Instructions: Please choose one global burden of disease and one population (adult, pediatric, orgeriatric). Once the population is chosen, find one evidence-based technology to help support theimprovement of outcomes in the global burden of disease chosen.You are to write a three-to-five-page paper in APA format 7th edition with the followingsections and level 2 headings:Introduction :
-Brief overview of the health of the population chosen
-Introduce the global burden of disease OR risk factor chosen
-Importance of improving the condition and its impact on quality of lifeGlobal Burden of Disease Condition/Risk Factor :
-Describe the disease OR risk factor chosen
-What signs/symptoms are identified in the patient that can be found? -How is it diagnosed and treated?
Technology and Healthcare :
-Describe the paradigm shift in healthcare related to technology
-Elaborate how technology can improve health outcomes in your population
Chosen Evidence-Based Technology Use in Disease or Risk Factor :
-Describe and summarize the evidence-based technology identified that has been shown toimprove the condition or Risk Factor for your patient population chosen.
-Compare and contrast the positives and negatives of using this technology use chosen.
Conclusion :
-Recap points discussed in the paper
-Importance of advancements in technology
Optional Resources :…
RememberThe Assignment must be free of plagiarism (0%). Do not copy-paste or use apast students work as all files submitted in this course are registered and savedin turn it in program. Copy-paste from websites or textbooks will not beaccepted or tolerated. APA, 7th ed. must be followed. Academic articles mustinclude the 2020-2024 period, bibliographic reviews prior to these years are notaccepted. Please see College Handbook with reference to Academic MisconductStatement.
Page 1 of 16
Signature Assignment.
Understanding the role technology plays in advanced primary care to vulnerable populations is
vital to ensure proper and timely diagnosis and treatment to improve healthcare outcomes for the
patient. The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate one global burden of disease OR risk factor
in the family population (pediatric, adult, or geriatric) and explore one current evidence-based
technology use that can offer improvement of outcomes and access to the population chosen.
This assignment will focus on the following course student learning outcomes (CSLO):
1. Generate knowledge from clinical practice to improve practice and patient outcomes
(EOPSLO# 4, 9).
2. Leads practice inquiry, individually or in partnership with others (EOPSLO# 2, 3, 4, 7).
3. Translates research and other forms of knowledge to improve practice processes and
outcomes (EOPSLO# 9).
4. Evaluate the relationships among access, cost, quality, and safety and their influence on
healthcare (EOPSLO# 3, 6, 9).
5. Collaborates in planning for transitions across the continuum of care (EOPSLO# 2, 7).
6. Integrates ethical principles in decision-making (EOPSLO# 6, 9).
7. Integrates appropriate technologies for knowledge management to improve healthcare
(EOPSLO# 5).
8. Evaluate the effectiveness of the plan of care for the family, as well as the individual, and
implement changes (EOPSLO# 8).
Instructions: Please choose one global burden of disease and one population (adult, pediatric, or
geriatric). Once the population is chosen, find one evidence-based technology to help support the
improvement of outcomes in the global burden of disease chosen.
You are to write a three-to-five-page paper in APA format 7th edition with the following
sections and level 2 headings:
-Brief overview of the health of the population chosen
-Introduce the global burden of disease OR risk factor chosen
-Importance of improving the condition and its impact on quality of life
Global Burden of Disease Condition/Risk Factor
-Describe the disease OR risk factor chosen
-What signs/symptoms are identified in the patient that can be found?
-How is it diagnosed and treated?
Technology and Healthcare
-Describe the paradigm shift in healthcare related to technology
Page 2 of 16
-Elaborate how technology can improve health outcomes in your population
Chosen Evidence-Based Technology Use in Disease or Risk Factor
-Describe and summarize the evidence-based technology identified that has been shown to
improve the condition or Risk Factor for your patient population chosen.
-Compare and contrast the positives and negatives of using this technology use chosen.
