GCCCD Translate a C Language Code to MIPS Assembly Language Code Project

Translate a game written in C language into MIPS Assembly Language using MARS compiler.

This final report will be the version with final details and code.
This submission MUST include ALL of your final project code!
This submission should include:
1. The signed declaration that the work you’re submitting is your own original
2. A high level description of your program
3. A list of the core functions and operations of your project
4. A high level description of the code, written in C or pseudo code or flow chart
5. Summary of the tests you’ve performed on your code and examples of the
test results
6. The results should include screen shots, or links to audio/video recordings on
Youtube or shared Google files, as appropriate
7. Summary of all tasks that were completed by the time the final report was due
8. List of tasks that could not be completed by the due date
9. Conclusion, stating what you’d do differently if you had it to do over again
10. Estimated total time to complete the project, in hours.
11. At the end of the draft report, you must include ALL the code with comments
(formatted in the style of the MIPS code samples) you’ve written to date,
pasted into the draft report file, plus:
12. Any supplementary files that would be needed to reproduce your test results.
This should include anything you used to create and test your project and
may include supporting .h files, supporting C code, spreadsheets, Matlab
scripts, data files, etc.
Submit the current version of your code in .C and .asm file(s).
Your C and MIPS code should compile/assemble and execute without errors, even if it
isn’t fully functional.
Your MIPS code must include at least the following items to receive a passing grade:

Conditional branches, equivalent to C if-else
Loops equivalent to C while(), for() or do-while()
Use of a 2-D array
Use of the stack to store the $ra (return address) register
Additional methods and more extensive operations, the use of advanced features such
as sound, floating point, bitmap graphics, and storing local variables on the stack or
recursive functions will receive additional points.
The report must document the structure of your final project, written in C and assembly
with comments and any prototype functions that define arguments and return values.
List limitations due to I/O and other features that were not complete.
This report and code should include the high level definition and pseudocode plus your
final project MIPS assembly code FORMATTED in the style used in the MIPS code
examples. By the time you complete the MIPS code, it must embody the basic logic and
algorithms described above.
Once you have submitted the final report here, please schedule your 10-minute
one-on-one meeting to discuss your project with the instructor.
Please prepare for the meeting by making sure you:
● Have the development environment(s) you need to demo your program
● Have your final report open and ready to show
● Have your SDSU or other government issued Photo ID with you
● Have a working webcam or phone camera that works with zoom
In the meeting you will be asked to describe and demonstrate your project operating,
and to discuss your code.
Introduction to MARS Simulator
(MIPS Assembler and Runtime Simulator)
1. Introduction
MARS is a Java based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for MIPS assembly language programming. Prominent features of
MARS include ability to evaluate many instructions at once using command line. Register and memory values can also be modified
easily. It can also control the speed of execution and can represent data in decimal or hexadecimal formats.
2. Installation

The MARS simulator can be downloaded from the Missouri state university ​link
The MARS simulator webpage: ​http://courses.missouristate.edu/KenVollmar/mars/Help/MarsHelpIntro.html
As It is a jar file, the user should have the Java J2SE in the system to run the simulator
○ If the Mars4_5.jar icon looks like this, Java is installed:

○ If not, download the latest version of Java here:
■ http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html
After download, the user should make sure that the file is on the desktop for launch
alternatively it can be launched from the command line with: java -jar Mars4_5.jar #assuming you didn’t rename the download
Once the application starts, the user should see an IDE like shown below (Fig. 1)
Fig 1: MARS Welcome screen
3. Parts of the simulator
The following are a few tools that are available in the simulator. It would be advantageous to also know the shortcuts to operate with
ease. The user should note that most of these controls will be activated only after the written code is saved and assembled.
This is used to initiate the assembly operation. Shortcut key is F3
This is used to RUN the complete program. Shortcut key is F5
This is to step through the program one instruction at a time. Shortcut key is F7
This is to reset the program to an idle point in the beginning. Shortcut key is F12
This is for backstepping to the previous instruction. Shortcut key is F8
The user can try a sample code to test out the simulator and verify if all the tools are working. This document describes a very simple
program being executed below.
Once the code was written to the “Edit” region of the simulator, the “assemble” operation is performed and the screen switches to the
“Execute” tab. The execute tab has multiple regions and the code text resides in the “Text Segment” as shown below.
