543 Perspective on Economic Aspects of the Population Explosion

    equilibrium is stable; when population size is below N* its growth rate
    will be positive, and conversely.

    Now consider the effect of a once-for-all shift in the demand for labor;
    this situation is shown in figure 9.9. When w(N) shifts out to WI (N),
    the wage will initially rise, inducing population growth until population
    attains its new equilibrium at the old wage level. Thus, over the long
    run, population responds passively to economic advance, while a roughly
    constant level of material well-being is maintained; this is the “iron law
    of wages.”

    Now consider the effect of a permanent exogenous decline in mortal-
    ity, shifting the schedule from d (w) to d 1 (w). This is shown in figure
    9.10. 15 The decline in mortality lowers the equilibrium wage and popu-
    lation size; growth rates are initially positive until a new equilibrium
    is established with lower fertility and wages and larger population size.
    The point to note is that the equilibrium wage is not a culturally deter-
    mined parameter, as the classical economists thought; it depends also
    on a level of mortality that was subject to autonomous long-run change.
    It is this that gives population an independent role in history: within
    broad limits, the equilibrium population and living standard changed
    when mortality changed, even if institutions and the economic base of
    society remained completely unaltered.

    .<:: ;;;





    w· Wage (w)



    Fig. 9.9 Increased demand for labor.

    Wage (w)

    544 Ronald Demos Lee



    Wage (w)


    ~ i
    ~ I

    Cf) I

    6 I
    ~ Ni ——-
    ~ N’ ———-

    Wage (w)

    Fig. 9.10 Exogenous mortality decline.

    I have simplified here by ignoring the direct links of fertility to mor-
    tality; these would cause the fertility curve to shift in response to shifts
    in the mortality curve. However, such direct links were ver¥ weak (see
    Lee 1973, p. 598; 1978a, p. 167). Therefore it was only through long-
    run change in the norms and institutions themselves that society could
    maintain constant population and wages in the face of exogenous change
    in mortality. The automatic homeostatic mechanisms were not adequate
    in these circumstances.

    In earlier papers (Lee, 1973, 1978a, b) I used estimated forms of this
    model to simulate the course of wages, population, and fertility, assum-
    ing that only mortality varied exogenously. These simulations fit the
    historical data remarkably well for 1250 to 1700 and 1705 to 1784.

    The diagram can also be used to illustrate the effect of a steady rate
    of shift of the demand for labor, of the sort included in the equations
    estimated earlier. Suppose that this rate of shift is such that population
    growth at rate r leaves wages unchanged; the estimates suggested r =
    0.4% per year. Then in steady state growth, population will grow at
    rate r, and the wage will be constant at a level such that b (w) – d (w)
    = r. This situation is shown in figure 9.11. Evidently the wage will have
    to be a bit above its “natural” level in order to induce growth. Exoge-
    nous change in mortality will alter the steady-state wage but will only
    temporarily affect the population’s growth rate.


    545 Perspective on Economic Aspects of the Population Explosion

    Finally, consider a simultaneous decline in mortality and initiation of
    growth at rate r in the demand for labor. This situation is shown in
    figure 9.12. In this case we might observe constant fertility, low mortal-
    ity, and population growth with no diminution in wages. This is the situ-
    ation T. H. Marshall had in mind when he wrote of eighteenth-century
    England (1965, p. 248) :

    The obvious temptation is to assert that the death rate was not only
    the variable, but also the determining, factor in the increase of popu-
    lation, and that, to understand the causes of this increase, we should
    study the deaths rather than the births. But, clearly, a horizontal line
    on a graph may be as dynamic as a diagonal; the forces that prevent
    a birth rate from falling may be as significant as those that make it

    Ordinarily, one would expect a fall in the death rate to be followed by a
    fall in fertility, as equilibrium is attained at a lower rate and larger
    population; if this does not happen, it suggests that the underlying cause
    of continuing population growth is economic progress, not the mortality

    Might this be similar to the situation in today’s LDCs? We often
    observe exogenously declining mortality, relatively constant fertility and
    per capita income, and rapid population growth. Without the concurrent






    Wage (w)

    Fig. 9.11 Labor demand increasing at a constant rate.

    546 Ronald Demos Lee










    Fig. 9.12 Offsetting changes in growth of labor demand and mortality.

    economic development, surely by now incomes and fertility would have
    fallen and mortality risen. It is not quite right to attribute the population
    growth to the mortality decline, although this may be the most conspicu-
    ous exogenous change; growth in the capacities of these economies to
    sustain population should perhaps be accorded the major responsibility.

    A final comment on this model in relation to the LDCs is in order.
    Whatever the nature of the social mechanisms that may have regulated
    population in Asia, it is clear that a balance was reached at a much
    higher level of fertility and mortality than in Europe. Apparently life
    expectancy in China and India at the turn of this century was about 23
    years (see Barclay et ai. 1976; Das Gupta 1971), versus perhaps 30
    years in Europe; the total fertility rate must consequently have been
    about 6.5 versus 4.5 in Europe. The necessary change in fertility-regu-
    lating institutions, in response to declining mortality, is staggering.

    9.5 Summary and Conclusions

    For today’s LDCs there is little empirical evidence on the economic
    effects of population change. For the economy of preindustrial England
    and perhaps Europe, on the other hand, population emerges clearly as
    the dominant cause of long-run change in wages, rents, industrial prices,
    and income distribution. The economy could absorb population growth

    Economic History Association

    Two Views of the British Industrial Revolution
    Author(s): Peter Temin
    Source: The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 57, No. 1 (Mar., 1997), pp. 63-82
    Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the Economic History Association
    Stable URL:


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    Two Views of the British Industrial Revolution


    There are two views of the British Industrial Revolution in the literature today. The
    more traditional description sees the Industrial Revolution as a broad change in the
    British economy and society. This broad view of the Industrial Revolution has been
    challenged by Crafts and Harley who see the Industrial Revolution as the result of
    technical change in only a few industries. This article presents a test of these views
    using the Ricardian model of intemational trade with many goods. British trade data
    are used to implement the test and discriminate between the two views of the
    Industrial Revolution.

    There are two views of the British Industrial Revolution in the literature
    today. The more traditional description is represented by the views of

    T. S. Ashton and David S. Landes. It sees the Industrial Revolution as a
    broad change in the British economy and society. In Ashton’s memorable
    phrase, “A wave of gadgets swept over England.”2 This broad view of the
    Industrial Revolution has been challenged recently by N. F. R. Crafts and C.
    Knick Harley. This new school of thought sees the Industrial Revolution as
    a much narrower phenomenon, as the result of technical change in a few
    industries. The new industries, obviously, were cotton and iron. All others
    were mired in premodem backwardness.3

    It may seem as if the choice between these two views is a matter of taste,
    since the literature is almost exclusively about the two modem industries
    singled out by the narrow view of the Industrial Revolution. That appears to
    be how this choice is treated in the literature. In fact, the looseness of our
    current conception has encouraged a few people to take the views of Crafts
    and Harley to the extreme. Rondo Cameron argues that the change noted by
    these authors was so small relative to the whole economy that it no longer
    deserves the title of Industrial Revolution.4

    The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 57, No. 1 (Mar. 1997). c The Economic History
    Association. All rights reserved. ISSN 0022-0507.

    Peter Temin is Professor, Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
    Cambridge, MA, 02139.

    This is a shortened version of the working paper of the same title, NBER Historical Paper 81 (March
    1996). I thank Wilson W. Thai for research assistance and participants in seminars at Harvard, Yale,
    and the University of British Columbia for helpful comments.

    2Ashton, Industrial Revolution, p. 42.
    3Mokyr, “Editor’s Introduction,” pp. 6-7, distinguishes four views of the Industrial Revolution. My

    division corresponds roughly to his macroeconomic and technological schools.
    4Cameron, Concise Economic History, pp. 16567.


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    64 Temin

    But it is seldom that an empirical question cannot be tested. True,
    productivity indexes are hard to calculate for obscure industries. It is
    necessary to search for other data that will let the historian discriminate
    between these two views. Trade data provide the information needed to
    discriminate between these two views.

    I will use a Ricardian model of international trade to formulate a testable
    hypothesis about the nature of the Industrial Revolution. In this model, the
    traditional view of the Industrial Revolution implies that Britain should have
    been exporting other manufactures-that is, manufactured products other
    than cotton textiles and iron bars. In the more modern view, by contrast,
    Britain should have been importing these same goods in the early nineteenth
    century. Trade data allow us to see which is the case.

    The plan of this article is as follows. The first section argues that there are
    two distinct views of the Industrial Revolution in the literature. The second
    section will describe the Ricardian model of international trade with many
    goods and formulate the hypothesis to be tested. The third section will
    describe the British trade data and implement the test of the previous
    section. A final section concludes.


    The traditional view of the British Industrial Revolution can be found in
    countless texts. T. S. Ashton’s classic exposition clearly described a general
    change in British economy and society. He was very expansive in his
    descriptions of technical change: “Inventors, contrivers, industrialists, and
    entrepreneurs-it is not easy to distinguish one from another at a period of
    rapid change-came from every social class and from all parts of the
    country.” Expanding the statement quoted above about “a wave of gadgets,”
    Ashton said, “It was not only gadgets, however, but innovations of various
    kinds-in agriculture, transport, manufacture, trade, and finance-that
    surged up with a suddenness for which it is difficult to find a parallel at any
    other time or place.”5

    This view was widespread during the 1950s and 1960s. David Landes
    expressed it well in an authoritative book.6 The well-known growth
    estimates of Phyllis Deane and W. A. Cole confirmed the view of wide-
    spread change and appeared to provide a firm basis for the qualitative
    expositions.7 More current work by Joel Mokyr supports the pervasiveness
    of technological change in Britain at this time.8 But in a recent survey of the

    5Ashton, Industrial Revolution, pp. 13, 42.
    6Landes, Prometheus Unbound, pp. 41, 105.
    7Hartwell, Industrial Revolution; Matthias, First Industrial Nation; Deane, First Industrial

    Revolution; and Deane and Cole, British Economic Growth.
    8Mokyr, Lever, chap. 10.

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    Two Views of the Industrial Revolution 65

    TABLE 1

    (percentage per annum)

    Sector McCloskey Crafts Harley
    Cotton 0.18 0.18 0.13
    Worsteds 0.06 0.06 0.05
    Woolens 0.03 0.03 0.02
    Iron 0.02 0.02 0.02
    Canals and railroads 0.09 0.09 0.09
    Shipping 0.14 0.14 0.03

    Sum of modernized 0.52 0.52 0.34
    Agriculture 0.12 0.12 0.19

    All others 0.55 0.07 0.02
    Total 1.19 0.71 0.55

    Sources: McCloskey, “Industrial Revolution,” p. 114; Crafts, British Economic Growth, p. 86; and
    Harley, “Reassessing the Industrial Revolution,” p. 200.

    literature, Patrick K. O’Brien labeled this view “old-hat” economic history
    that “is still being read and continues to be written by an unrepentant but
    elderly generation of Anglo-American economic historians.”9

    The growth rate of the British national product was adjusted downward
    in a gradual process. C. Knick Harley revised the growth rate of manufactur-
    ing downward in 1982. N. F. R. Crafts extended these estimates into a
    revision of Deane and Cole’s estimates of the British national product in his
    1985 book. Crafts and Harley presented their “final” version in 1992.10

    The implications of the new estimates for the conceptualization of the
    Industrial Revolution can be seen in an exercise introduced by D. N.
    McCloskey.”1 He calculated the productivity gains of what he called the
    modernized sectors from industry sources. Then he weighted the gains by
    the share of the industries in gross production and added them. The
    productivity gain of all other sectors (except agriculture, which was
    estimated separately) was obtained by subtracting this total from the rate of
    growth of production in the economy as a whole. The calculations are shown
    in the first column of Table 1.

    Crafts reproduced McCloskey’s calculations in his book and noted that
    the bottom line, the estimated rate of growth of the economy as a whole,
    came from Deane and Cole. Since Crafts was revising these estimates, he
    substituted his new estimates as shown in the second column of Table 1.
    None of the industry estimates were changed; only the growth of the
    unidentified, residual sector. As can be seen, the contribution of “other

    90’Brien, “Introduction,” p. 7. O’Brien’s exposition focused on the growth rate during the British
    Industrial Revolution, but estimates of income growth cannot be separated from the underlying
    conception of the Industrial Revolution, as shown below.

    ‘0Harley, “British Industrialization”; Deane and Cole, British Economic Growth; Crafts, British
    Economic Growth; Crafts, and Harley, “Output Growth.”

    “McCloskey, “Industrial Revolution,” p. 114.

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    66 Temin

    sectors” to economic growth fell from 0.55 percent a year to 0.07 percent.
    In Crafts’s words: “[T]he term ‘Industrial Revolution’. . . should not be
    taken to imply a widespread, rapid growth of productivity in manufactur-


    Quite the contrary. As Crafts repeated throughout his discussion, the
    Industrial Revolution in this view was a decidedly localized affair. The
    industries affected were textiles, iron, and transportation. All else-other
    manufactures and other services-were technologically stagnant for the first
    half of the nineteenth century. This conclusion contrasts strongly with the
    assertions of Ashton and Landes.

    Crafts recognized that his new estimates created a paradox. If British
    manufacturing was in general so backward and British agriculture so
    progressive-as we know from other sources-then why did Britain not
    export agricultural goods and import manufactures in the early nineteenth

    It is important to understand the nature of this paradox. The traditional
    view implied that Britain had a comparative advantage in manufacturing.
    Crafts had denied the premise of this traditional view by asserting that most
    British manufacturing was backward and inefficient. Evidence that British
    agriculture was more productive than continental then implied that Britain
    had a comparative advantage in agriculture. It is no wonder that previous
    economic historians had not confronted this paradox; it does not exist in the
    traditional view of the Industrial Revolution.

    The resolution of the paradox came in two propositions. First, Crafts
    confirmed the existence of paradox by reiterating that most British industry
    “experienced low levels of labor productivity and slow productivity
    growth-it is possible that there was virtually no advance during
    1780-1860.” Second, he resolved the problem by asserting that “rapid
    growth in key manufacturing sectors . . . gave Britain a substantial
    comparative advantage in those activities.”14 In other words, industrializing
    Britain had a comparative advantage in cotton and iron, not manufacturing
    as a whole.

    The clear implication of Crafts’s view is that other manufactures were not
    exported because Britain lacked a comparative advantage in manufacturing
    in general. In fact, the juxtaposition of evidence of a productive agriculture
    with that of backward manufacturing outside of textiles and iron provided
    evidence that Britain had a comparative disadvantage in these other
    manufactures. That is, Crafts’s resolution of the paradox implies that Britain

    “2Crafts, British Economic Growth, p. 86, emphasis in the original. Crafts’s estimates reduced the
    implied rate of productivity change in all other sectors from 0.65 percent per year to 0.08 percent per
    year. He added in a footnote that even this new, low estimate could be an overestimate.

    13Crafts, “British Industrialization.”
    I4lbid., p. 425.