-Recap points discussed in the paper
-Importance of advancements in technology
Optional Resources:
The Assignment must be free of plagiarism (0%). Do not copy-paste or use a
past students work as all files submitted in this course are registered and saved
in turn it in program. Copy-paste from websites or textbooks will not be
accepted or tolerated. APA, 7th ed. must be followed. Academic articles must
include the 2020-2024 period, bibliographic reviews prior to these years are not
accepted. Please see College Handbook with reference to Academic Misconduct
The following example can be followed by you to carry out your assignment
Community Health Project
The management of pediatric healthy issues demand and effective plan to set behaviors
and responsibilities. This part of the project will offer a short description of interest aggregate
with a health concern related to adolescent pediatric population. Several questions will be
implemented to identify the potential areas of strength and immediate need form this affected
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Selected Aggregate and Description
According to Vesco, Anderson, Laffel, Dolan, Ingerski, and Hood (2010), the
management of diabetic mellitus type one in adolescent population requires a consistent health
behavior and supportive approach from family. These behaviors are influenced by the
coordination between family, health institution, educational institution, and community
resources. Health professional are involve in the observation of adolescent diabetes management
as well as the development of better community program to provide a reliable guidance
according to this transitional stage. According to Leifer (2011), management of diabetes mellitus
must be proportional between both parties (family and health professional), criteria disagreement
about how to perform a controlling disease task can affect the improvement and understanding of
the disease. For this reason communication skills must be provided to the family to avoid
conflicts around the task management. Recent research probe an increase of the prevalence of
diabetes type one in children and adolescent in the last two years. This incident is related with
different inappropriate behaviors, such as weight management, dietary habits, physical inactivity,
and no conscious behaviors about insulin management. To treat such risk factors an advocacy
program must be reinforced and created to decrease the incident of death and coma cases related
with this issue.
Objectives and Hypothesis
The overall objective of this study was to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of a
systematic intervention to foster a supportive environment to address the nutritional and life style
problems faced by adolescents aged 12-19 years by making existing health services more
accessible to them and providing them education that will enable and manage their life style and
risk factors for obesity and diabetes mellitus.
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1. Improve the knowledge and altitudes, reduce the risk factor for adolescent obesity and
diabetic mellitus
2. Improve the knowledge and altitudes; reduce adolescent physical inactivity as a risk
factor for obesity and diabetes mellitus.
3. Improve the life style of adolescent by providing information about weight management
at adolescent schools and out – of school
1- The study shows a greater improvement of the adolescent life style management as
part of the community health program.
2- Study show a greater improvement in school education base in nutritional and
physical inactivity in reference to adolescent attitudes and behaviors
3- Study show an improvement of lack adolescent knowledge and altitudes to prevent
obesity and diabetes mellitus
Aggregate Strength and Need Questions
One `of the question that helps us to identify a problem affecting adolescent population
is: “What does advocacy for adolescent children mean?” Advocate provides support to nurse’s
decision makers, and help to find an appropriate solution to manage the health issue. The second
question that will contribute to the conduction of the advocacy plan will be: “How health care
professionals advocate for diabetes type one adolescent?” Community nurses must have a
guideline to start the advocacy plan. This guideline must provide the resources needed and
knowledge to make such plan functional. The third question able to expedite the project will be:
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“Which are the factors that can impede a development of a community advocacy plan?” There
are factors able to interfere with the development of the plan; nurses must identify the basic
needs of target population to achieve planned goals and outcomes. Vesco, Anderson, Laffel,
Dolan, Ingerski, and Hood (2010), community program must include strategies according to the
adolescent transition stage to support the delivery of the information and implementation of
advocacy plan.
Aggregate Identification and Description
The study is conducted at Hialeah city. According to Johnson (2010), more than 15% of
adolescent population suffers diabetes type one considering obesity as a main risk factor of such
health issue. This urban area include: Hispanic restaurant, fast fatty foods, and high schools
holding more than four vending machines at the schools containing high risk items affecting the
adolescent health behavior. A lack of educational strategies and dysfunctional guideline
prevention program is also identified as part of the aggregate on interest.
Christoffel’s Conceptual Framework
According to Stanhope and Lancaster (2010), Christoffel’s conceptual framework,
advocacy is related with three important stages. The first stage is information, this stage makes
focus into gather information about a specific health concern, identify factors that contribute to
the extension of the problem, and barriers that impede an implementation of a public health
program. According to Johnson (2010), the data is collected from Hialeah Florida statistics,
which is reveals a 143028 cases thatrequire hospitalization due to diabetes complications. Such
report involves both high school seniors and adult population. The major concern is about
adolescent population, which is show a more difficult adapted behavior to diabetes management.
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A search area shows several commercial centers and a strong marketing cultural program that
affect the implementation of a diabetes prevention community health program.
According to Stanhope and Lancaster (2010), a Strategy stage focuses into use the
information obtained from stage one and identify the most important population needs to
improve a current public health program. This stage will include the contribution of the
community, legislators, policies statement, and identified objective. The application of this
segment of Christoffel’s framework will contribute to translate research findings to health
professionals, community school counselors and high school nurses to create a partnership with
interest into help the affected population. According to Balcazar, Rosenthal, Brownstein, Rush,
Matos, and Hernandez (2011), the health care workers, and the community are considered a
strong workforce that will help to improve the public health. The major goal of this task force
activity is to develop an educational program to improve disease management and preventive
measures. An actual plan will be conducted to decrease the incidence of adolescent diabetes
mellitus at Hialeah city. Such plan will be submitted to Hialeah representative and commercial
centers to gain funds to support such campaigned.