Fig 2: Text Segment
The text segment segregates the instructions and each instruction is identified with multiple attributes. The “Address” tab holds the
memory address at which the particular instruction resides. The “code” is a hexadecimal representation of the instruction in machine
language. Note that this is a 32 bits long MIPS instruction. The “source” is the direct textual representation of the written code, along
with comments. The “Bkpt” is the breakpoint toggle checklist. More about this will be discussed in the next section.
The area marked “Registers” contains all the system registers of a MIPS processor. The following figure shows some part of the
register set.
Fig 3: Register set of MIPS
And lastly, the addresses (32 bit) and their holding values of the program based memory transactions can be found at the “Data
Segment” region of the simulator. This is an array of memory locations which hold the respective values and is updated in run time.
Fig 4: Data Segment
The user should note that all values are zero initially. They can see the values being updated if the program has load and store
4.Getting Started
To create an assembly file, goto File->New. Once you have written some assembly you must save the file before you can assemble it
(turn it into machine language). You can save with either Ctrl+S or File-> Save As. To assemble your code press the
button on
the top. If there are any errors in the assembling process they will be in the MARS messages section. To run your program click the
button. The latter is for single step execution.
5. Debugger
After the code is assembled, the user may proceed to debug mode by executing it one step at a time or by executing a fixed number
of instructions per second. The user may step through their code with the
button. In the register panel, the one highlighted in
green is the one that has most recently been changed. The user may also change the values in the register by double clicking the
value and setting it to the value they want. In the execute tab the most recently executed instruction will be highlighted in yellow. To
change the number of instructions executed per second, the user should drag the slide on the top hotbar to the desired value.
If the user wishes to run the program only to a particular instruction to check for intermediate program state, they can do so by using
the breakpoint facility. The “Bkpt” column check box should be ticked to run the program continuously to that particular instruction.
The user should note that the marked instruction will NOT be executed as part of the first run. This means that if a breakpoint is
placed at a particular instruction, the program will run until the previous step. The user can rerun the program to finish complete
execution. The user also has freedom to add more than one breakpoints.
6. Runtime IO and Arrays
A list of syscalls are provided at this ​link​. You will need to make the appropriate syscalls to do any form of IO, any console IO will
appear in the Run I/O tab in Mars.
MIPS also provides a few ways to handle data in arrays. Strings are a special case of arrays, where the elements are one byte
characters (in the ASCII encoding scheme), terminated with the null character (ASCII character 0). The null character is necessary in
many languages so that functions handling the string know where it ends.
Below you will find MIPS code demonstrating one way to accomplish this in MARS, using statically allocated memory. If you are
curious to know how to use dynamically allocated memory (“heap memory”) in MIPS/MARS, there is a decent tutorial on dynamic
memory here: ​https://chortle.ccsu.edu/AssemblyTutorial/Chapter-33/ass33_1.html​ Although it was written for the SPIM MIPS
program, the syscalls and instructions are the same in MARS.
The program below makes use of the ‘.align’ MARS directive, which tells the assembler to place the next data element on an
appropriate memory boundary so that it is handled appropriately with stores and loads, according to the byte size of the elements you
expect to store there.
The reason it’s a good idea to use this directive is complicated. Suffice to say that you will avoid a lot of trouble by using it as shown.
The text below can be copied directly into MARS for an interactive demonstration. Note that using the instruction
la $reg, instructions MARS to load the address of the first byte of data following that label into the register, giving you easy
access to the statically allocated data addresses.