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    Two Views of the Industrial Revolution 67

    should have been importing other manufactures along with agricultural

    Crafts and Harley recently revised and restated their new views in light
    of the ensuing discussion. Their definitive views reduced the rate of
    economic growth during the Industrial Revolution even further than Crafts’s
    initial estimates.15 Harley incorporated these estimates into McCloskey’s
    exercise, as shown in the third column of Table 1. Harley revised
    McCloskey’s estimates of productivity growth in the modem sector as Crafts
    had not done, reducing their aggregate contribution to economic growth. But
    because the rate of growth of the total economy was estimated to be so low,
    the contribution of other sectors fell to the vanishing point, from 0.07
    percent per year to 0.02 percent per year.16

    Harley embedded the Crafts-Harley view into a computable general
    equilibrium model of the British economy in the early nineteenth century.
    He distinguished four producing sectors in Britain: modem manufacturing,
    agriculture, services, and other industry. (The latter two sectors are the “all
    other” sector of Table 1). Britain exports the products of modern manufac-
    turing and imports agricultural goods in this model; services and other
    manufactures are not traded. 17

    Harley asserted that this model demonstrates the consistency of the
    Crafts-Harley view. But many products of other manufactures were easily
    traded, as will emerge below. Unless other manufacturing started out from
    a position of great comparative advantage-a presumption belied by the
    abundant historical evidence of the eighteenth century and explicitly denied
    by Crafts-the ability to export other manufacturing would have been
    rapidly eroded by technical progress in cotton, iron, and even agriculture. If
    agricultural goods were imported in the early nineteenth century, therefore,
    then other manufactures should have been as well.

    In the literature survey noted above, O’Brien seemed to conclude that the
    gap between “old-hat” and new-fangled economic history can never be
    bridged. The problem is that the data needed to construct national income
    aggregates do not exist for many parts of British industry in the early
    nineteenth century. Microeconomic and macroeconomic studies, O’Brien
    appeared to assert, will just have to go their own ways.

    “Crafts and Harley, “Output Growth.”
    “6Crafts recently revised downward even further his estimate of productivity change by taking

    account of the growth of human capital. If Harley estimated the rate of productivity change of
    individual industries in Table 1 from prices (as McCloskey did), these estimates would not be affected
    by the consideration of human capital in the overall total. This would turn the residual category of other
    activities negative. This change makes the test proposed below even sharper than with the estimated
    rates in Table 1. Crafts, “Exogenous or Endogenous Growth?”

    17Harley, “Reassessing the Industrial Revolution.”

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    68 Temin

    Instead of banging our head against the stone wall of unavailable data, I
    propose to shift the terms of debate to a different kind of data.18 Crafts and
    Harley have suggested some implications of the new view for Britain’s
    international trade. Trade data are available in great detail; can they help us
    to disentangle the nature of the Industrial Revolution?


    The implications of the Crafts-Harley view for Britain’s international
    trade can be used to formulate a test of these views. A model is needed to
    derive a test, more formal than Crafts’s verbal exposition and more
    transparent than Harley’s computable general equilibrium model. The
    Ricardian model of international trade with many goods poses the issues

    A Ricardian model with many goods was analyzed by Dornbusch,
    Fischer, and Samuelson in 1977, and I follow their exposition here.19 They
    argued that the many goods can be seen as spread out along a continuum of
    comparative advantage and dealt with by their location along this contin-
    uum. The historical application of this model will be to identify the location
    of specific goods in this continuum.

    Imagine two “countries”: Britain and everywhere else. For ease of
    exposition, I will refer to the rest of the world as if it were a single foreign
    country. Since this is a Ricardian model, there is only one factor of
    production: labor. This factor can be seen as a Hicksian good by assuming
    that the relative price of different factors of production does not change. The
    model therefore does not say that there were no other factors of production
    but only that changes in the relative price of these factors can be ignored.20
    This would not be suitable for consideration of, say, the repeal of the Corn
    Laws, but it provides a good way to focus on the effects of productivity
    changes over almost a century.2′

    Each country both produces and consumes a large variety of goods made
    from this single factor of production. These goods can be numbered from 1
    to N. The technology of each country can be described by the labor needed
    to produce each good. The labor requirement to produce the nth good in

    “8Berg and Hudson, “Rehabilitating the Industrial Revolution,” also recommend shifting the terms
    of debate about the Industrial Revolution, albeit in a different direction than developed here.

    19Dornbusch, Fischer and Samuelson, “Comparative Advantage.”
    20It is worth noting that Britain was not pressing against land scarcity at this time. Acres of arable

    rose almost by half in the first half of the nineteenth century while the agricultural labor force stayed
    constant. Allen, “Agriculture,” pp. 104-07.

    2″More formally, the assumption of a single factor of production and changing technology is more
    appropriate to the question at hand than a model with several factors and stable technology. A model
    with many factors and changing technology would have so many degrees of freedom that no useable
    test could be derived from it.

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    Two Views of the Industrial Revolution 69

    Britain is an, where an is the number of hours of British labor needed to
    produce a single unit of the nth good. Following the convention of
    international trade, a*n represents the hours of foreign labor needed to
    produce the nth good in the foreign country.

    The ratio of the labor needed to produce the good in the foreign country
    and in Britain is a *n/an. The goods can be re-indexed by this ratio, starting
    with the good for which the relative quantity of foreign labor needed for
    production is the highest (so the ratio, a *n/an, is the highest).

    al /al>a2 la2>a3 /a3>>aN/aN (1)

    The pattern of trade is detennined by the relative costs of producing goods
    in the two countries. And in this Ricardian model costs are simply the wages
    of the sole factor of production: labor. Let w be the British wage; w*, the
    foreign wage. Then the cost of producing good i in Britain is wai; the cost
    in the foreign country, w *a *. Any good for which w *a * > wai will be
    produced in Britain because its production costs are cheaper in Britain.

    This inequality can be rewritten as a*i/ai > w/w*. Production costs for this
    good are lower in Britain; the good will be produced in Britain and exported
    to the foreign country. Conversely, any good,j, for which a7*jaj < w/w* will be produced in the foreign country and imported into Britain. The number- ing scheme for goods ensures that there is a point in the ordered list of goods such that all goods to the left with lower numbers are produced in Britain. All the goods with higher numbers are produced abroad. This is illustrated in Figure 1, where the downward-sloping curve, A, shows a */a for each good. It also shows the index of the last British export at any w/w *.

    The model needs a demand side to determine wages. Assume that
    consumers spend a constant share of their income on each good and that
    tastes are the same in both countries. The wage in each country is deter-
    mined by the demand for labor, which is determined in turn by the range of
    goods produced in that country. If the range of domestic goods increases at
    any relative wage, then the demand for domestic labor rises. This raises the
    ratio of domestic to foreign wages, leading to a positive relation between
    w/w* and the range of goods produced domestically. This is shown as B, the
    upward sloping curve in Figure 1. Curve A shows the interaction between
    the number of exports and relative wages in the goods market; curve B, in
    the labor market. The division between exported and imported goods is
    where curves A and B cross, at xo.22

    22Capital movements do not affect the allocation of production in this model. Transport costs and
    uniform tariffs do not affect the argument; they only introduce a band of nontraded goods between
    exports and imports. The pattern of trade did not vary much at a time that tariffs were falling rapidly,
    suggesting that individual tariffs had little effect on the overall pattern of trade. Exports of services are
    ignored, following Harley.

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    70 Temin

    a 5 /a,w/w


    exports x2 xO xI imports index

    FIGURE 1

    Consider now the effect of technical change in Britain. I assume that there
    is no technical change outside of Britain, that is, no change in labor
    productivity in the foreign country. Alternatively, one could say that the
    Industrial Revolution did not spread outside Britain in the first half of the
    nineteenth century. This is roughly correct-at least for continental
    Europe-and it connects the model to the estimates of productivity change
    reported in Table 1.23

    There are two cases. If the technical change is general, that is, it reduces
    ai for all i, then it increases a *,/a, for all i. Curve A in Figure 1 shifts upward,
    increasing the range of goods exported by Britain at the same relative wage.
    This is shown as A ‘in Figure 1. The point dividing imports and exports on
    curve A, now A moves to the right. This increase in the range of goods
    produced in Britain increases the demand for labor in Britain and reduces
    the demand for labor in the foreign country. British wages consequently rise
    relative to wages in the foreign country. A new equilibrium is reached where

    231f productivity was growing uniformly in other countries, then this rate of change needs to be
    deducted from the rates derived from the final column of Table 1 to get relative rates. This does not
    change the order of change in the various sectors of the British economy. Like Crafts’s recent reduction
    in the overall rate of productivity change in Britain, it only strengthens the argument here. Since there
    is only one factor of production, total factor productivity and labor productivity are the same. As noted
    above, I am assuming that labor stands for a Hicksian good and that the relative prices of different
    factors of production did not change substantially. See note 20.

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    Two Views of the Industrial Revolution 71

    curve B intersects the new A ‘curve, at x,. At the new equilibrium, Britain
    is exporting goods that had previously been nontraded or imported.

    If, by contrast, technical change is restricted to a few goods, the picture
    is more complicated. The simplest case is when productivity change is
    confined to a good already exported by Britain. Assume, for example, that
    advances in the British cotton textile industries caused people to shift
    demand from other goods to British textiles.24 Then the B curve shifts up
    and to the left because trade balance at any w/w* is achieved with the export
    of fewer British goods. The new curve is shown as B ‘in Figure 1; the new
    equilibrium is to the left of the original point on curve A, at x2.

    A more complex case is when the change in productivity changes the
    order of goods along curve A, moving a good from, say, the imported range
    to the exported. This change forces us to renumber all the other goods,
    giving them all higher numbers. For those goods close to the intersection of
    A and B, this change in the order could move them out of the range of
    exports into the range of imports (or nontraded goods). In terms of the goods
    themselves, the equilibrium has moved to the left as in Figure 1.

    Conversely, if a British sector has negative technical change-that is, if
    it stagnates while the rest of the economy progresses-then it will move to
    the right in the array. Depending on its starting point and the extent of its
    technical lag, it could cross the dividing line in Figure 1 and change from
    export to nontraded or import. This case describes the Crafts and Harley
    conclusion shown in the last column of Table 1. The rate of productivity
    change in other manufacturing was not only slower than in modem
    industries but also than in agriculture. If we assume that productivity was
    rising in other countries, then the absence of productivity change for 80
    years shown in the final column of Table 1 surely would have eroded
    whatever comparative advantage Britain might have had in these goods.

    All of the subcases of restricted technical change move in the same
    direction. Britain exports fewer nontextile goods than before, although the
    representation in Figure 1 is too simple to describe all of the subcases. It
    follows that if there were more than one of these developments under way,
    the effects would cumulate. Rapid advances in British textiles and no
    productivity change in other manufacturing then are two separate causes for
    the number of British exported goods to fall.

    Summarizing, uniform and restricted technical change have opposite
    implications for the movement of dividing points in equation 1. General
    technical change moves the dividing line between exports and nontraded
    goods to the right; restricted technical change, to the left. General technical

    24Since the model has assumed constant shares of income spent on each good, this is equivalent to
    saying that the demand for British textiles was elastic.

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    72 Temin

    change causes the list of exports to rise, while restricted technical change
    causes it to fall. This difference provides a test of historical views.

    The test is which goods are exported and imported, not how much of each
    good is traded. The conclusions just reached refer to changes in the location
    of equilibria along this continuum of goods. The empirical evidence needed
    to discriminate between the two kinds of productivity change consists of
    listing exported and imported goods, not calculations of their magnitudes.
    To discover changes in the lists of exports and imports, lists need to be
    compiled for different dates during Britain’s industrialization.

    To create this test we need to identify goods in the array of equation 1.
    There are three categories of British goods: exports, nontraded goods, and
    imports. Following Harley, we identify exports with modem British
    industry, nontraded goods with services not related to trade, and imports
    with agriculture. But Harley has a fourth good in his model that is the one
    of most interest here. The question is where to put Harley’s fourth category,
    other manufactures.

    The discussion of the preceding section implies that there are two
    different answers. In the broad view of the Industrial Revolution, other
    manufactures were similar to modem manufactures; technical change was
    widespread. Exports of many manufactured goods should have been
    expanding. In the narrow view, by contrast, other manufactures were doing
    far worse than agriculture. Harley assumed they were not traded in his
    computable general equilibrium model, but as noted above, this is implausi-
    ble. Other manufactures should have been imports in the Crafts-Harley view
    of the economy.

    There are several reasons why the Crafts-Harley view implies other
    manufactures were imports. As cotton changed from an import to an export
    in the eighteenth century, the range of other manufactures exported should
    have fallen.25 Further technical progress in cotton textiles that greatly
    increased the consumption of their products in the nineteenth century even
    after cotton textiles had moved to be first in the index of British goods
    magnified this effect. And as the residual sectors stagnated relative to
    agriculture in the nineteenth century, their costs of production in Britain
    must have risen sharply relative to the cost of growing food in Britain. Since
    agricultural goods were imported, the products of these other sectors-to the
    extent that they were traded at all-should have been imported as well. Even
    if other manufactures were not imported at the start of the nineteenth
    century, the rates of productivity change shown in the last column of Table
    1 surely would have made them imports by midcentury.

    The Ricardian model consequently generates a simple test to discriminate
    between the two views of the British Industrial Revolution. Were other

    25Ashton, Economic History of Britain, p. 154; and Cameron, Concise Economic History, p. 160.

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    Two Views of the Industrial Revolution 73

    manufactures exported or imported? If exported, then the view that technical
    change was widespread among British industries in the early nineteenth
    century is confirmed. But if the other manufactures were imported, then the
    conclusion that technical change was restricted to a very few modem
    industries while other industries stayed mired in premodem production
    techniques is confirmed.

    The path of trade in other manufactures also gives information. In the
    Crafts-Harley view shown in the last column of Table 1, these activities
    were not experiencing technical change in the first half of the nineteenth
    century. The productivity gap between other manufactures and agricul-
    ture-not to mention modem industry-was growing rapidly. Other
    manufactures, even if exported early in the Industrial Revolution, should
    have found their relative costs rising and their exports falling. They should
    have gone from exports to imports. This is not a statement about the relative
    rate of growth of these exports; it rather is whether individual goods
    changed from being exported to being imported.

    The two views of the Industrial Revolution, therefore, can be tested by
    looking at marginal British exports. I do not claim that the pattern of trade
    in these goods describes the Industrial Revolution, only that it provides a test
    between two views of this event. Was Britain losing its comparative
    advantage in other manufacturing exports at the margin or maintaining it?
    After industrialization had progressed for a while, were other manufactures
    exported as the Ashton and Landes view implies or imported as the Crafts-
    Harley view implies?

    It may seem odd to test major views of the Industrial Revolution by
    looking at marginal activities. Not only should major historical events have
    large causes, but the tests about them, it seems, should involve the principal
    activities as well. Unhappily, this is not the case. Different stories have been
    presented to explain the same events. To be plausible, they all have to
    explain the major aspects of these events. It is only in the details that they
    differ, although, as described above, these differences may imply other,
    more important disagreements. The devil, as they say, is in the details.26


    Some dimensions of British trade as summarized by Ralph Davis appear
    in Table 2.27 The dominant place of manufactures in British exports is easily
    apparent from the first row. The important and initially growing share of

    26This is the same argument I used in a very different context in Did Monetary Forces Cause the
    Great Depression?

