Help needed with Public Relations Assignment.

InstructionsFor this assignment, you are in a business setting working for Parabolic
Communication, Inc., and your “Memo” is your academic cover sheet for this
course. Remember, each of the 602 assignments has two components starting with
“Memo” (below) from your Parabolic staff mentor (your faculty member), who frames
the assignment (a specific task) similar to a real PR or business setting. Immediately
below the “Memo” are specific instructions or areas you should consider to complete
that assignment’s task(s). Taken together, these two documents frame one whole
Your Name
Faculty member
Month day, 2018
SUBJECT: Analysis of Strategic Stakeholders
Again, it was a pleasure to meet you the other day when Natasha, our Managing Director,
introduced you and the other new part-time Junior Associates at our Monday staff “Welcome
Coffee.” You can probably tell, while this we have a good time among ourselves, we value our
clients and passionately strive to provide them with professional, high-quality services. As
Natasha noted, during your time with Parabolic, I am your mentor and will direct and supervise
your assignments as you work with a client and our staff. Recently, Parabolic has taken on
several new clients, each of which has hired us to improve its PR efforts, re-fresh its public
image, and any other PR efforts we believe the client should pursue.
As your first task, please research the client and carefully analyze the client’s strategic publics.
Provide me with your analysis and, if I approve, I will have you present your paper to the firm’s
leadership, and then to the client. Please include a brief orientation to the organization, its
background, purpose, etc., and then analyze its current and potential publics.
I expect both the content and the look of your effort to reflect Parabolic’s high standards.
Because our client gave us a tight deadline, please ensure you meet the delivery date I’ve set. If
you need assistance, please get with me as soon as possible.
Attachment: Analysis of Strategic Stakeholders
Parabolic Memo Attachment | Assignment 1 Task | Analyzing Strategic
Assigned: Month day, 2018
Month day, 2018
Task: Understanding of a client and its publics (stakeholder or audiences) is an integral
part of any successful public relations process. FOR ALL OF YOUR ASSIGNMENTS IN
THIS COURSE, you will: (1) “role play”—as a Junior Associate with the PR firm,
Parabolic Communication, Inc., working with a mentor (your faculty member); and (2)
you will work with one nonprofit client. Remember, each of the 602 assignments has
two components.
I recommend you take a quick look at each of the course writing assignments to get a sense of
the future task you will be asked to provide the “client.” Some organizations may be a better
“fit” than others for the assignments, so be sure you select “one nonprofit client” carefully from
PRPA 602 Organizations for Analysis of Strategic Stakeholders.
Note: You may select a “client” not on this list only with permission of your
faculty member, who also is your Parabolic “mentor.”
Researching is a basic PR skill. Therefore, as with any “client,” you want to have a good
understanding of who the client is, what it does and who uses its products or services, etc.
Therefore, please research the client you selected from the above list and demonstrated your
research skills by identifying and assessing:
1. Discuss what the organization does and why, and who are its leaders.
2. Describe at least SIX stakeholders (audiences or publics) that you believe are or may be
MOST affected by this organization. (Be specific; don’t say “state government” when
you mean just the employees of a certain department or those at a particular level.)
3. Explain, briefly, why and how these stakeholders/publics are affected, and why you view
them as strategically.
4. Describe and discuss whether each of the client’s stakeholders is: latent, aware, active or
“activist,” and explain why you identified them as such.
5. List and discuss what types of information or messages the client’s stakeholders might
find useful, comforting, satisfying, motivating, etc. In other words, what do you think
these publics want or need to hear from the organization and why? (Remember, each
public is likely to have different concerns and, thus, would likely have different
information needs and wants.)
6. Discuss the most effective communication tools or methods you think the client should
use with each of these publics. For example, from your research of the client, identify the
media or communication channels it currently is using to connect with these publics.
7. List (briefly) the most important “facts” about the client and its “stakeholders.”
Your Paper’s Format
Because you are role-playing as a PR specialist (junior associate) with Parabolic and,
your product will not look like a typical college academic assignment because you will
use business-style formats (Memos, Letters, news releases, etc.).
Do not use an academic-style coversheet; however, Do cite any quoted material and
provide references your work (using citations (APA style) at the end of your paper.
Write tight, using ACTIVE VOICE PR-style active as you would for business writing.
Use the Parabolic Letterhead for your Memo (found under Course Resources); this
becomes your “academic cover sheet” for your assignments in this course.
Visit the OWL resource (Revisions in Business Writing) found in the class Writing
Resources if you do not know how to format and write a business letter or Memo.
You should rely on your writing and research methods from PRPA 600 and 601, as well
as the assigned readings in this course, to complete this assignment.
Use the Associated Press (AP) Style Guide when appropriate (found under Course
Your effort should not exceed six (6) pages. Your Memo (“coversheet”), which acts as
your academic coversheet, and references are not included in the page count.
Line spacing: 1 or 1½-line spaces for business correspondence (addresses, salutations,
etc.), and 1½-line spaces for content. (DO NOT use double spacing unless directed to do
Insert a “Page Break” (not a blank page) between the assignment elements, such as
between your Memo and your Analysis, and your references. The goal is to separate each
“product” or assignment element, giving your effort a clean, professional look.
Please use the Parabolic Communication, Inc., MS Word letterhead and MS PowerPoint
templates “Course Resources.”

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