# Use the .align directive to align data elements to appropriate memory boundaries,
# .align 0 for bytes, .align 1 for half-words (shorts), .align 2 for words (ints) and
# .align 3 for doubles (longs, and if you’re a sadist, double precision floating)
# The labels and sizes of these buffers were chosen arbitrarily. The size
# of space could be any size that fits in memory, and the name of the label
# can be whatever combination of words and letters you choose followed
# immediately by a semi-colon
# call this array A
.align 0
# byte-align the 40 byte space declared next
.space 40
# allocate 40 bytes as a read buffer for string input
# call this array B
.align 0# byte-align the 96 byte array declared next
.space 96
# allocate 96 bytes as a read buffer for string input
# call this array C
.align 2# word-align the 16 byte array declared next
.space 12
# make room for 3 ints (3 words)
# declare null terminated ascii strings at address labels
# directly in .data so we can print it later using syscalls
.asciiz “Enter up to 39 characters to re-print: ”
.asciiz “We wrote these vowels straight to the buffer in MIPS: ”
.asciiz “Enter 3 integers to be printed one after the next: ”
.asciiz ” ”
# This is how you read from standard in to a character array
# This is a syscall that writes 39 characters (+ null char is 40) into
# the read buffer at the address in $a0 from standard input
# When we execute a syscall with the value 8 in $v0, it tells MARS that
# we are reading a string from standard input. MARS expects the address
# of the buffer to write to in $a0, and the number of bytes to read in
# $a1. Note that MARS will actually read 1 fewer bytes than indicated
# in $a1 because it automatically null terminates the string
li $v0, 4
la $a0, prompt
# syscall reads this reg when called, 4 means print string
# load the address of the string declared at .data
# print the string declared at label prompt in .data
li $v0, 8
la $a0, buffer1
li $a1, 40
# syscall reads this reg when called, 8 means read string
# load the address of the buffer to write into from stdin
# load the length of the buffer in bytes in $a1
# This is how you would write to standard out what you just read from
# standard in
# This is a syscall that reads the characters that are in the buffer
# at address $a0 and prints them to standard output. We set $a0 equal
# to the location of the label buffer1
# When we execute a syscall with the value 4 in $v0, it tells MARS that
# we are writing a string to standard out. MARS expects the address of
# the buffer to read from in $a0.
li $v0, 4
la $a0, buffer1
# syscall reads this reg when called, 4 means write string
# load the address of the buffer to read from to stdout
# Here is an example of how to write the string ‘aeiou\n’ to a buffer and
# null terminate it, then print it to standard out. Without the null
# termination the syscall wouldn’t know when to stop reading characers from
# memory
li $v0, 4
la $a0, description
# print the string declared at label description in .data
la $t0, buffer2
# load the base address of array A declared above into $t0
# Write ‘a’ to to A[0]
li $t1, 97
sb $t1, 0($t0)
# load 97 into reg $t1 (ascii value of ‘a’)
# store 97 into the first byte of readbuffer
# You can also use hex immediates if you prefer
# Write ‘e’ to A[1]
li $t1, 0x65
sb $t1, 1($t0)
# load 0x65 into reg $t1 (hex ascii value of ‘e’)
# load 0x65 into the second byte of readbuffer
# Write ‘i’ to A[2]
li $t1, 0x69
sb $t1, 2($t0)
# load 0x69 into reg $t1 (hex ascii value of ‘i’)
# load 0x69 into the third byte of readbuffer
# Write ‘o’ to A[3]
li $t1, 0x6f
sb $t1, 3($t0)
# … ‘o’
# … 4th byte
# Write ‘u’ to A[4]
li $t1, 0x75
sb $t1, 4($t0)
# … ‘u’
# … 5th byte
li $t1, 0x0A
sb $t1, 5($t0)
# … ‘\n’
# … 6th byte
# Write the null terminator (value 0) to the end of the string
li $t1, 0
sb $t1, 6($t0)
# load 0 into reg $t1 (ascii value of null terminator)
# store ‘null’ as the last byte of the buffer
# This syscall prints the contents of buffer2 to stdout as detailed above
li $v0, 4
la $a0, buffer2
# This is an example of how to read 3 integers from the prompt and write them
# to memory in the pre-allocated buffer3 using a loop
li $v0, 4
la $a0, prompt2
addi $s0, $0, 0
la $t1, buffer3
# load base address of array C declared above under
# label buffer3. This array is word-aligned, meaning
# we can load and store whole words to it safely
li $s1, 3
# stopping condition is i == 3
beq $s0, $s1, end_input
# if i == 3, stop taking input
li $v0, 5
# tell MARS to read an integer from the user
# the integer is returned in register $v0
sll $t0, $s0, 2
add $t2, $t0, $t1
sw $v0, 0($t2)
# store i*4 to t0, call this offset
# t2 = Base address of c + offset, this is address of c[i]
# store the integer read into memory at c[i]
addi $s0, $s0, 1
j input_loop
# i++
# 3 integers (4 bytes each) have now been read and stored to memory
# This is an example of how to print 3 integers from the pre-allocated
# buffer 3 using loops, which should now have 3 integers written into it by
# the previous lines of codes
li $s0, 0
la $t1, buffer3
# load base address of array C declared above under label
# buffer 3. The array is word-aligned, meaning we can load
# and store whole words to it safely
li $s1, 3
# stopping condition is i == 3
beq $s0, $s1, end_output
# if i == 3, stop printing out
sll $t0, $s0, 2
add $t2, $t0, $t1
# store i*4 to t0, call this offset
# t2 = base address of c + offset, this is address of c[i]
lw $a0, 0($t2)
# load the integer to print into register $a0 from c[i]
li $v0, 1
# tell MARS to print an integer to standard out
# the integer to print is in $v0
li $v0, 4
la $a0, space
# tell MARS to print the space character at label space in .data
addi $s0, $s0, 1
j output_loop
7. An Example Program
The following program declares variables, does some basic math, then prints a value with a system call.