According to Stanhope and Lancaster (2010), in the stage three, Action, the previous
identified strategies will be implemented. A volunteer community program will be developed in
order to change attitudes and behaviors toward the current public situation. Brochures will be
design with appropriate engagement according to target population. High schools interview and
in-services will be conducted to encourage healthy eating habits and avoid physical inactivity.
Evidence-base practice findings related with diabetes management and prevention will be
provided to supported institution to increase the funds that will solidify the planned public health
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Demographic Information
According to Hialeah US Census Bureau. (2011), Hialeah is a community that includes a
total population of more than 200.000 of habitants. From this amount of individuals a 48% are
male, a 52% are females, and both genders include a 10% of total population between 20 and 40
years, and 10% under twenty years. The population is very diverse but the highest percentage
involve a 93% of White Caucasian (containing white Hispanic), and 95% are Hispanic from
different origins. It includes a larger Cuban population, several fast roots for transportation, and
two high schools attending Hialeah community. One of these educational institutions has award
recognition as a best high school, according to United States News Report. In contradiction with
this finding, the statistic reveals a 7.4% of population speaking English, and 92% of population
speaking Spanish. The educational level is low, more than 75% of the Hialeah community does
not finish high school, and only 47% complete the high school program.
According to Waters, Davis, and Mehmet-Radji (2007), the adolescent population health
surveys may face different challenges. Adolescent show a rebellion behavior against the
established norms, which may interfere in the progress of the survey sampling method. In this
project, a survey will be conducted at both Hialeah high school center, the amount of the
participant will be according to each school grade. Example includes: nine grade (386 students),
ten grade (349 students), eleven grade (302 students) and 12 grade (128 students). This tool will
be developed by several multiple choice questions that will make easier the implementation of
this tool. Such survey contains questions that reveal reliable independent information variable,
such as ethnicity, sex, educational level, and others. The survey reveals that a 92% of the
students are Hispanic, including 45% males, 55% females, and 87% that speak Spanish and
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difficult English comprehension. This finding will affect the educational performance of this
group, which is decrease the educational level of both institutions.
Survey Questions
According to Waters, Davis, and Mehmet-Radji (2007), the development of this survey
will measure the level of comprehension of the population and how much supported they feel as
part of the community. Different questions are included as part of the survey. Examples include:
“What does advocacy for adolescent means?” Two multiple choice statements describing the
meaning of advocacy will be provided. A 95% fail into answer this question properly, which is
probe the lack of knowledge of this group about public health community support. The second
questions will be “How the health care workers advocate by adolescent children?” In this
question a survey select all that apply question format will be implemented, different methods
used by nurses to conduct an advocacy plan will be mentioned, the student must choose at least
two of them (including teaching). A 90% of the high school students provide incorrect answers,
which is show the poor health promotion program developed by the institution. The third
question is more related with the barriers affecting the implementation of the advocacy plan.
This question will be formulated following multiple choice formats. Most of the students choose
language barrier and lack of knowledge affecting the understanding and the application of such
project. In order to improve the understanding of the students another two questions will be
added to the survey. For example: “Are you consider yourself overweight?” and “Which of the
following do you consider a risk factor to develop a diabetes mellitus?”A 35% consider
themselves overweight and a 65% have being unable to identify diabetic risk factor.
According to Healthy People 2020, (2012), the adolescent transitional stage marked a
significant transformation from adolescent into adults. They face many life challenges as diabetic
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patients. One of the challenges is peer pressure. This factor can affect the management of the
disease and led the adolescent to suffer serious consequences. For this reason an important goals
of healthy people 2020 is provide enough educational material about diabetes to risk population
as well as to improve the quality of physical education at the school setting. Another important
goal is to improve the awareness of the adolescent community about the need for healthy weight,
and dietary management as well as the improvement of physical activity. Following this goals
different questions will be formulated. Examples include: “Do you think that diabetes
educational material will help you to prevent and manage the disease easier?” and “Do you
consider physical activity and weigh management important to maintain yourself healthy.
A pre test was conducted to address the study of some dependent variables like:
identification of risk factors, knowledge, altitudes, and management. The results reflex in 20%
able to recognize risk factors, 38% show lack of knowledge about life style management, 15%
reflects inappropriate behaviors toward to nutritional and exercises practices, and 40% of the
adolescent show dysfunctional management of diabetes mellitus risk factors.