    27Davis, Industrial Revolution. Davis also surveyed intermediate decades, with results close to those
    shown in Table 2.

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    74 Temin

    TABLE 2


    Sector 1794-1796 1814-1816 1834-1836 1854-1856
    Manufacturing/total 86 82 91 81
    Cotton/manufacturing 18 49 53 42
    Woolens/manufacturing 27 21 17 15
    Iron/manufacturing 11 2 2 7
    Other/manufacturing 44 28 28 36

    Source: Davis, Industrial Revolution, pp. 95-101.

    cotton manufactures in total manufactures is clear from the next row. Iron
    manufactures, for all their importance in the narratives of the Industrial
    Revolution, were never a major part of British manufacturing exports.

    The question here is what was happening outside of these dominant
    industries. Manufacturing exports other than cotton, woolens, and iron are
    shown in the last row of Table 2. They were quite substantial, and they show
    no evidence of being pushed aside by cotton exports-as woolens were.

    I went to the Parliamentary Papers to find data on exports of individual
    commodities. Not every year contained trade information in detail. I
    consequently had to chose years for which I found detailed data, which did
    not always correspond to the years Davis had surveyed. The trends shown
    in Table 2 were very clear in my data as well, and I do not think any
    information was lost in the change of dates. I used data for three-year
    periods around 1810, 1830, and 1850, and a few other years between the
    first two to investigate changes in the early stages of industrialization and
    during the Napoleonic Wars.

    Table 3 shows exports of other manufactures for three years centered on
    1850, close to the end of the period of the calculations shown in Table 1.
    The table lists all manufacturing exports other than those identified in Table
    2. They are sorted by the magnitude of exports. The quantities exported are
    shown for information only. They were used to check my data against
    Davis’s but they are not relevant to the test performed here. The evidence
    to be cited in Table 3 is the list of different products.

    Linen was a major export. Silk manufactures also were steadily exported.
    Turning to metals, we find hardware and cutlery, brass and copper
    manufactures, and tin and pewter continuing to be exported. Other exports
    include earthenware, haberdashery, apparel, soap, and hats. The interest of
    this list is the absence of an organizing principle. There were exports of
    many different sorts.

    Table 4 shows the correlation between the exports of individual goods for
    categories that existed in both years for several different years. There is a
    suspicion that the composition of other exports changed more in the two

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    Two Views of the Industrial Revolution 75

    TABLE 3

    Export (pounds sterling)

    Linens 4,694,567
    Hardwares and cutlery 2,556,441
    Brass and copper manufactures 1,830,793
    Haberdashery and millinery 1,463,191
    Silk manufactures 1,193,537
    Earthenware of all sorts 975,855
    Machinery and millwork 970,077
    Tin and pewter wares and tin plates 904,275
    Apparel, slops, and Negro clothing 892,105
    Beer and ale 513,044
    Arms and ammunition 505,096
    Stationary/stationery of all sorts 373,987
    Apothecary wares 354,962
    Lead and shot 339,773
    Glass/glass of all sorts 296,331
    Plate, plated ware, jewelry, and watches 286,738
    Soap and candles 275,200
    Painters’ colors and materials 237,880
    Books, printed 234,190
    Cabinet and upholstery wares 155,407
    Cordage 155,127
    Leather saddlery and harness 121,401
    Hats of all other sorts 106,933
    Musical instruments 85,006
    Umbrellas and parasols 72,928
    Carriages of all sorts 57,018
    Spirits 52,843
    Fishing tackles 41,607
    Hats, beaver and felt 34,351
    Mathematical and optical instruments 34,289
    Spelter, wrought, and unwrought 22,097
    Bread and biscuit 15,529
    Tobacco (manufactured) and snuff 14,762

    Source: U.K., Parliamentary Papers, 1852 (196), vol. 28, pt. 1.

    decades before 1831 than after. The evidence does not confinn this view.28
    Breaking up the earlier period-critical years in both the Industrial
    Revolution and the conversion to a peacetime economy-into subperiods
    gives the results shown in the lower part of Table 4. With the possible
    exception of the initial years of peace, there is no evidence of much change
    in the structure of other exports. This is true despite the inclusion of Irish
    exports in the totals after 1826.

    Before concluding that much of other British industry was not backward,
    we need to look at British imports. For if it tums out that these same articles
    were being imported, and especially if they were being imported in greater
    quantities than they were exported, the conclusion would not follow.

    28The data from 1811 to 1813 are in official values, whereas the later data are in real values. This
    does not seem to have affected the correlation, but it is hard to know. There also are fewer observations
    in the data from 1811 to 1813 because fewer individual exports were identified.

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    76 Temin

    TABLE 4

    Number of
    Years Observations Correlation

    1811-1813 and 1830-1832 18 0.95
    1830-1832 and 1850-1852 28 0.93

    1811-8113 and 1816-1818 15 0.78
    1816-1818 and 1821-1823 21 0.90
    1821-1823 and 1826-1828 21 0.97
    1826-1828 and 1830-1832 28 0.98

    Source: U.K., Parliamentary Papers, 1812-13 (100), vol. 1 1, pt. 1; ibid., 1818 (147), vol. 12, pt. 1.;
    ibid., 1823 (220), vol. 12, pt. 1; ibid.,1828 (130), vol. 16, pt. 1; ibid., 1831-32 (310), vol. 26, pt. 1;
    ibid., 1852 (196), vol. 28, pt. 1.

    Table 5 shows the composition of British imports in the same years as
    Table 3. The effect of stagnating productivity outside the modem sector and
    agriculture should have been most evident by 1850. But there was, as noted
    for exports in Table 4, little variation in the composition of British imports
    over the first half of the nineteenth century.

    It can be seen easily that the imports are not of the same goods that were
    being exported, with a few exceptions. Silk was imported in greater
    quantities than it was exported. This was not an activity in which Britain
    maintained a comparative advantage. Linen was imported in the years 1811
    to 1813, but Irish linens were no longer counted as imports by 1830, and
    there were few other linen imports. Most of the flax shown as imports must
    have gone to Ireland.

    There is no mystery why Britain imported sugar, tea, or indigo. They, and
    the many other tropical products consumed in Britain, would not have been
    exported under any reasonable set of prices or changes in productivity. The
    important agricultural imports for the test performed here are corn, hides,
    and wool (sheep’s). They were imported from western Europe and could
    have been exported from Britain.29 These products are the products that
    Britain should have exported before other manufactures in the nineteenth
    century according to the Crafts-Harley view.30

    None of the myriad other British manufacturing exports were imported
    at all. Britain maintained a clear comparative advantage in a wide variety of
    manufacturing industries throughout the first half of the nineteenth century.
    They held their own in the face of the spectacular growth of cotton-textile
    exports during those years. There is no hint that these other commodities
    were being pushed off the list of exports by the growth of cotton exports.
    Except for the Napoleonic War period, they kept pace with cotton exports.

    29Davis, Industrial Revolution, pp. 114-24.
    30Not, however, according to Harley’s CGE model since other manufactures do not trade in that


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    Two Views of the Industrial Revolution 77

    TABLE 5
    VALUE OF IMPORTS, 1850-1852

    Import (pounds sterling)

    Wool, cotton 23,670,472
    Sugar 10,762,045
    Corn, meal, and flour 9,167,600
    Tea 5,796,086
    Silk 5,163,865
    Coffee 3,480,594
    Flax, and tow or codilla of hemp and flax 3,123,329
    Wool, sheep’s 2,049,348
    Hides, raw or tanned 1,999,233
    Cochineal, granilla, and dust 1,909,848
    Oil 1,793,320
    Madder, madder root, and garancine 1,687,568
    Guano 1,476,940
    Tallow 1,333,889
    Indigo 1,191,495
    Wood and timber 1,153,477
    Dye and hardwoods 1,104,308
    Hemp, dressed or undressed 990,917
    Spelter 957,540
    Wines 927,721
    Spirits 902,351
    Seeds 719,017
    Woollen manufactures 710,414
    Rice, cleaned or in the husk 668,585
    Bacon 653,214
    Potatoes 562,595
    Currants 559,919
    Cotton manufactures 548,065
    Cheese 537,322
    Copper, unwrought and part wrought 477,778
    Butter 466,357
    Brimstone 383,691
    Tobacco and snuff 367,685
    Skins and Furs 367,269
    Saltpetre and cubic nitre 355,564
    Iron in bars, unwrought 336,706
    Gum 298,147
    Oil seed cakes 296,993
    Glass 270,110
    Lard 258,790
    Ashes, pearl and pot 238,077
    Bark 213,708
    Turpentine 213,561
    Pork, salted or fresh 210,692
    Quicksilver 201,669
    Tin 200,801
    Sago 178,329
    Raisins 170,443
    Lead, pig and sheet 169,024
    Borax 164,565
    Terra japonica and cutch 150,035
    Hair or goats’ wool, manufactures of 148,473
    Cocoa, cocoa-nut husks and shells, and chocolate 145,973
    Tar 142,819
    Bones of animals and fish (except whalefins) 140,049
    Cinnamon 132,648
    Beef, salted or fresh 122,855
    Embroidery and needlework 114,999
    Copper ore and regulus 113,166

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    78 Temin

    TABLE 5-continued

    Import (pounds sterling)

    Cloves 106,630
    Animals, living; viz. oxen, bulls, cows, and calves 103,463
    Watches 95,928
    Safflower 94,911
    Boots, shoes and calashes, and boot fronts 94,779 93,744
    Lace, thread, and cushion or pillow lace 82,816
    Leather gloves 81,441
    Shumac 80,320
    Oranges and lemons 74,845
    Yarn, worsted or silk and worsted 73,690
    Clocks 73,661
    Rhubarb 70,912
    Whalefins 69,277
    Valonia 66,799
    Hair, horse 63,159
    Fish, of British taking 60,405
    Nutmegs 60,144
    Almonds of all sorts 59,705
    Linens 57,562
    Pimento 57,222
    Liquorice juice and paste 54,153
    Senna 53,452
    Cork 53,196
    Rags, &c. for paper 49,140
    Wax, bees’ 46,160
    Teeth, elephants’ 44,661
    Bristles 44,048
    Cassia lignea 43,735
    Mace 41,082
    Ginger 40,639
    Animals, living; viz. sheep and lambs 35,144
    Books, bound or unbound 33,865
    Hams 28,935
    Annatto 25,468
    Isinglass 24,685
    Figs 22,812
    Barilla and alkali 2,122

    Source: U.K., Parliamentary Papers, 1852 (196), vol. 28, pt. 1.

    It is not surprising that Britain sold a wide variety of manufactures to
    tropical countries. Their comparative advantage in tropical exports was so
    large that they specialized completely. There is little surprise, therefore, that
    Britain exported hats to Australia in exchange for wool. It is important,
    however, that Britain did the same for western Europe.31

    The shaping of hats was still done by hand at midcentury, but this
    handicraft had been surrounded by mechanization well before then. A hat-
    maker in London employed 1,500 people in 1840. The preparation of the fur
    and wool to make the felt for hats was thoroughly mechanized, using steam-
    powered machinery. And the dyeing of the finished hat was done on

    31Davis, Industrial Revolution, pp. 101, 125. Davis’s category is Hats, haberdashery, garments, and
    so forth, so it is not absolutely certain that hats were exported to Westem Europe. I use it as my
    example, although other items of Davis’s list could be cited as well.

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    Two Views of the Industrial Revolution 79

    machinery that allowed over 100 hats to be dyed at once. Labor productivity
    consequently was high.32

    There is an exception that proves the rule. Table 5 shows that there were
    small imports of manufactured woolens and cotton. But they were approxi-
    mately one-tenth the amounts of the exports of those commodities shown in
    Table 2. They are hardly the exception. Further down the list in Table 5
    come watches and clocks. As Landes noted in his book on that industry, the
    English clockmakers and watchmakers were falling behind their continental
    competitors in the nineteenth century.34 Productivity stagnated in this
    industry, and it had become an import industry by midcentury.35

    The export of most other manufactures, however, was continuing merrily
    along. The lesson of the constant rank order of these exports is that the
    various industries were keeping pace with each other. The share of cotton
    textiles in total manufacturing exports peaked in the 1830s as shown in
    Table 2. There was a slight fall in the share from the period 1814 to 1816 to
    the period 1854 to 1856. Other manufacturing exports as a whole kept pace
    with cotton exports during these 40 years, and exports of individual
    industries did so as well.

    Although the empirical evidence in this test is the identity of exports and
    imports as shown in Tables 3 and 5, the productivity advance in British
    manufacturing should have lowered their prices relative to imnports. They
    did. Albert lmlah correctly recognized this “severe deterioration” in the net
    barter terms of trade as a signal of British success, not distress. It is no
    surprise that the price of cotton manufactures fell rapidly in response to
    productivity growth. But even the price of woolen manufactures, which
    were declining as a share of British exports (Table 2), fell almost as rapidly
    as the price of exports as a whole.36

    It follows, therefore, that the traditional “old-hat” view of the Industrial
    Revolution is more accurate than the new, restricted image. Other British
    manufactures were not inefficient and stagnant, or at least, they were not all
    so backward. The spirit that motivated cotton manufactures extended also
    to activities as varied as hardware and haberdashery, arms, and apparel.

    It follows also that the calculations shown in the last column of Table 1
    cannot be accepted as authoritative. The low rate of productivity change
    shown for other activities is too low. There must have been more technical
    progress outside the listed sectors in Table 1 to produce the results shown

    32Dodd, Days.
    33Davis, Industrial Revolution, p. 101.
    34Landes, Revolution.
    35Data for earlier years than in Table 5 show that clocks and watches were not imported earlier in the

    nineteenth century.
    36lmlah, Economic Elements, pp. 93-102, 211-12.

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    80 Temin


    This test confirms the traditional view that the Industrial Revolution saw
    changes in more than a few industries. Technical change was hardly
    uniforim-a point conceded by every historian-but it was widespread.
    Britain became the workshop of the world, not just the cotton factory of the

    Scattered descriptions suggest the existence of a pattern in other
    manufactures.36 With few exceptions, there were no factories like the
    famous cotton factories. Instead there were new organizations of work along
    the lines identified by Charles Sabel and Jonathan Zeitlin.37 “Flexible
    specialization” has been thought of as a description of French industrializa-
    tion.38 Perhaps it also describes a significant part of the Industrial Revolution
    in Britain.

    More research will be needed to confirm or refute suggestions like this.
    The test performed here shows that increases in British productivity were
    not confined to cotton and iron in the first half of the nineteenth century. The
    “old-hat” view of the Industrial Revolution cannot be banished by calling it
    names. It lives among us, and it deserves more attention to fill in its all too
    evident gaps.

    36For example, Berg, Age.
    37Sabel and Zeitlin, “Historical Alternatives.”
    38Piore and Sabel, Second Industrial Divide.