# This declares data elements that will be placed in the global data region.
# The global data region starts at address 0x10010000. The default memory snapshot
# shown in MARS starts at this point.
label1: .word 5 # This declares a 32-bit entity that is initialized to 5. After assembling, make
# sure you see “5” in the first word of the memory region starting at 0x10010000
# To access this word, your program will use the label “label1”. Notice that the
# assembler will convert references to “label1” with the appropriate address.
label2: .word 7 # This declares a 32-bit entity that is initialized to 7.
label3: .asciiz “The answer is ” # This declares a string with label “label3”.
# I’m now entering the text/code region. Note that you can go back and forth between
# .text and .data any time.
lw $t0, label1 # This loads the value at address “label1” into register $t0. As you step through
# the program, make sure that $t0 now has the value 5. Also observe how the
# assembler translates label1 into the appropriate address sequence. In many
# instances, you’ll see that the assembler converts your pseudo-instructions
# into multiple MIPS instructions.
lw $t1, label2 # This loads the value at address “label2” into register $t1.
add $t2, $t1, $t0 # At the end of this, $t2 should have the value 12.
li $v0, 4
# I am getting ready to do a system call. I use the pseudo-instruction “li”,
# which means load-immediate. This puts the immediate operand “4” into
# register $v0. I’m doing this to specify the “print string” system call.
la $a0, label3 # I’m using pseudo-instruction “la” which refers to load-address. I’m loading
# the address of the string “The answer is: ” into register $a0. This will serve
# as the argument to the upcoming system call. Note that I referred to the
# string by its label.
# This invokes the system call. The system call examines $v0 and $a0 and
# goes on to print the string.
li $v0, 1
# I’m now going to do a system call to print an integer.
move $a0, $t2 # I’m using pseudo-instruction move to copy the answer in $t2 into the
# argument register $a0 for the system call.
# Print the integer answer.
Here’s another ​example program​ that is a tad more complicated.
8. Running MARS from the Command Line in Windows
MARS supports running from the command line and can take many arguments with various effects, a list of which can be found here:
https://courses.missouristate.edu/KenVollmar/mars/Help/MarsHelpCommand.html​. Perhaps the most useful (from a grading
perspective at the least) is the ability to run MIPS .asm files from the command line, using input/output as expected in the command
To do this conveniently without fully qualifying the path to the java virtual machine installed on your windows machine, you may want
to set your PATH environment variable to include your java installation directory. Directions for doing this can be found here:
Once that is done, it is as simple as moving your MIPS .asm files into the same directory as your MARS .jar, opening a terminal there
and typing
java -jar
There are details on the Missouri State website linked above on how to pass arguments, etc. if you are inclined to investigate.
9. Common Problems — FAQ
If MARS freezes when running your program it is very likely that the user has written an infinite loop. To debug an infinite loop the
number of instructions per second have to be changed to a value less than run at max speed. This can be adjusted using the slider to
the right of the action buttons. (to not freeze MARS) Proceed to normal debugging.
“I can’t assemble my program!” — Please make sure you have saved the file you have created.
On Linux machines, sometimes, double clicking the .jar MARS file might throw an error. Instead, executing the command “​java -jar
MARS_SIM.jar​” (MARS_SIM being the name of the file) in terminal will work. An easy way to run the simulator is to make it
executable. One way to do it: Right click->Properties->Permissions->Select “Allow executing file as program”.
10. Common Terminologies
Integrated Development Environment ​- A software application for a developer to build their code using features like code editor,
compiler, debugging and many more.
J2SE​ – Java 2 Standard Edition is a platform used to deploy particular Java based softwares like MARS.
Simulator​ – The programs that would be written in the lab are not being exported to a product yet. Therefore these codes have to be
run in a simulation environment that would mimic the functionality.
Assembly​ – The process of converting the written code into machine understandable instructions.

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