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why are you here ? not just in college , but on the planet? what is your purpose? , what do you want your life to be about ?  what are your values? what do you want to stand for? what would give your life the most meaning? 

satisfaction? what matters most to you ? How do your values relate to your major,career path and plans for future ? 

When I was reading the instructions of this assignment and especially the questions on the instructions I have very many answers in my head to the different questions, answers which they live me more confused and wanting some more explanation from myself for them because I personally believe I needed to be convinced of them myself. While answering this questions I realized that the on course program and the different characters of an effective learner have helped me to have clear answers to this questions and not be as confused as I was before enrolling in this course.

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Regarding the issue of why I am here and what my purpose is in this life I had many answers floating in my head but I finally settled on one I believe with my whole being is the right one and this it is that my purpose in this life I cannot be looking at it as a singular purpose but a plural one that keeps growing . There are many answers to this question and many of this answers they are great and wonderful, because people they like to be believing (and so they should) that they are destined for a higher purpose. Indeed finding out ones true meaning for being alive is a great driver for discovering what goals and dreams to go after, as the principle from the on course program “discovering self-motivation says a successful student who discovers self-motivation finds purpose in their lives by pursuing goals that are personally meaningful as well as dreams that give one’s life purpose. Personally to answer this question I had to ask myself what happens to me when I finally achieve this one self-actualization purpose that I think is my grand function or purpose in life, college, career. So I decide that the best way to answer this question is that even though in my time in college my purpose is to excel and become the best I can become by using principles of a successful student and not those of a struggling student such as having self-determination, mastering self-management, and so on, ultimately, I have to embrace the tenet of lifelong learning where I seek to find valuable lessons as well as wisdom in every experience that I go through in my life in school and after. Indeed I do not believe that my purpose is to be the best accountant (This is my major) in the world, or to be the best son, husband or father all this are noble roles which I will always do my best to be fulfilling, but my ultimate purpose on this earth is to continuously evolve, to always look back into what I have been in my different roles in this world as I strongly believe it is through this continuous evolution and reflection that I can become a better me and not necessarily a perfect me and this way I will never settle and feel I have self-actualized or fulfilled my one purpose because man is not an appliance from a factory and change is endless and I believe the same it is true regarding our purpose on earth. I strongly believe all we need to do is to pursue everything we put our minds too as if it is our ultimate purpose in this life while at the same time trying to beat our own record of victories and not been comfortable when we achieve some of our goals since this is the only way we can consistently achieve a higher sense of purpose.

As regards what would give my life the most meaning I believe is to use the Talents I have to be of service to my fellow man. Even though I believe our lives are made up of many purposes, I also believe that we each have a special role to play towards each other and if we should not betray and waste our talent, in relation to this. I would like to use the talent I have been given by God to make the life of those I love and humanity in general better, this I feel is what would give my life most meaning and satisfaction because as Muhammad Ali once said service to others is the rent you pay for your room on earth. When one gives of themselves I believe they create more space for inner renewal because when you do not share yourself, your things or use what you know to help others there is no way you can receive because you are already full. Being of service to others when you can in the smallest of ways I feel gives life greater meaning than just looking to fulfill one’s own desires such as becoming rich and so on.

When it is coming to my values and how this they relate to my major, career path as well as plans for the future , I have learned that I really appreciate the value of consistency in my life, and really get anxious when there is no consistency in my life, I am not a perfectionist but I feel that there is more order in my life when I have consistency in it and when I am more organized I get to achieve more, this has become more apparent in my school life. I have been at PSU for more than three years and whenever I practice consistency and organizational I always achieve more than I knew I could. I also have come to appreciate the value of team work and the power that exists in working together with others to achieve a task, this it has especially been very true for my academic studies whereby in the beginning of my time in college I did not care much and only took up the first major I came across which it was Engineering because everybody else I knew was taking it and also my parents had asked to do the same. However, I was not passionate about it and I was too proud to ask for help and even refused any assistance offered which when looking back they are all symptoms of a struggling student as from the on course program, needless to say I did change my major to accounting something I felt I connected more with, not to be saying I have not struggled with it at times but this time round I am using strategies such as employing interdependence with colleagues and the teaching faculty which in the long run I deeply believe is helping me to achieve my goals and aspirations not forgetting to help those who have helped me along the way so in a way we are in what my friend she calls a symbiotic relationship.

In ending, I believe that y biggest purpose on this world is not to achieve one great purpose but to be part of many great achievements. I believe that my purpose in this world is infinite and that I have to do infinite good with all of the blessings I am given meaning, I have to put my best foot forward in all I do using self-drive/motivation as a tool to achieve my different goals. When it comes to meaning I do not believe there is a greater way to find this than by being to be of service to others using the gifts one has been given, I believe by being of service to others one also receives and as result becomes a better person. As regards values and how they relate to my major and future career I believe without values one is confused and does not have a clear understanding of what their goals in life are and as a result it takes longer to achieve them or one never actually gets to achieve them and it is because of this that I always pursue the goals of consistency, organization and team work in all that I do.

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