SEU Computing and Informatics Worksheet

College of Computing and InformaticsAssignment 1
Deadline: Thursday 14/10/2021 @ 23:59
[Total Mark for this Assignment is 5]
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Question One
Pg. 01
Outcome(s): LO3
Calculate and
analyze the
complexity of
small to medium
programs built
with basic data
Question One
1.5 Marks
Write a recursive function code in Java to find the value of x!. Analyse its running
Question Two
Pg. 02
Outcome(s): LO1
Describe basic
and advanced
data structures
such as linked
lists, stacks, and
Question Two
1.5 Mark
Write a program using LinkedList and ListIterator to obtain the following statements:
1. Create a linked list named “lst” with these elements: “one”, “four” “three”, and
2. Create a list iterator named “iter1” related to “lst”.
3. Add the new element “two” after the element “one”.
4. Remove the elements “four” and “five”.
5. Display all the remaining elements of the list.
Output sample:
[one, four, three, five]
[one, two, four, three, five]
[one, two, three]
Question Three
Pg. 03
Outcome(s): LO5
Evaluate data
structures for
efficient data
and organization
Question Three
2 Marks
Write a recursive Java function to find the minimum and the maximum element in an
array. Verify that your function is correct.

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