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    Crafts, N. F. R., and C. K. Harley. “Output Growth and the Industrial Revolution: A
    Restatement of the Crafts-Harley View.” Economic History Review 45, no. 4 (1992):

    Davis, Ralph. The Industrial Revolution and British Overseas Trade. Leicester: Leicester
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    Dodd, George. Days at the Factories. London: Charles Knight, 1843. Reprinted by
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    Dornbusch, R., S. Fischer and P. Samuelson. “Comparative Advantage, Trade, and
    Payments in a Ricardian Model with a Continuum of Goods.” American Economic
    Review 67, no. 5 (1977): 823-39.

    Harley, C. Knick. “British Industrialization before 1841: Evidence of Slower Growth
    during the Industrial Revolution.” Journal of Economic History 42, no. 2 (1982):

    . “Reassessing the Industrial Revolution: A Macro View.” In The British Industrial
    Revolution: An Economic Perspective, edited by Joel Mokyr, 171-226. Boulder, CO:
    Westview Press, 1993.

    Hartwell, R, M. The Industrial Revolution and Economic Growth. London: Methuen, 1971.
    Imlah, Albert H. Economic Elements in the Pax Britannica. Cambridge, MA: Harvard

    University Press, 1958.
    Landes, David S. Prometheus Unbound: Technological Change and Industrial Develop-

    ment in Western Europe from 1750 to the Present. Cambridge: Cambridge University
    Press, 1969.

    . Revolution in Time: Clocks and the Making of the Modern World. Cambridge,
    MA: Harvard University Press, 1983.

    Matthias, Peter. The First Industrial Nation. London: Methuen, 1969.
    McCloskey, D. N. “The Industrial Revolution 1780-1860: A Survey.” In The Economic

    History of Britain since 1700, edited by R. C. Floud and D. N. McCloskey, I, 103-27.
    Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981.

    McKendrick, Neil. “Josiah Wedgwood: An Eighteenth-Century Entrepreneur in
    Salesmanship and Marketing Techniques.” Economic History Review 12, no. 3 (1960):

    Mokyr, Joel. The Lever of Riches: Technological Creativity and Economic Progress. New
    York: Oxford University Press, 1990.

    . “Editor’s Introduction: The New Economic History and the Industrial Revolu-
    tion.” In The British Industrial Revolution: An Economic Perspective, edited by Joel
    Mokyr, 1-131. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1993.

    O’Brien, Patrick K. “Introduction: Modem Conceptions of the Industrial Revolution.” In
    The Industrial Revolution and British Society, edited by Patrick K. O’Brien and
    Roland Quinault, 1-30. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.

    Piore, Michael, and Charles Sabel. The Second Industrial Divide. New York: Free Press,

    Sabel, Charles, and Jonathan Zeitlin. “Historical Alternatives to Mass Production: Politics,
    Markets, and Technology in Nineteenth-Century Industrialization.” Past and Present
    108, no. 1 (1985): 133-76.

    Temin, Peter. Did Monetary Forces Cause the Great Depression? New York: Norton,

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    82 Temin

    United Kingdom. House of Commons. “Finance Accounts: An Account of the Value of the
    Imports into and the Exports from Great Britain,” Parliamentary Papers 1812-13
    (100) Vol. l1.Pt. 1.

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    ______-. “Finance Accounts: An Account of the Value of the Imports into and the Exports
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    . “Finance Accounts: An Account of the Value of the Imports into and the Exports
    from Great Britain,” Parliamentary Papers 1852 (196) Vol. 28. Pt. 1.

    This content downloaded from on Thu, 13 Jun 2013 14:13:14 PM
    All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

    • Article Contents
    • p. 63
      p. 64
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      p. 79
      p. 80
      p. 81
      p. 82

    • Issue Table of Contents
    • The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 57, No. 1 (Mar., 1997), pp. 1-266
      Front Matter
      Storage and English Government Intervention in Early Modern Grain Markets [pp. 1 – 33]
      The Immigrant Assimilation Puzzle in Late Nineteenth-Century America [pp. 34 – 62]
      Two Views of the British Industrial Revolution [pp. 63 – 82]
      African and European Bound Labor in the British New World: The Biological Consequences of Economic Choices [pp. 83 – 115]
      The Decline in Southern Agricultural Output, 1860-1880 [pp. 116 – 138]
      Delivering Coal by Road and Rail in Britain: The Efficiency of the “Silly Little Bobtailed” Coal Wagons [pp. 139 – 160]
      The Political Instability of Reciprocal Trade and the Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom [pp. 161 – 189]
      Review Articles
      Individualism Transformed [pp. 190 – 195]
      Searching for Consistency in Historical Data: Alternate Estimates of Russia’s Industrial Production, 1887-1913 [pp. 196 – 202]
      Editor’s Notes [pp. 203 – 209]
      Reviews of Books
      Early Modern Europe
      untitled [pp. 210 – 211]
      untitled [pp. 211 – 213]
      untitled [p. 213]
      Modern Europe
      untitled [pp. 214 – 216]
      untitled [pp. 216 – 217]
      untitled [pp. 217 – 218]
      untitled [pp. 218 – 219]
      untitled [pp. 220 – 221]
      untitled [pp. 221 – 222]
      untitled [pp. 222 – 223]
      untitled [pp. 223 – 225]
      China and Japan
      untitled [pp. 225 – 226]
      untitled [pp. 227 – 228]
      untitled [pp. 228 – 229]
      untitled [pp. 229 – 231]
      Africa and the Middle East
      untitled [pp. 231 – 232]
      untitled [pp. 232 – 233]
      untitled [pp. 234 – 235]
      The Caribbean
      untitled [pp. 235 – 236]
      The United States and Canada
      untitled [pp. 237 – 238]
      untitled [pp. 238 – 239]
      untitled [pp. 239 – 240]
      untitled [pp. 241 – 242]
      untitled [pp. 242 – 243]
      untitled [pp. 243 – 244]
      untitled [pp. 245 – 246]
      untitled [pp. 246 – 247]
      untitled [pp. 247 – 248]
      untitled [pp. 248 – 250]
      untitled [pp. 250 – 251]
      untitled [pp. 251 – 252]
      untitled [pp. 252 – 253]
      untitled [pp. 253 – 254]
      untitled [pp. 254 – 256]
      untitled [pp. 256 – 257]
      untitled [pp. 257 – 258]
      Economic Thought
      untitled [pp. 258 – 259]
      General and Miscellaneous
      untitled [pp. 259 – 260]
      untitled [pp. 261 – 262]
      untitled [pp. 262 – 263]
      untitled [pp. 263 – 264]
      untitled [pp. 264 – 266]
      Back Matter

    Why the industrial revolution was
    British: commerce, induced invention,

    and the scientific revolution


    By R. C. ALLEN

    Britain had a unique wage and price structure in the eighteenth century, and that
    structure is a key to explaining the inventions of the industrial revolution. British
    wages were very high by international standards, and energy was very cheap. This
    configuration led British firms to invent technologies that substituted capital and
    energy for labour. High wages also increased the supply of technology by enabli


    British people to acquire education and training. Britain’s wage and price structur


    was the result of the country’s success in international trade, and that owed much to
    mercantilism and imperialism. When technology was first invented, it was only
    profitable to use it in Britain, but eventually it was improved enough that it became
    cost-effective abroad. When the ‘tipping point’ occurred, foreign countries adopted
    the technology in its most advanced form.ehr_532 357..38


    The industrial revolution is one of the most celebrated watersheds in humanhistory. It is no longer regarded as the abrupt discontinuity that its name
    suggests, for it was the result of an economic expansion that started in the
    sixteenth century. Nevertheless, the eighteenth century does represent a decisive
    break in the history of technology and the economy. The famous inventions—the
    spinning jenny, the steam engine, coke smelting, and so forth—deserve their
    renown, for they mark the start of a process that has carried the west, at least, to
    the mass prosperity of the twenty-first century.2 The purpose of this article is to
    explain why they were invented in Britain, in the eighteenth century.

    Explaining the industrial revolution is a long-standing problem in social science,
    and all manner of prior events have been adduced as causes.3 Recent research has
    emphasized non-economic factors like the British constitution4 or British culture,


    1 This article is the text of the Tawney Lecture, delivered on 5 April 2009 at the Economic History Society
    Annual Conference, University of Warwick.

    2 There has been a debate about the breadth of technological progress during the industrial revolution with
    Crafts, British economic growth; Harley, ‘Reassessing’; Crafts and Harley, ‘Output growth’; and Crafts and Harley,
    ‘Simulating’, arguing that productivity growth was confined to the famous, revolutionized industries in the period
    1801–31, while Temin, ‘Two views’, has argued that many more industries experienced productivity growth.
    Whatever one believes about 1801–31, it is clear that many non-revolutionized industries experienced produc-
    tivity growth between 1500 and 1850. The incentives to invent discussed in this article applied to all industries,
    not just the famous ones I discuss here.

    3 Hartwell, Causes, and Mokyr, ‘Editor’s introduction’, provide surveys. Crafts, ‘Industrial revolution in
    England’, has suggested that Britain’s lead was fortuitous.

    4 Proponents of this view include North and Weingast, ‘Constitutions’; De Long and Schleifer, ‘Princes and
    merchants’; LaPorta, Lopez-de-Silanes, Schleifer, and Vishny, ‘Law and finance’; Acemoglu, Johnson, and
    Robinson, ‘Rise of Europe’. For critical or contrary perspectives, see Clark, ‘Political foundations’; Epstein,
    Freedom and growth; Quinn, ‘Glorious revolution’s effect’; Hoffman, Postel-Vinay, and Rosenthal, Priceless markets;
    Pomeranz, Great divergence; Mathias and O’Brien, ‘Taxation’; Mathias and O’Brien, ‘Incidence’; Hoffman and
    Norberg, Fiscal crises; and Bonney, Rise.

    5 Landes, Unbound Prometheus; Clark and Jacks, ‘Coal’.

    Economic History Review, 64, 2 (2011), pp. 357–384

    © Economic History Society 2010. Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main
    Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA.

    both of which have been alleged to be superior. The matter, however, is controver-
    sial: while certain legal arrangements and cultural predispositions may have
    favoured economic development, it is not at all clear that Britain was alone in
    possessing them. In this article, I sidestep these debates by taking a different
    approach and emphasizing the importance of economic incentives as a cause
    of the industrial revolution. The essence of the industrial revolution was new
    technology, and I trace the links from Britain’s success in the world economy
    in the early modern period to the technological breakthroughs of the eighteenth

    I focus on the sources of invention and analyse these in terms of the demand and
    supply of new technology. The empirical base of this analysis is international
    comparisons of wages and prices. These comparisons show that eighteenth-
    century Britain had a unique wage and price structure. British wages were excep-
    tionally high compared with wages in other parts of Europe and in Asia, while the
    prices of capital and energy were exceptionally low. The price and wage structure
    affected the demand for technology by giving British businesses an exceptional
    incentive to invent technology that substituted capital and energy for labour. The
    high real wage also stimulated product innovation since it meant that Britain had
    a broader mass market for ‘luxury’ consumer goods including imports from east
    Asia. The supply of technology was also augmented by the high real wage. It meant
    that the population at large was better placed to buy education and training than
    their counterparts elsewhere in the world. The resulting high rates of literacy and
    numeracy contributed to invention and innovation.

    The supply of technology was also affected by other developments. Jacob and
    Stewart, and Mokyr have emphasized the importance of Newtonian science, the
    Enlightenment, and genius in providing knowledge for technologists to exploit,
    habits of mind that enhanced research, networks of communication that dissemi-
    nated ideas, and sparks of creativity that led to breakthroughs that would not have
    been achieved by ordinary research and development.6 Mokyr’s influential inter-
    pretation conceptualizes these elements as the industrial enlightenment. These
    developments would have boosted the rate of invention at any level of wages,
    prices, and human capital. That is also their weakness. The scientific revolution
    and the industrial enlightenment were Europe-wide phenomena that do not dis-
    tinguish Britain from the Continent. That is appropriate from some points of view:
    France was in the lead in many industries with new techniques to its credit in
    paper, clocks, glass, and textiles, for instance. Any theory that explains British
    success by positing a British genius for invention is immediately suspect. Instead,
    we must explain why Britain invented the technologies it did and why they were so

    This article takes as its point of departure Edison’s famous observation that
    ‘invention was 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration’. That suggests that inventing
    the industrial revolution was mainly a story about research and development
    (R&D) (perspiration). R&D is an economic activity with distinctive features. As
    Machlup remarked, ‘Hard work needs incentives, flashes of genius do not’.7 By

    6 Jacob, Scientific culture; Jacob and Stewart, Practical matter; Mokyr, ‘Editor’s introduction’; idem, Gifts of

    7 Machlup, Production, p. 166.

    358 R. C. ALLEN

    © Economic History Society 2010 Economic History Review, 64, 2 (2011)

    concentrating on the R&D and the incentives to undertake it, we can get a much
    deeper understanding of why the industrial revolution happened when and where
    it did.

    Britain’s unique wage and price structure was the pivot around which the
    industrial revolution swung. Logically, the next question, therefore, is to explain
    what determined the wages and prices. They turn out to have been the result of
    Britain’s great success in the international economy in the early modern period,
    and that relationship will also be examined. The answer to the grand question of
    how the industrial revolution was related to the early modern economy is this: the
    commercial and imperial expansion of Britain created a unique structure of wages
    and prices, and that price structure, in turn, prompted the technological break-
    throughs of the eighteenth century by increasing the demand for inventions that
    substituted capital and energy for labour, and by generating a population that was
    exceptionally able to respond to those incentives due to its high rates of literacy,
    numeracy, and craft skills. The spread of scientific culture may have had a rein-
    forcing effect. Some important scientific developments contributed to this
    advance, but they would not have been acted upon without a demand for the
    technologies that applied them.



    Since invention was an economic activity, its pace and character depended on
    factors that affected business profits including, in particular, input prices. It is
    easier to understand why the industrial revolution happened in eighteenth-century
    Britain if we compare wage rates and energy prices in the leading economies of the
    day. In these comparisons, Britain stands out as a high-wage, cheap-energy

    Our views of British wages are dominated by the standard of living debate. Even
    optimists who believe the real wage rose in the industrial revolution accept that
    wages were low in the eighteenth century. They were certainly lower than they are
    today, but recent research in wage and price history shows that Britain was a
    high-wage economy in four senses. Firstly, at the exchange rate, British wages were
    higher than those of its competitors. Secondly, high silver wages translated into
    higher living standards than elsewhere. Thirdly, British wages were high relative to
    capital prices. Fourthly, wages in northern and western Britain were exceptionally
    high relative to energy prices.