Correlational Data
The spread of educational material will help to control, and prevent the progression of the
diabetes mellitus between adolescents. According to the Bureau of Chronic Disease Prevention
and Health Promotion (2012), in Florida 9.5% of the population under age of 18 years suffer
diabetic mellitus; including a10.4% of male’s gender, and 8.7% of female’s gender. At Hialeah
2.5% of the Hispanic population suffer diabetic mellitus in comparison with the national score,
which is reveals a 25.8 million proportional to 8.3% of the total population between children and
adolescent suffering diabetes mellitus. According to the Bureau of Chronic Disease Prevention
and Health Promotion (2012),the percentage of obesity between 12 to 19 years has an increase of
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more than triple in the last 30 years. The percentage of obesity in adolescent in 2008 reveals a
five percentage of teenagers suffering overweight, which is increase to 18.1% on 2011 in
relationship with an increase of weight above the 95th percentile for basal metabolic index
(BMI). In the city of Hialeah 10% of adolescent is obese in comparison with the national score,
this percentage include a weight variance above or equal 95th percentile for BMI. From this 10%
value a six percentage represent females and 14, 8% is male in correlation with an overall score
of 10.3%.
According to Healthy People 2020, (2012), the major cause of this problem is
potentiating for different factors. Example includes: lack of knowledge and parental support into
provide a healthy diet, inadequate parents role model performance, poor school weight
management program and physical inactivity. This findings support the goals planned for healthy
people 2020 in to increase the awareness of adolescent population about to assist to community
programs about weight management and avoidance of a sedentary life. The improvement of the
physical activity and the change of dietary behaviors will decrease the risk for obesity, and the
developmental progression of diabetes type one, and diabetes type two among adolescent.
Diabetes mellitus is placed between the first seven causes of death of United States. This
chronic disease produces divesting results between different age groups. People with diabetic
mellitus will have a life expectancy up to 15 years; they will be at risk for heart diseases by twice
in comparison with others chronic conditions and isa leadingcause of renal failure, peripheral
conditions, and acute blindness. Diabetes mellitus is more frequent in pubescent. There are
different factors that can precipitate the onset of the disease, such asthe stress of the school,
emotional, stress, and infections. During poverty the sex hormones antagonist the insulin, which
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is may to contribute to development of the disease. This paper will include the interventions
needed to meet project goals and outcomes as well as the influences needed to enact the
program. Two important reasons that probe if the program would be or would not be cost
effective will be described.
Diabetic Adolescent Outcome Goals
The main purpose of this community project is to reduce and manage the risk for
developing diabetes mellitus among adolescent population According to Stanhope and Lancaster
(2010), an effective program must be started with a general program goal and then advance with
the specific objective that will support the accomplishment of the program goal. An outcome
goal from this project will be: to decrease the incidence of diabetic adolescent at Hialeah by
implementing a dietary counseling program in all high schools by the year 2012. The specific
objective for this goal will be as follows: to open a health fair program by providing dietary
approaches to improve quality of life of adolescent who have or are at risk of diabetes mellitus in
all Hialeah high schools between August and December 2012. An extra outcome goal will be
more related with the prevention and control of certain risk factors associated with diabetes. For
example: increase prevention behaviors in adolescent at risk for diabetes by improving weight
loss behavior by the year2012. The specific objective to this goal will be: Increase the proportion
of adolescent at high risk for diabetes who report an increase of their level of physical activity by
providing an individual health behavior change activity program in all Hialeah high schools
between March and December 2012.
Interventions to Meet Planned Goals
According to Valen, Narayan, and Wedeking (2012), Hispanic population needs new
approaches to provide effective education and meet the planned goals. This project has a special
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focus into reduce the risk factors that led adolescent population to manage and prevent diabetes
mellitus. The implementation of health fair program will make more emphasis in the dietary
management of the disease.. This program will include different areas in response to the
following questions, such as “what foods will be able to increase my weight and blood sugar?”
According to Field-Berner, and Balgopal (2011), diabetic patient and patient at risk for
diabetes are found to have lack of knowledge about management, and prevention.The answer
previous question will be provided by the explanation and distribution of approval material as
brochures, and pamphlets following evidence-base practice. The information will include the
foods able to turn in blood sugar (rice, fruits, and dairy products, honey, frosting foods, and
others), encourage to decrease the consumption of high fat diet (chips, crackers, cheeses), and
recommend the consumption of high fiber diet (whole grain, vegetables, beans). Another area
will be created when the students must be weight and teach about how to calculate the body max
index and what to do to correct the overweight issue. This area will provide choices that will help
the adolescent to change unhealthy behaviors and incorporate physical activity between their
daily priorities. The high school student will have a free screening test for detecting high blood
sugar and hypercholesterolemia supported by local hospital institutions.