    These trends are illustrated in figures 1–4. These figures were constructed from
    databases of wages and prices assembled from price histories written since the
    middle of the nineteenth century.9 The typical price history is based on the
    archives of an institution that lasted for hundreds of years—colleges and hospitals
    are favourites. Historians work through their accounts, recording the quantity and
    price of everything bought or sold, and draw up tables of the annual averages.
    Usually prices are found for a range of agricultural and food stuffs as well as cloth,

    8 The argument is developed more fully in Allen, British industrial revolution.
    9 The data are referenced and described in greater detail in Allen, ‘Great divergence in European wages’; idem,

    ‘Poverty and progress’; idem, ‘Timber crisis’; idem, ‘India in the great divergence’; idem, British industrial
    revolution; idem, ‘Industrial revolution in miniature ’; Allen, Bassino, Ma, Moll-Murata, and van Zanden, ‘Wages,
    prices, and living standards’.


    © Economic History Society 2010 Economic History Review, 64, 2 (2011)








































    Figure 1. Labourers’ wages around the world
    Source: See text.











    Figure 2. Subsistence ratio for labourers: income relative to cost of subsistence basket
    Source: See text.

    360 R. C. ALLEN

    © Economic History Society 2010 Economic History Review, 64, 2 (2011)

    fuel, candles, building materials, implements, and a miscellany of other items.
    Wages and salaries are often also recorded.The commodities are measured in local
    weights and measures, and prices are stated in local units of account, and these
    must be converted to international standards. Prices histories have been written for
    many European cities, and the research is being extended to Asia. By putting all of
    this material in the computer, international comparisons are becoming possible for
    the first time, and they are redefining our understanding of economic history. In
    particular, they throw new light on the origins of the industrial revolution, as we
    shall show.

    Figure 1 shows the history of nominal wages of building labourers in leading
    European and Asian cities from the middle ages to the industrial revolution. The
    various units of account in which the data were recorded have been converted to
    grams of silver, since silver coins were the principal medium of exchange. The
    figure shows that the divergence in nominal wages was minimal in Europe at the











    Figure 3. Wage rate relative to price of capital
    Source: See text.
















    Figure 4. Wage rate relative to price of energy
    Source: See text.


    © Economic History Society 2010 Economic History Review, 64, 2 (2011)

    end of the late middle ages. There was little wage inflation subsequently in eastern
    Europe. Wages in western Europe rose during the price revolution (1550–1620).
    Thereafter, there was a three-way split, with silver wages falling in southern
    Europe, levelling out in the Low Countries, and continuing to rise in London.
    From the late seventeenth century onwards, London wages were the highest

    London wages rose above those elsewhere in Britain in the sixteenth century. By
    the late seventeenth century, however, wages in southern English towns like
    Oxford were rising to close the gap. Wage movements in northern England were
    more erratic. In the late seventeenth century, builders’ wages in cities like York
    were as high as those in Oxford. Wage growth ceased in the north in the early
    eighteenth century, however, so the region fell behind the south in nominal wages,
    although the level was still higher than in most parts of the European Continent.
    Fast wage growth towards the end of the eighteenth century brought the north to
    the same level as the south, however, and all parts of England had exceptionally
    high silver wages.10

    Comparisons with Asia further emphasize the high wages in eighteenth-century
    Britain. In Beijing, Canton, Japan, and Bengal, labourers earned between one and
    two grams of silver per day—less than half the wage in central or eastern Europe
    and a smaller fraction of earnings in the advanced economies of the north-west of
    the Continent.11

    Did Britain’s high nominal wages translate into high living standards or were
    they offset by high prices in Britain? To explore this issue, welfare ratios have been
    computed for leading cities. Welfare ratios are defined as full-time annual earn-
    ings12 divided by the cost of a basket of consumer goods sufficient to keep a family
    at a specified standard of comfort—in this case at minimal subsistence. Baskets are
    constructed with most spending on the grain that was cheapest in each locality (for
    example, oats in northern Europe, polenta in Florence, sorghum in Beijing, and
    millet in Delhi).Very small portions of meat, peas or beans, butter or oil, cloth, and
    fuel, and a small allowance for housing are also included. Consumption is set at the
    low level of 1,940 kilocalories per day for an adult male, with other family
    members proportioned accordingly. Calculations with baskets corresponding to a
    more affluent lifestyle have also been undertaken, and the relative rankings are

    Figure 2 plots the welfare ratios for the cities in figure 1. The population decline
    caused by the Black Death meant that real incomes were high everywhere in the
    fifteenth century. Welfare ratios in London and the Low Countries were trendless
    across the early modern period, although there were oscillations in the series.
    Moreover, fully employed workers in these regions earned three to five times the
    cost of the subsistence lifestyle. They spent their extra income on a superior diet
    (with bread, beer, and much more meat) and more non-food consumer goods
    including some of the luxuries of the ‘consumer revolution’ of the eighteenth

    10 Gilboy, Wages; Allen, Great divergence; idem, ‘Poverty and progress’.
    11 Özmucur and Pamuk, ‘Real wages’; Allen, ‘India in the great divergence’; Allen et al., ‘Wages, prices, and

    living standards’; cf. Allen, Bengtsson, and Dribe, Living standards.
    12 European building workers were paid by the day, and I assume that 250 days was a full year’s work, making

    allowance for Sundays, religious holidays, and erratic employment. Many Asian wages are based on monthly
    earnings, and I assume employment for 12 months.

    362 R. C. ALLEN

    © Economic History Society 2010 Economic History Review, 64, 2 (2011)

    century.13 In contrast, real living standards fell dramatically across the Continent,
    reaching a level of about one. In eighteenth-century Florence and Vienna, fully
    employed building workers earned only enough to maintain their families at rock
    bottom subsistence. There was no surplus for bread, meat, beer, or wine, let alone
    imported luxuries. Real wages also fell sharply in provincial England in the
    sixteenth century, but even at the trough labourers in Oxford earned at least 50 per
    cent more than bare bones subsistence. The nominal wage inflation of the late
    seventeenth century meant that welfare ratios in Oxford were between 2.5 and 3.0
    in the eighteenth century.

    If we extend the comparisons of living standards to Asia, English performance
    looks even more impressive. Low silver wages in the East were not counterbal-
    anced by even lower food prices. Welfare ratios for labourers in Canton, Beijing,
    and Japan were about one in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries—as low as
    those in the backward parts of Europe. Mass demand for manufactures was very
    limited across Asia, since most consumer spending was directed towards basic

    The earnings of craftsmen (carpenters, masons, and so forth) followed the same
    trends as labourers in all countries. Skilled workers, however, earned more than
    the unskilled, so their welfare ratios were higher everywhere. Craftsmen in London
    or Amsterdam earned six times what was required to purchase the subsistence
    basket, while their counterparts in Germany or Italy only 50 per cent more than
    that standard. Craftsmen in north-western Europe spent much of their surplus
    income on more food and better-quality food. Nonetheless, the mass market for
    consumer goods was much larger in Britain and the Low Countries than in most
    of Europe.

    A third sense in which Britain was a high-wage economy was in terms of the
    wage rate relative to the price of capital. Figure 3 plots the ratio of a building
    labourer’s daily wage relative to an index of the rental price of capital in northern
    England, Strasbourg, and Vienna. The rental price of capital is an average of price
    indices for iron, nonferrous metals, wood, and brick, multiplied by an interest rate
    plus a depreciation rate. Strasbourg and Vienna were chosen since long series of
    wages and prices are available for those cities, and their data look comparable to
    those of most of Europe apart from the Low Countries. The series reflect differ-
    ences in the price of capital across space as well as over time.

    The ratio of the wage relative to the price of capital was similar in all of the cities
    in the first half of the seventeenth century. Then the series diverged. In England,
    labour became increasingly expensive relative to capital from 1650 onwards. This
    rise reflects the inflation of nominal British wages at the time. In contrast, the ratio
    of the wage to the price of capital declined gradually in Strasbourg and Vienna
    across the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The incentive to mechanize
    production was much greater in England than in France, Germany, or Austria.

    Finally, there is a fourth sense in which labour was costly in industrializing
    Britain. That involves a comparison of wages to the price of fuel. Figure 4 is a bar
    graph of the ratio of the building wage rate to the price of energy in the early

    13 Shammas, Pre-industrial consumer; McKendrick, Brewer, and Plumb, Birth; de Vries, ‘Purchasing power’;
    Fairchilds, ‘Production’; Weatherill, Consumer behaviour; Berg and Clifford, Consumers and luxury; Berg, Luxury
    and pleasure.


    © Economic History Society 2010 Economic History Review, 64, 2 (2011)

    eighteenth century in important cities in Europe and Asia. In this ratio, the price
    of a kilogram of fuel was divided by its energy content, so energy prices are
    expressed as grams of silver per million BTUs (British Thermal Units). The ratio
    is calculated for the cheapest fuel available in each city—coal in London and
    Newcastle, peat in Amsterdam, charcoal or firewood in the other cities.

    Newcastle stands out as having the highest ratio of labour costs to energy costs
    in the world. To a degree the high ratio reflects high British wages, but the low cost
    of coal was the decisive factor. Indeed, a similar ratio characterized the situation on
    all of the British coalfields and in the industrial cities (Sheffield, Birmingham, and
    so forth) built on them.The only place outside of Britain with a similarly high ratio
    of labour to energy costs was probably the coal mining district around Liège and
    Mons in present-day Belgium. The high cost of labour relative to fuel created a
    particularly intense incentive to substitute fuel for labour in Britain. The situation
    was the reverse in China, where fuel was dear compared to labour. The Chinese
    invented very large kilns for firing their pottery because such kilns had a high ratio
    of volume to surface area and so conserved heat. The reverse was true in Britain
    where kilns were small and thermally inefficient.


    Britain’s unusual wages and prices were due to two factors. The first was Britain’s
    success in the global economy, which was in part the result of state policy. The
    second was geographical—Britain had vast and readily worked coal deposits.

    In pre-industrial Europe, real wages moved inversely to the population. As
    figure 2 indicates, the real wage rose in Britain and Italy after the Black Death of
    1348/9, which cut the population by about one-third. As population growth
    resumed, the real wage fell in most of Europe between the fifteenth century and
    the eighteenth.The Low Countries were an important exception to this trend. Real
    wages fell in rural England in the sixteenth century, but London bucked the trend
    in the same way as Antwerp and Amsterdam, and indeed, as we have seen, living
    standards rose generally in southern England from 1650 onwards. Why were
    England and the Low Countries successful?

    The superior real wage performance of north-western Europe was due to a
    boom in international trade. The English boom began with the export of ‘new
    draperies’ in the late sixteenth century. These were light woollen cloths made in
    East Anglia and exported to the Mediterranean through London. Between 1500
    and 1600, the population of London grew from about 50,000 to 200,000 in
    response to the trade-induced growth in labour demand. During the Common-
    wealth, Cromwell initiated an active imperial policy, and it was continued through
    the eighteenth century.14 In a mercantilist age, imperialism was necessary to
    expand trade, and greater trade led to urbanization. Between 1600 and 1700,
    London’s population doubled again, and by 1800 it approached one million. In
    the eighteenth century, urbanization picked up throughout England as colonial
    trade increased and manufacturing oriented to colonial markets expanded.
    Between 1500 and 1800, the fraction of the English population living in settle-
    ments of more than 5,000 people increased from 7 per cent to 29 per cent. The

    14 P. K. O’Brien, ‘It’s not the economy, silly, it’s the navy’ (unpub. paper, 2006).

    364 R. C. ALLEN

    © Economic History Society 2010 Economic History Review, 64, 2 (2011)

    share of the workforce in agriculture dropped from about 75 per cent to 35 per
    cent. Only the Low Countries, whose economies were also oriented to interna-
    tional trade, experienced similarly sweeping structural transformations. In the
    eighteenth century, the Dutch and the English had much more trade per capita
    than other countries in Europe. Econometric analysis shows that the greater
    volume of trade explains why their wages were maintained (or increased) even as
    their populations grew.15

    Coal deposits were a second factor contributing to England’s unusual wage and
    price structure. Coal has a long pedigree as an explanation for Britain’s industrial
    success, and Wrigley put it on the modern research agenda.16 I add two points to
    the discussion.

    First, coal was not just abundant in Britain—it was cheap, at least in northern
    and western Britain on or near the coalfields. Figure 5 shows the price of energy
    in leading cities in the early eighteenth century. London did not have particularly
    cheap fuel at that time; Newcastle, however, did.The difference in the energy price
    between the two cities equals the cost of shipping the coal from the Tyne to the
    Thames. Despite an ocean route, transportation accounted for most of the price of
    coal in London. Coal prices at other cities in northern and western Britain were
    similar to those in Newcastle—at least once canal improvements reduced internal
    shipping costs. Except perhaps southern Belgium, no region anywhere in the world
    had the same combination of large population and cheap energy. Belgian coal
    output, however, was only 13 per cent of Britain’s in 1800, and the return from
    inventing coal using technology was correspondingly reduced.

    Cheap fuel was important for two reasons. Firstly, inexpensive coal raised the
    ratio of the price of labour to the price of energy (figure 4), and thereby contrib-
    uted to the demand for energy-using technology. In addition, energy was an
    important input in the production of metals and bricks, which dominated the
    index of the price of capital services. Cheap energy contributed to the fall in capital
    prices relative to wages, and thus contributed to the incentive to substitute capital
    for labour.

    15 Allen, ‘Poverty and progress’.
    16 Jevons, Coal question; Nef, Rise; Hatcher, History; Smil, Energy; Pomeranz, Great divergence; Sieferle, Subter-

    ranean forest; Wrigley, Continuity.





    Figure 5. Price of energy, early 1700s
    Source: See text.


    © Economic History Society 2010 Economic History Review, 64, 2 (2011)

    Secondly, coal was a ‘natural’ resource, but the coal industry was not a natural
    phenomenon. Some coal was mined in the middle ages.17 It was the growth of
    London in the late sixteenth century, however, that caused the coal industry to
    take off. As London grew, the demand for fuel expanded, and the cost of firewood
    and charcoal increased sharply as fuel was brought from greater distances. Coal,
    on the other hand, was available in unlimited supply at constant real cost from the
    fifteenth to the nineteenth century.18 In the late middle ages, coal and charcoal sold
    at about the same price per BTU in London. The market for coal was limited to
    blacksmithing and lime burning. In all other uses, sulphur made coal an inferior
    fuel. As London’s population exploded in the late sixteenth century, the demand
    for fuel rose, as did the prices of charcoal and firewood. By 1585, wood fuel was
    selling for twice the price of coal per BTU.That differential made it worthwhile for
    buyers to figure out how to substitute coal for wood—in fact, a difficult
    problem19—and shipments of coal from Newcastle to London began their rapid
    growth. The take-off of the coal industry was thus due to the growth of London.
    Since this was due to the growth of international trade, the exploitation of Britain’s
    coal resources was the result of the country’s success in the global economy as well
    as the presence of coal in the ground.

    The Dutch cities provide a contrast that reinforces the point and throws light on
    the important question of why the industrial revolution happened in Britain rather
    than the Netherlands.20 In an important respect that question is badly formed.The
    cities of the Low Countries were the analogues of London, but the industrial
    revolution happened on the coalfields of northern and western Britain where
    energy was much cheaper.Their counterparts were the coal deposits that stretched
    from north-eastern France across Belgium and into Germany. This coal was as
    useful and accessible as Britain’s. With the exception of the mines near Mons and
    Liège, however, Continental coal was largely ignored before the nineteenth
    century. The pivotal question is why city growth in the Netherlands did not
    precipitate the exploitation of Ruhr coal in a process parallel to the exploitation of
    northern English coal. Urbanization in the Low Countries also led to a rise in the
    demand for fuel. In the first instance, however, it was met by exploiting Dutch
    peat. This checked the rise in fuel prices, so that there was no economic return to
    improving transport on the Ruhr or resolving the political-taxation issues related
    to shipping coal down the Rhine. Once the Newcastle industry was established,
    coal could be delivered as cheaply to the Low Countries as it could be to London,
    and that trade put a ceiling on the price of energy in the Dutch Republic that
    forestalled the development of German coal. This was portentous: had German
    coal been developed in the sixteenth century rather than the nineteenth, the
    industrial revolution might have been a Dutch-German breakthrough rather than
    a British achievement.

    While the high-wage economy of London led to the exploitation of cheap coal,
    the availability of cheap energy also sustained the high-wage economy. British
    businesses could pay high wages and compete in the international economy only

    17 Hatcher, History.
    18 The real price of coal was constant from 1450 to 1850. See also Clark and Jacks, ‘Coal’
    19 Nef, Rise.
    20 Pounds and Parker, Coal and steel; de Vries and van der Woude, First modern economy; Unger, ‘Energy


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    if their efficiency was exceptional or if another input was cheap. (This relationship
    is the ‘factor price frontier’ of neoclassical economics.) Coal was that other input
    that enabled firms to pay a high wage while remaining profitable. Contemporaries
    were aware of this advantage. Glassmaking was one industry where the French
    were still ahead of the English in the late eighteenth century. Delaunay Deslandes,
    the director of Saint-Gobain, was initially sceptical that the English could success-
    fully compete against the French since English wages were one-third higher than
    French and the standard of living was accordingly superior:

    Given the manner in which the French and English lived . . . they could never make
    plate [glass] which could enter into competition with ours for the price. Our Frenchmen
    eat soup with a little butter and vegetables. They scarcely ever eat meat. They sometimes
    drink a little cider but more commonly water. Your Englishmen eat meat, and a great
    deal of it, and they drink beer continually in such a fashion that an Englishman spends
    three times more than a Frenchman.21

    The burden of high wages in England, however, was offset by cheap energy. In
    prospectuses of the 1770s, the fuel cost of English glass production was estimated
    to be only one-sixth of that in France.22 The same offset occurred in iron produc-
    tion. Richard Reynolds of the Coalbrookdale Iron Company wrote to Earl Gower,
    President of the Privy Council, in 1784 to object to a proposed tax on coal on the
    grounds that ‘coal . . . is the only article that in any degree compensates for our
    high price of labour’.23 The shift from charcoal to coal in industrial processes
    during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries—a shift that required the solution
    of many technical problems—gradually lowered the average price of energy in the
    English economy and underpinned the rise in the average wage.

    The remarks of Deslandes and Reynolds have an important further implication.
    The high wage in England meant that English workers could buy more food than
    many of their counterparts abroad. It is conceivable that eating more food might
    have raised the productivity of English labour, offsetting the high wage and
    reducing the incentive to mechanize production. However, the import of Deslan-
    des’ and Reynolds’ comments is that any such increase in productivity was not
    enough to offset the high wage. Deslandes is particularly compelling since his
    remarks were not part of a self-interested plea and since he was explicit about the
    consumption implications of the wages. In his view, the beef and beer enjoyed by
    the English worker did not compensate his employer for his high wage. English
    labour was still more expensive than French labour, and the high English wage had
    to be offset by some other saving. To that we turn.


    Britain’s high-wage, cheap-energy economy was an important determinant of the
    pace and character of technical change.There were both demand and supply links,
    and I begin with the former. I emphasize process innovations. Product innovations
    that imitated Asian trade goods like porcelain and cotton cloth were also impor-

    21 Quoted in Harris, ‘Saint-Gobain’, p. 67, n. 42.
    22 Ibid., p. 38.
    23 Quoted by Raistrick, Dynasty, p. 97.


    © Economic History Society 2010 Economic History Review, 64, 2 (2011)

    tant, but their manufacture involved process innovations as well, since production
    methods had to be redesigned to suit British conditions.24

    Britain’s industrial processes diverged from those used elsewhere since Britain’s
    high (and rising) wage induced a demand for technology that substituted capital
    and energy for labour. At the end of the middle ages, there was little variation
    across Europe in capital intensity. As the wage rose relative to the price of capital
    in Britain, it was increasingly desirable to substitute capital for labour and that is
    what happened. Sir John Hicks had the essential insight: ‘The real reason for the
    predominance of labour saving inventions is surely that . . . a change in the relative
    prices of the factors of production is itself a spur to innovation and to inventions
    of a particular kind—directed at economizing the use of a factor which has become
    relatively expensive’.25 Habakkuk used this theory to argue that high wages led
    Americans to invent labour-saving technology in the nineteenth century.26 A
    similar situation obtained in eighteenth-century Britain.27 It was the prequel to
    nineteenth-century America.

    We can clarify the influence of prices on invention, if we recognize that it
    involved the two stages that Edison called ‘inspiration’ and ‘perspiration’. The first
    stage, inspiration, was not the field of action of economics. Today the search for
    new ideas may be systematic and driven by commercial considerations, but in the
    eighteenth century exogenous factors probably loomed larger. The ideas incorpo-
    rated into the inventions of the industrial revolution were either the products of
    exogenous scientific advances, or acts of genius, or inadvertent by-products of
    normal operations (learning by doing), or they were copied from other activities.

    The second stage of invention was R&D—the perspiration that turned a concept
    into a new product or a process. Leonardo da Vinci is famous as an ‘inventor’ since
    he sketched hundreds of novel machines, but his reputation is overblown in that he
    rarely did the hard work needed to turn drawings into functioning prototypes. Our
    interest is in the technologies that were used in the industrial revolution, and use
    required R&D as well as a ‘eureka’ moment. While new ideas may not have been
    economically conditioned, R&D certainly was, since the decision to incur costs to
    operationalize a technical idea was an economic one. Prices influenced techno-
    logical development through their effect on the profitability of R&D.

    The essential idea is that inventors spent money to develop ideas when they
    believed the inventions would be useful, and in particular, when their social
    benefits exceeded the costs of their invention.When this condition was satisfied, an
    inventor with an enforceable patent could recoup the development costs through
    royalties. Even when private gain was not the object—for instance, in the case of
    Abraham Darby II, who discovered how to make wrought iron from coke pig
    iron—social utility was still the aim, so our analysis has force. Whether or not an
    inventor got a royalty, a mundane point is crucial: an invention was socially useful
    only if it was used. If it was not used, there was no point in inventing it. Invention,

    24 Berg, Luxury and pleasure.
    25 Hicks, Theory, pp. 124-5.
    26 Habakkuk, American and British technology. Economists have since debated how to formalize these ideas

    (David, Technical choice, pp. 19–91; Temin, ‘Notes’; Ruttan, Technology; Ruttan and Thirtle, Role of demand;
    Acemoglu, ‘Factor prices’).

    27 Fremdling, ‘Continental responses’, pp. 168–9, entertains this possibility, as does Mokyr, ‘Editor’s intro-
    duction’, pp. 87–9, who also raises many objections to it.

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    thus, depended on adoption. Adoption, in turn, depended on factor prices, and
    that meant that factor prices influenced R&D and hence invention.

    We can see how factor prices affected adoption and R&D with a standard
    isoquant model. The model makes five points: (1) a biased technical change saved
    one input disproportionately and reduced costs the most where that input was
    most expensive; (2) techniques were worth inventing only if they were used; (3) a
    new technique was not worth using everywhere; (4) countries with high wages
    found it profitable to develop a broader range of techniques with high capital–la-
    bour ratios than did low-wage countries; (5) larger markets increased the profit-
    ability of R&D and led to more invention.

    These points are illustrated in figure 6, which contrasts high-wage and low-wage
    firms. The curved isoquant through H and L connects the quantities of capital and
    labour needed to produce one unit of output. H is the input combination used by
    the high-wage firm, and it has a higher capital–labour ratio than the input com-
    bination used by the low-wage firm L. The straight lines tangent to the isoquant at
    H and L connect equal cost combinations of capital (K) and labour (N) where the
    unit cost in production C = rK + wN and where r and w are the rental price of
    capital and the wage rate. Each straight line plotted in figure 6 is of the form
    K = C/r + (w/r)N. Its slope equals the wage relative to the price of capital (hence
    a steeper line denotes the high-wage firm) and C/r is the point where the line
    intersects the K axis. Hence, a higher intersection point indicates higher produc-
    tion cost (C). In figure 6 CH/rH indicates the unit cost of the high-wage firm, and
    CL/rL the cost of the low-wage firm.

    Now consider a potential new technology represented by the point T connecting
    a new combination of capital and labour that can produce one unit of output. T is
    a biased technical change: it uses more capital and less labour than either H or L.
    Would T be used? It would if and only if it lowered costs, and that is the case for





    I H




    Figure 6. Biased technical change
    Source: See text.


    © Economic History Society 2010 Economic History Review, 64, 2 (2011)

    the high-wage firm. We know this since a straight line through T that is parallel to
    the isocost line through H (hence, representing the same w/r) has a lower inter-
    section point on the K axis and, hence, represents lower unit costs. For the
    low-wage firm, T would raise costs by the same argument. A technology like T is
    worth using—and thus worth inventing—only for the high-wage firm.

    The two isocost lines divide the area below them into three spaces. New
    technologies in I would be adopted only by the high-wage firm, technologies in III
    only by the low-wage firm, and technologies like II by either firm. Some new
    technologies are useful to any firm, while others are useful only to firms in
    particular factor price situations. Factor prices affect technological evolution
    because the adoption and invention of new techniques in sectors I and III depend
    on factor prices.

    The high-wage and the low-wage firms have opposite incentives to invent
    technique T. It would be pointless for the low-wage country to invent it since it
    would not be used. It might be worth inventing in the high-wage country, but the
    incentive depends on benefits net of development costs. A technique like T in
    sector I would lower operating costs for high-wage firms, and that saving gener-
    ates the demand for the technology, that is, creates a return for someone to
    invent it. But invention requires R&D to actualize the idea. Whether the demand
    for the technology is enough to motivate its development depends on the balance
    between the saving in operating costs and the cost of the R&D. Scale plays a role
    here since the R&D cost must be amortized over the output and compared to the
    reduction in unit operating costs. The total cost of production (inclusive of R&D)
    with the new technique is C* = C + D/q where D is the development cost and q
    is total production over the life of the technology. The total cost line inclusive of
    R&D costs is K = C* + (w/r)N = C/r + (D/q)/r + (w/r)N, that is, the K intercept
    shifts up by the amortized R&D cost, so the total cost line is above the old one.
    The larger is q, the less is the upward shift in the isocost line inclusive of R&D
    cost. Two possibilities need to be distinguished at this stage. The first is that the
    isocost line rises but remains below the isocost line with the old technique. In
    that case, it is profitable to develop (that is, invent) the new technique T. The
    second possibility is that the new isocost line rises above the original isocost line.
    In that case, it is not profitable to invent the new technique because the market
    is too small. Of course, if some other firm or country paid the R&D costs and the
    new technology were freely available, it would be adopted because it would cut
    operating costs. The size of the market affected the profitability of invention
    through the amortization of R&D costs.28

    Figure 6 identifies the conditions under which R&D was profitable, and they
    drove much private sector R&D. They also highlight the shortcomings of non-
    commercial R&D, such as some well-known technology initiatives of the French
    state. One was Cugnot’s fardier, a steam tractor developed by the military to
    pull cannons across fields. Cugnot built a high-pressure steam engine and
    installed it on a vehicle. The fardier was a technical success, but the project was
    abandoned since it consumed too much fuel and sank into the mud. High-
    pressure steam engines were successfully used for traction only when both prob-
    lems were solved by putting them on rails to pull wagons in British coal mines.

    28 Acemoglu, ‘Factor prices’.

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    A second example was Vaucanson’s fully automated silk loom. This was a tre-
    mendous technological achievement, but it was never used commercially since it
    was far too capital-intensive.29 These technologies show the force of figure 6
    in that they were not profitable to invent because they were not profitable to



    To apply the model to Britain, we must show that eighteenth-century British
    inventions were biased towards saving labour and using capital and energy. These
    biases meant that they were worth using at British factor prices but not at prices
    prevailing elsewhere.

    Thanks to Adam Smith, the pin factory is the most famous production process
    of the eighteenth century, and this example highlights many of the issues. Smith
    argued that high productivity was achieved through a division of labour among
    hand workers.30 It is very likely that he derived his knowledge from Diderot and
    d’Alembert’s Encyclopédie, since both texts divide the production process into 18
    stages, and that cannot be a coincidence.31 Indeed, Smith seems to have used the
    Encyclopédie for the exact purpose that Mokyr suggests—to find out about the
    latest technology.32

    There is a difficulty, however. The Encyclopédie’s account is based on the pro-
    duction methods at l’Aigle in Normandy. This was not the state-of-the-art practice
    as carried on in Britain. The first high-tech pin factory in England was built by the
    Dockwra Copper Company in 1692, and it was followed by the Warmley works
    near Bristol in the mid-eighteenth century.33 The latter was a well-known tourist
    destination, and Arthur Young visited it.34 Both mills were known for their high
    degree of mechanization, and they differed most strikingly from Normandy in the
    provision of power. In L’Aigle, machines were propelled by people turning fly
    wheels that looked like spinning wheels. In contrast, the Warmley mill was driven
    by water power. Since the natural flow of the stream could not be relied on, a
    Newcomen steam engine was used to pump water from the outflow of the water
    wheel back into the reservoir that supplied it: ‘All the machines and wheels are set
    in motions by water; for raising which, there is a prodigious fire engine, which
    raises, as it is said, 3000 hogsheads every minute’.35 Powering the mill in this way
    immediately eliminated the jobs of the wheel turners (their wages amounted to
    one-sixth of the cost of fabricating copper rod into pins) and probably other jobs
    as well. Many French workers, for instance, were employed scouring pins. This
    activity was done with large machines driven by water power at English needle

    29 Doyon and Liaigre, Jacques Vaucanson, pp. 144, 214–15, 230–2.
    30 Smith, Wealth of nations, pp. 3–12.
    31 Diderot and d’Alembert, eds., Encyclopédie, vol.V, pp. 804–7, vol. XXI, pp. 1–8, ‘épinglier’. Peaucelle (‘Adam

    Smith et les encyclopédistes’; ‘Raisonner sur les épingles’; Adam Smith) has examined Smith’s sources very
    carefully and identified several additional French publications that he argues Smith relied on. All of these sources
    describe production in Normandy.

    32 Mokyr, Gifts of Athena, pp. 68–72.
    33 Hamilton, English brass, pp. 103, 255–7.
    34 Russell, England displayed.
    35 Young, Six weeks tour, p. 138.