Description of Resources to Adopt Program
According to Begley, Haddad, Christensen and Lust (2009), the health fair program
increases the education and awareness ofaffected populationabout inappropriate health behaviors
and disease management. The implementation of a health fair volunteer program will be needed
to achieve the planned goals. This program will include a multidisciplinary approach of
severalforces, such as community including neighborhoods, and commercial centers. Hialeah
commercial center will provide samples of the food recommended to adolescent to reinforce
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dietary healthy behavior as well as the providing of free tickets to encourage adolescent to assist
to different exercise community program for a time of six months. This collaboration will
introduce the adolescent to a social network that will reinforce change of behavior and better
physical management.
According to Begley, Haddad, Christensen and Lust (2009), the health fair program
provides cooperating educational sessions that involve several settings, institutions, health
professionals, and the community. The collaboration of more than three hospitals in Hialeah will
support the distribution of educational material about dietary management and physical activity.
The free diabetic screening will be implemented in coordination with local health institutions,
schools directors, and educational nurses. The support of Hialeah legislator will be needed to
carry out the project successfully at the minimum cost. Legislator will reinforce the distribution
of educational material to Hialeah adolescent community and will provide a sufficient budget to
maintain this campaign for a period of two years. These funds will cover all the equipment and
items (lancets, glucometers, scales, free designs, ect) needed to develop the plan as well as other
extra expenses needed to make effective the implementation of the project.
A post test was conducted after the campaign and 100% of the adolescent population
improves the life style management in comparison with the maximum score 120%. The 100% of
the population improve the knowledge about life style management, 85% of the adolescent show
improvement of altitudes toward to nutritional and exercises practices, and 95% of the
population shoe an improvement in possible strategies to manage diabetes mellitus
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Two Cost Reasons
According to Begley, Haddad, Christensen and Lust (2009), the health fairs have a
tendency to use volunteer approach. For this reason the cost will be low, and the program will
have a short duration. The educational material and health screening will be at little or no cost,
which is support the distribution of reliable information to the affected population at low cost.
The sponsors in charge to support medical screening will not be responsible for covering the
follow-up expenses is positive results are obtained but appropriate direction will be provided it is
needed. For these reasons health fairs program is considered a cost-effective method to improve
community health.
Health promotion concepts and strategies must be implemented by health professional
and not health professional population. The help of the community will play an enormous role in
to prevent, protect and manage certain conditions that will raise level of public health. This part
of the project planned outcome goals to improve the quality of life of diabetic adolescent
community. The subject included a description of interventions needed to meet the goals as well
as the needed influences to adopt and implement the program. The reasons explained why health
fair is considered a low cost effective program was described as part of this matter.
Page 15 of 16
Begley, K., Haddad, A., Christensen, C., & Lust, E. (2009). A health education program for
undeserved community youth led bt health professions students. American Journal of
pharmaceutical education, 73(6), 1-7.
Bureau of Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (2012). Diabetic Statistics.
Retrieved from http://www.doh-state.fl-us
Feild-Berner, N., & Balgopal, M. (2011). Knowledge is Power. Journal of Science and Children,
49(3), 32-36.
Healthy People 2020. (2012). Diabetic Adolescent Objectives. Retrieved from
Hialeah US Census Bureau. (2011). People Quick Facts. Hialeah Florida Population Information
and Source. Retrieved from
Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2010). Foundations of nursing in the community: Community-Oriented
practice. (3rded.). St Louis, MO: Mosby/Elsevier.
Valen, M., Narayan, S., & Wedeking, L. (2012). An innovative approach to diabetes education
for a Hispanic population utilizing community health workers. Journal of Cultural
Diversity, 19(1), 10-17.
Vesco, A., Anderson, B., Laffel, L., Dolan, L., Ingerski, L., & Hood, K. (2010). Responsibility
sharing between adolescent with type 1 diabetes and their caregivers: Importance of
adolescent perceptions on diabetes management and control. Journal of Pediatric
Psychology, 35(10), 1168-1177.
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Winsett, R., Stender, S., Gower, G., &Burghen, G. (2010). Adolescent self-efficacy and
resilience in participants attending a diabetes camp. Journal of Pediatric Psychology,
36(6), 293-296.
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