    © Economic History Society 2010 Economic History Review, 64, 2 (2011)

    factories at the time.36 Arthur Young observed that the Warmley works ‘are very
    well worth seeing’. It is a pity that Adam Smith relied on the French Encyclopédie
    to learn about the latest in technology rather than travelling with Arthur Young.

    Why did the English operate with a more capital- and energy-intensive technol-
    ogy than the French? L’Aigle was on a river, and water power drove a forge in the
    town, so geography was not a bar (indeed, the steam engine at Warmley shows that
    water power was possible almost anywhere if you were willing to bear the cost of
    a steam engine). The Swedish engineer R. R. Angerstein visited Warmley in the
    1750s and noted that ‘the works uses 5000 bushels of coal every week, which,
    because they have their own coal mines, only costs three Swedish “styfwer” per
    bushel’, which was about half the Newcastle price.37 In addition, English wages
    were considerably higher than French wages. Innovation in pin making is an
    example of factor prices guiding the evolution of technology.

    These considerations operated generally. Much of the technology of the indus-
    trial revolution depended on coal. This included many metallurgical applications
    (for example, using coke to smelt iron and puddling to refine it) and the steam
    engine, invented by Newcomen in the first decade of the eighteenth century.These
    technologies all increased coal use relative to other inputs and were only profitable
    to use at British factor prices. Fremdling, for instance, has shown that British iron
    making technology was not cost-effective in France and Germany before the
    middle of the nineteenth century.38 The Newcomen steam engine was profligate in
    its use of fuel. Desaguliers, an early enthusiast of steam power, noted that it was
    only useful where ‘coals are cheap’ as was the case at Warmley, ‘But it is especially
    of immense Service (so as to be now of general use) in the Coal-Works, where the
    Power of the Fire is made from the Refuse of the Coals, which would not otherwise
    be sold’.39 Steam engines in the eighteenth century were mainly used in coal mines
    where coal was effectively free. As a result, they were mainly used in Britain, with
    Belgium coming a distant second.40 The coal-using technology was profitable to
    invent in Britain but not in France or Germany because the low price of coal
    meant that these techniques were only profitable to use in Britain. They were
    profitable to use in Belgium, but the small size of the Belgian industry meant that
    development costs per unit of output were much higher than in Britain, and this
    consideration militated against carrying out the R&D in Belgium.

    The other famous inventions of the industrial revolution were the machines to
    spin cotton. They were also biased technical changes that raised capital–labour
    ratios and were profitable to use—hence to invent—only in Britain.41 Arkwright’s
    water frame was the most far-reaching since it inaugurated factory production.
    Using 1784 prices to value inputs, the average total cost of 16 count cotton yarn
    dropped from 35d. per lb when it was produced in the domestic system with hand
    technology to 28 d. per lb when produced in an Arkwright mill of the period. The

    36 Early eighteenth-century water-driven scouring machinery is still in operation and can be seen at the Forge
    Mill Needle Museum, Redditch.

    37 Angerstein, Diary, p. 138. I thank Martin Dribe for help in deciphering the Swedish stwyfer.
    38 Fremdling, ‘Transfer patterns’.
    39 Desaguliers, Course, vol. II, pp. 464–5.
    40 Kanefsky and Robey, ‘Steam engines’, p. 171; Redlich, ‘Leaders’, p. 122; Tann, ‘Makers’, pp. 548, 558;

    Hollister-Short, ‘Introduction’, p. 22.
    41 The figures discussed in this paragraph and the next are explained more fully in Allen, British industrial

    revolution, pp. 182–216

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    mill involved mechanical carding as well as spinning, and the system of material
    flow worked out in Cromford Mill #2. Labour costs fell 8d. per lb, but that saving
    was offset by a rise in capital costs from about 1d. to 2d. per lb. The capital–labour
    ratio was almost five times higher with the Arkwight system.

    The Arkwright mill was much more profitable in Britain than it would have been
    in France. In Britain in the late 1780s, cotton mills were built at a cost of about £3
    per spindle. In 1784, the water frames in the Papplewick Mill near Nottingham
    had a rated capacity of 0.125 lbs per 12 hour shift or 37.5 lbs per year assuming
    they were operated six days per week and 50 weeks per year. Assuming a saving in
    operating costs of 8d. per lb and a 10-year life for a cotton mill, the rate of return
    was 40 per cent per year. This was considerably greater than 15 per cent, which
    investment in fixed capital could realize.42 The rate of return in France equalled the
    English rate of return multiplied by the ratio of the English wage relative to the
    France wage divided by the price of capital in England relative to the price in
    France. The latter was computed using the prices of iron, copper, and timber. The
    implied French rate of return was 9 per cent. This calculation probably overstates
    French profitability since it takes no account of the local supply of ‘high tech’
    components like gears in Lancashire (to be discussed shortly), and their absence
    in France. The different profit rates explain why there were about 150 large-scale
    mills operating in Britain in the late 1780s and only four in France. The difference
    in behaviour does not reflect any difference in ingenuity but rather the choice in
    England to save the expensive input labour.

    When it was invented, British technology was profitable to use only in Britain (or
    Belgium, in the case of coal). That condition did not persist, however. Inventors
    modified existing practice to cut costs. This was ‘local learning’, and it led to the
    saving of all inputs.43 In the case of the steam pumping engines, for instance, coal
    consumption was cut from 44 lbs/hp-hr (horsepower per hour) in 1727 to 2 lbs in
    1860 through the efforts of Smeaton, Watt, and Trevethick, as well as by the
    collective invention carried out by the owners of copper and tin mines in Corn-
    wall.44 The process of technological improvement in this period was neutral and
    meant that the steam engine became useful in many activities and places where it
    had not been practical previously. The culmination of this process was the com-
    pound condensing marine engine that allowed steam vessels to displace sailing
    vessels in voyages between Britain and east Asia.45 A similar process characterized
    the cotton spinning industry, where Lancashire engineers halved the capital
    requirements of Arkwright-style mills as well as cutting labour costs.46

    These technological developments facilitated the spread of the industrial revo-
    lution beyond Britain during the nineteenth century. Figure 7 illustrates the
    process. Improving technology by modifying existing practice meant that both
    capital and labour were saved.The trajectory of improvement is represented by the
    drift of the point representing the new technology from T towards the origin.
    Initially, the improved versions of the new technique were still profitable to use

    42 Allen, ‘Engel’s pause’, p. 421; C. K. Harley, ‘Prices and profits in cotton textiles during the industrial
    revolution,’ Oxford University, discussions papers in economic and social history, no. 81 (2010).

    43 David, ‘Common agency contracting’.
    44 Nuvolari, Making; idem, ‘Collective invention’; idem, ‘Making’.
    45 Harley, ‘Shift’.
    46 Chapman, ‘Fixed capital formation’, p. 253.


    © Economic History Society 2010 Economic History Review, 64, 2 (2011)

    only in the high-wage economy. This graphical depiction corresponds to the
    historical stage when Britain was using steam engines, mechanical spinning, and
    coke smelting, and was, moreover, extending its lead by improving their design. As
    Britain pulled further ahead, however, other countries continued to ignore the new
    methods. This ‘failure’ easily led to accusations of entrepreneurial failure or inad-
    equate engineers, but the real explanation, indicated in figure 7, is that the new
    technique was still too expensive to use in a low-wage country. Accordingly, a
    critical juncture is represented by the ‘tipping point’ where the line from T to the
    origin crosses the isocost line of the low-wage economy. When that happened, it
    suddenly became profitable for the low-wage economy to adopt the new
    technique—indeed, only in its most advanced form. (The new situation is shown
    graphically by the dotted isocost line parallel to, but below, the original isocost line
    of the low-wage economy. This new line shows that using a newly discovered input
    combination below the tipping point reduced costs in the low-wage economy.)
    Suddenly, the industrial revolution spread beyond Britain in a Gerschenkronian
    ‘great spurt’.


    The high wages of the British economy in the eighteenth century were an impor-
    tant reason why it was profitable to use—and to invent—labour-saving technology
    like the spinning jenny. However, there have been other high-wage economies that
    did not produce such inventions. Fifteenth-century Europe was one example
    (figure 2).Why was eighteenth-century Britain different? A tempting answer is that
    the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century led to a greater understanding
    of the natural world and allowed new technologies to be invented. In terms of
    figure 6, scientific discoveries created new points like T.

    Trajectory of micro-improvements

    I H



    Figure 7. The trajectory of micro-improvements
    Source: See text.

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    One difficulty with this answer is that the role of science in the industrial
    revolution was extensively discussed in the 1960s and dismissed by most histori-
    ans.47 However, there is a good case for claiming that these historians went too far,
    and that scientific discoveries underpinned important technology in the industrial
    revolution. The reason that Hall, for instance, could find no link between scientific
    discovery and new technology was because he only analysed the period
    1760–1830. In the case of Watt, Hall concluded—correctly—that the theory of
    latent heat contributed nothing important to the invention of the separate con-
    denser. The trouble with this argument is that the scientific discoveries that
    mattered for the industrial revolution were made before 1700 and not after 1760.

    The most important science related to atmospheric pressure, namely, the find-
    ings that the atmosphere had weight and that steam could be condensed to form
    a vacuum.48 Galileo first considered the problem of why a suction pump could not
    raise water more than about 10 metres and set his secretary Torricelli to work on
    it. Torricelli invented the barometer and weighed the atmosphere in 1643. Atmo-
    spheric pressure became the hot topic in experimental physics and noteworthy
    experiments were carried out by Otto von Guericke, Robert Boyle, Robert Hooke,
    Christiaan Huygens, and Denis Papin. Thomas Savery invented a vacuum pump
    for draining mines that applied these discoveries. Newcomen applied the same
    ideas in his steam engine, which was also intended to drain mines. He began
    working on the problem around 1700, apparently built an engine in Cornwall in
    1710, and finally erected his well-known engine at Dudley in 1712. Newcomen
    could not get a patent in his own right and was forced to do a deal with Savery,
    whose pump patent was deemed to cover Newcomen’s engine. The steam engine
    was one example of industrial technology derived from science.

    A second link from seventeenth-century science involved not only a discovery,
    but also the active participation of first-class scientists—Christiaan Huygens and
    Robert Hooke—in the production process. Several inventions relating to time-
    keeping were involved. The first was the invention of the pendulum clock. Chris-
    tiaan Huygens proved mathematically that a cycloid was an isochronous curve so
    that a flexible pendulum restrained between cycloid guides would have a regular
    swing irrespective of its amplitude. Armed with this insight, he designed the
    pendulum clock, which dramatically increased the accuracy of timekeeping.
    Huygens was trying to solve the longitude problem, but the pendulum clock did
    not work well at sea, so he improvised further. Around 1675, he invented the
    balance spring, which made an accurate watch possible and, indeed, installed it in
    a watch. Robert Hooke, the Curator for Experiments of the Royal Society and
    another scientific luminary, independently conceived of the balance spring perhaps
    as early as 1660, although he did not apply the idea until he heard of Huygens’s
    work.49 In themselves, clocks and watches were peripheral to the industrial revo-
    lution, but their large-scale production had important spin-offs. The improve-
    ments in clock and watch design made them more desirable, and their production
    grew rapidly.Their moving parts were systems of gears, and each had to be laid out

    47 Landes, Unbound Prometheus, pp. 113–14, 323; Mathias, ‘Who unbound Prometheus?’; Hall, ‘Industrial

    48 Landes, Unbound Prometheus, p. 104; Cohen, ‘Inside Newcomen’s fire engine’.
    49 Weiss, Watch-making, pp. 111–12.


    © Economic History Society 2010 Economic History Review, 64, 2 (2011)

    and cut by hand. Hooke designed the first machine to do this.50 The growth of the
    watch industry prompted steady improvement in the design of these machines.
    The result was the mass production of cheap, accurate gears.

    Inexpensive gears revolutionized the design of machinery. Gears replaced levers
    and belts (as in the spinning wheel) to control, direct, and transmit power. Mills
    had used gears in this way in the middle ages, but these gears were large, crude,
    and made of wood. The gears of the industrial revolution were small, refined, and
    made of brass or iron. Arkwright referred to the gearing in his water frame as
    ‘clockwork’ since this system of construction was adapted from clocks and
    watches. ‘Clockwork’ was used quite generally to control power in machinery in
    the nineteenth century, so gearing was the general purpose technology that
    effected the mechanization of industry.51

    The watch industry was a key to explaining Arkwright’s success and the growth
    of the cotton industry in Lancashire. Arkwright did not sell water frames; entre-
    preneurs had to assemble their own engineering departments to construct them.
    In the late 1780s and early 1790s, the Quarry Bank Mill employed half-a-dozen
    clock and watch makers over the course of many years to construct the ‘clockwork’
    for the water frames. At the time, there were over 150 Arkwright mills, so on the
    order of 1,000 of these specialists were employed. Where did they come from? As
    it happens, most of the world’s watch movements were made in one
    place—southern Lancashire. Landes believed the watch industry was British
    because the high-wage economy of Britain created a large domestic market for
    clocks and watches52. One reason that cotton production was mechanized in
    Lancashire (rather than in the Netherlands, for instance) was because the supply
    of high-quality, cheap gears was far greater there than elsewhere, as was the supply
    of skilled workmen to assemble them. In addition, the machinery for cutting watch
    gears was redesigned to produce gears for water frames—first from brass, later
    from iron. Standardized gears were made by specialist firms and sold to mills.53

    The ‘clock work’ of the water frame was a spin-off of the watch industry. So we can
    trace connections from the water frame (and other machinery of the nineteenth
    century) back to the discoveries of leading scientists, Huygens and Hooke, in the
    mid-seventeenth century.


    Cultural shifts also contributed to the industrial revolution. They increased the
    quality of would-be inventors and technical personnel, thereby reducing the cost of
    R&D and increasing the range of projects that were profitable to undertake. There
    were shifts in both elite culture and popular culture.

    Mokyr’s model of the industrial enlightenment emphasizes changes in elite
    culture as a cause of the industrial revolution.54 On the intellectual plain, the
    industrial enlightenment refers to the application of the scientific method (experi-
    mentation, generalization, mathematization) to the study of technology. ‘Most

    50 Ibid., pp. 153–6.
    51 Lipsey, Carlaw, and Bekar, Economic transformations.
    52 Landes, Revolution, pp. 238–9.
    53 Hills, Power in the industrial revolution, pp. 230–49.
    54 Mokyr, Gifts of Athena, pp. 28–77.

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    techniques before 1800 emerged as a result of chance discoveries, trial and error,
    or good mechanical intuition and often worked quite well despite nobody’s having
    much of a clue as to the principles at work’. The industrial enlightenment changed
    all that. The scientific study of technology ‘would explain the timing of the
    Industrial Revolution following the Enlightenment and—equally important—why
    it did not fizzle out like similar bursts of macroinventions in earlier times’.55

    On the social plain, the industrial enlightenment involved a small number of
    unusual people working in concert. ‘The crucial elements were neither brilliant
    individuals nor the impersonal forces governing the masses’—for instance, factor
    price movements like those emphasized here—‘but a small group of at most a few
    thousand people who formed a creative community based on the exchange of
    knowledge’.56 At the highest level, information was exchanged at the Royal
    Society. More people were involved in provincial ‘scientific societies, academies,
    Masonic lodges, coffee house lectures’,57 and similar venues. Individual
    exchanges were important. When Trevithick invented the high-pressure steam
    engine, he checked with the mathematician Davies Gilbert to see how much
    pressure drop he would lose by not including a separate condenser (the answer
    being one atmosphere).58

    Mokyr’s examples of inventors who ‘embodied the Industrial Enlightenment’
    stand out as cultivated gentlemen committed to science and Enlightenment
    culture generally. They were active in learned societies. Benjamin Franklin was an
    archetype. He studied science. He conducted his own experiments, notably those
    involving electricity. He published his results. He was an inventor (of the lightning
    rod and bifocals). He corresponded with leading scientists, and he established the
    America Philosophical Society to advance this kind of work.59

    Josiah Wedgewood is another example: ‘He was, by all accounts, a compulsive
    quantifier, an obsessive experimenter, and an avid reader of scientific literature’.
    He was a member of the Royal Society and corresponded with the leading
    scientists of the day. There were not many people like him: ‘It might be objected
    that Wedgwood was not typical, but the argument of this book is that such
    unrepresentativeness is the heart of the process of technological change . . .
    averages are . . . not very important: a few critical individuals drive the process’.60

    Other famous exemplars were John Smeaton, James Watt, and Edmund

    Britain was different from the US in the social background of its inventors. Khan
    and Sokoloff found that great British inventors in the period before 1820 were far
    more likely to come from an elite or professional family than were great US
    inventors.61 Many of the Enlightenment figures identified by Mokyr provide
    examples of this. John Smeaton’s father, for instance, was the son of an attorney
    and attended Leeds Grammar School. James Watt was the son of a merchant, who

    55 Ibid., pp. 32, 39.
    56 Ibid., p. 66.
    57 Mokyr, Gifts of Athena, pp. 52–3.
    58 Burton, Richard Trevithick, pp. 59–60.
    59 Mokyr, Gifts of Athena, pp. 42–3.
    60 Ibid., pp. 52–3.
    61 Z. Khan and K. Sokoloff, ‘The evolution of useful knowledge: great inventors, science and technology in

    British economic development, 1750–1930’, Economic History Society Conference, Exeter, 31 March (2007).


    © Economic History Society 2010 Economic History Review, 64, 2 (2011)

    was also mayor of Greenock. Watt attended Greenock Grammar School where he
    studied Latin and Greek. Edmund Cartwright came from a wealthy Northamp-
    tonshire family and attended Wakefield Grammar School. Henry Cort’s father was
    a merchant and at one time was mayor of Kendal. Men like this acquired their
    cultivation, and possibly their enlightened ideas, through their family background
    and education.62

    While inventors from advantaged backgrounds were over-represented in Britain
    compared to the US, Khan and Sokoloff found many British inventors from
    modest backgrounds.The exemplar of the industrial enlightenment, Josiah Wedge-
    wood, was the son of a potter, who walked seven miles each day to a small school,
    and was apprenticed to a potter. He acquired his experimental outlook through his
    own efforts. Many of the great inventors had similar upbringings, although they
    did not have the intellectual accomplishments of Wedgewood. Richard Arkwright
    was the son of a poor tailor, attended a night school, and was apprenticed to a
    barber. James Hargreaves came from a very poor part of Lancashire, was unedu-
    cated, and spent most of his life as a hand loom weaver. Samuel Crompton was the
    son of an unsuccessful farmer and part-time hand loom weaver and attended a
    local school. As a child, he spun and wove to supplement the family income.
    Abraham Darby I was the son of a part-time farmer and nailer and was appren-
    ticed to a malt maker. Benjamin Huntsman was the son of a farmer and was
    apprenticed to a clock maker. Richard Trevithick was educated in a village school,
    and his father was a copper miner.

    Several regularities are striking about these inventors. Firstly, they were brought
    up in the non-agricultural economy, and indeed their parents (aside from Hunts-
    man) had left agriculture in whole or in part. They were part of the urban or
    proto-industrial economy. Secondly, none of their parents were labourers. Thirdly,
    many of them had trade backgrounds. The typical training from someone of that
    social stratum involved several years in a village school where they learned reading,
    writing, and arithmetic, followed by an apprenticeship.63 While we do not have full
    details on all of these inventors, their formations are consistent with this pattern.

    The urban and rural manufacturing economies were created by the commercial
    success of Britain in the early modern period. In the middle of the eighteenth
    century, about 55 per cent of the British population was non-agricultural. Along
    with the Low Countries, England led Europe in this regard.64 The high-wage
    economy, of which the inventors were a part, generated the income to purchase the
    education and training they received. Indeed, literacy rates in north-western
    Europe were much higher than elsewhere since so many people around the North
    Sea could afford to send their children to school. Sir Frederick Eden summarized
    the spending of a labourer in Ealing, and it included 6d. per week to send his six-
    and eight-year-old sons to school.65 If the labourer had had to cut back to live on
    an Italian wage, that expenditure would probably have been eliminated. High
    wages, town living, a commercial culture, and widespread education constituted a
    distinctive popular culture that produced inventors.

    62 The biographical details in this and the next few paragraphs are from the new Dictionary of National

    63 Humphries, Childhood.
    64 Allen, ‘Economic structure’, p. 11.
    65 Eden, State of the poor, vol. II, pp. 433–4.

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    © Economic History Society 2010 Economic History Review, 64, 2 (2011)

    The propensity to invent may also have been strengthened as enlightened
    thinking worked its way down the social hierarchy.66 Artisans picked up Newto-
    nianism from almanacs, science lecturers, and latitudinarian preaching.67 One
    example was John Harrison, the clockmaker, whose chronometer solved the lon-
    gitude problem. His father was a carpenter and brought him up to the trade;
    otherwise, he was self-taught. He met the Enlightenment when a clergyman lent
    him a copy of Nicholas Saunderson’s lectures on natural philosophy. Whether this
    exposure to Newtonianism inclined him to pursue the longitude problem is, of
    course, one question. Another is how representative he was of artisans in general.
    Were they exposed to Enlightenment thinking and influenced by it? Presumably, a
    counterpart to the rise of the mechanical worldview was a decline in belief in
    witchcraft and magic. There is no consensus among historians of popular culture
    that such a decline occurred.68 Sharpe has written that ‘Popular scepticism about
    magic, and popular receptiveness to Newtonian science, are problems which are in
    urgent need of further research’.69 In this circumstance, the case for a widespread
    adoption of the Newtonian worldview must remain conjectural.

    How important are the industrial enlightenment and the growth of a literate and
    numerate class of commercial artisans in explaining the inventions of the industrial
    revolution? This is a very difficult question to answer for Britain, since the effects
    of cultural change were intermingled with the powerful incentives created by
    Britain’s unique factor prices to invent labour-augmenting technologies. Supply
    and demand for R&D were both shifting to encourage invention, so their separate
    effects are hard to identify. The Continent, therefore, is a more fruitful laboratory
    for studying the effects of cultural developments, for factor prices there were more
    stable. Scientific discoveries created some new opportunities for R&D—watch
    making is an example—but supply factors probably played a larger role. From this
    perspective, Continental inventions in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
    take on a much greater significance, for they show the effects of culture rather than
    factor prices or scientific discoveries on the rate of invention.

    While Continental history shows that cultural change played a role in stimulat-
    ing invention, it also highlights the limits to culturally-induced invention. The
    Dutch economy was a high-wage economy, but it missed the industrial revolution
    since it lacked cheap coal, a domestic cotton industry, and a watch industry—all
    of which were crucial in stimulating British invention. France was not a high-wage
    economy, but the state—animated in part by the Enlightenment confidence that
    useful technologies could be produced through purposeful activity—financed
    R&D to develop steam tractors and automatic looms. Without a factor price
    environment making these techniques cost-effective, they were abandoned.
    Culture, by itself, could not make up for an inhospitable economic environment.


    I have argued that the famous inventions of the British industrial revolution were
    responses to Britain’s unique economic environment and would not have been

    66 Burke, Popular culture.
    67 Jacob, Scientific culture, pp. 99–115; Stewart, Rise of public science; Sharpe, Early modern England, p. 329.
    68 Thomas, Religion, pp. 767–800; Briggs, Witches, pp. 327–30; Burke, Popular culture, pp. 274–5.
    69 Sharpe, Early modern England, p. 330.


    © Economic History Society 2010 Economic History Review, 64, 2 (2011)

    developed anywhere else. This is one reason that the industrial revolution was
    British. But why did those inventions matter? The French were certainly active
    inventors, and the scientific revolution was a pan-European phenomenon. Would
    the French, or the Germans, or the Italians, not have produced an industrial
    revolution by another route? Were there no alternative paths to the twentieth

    These questions are closely related to another important question asked by
    Mokyr: why did the industrial revolution not peter out after 1815? He is right that
    there were previous occasions when important inventions were made. The result,
    however, was a one-shot rise in productivity that did not translate into sustained
    economic growth. The nineteenth century was different—the First Industrial
    Revolution turned into Modern Economic Growth. Why? Mokyr’s answer is that
    scientific knowledge increased enough to allow continuous invention. Technologi-
    cal improvement was certainly at the heart of the matter, but it was not due to
    discoveries in science—at least not before 1900. The reason that incomes contin-
    ued to grow in the hundred years after Waterloo was because Britain’s pre-1815
    inventions were particularly transformative, much more so than Continental
    inventions. That is a second reason that the industrial revolution was British and
    also the reason that growth continued throughout the nineteenth century.

    Cotton was the wonder industry of the industrial revolution—so much so that
    Gerschenkron, for instance, claimed that economic growth in advanced countries
    was based on the growth of consumer goods industries, while growth in backward
    countries was based on producer goods.70 This is an unfortunate conclusion,
    however, for the great achievement of the British industrial revolution was, in fact,
    the creation of the first large engineering industry that could mass-produce
    productivity-raising machinery. Machinery production was the basis of three
    developments that provide the immediate explanations for the continuation of
    economic growth until the First World War. Those developments were: (1) the
    general mechanization of industry, (2) the railroad, and (3) steam-powered, iron
    ships. The first raised productivity in the British economy itself; the second and
    third created the global economy and the international division of labour that were
    responsible for significant rises in living standards across Europe.71 Steam tech-
    nology accounted for close to half of the growth in labour productivity in Britain
    in the second half of the nineteenth century.72 The application of gears to machin-
    ery design had further productivity growth raising effects beyond these.

    The nineteenth-century engineering industry was a spin-off of the coal industry.
    All three of the developments that raised productivity in the nineteenth century
    depended on two things—the steam engine and cheap iron. Both of these, as we have
    seen, were closely related to coal. The steam engine was invented to drain coal
    mines, and it burnt coal. Cheap iron required the substitution of coke for charcoal
    and was prompted by cheap coal. (A further tie-in with coal was geological—
    Britain’s iron deposits were often found in proximity to coal deposits.) There were
    more connections: the railroad, in particular, was a spin-off of the coal industry.
    Railways were invented in the seventeenth century to haul coal in mines and from

    70 Gerschenkron, Economic backwardness.
    71 O’Rourke and Williamson, Globalization.
    72 Crafts, ‘Steam’.

    380 R. C. ALLEN

    © Economic History Society 2010 Economic History Review, 64, 2 (2011)

    mines to canals or rivers. Once established, railways invited continuous experimen-
    tation to improve road beds and rails. Iron rails were developed in the eighteenth
    century as a result, and alternative dimensions and profiles were explored. Further-
    more, the need for traction provided the first market for locomotives.There was no
    market for steam-powered land vehicles because roads were unpaved and too
    uneven to support a steam vehicle (as Cugnot and Trevithick discovered). Railways,
    however, provided a controlled surface on which steam vehicles could function, and
    colliery railways were the first purchasers of steam locomotives. When George
    Stephenson developed the Rocket for the Rainhill trials, he tested his design ideas
    by incorporating them in locomotives he was building for coal railways. In this way,
    the commercial operation of primitive versions of technology promoted further
    development as R&D expenses were absorbed as normal business costs.

    Cotton played a supporting role in the growth of the engineering industry for two
    reasons.The first is that it grew to an immense size.This was a consequence of global
    competition. In the early eighteenth century, Britain produced only a tiny fraction
    of the world’s cotton yarn and cloth. The main producers were in Asia. As a result,
    the price elasticity of demand for English cotton cloth was extremely large. If Britain
    could become competitive, it could expand production enormously by replacing
    Indian and Chinese producers. Mechanization led to that outcome.73 The result was
    a huge industry, widespread urbanization (with such external benefits as that
    conveyed), and a boost to the high-wage economy. Mechanization in other activities
    did not have the same potential. The Jacquard loom, a renowned French invention
    of the period, cut production costs in lace and knitwear, and thereby induced some
    increase in output. However, knitting was not a global industry, and the price
    elasticity of demand was only modest, so output expansion was limited. One reason
    that British cotton technology was so transformative was that cotton cloth was a
    global industry with more price-responsive demand than other textiles.

    The growth and size of the cotton industry in conjunction with its dependence
    on machinery sustained the engineering industry by providing it with a large and
    growing market for machinery. The history of the cotton industry was one of
    relentlessly improving machine design—first with carding and spinning and later
    with weaving. Improved machines translated into high investment and demand for
    equipment. By the 1840s, the initial dependence of cotton manufacturers on water
    power gave way to steam-powered mills.74 By the middle of the nineteenth century,
    Britain had a lopsided industrial structure. Cotton was produced in highly mecha-
    nized factories, while much of the rest of manufacturing was relatively untrans-
    formed. In the mid-nineteenth century, machines spread across the whole of
    British manufacturing (one of the causes of the continuing rise in income). Until
    then, cotton was important as a major market for the engineering industry.

    The reason that the British inventions of the eighteenth century—cheap iron
    and the steam engine, in particular—were so transformative was because of the
    possibilities they created for the further development of technology. Technologies
    invented in France—in paper production, glass, and knitting—did not lead to
    general mechanization or globalization. One of the social benefits of an invention

    73 S. Broadberry and B. Gupta, ‘Wages, induced innovation and the great divergence: Lancashire, India and
    shifting competitive advantage in cotton textiles, 1700–1850’, rev. version, CEPR discussion paper 5183 (2006).

    74 von Tunzelmann, Steam power, pp. 175–225.


    © Economic History Society 2010 Economic History Review, 64, 2 (2011)

    is the door it opens to further improvements. British technology in the eighteenth
    century had much greater possibilities in this regard than French inventions. The
    British were not more rational or prescient than the French in developing coal-
    based technologies: the British were simply luckier in their geology. The knock-on
    effect was large, however. There is no reason to believe that French technology
    would have led to the engineering industry, the general mechanization of industrial
    processes, the railway, the steam ship, or the global economy. In other words, there
    was only one route to the twentieth century—and it traversed northern Britain.

    Oxford University

    Date submitted 8 March 2007
    Revised version submitted 10 May 2009
    Accepted 17 July 2009

    DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.2010.00532.x

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