sosc301 Interpersonal relations and gropu dynamics
My topic is Generation Z
My primary source is as follows
The generation I choose to write about is Generation Z, which were born between 1997 to 2012. I choose this generation because my daughter was born in 2010. Trying to understand her is like pulling teeth. They are the youngest, most ethically- diverse and largest generation in American history. Also when I get into the mist of my new career, this generation will look to me to mentor them. In healthcare nurses from generations before me aren’t welcoming. There is a saying “the old eating their young” this is true. Nurses from prior generations have many unfavorable opinions about the up and coming generations into healthcare. If we could understand each other better, the workplace wouldn’t be so divided. I want to great the cycle. I never want a student to feel like I do. To look up to someone relying on them, only to be cast out and belittled.
This source speaks to generation Z, how they thrive with technology. It goes into detail about their characteristics, personalities, and how they define living. This article will help me with this project because it will help me think from the perspective of Generation Z to think outside the box like them.
TEDx Talks. (2019, September 4). What Makes “Generation Z” So Different? | Harry Beard | TEDxAstonUniversity [Video]. YouTube.
SOSC301 – Interpersonal Relations & Group Dynamics
Portfolio Project Directions and Rubric
This Portfolio Project is worth 15% of your grade
Completing this Assessment will help you to meet the following:
Course Outcomes
Students evaluate their own behavior and how it affects others in the workplace.
Institutional Outcomes
• Community and Career – Participate in social, learning, and professional communities for personal and
career growth.
Deliverable items for the Portfolio Project will be required at different points during the
course. Details for each submission are included below in the Deliverable Descriptions.
The contemporary world, specifically the workplace, is filled with a vibrant representation of
different sexes, genders, ethnicities, ages, races, and cultures. One’s ability to understand this
diversity and navigate them effectively is essential to career and life success. This presentation
project will provide you with an opportunity to investigate an ethnicity, sex, gender, ethnicity,
generation, race, or culture to better understand and think conceptually about how to work
effectively with individuals from various groups. Put plainly, multicultural awareness,
appreciation, and sensitivity are important components in today’s world.
For this assignment, you are to select a sex, gender, ethnicity, generation, race, or culture
and study it toward the final goal of proposing how this new awareness can lead to career
and life success. For instance, studying a different culture will help you better understand
and be able to serve or work with people from different cultures in your career. Or, such
investigation might lead you to form deeper, more meaningful relationships with people from
different cultures.
For this Portfolio Project, you will be completing a PowerPoint presentation on a cultural
group other than your own. To support completion of this assignment and provide effective
feedback along the way, the project has been broken down into the following steps:
SOSC301 – Portfolio Project
Deliverable Descriptions
Week 2: Step #1 Submission of Abstract and Methods
Due by the end of Week 2 at 11:59 pm, ET.
This portion of your slideshow should provide a brief overview of the sex, gender, ethnicity,
generation, race, or culture you chose to study, along with a rationale for its selection. You are
to select a subject that is different from your own individual identification. You may acquire
primary source research from the following sources—posted CREDIBLE videos via social media
like YouTube, etc., interviews with people, primary source artifacts like movies, poems, songs,
novels, short stories, or other artifacts. You are only required to study one primary source for
the project. For this portion of the project, identify the primary source you studied, provide a
summary of the source, and provide a brief justification for its selection.
So, that your instructor can get a general sense of your project as well as your intended sources,
you are to submit the following:
1) A one-paragraph statement of the sex, gender, ethnicity, generation, race, or culture you
chose to study, along with a rationale/explanation for its selection.
2) An APA formatted citation of the primary source you will use along with a summary of
the source and your prediction of how it will assist you in the completion of your project.
Week 4: Step #2 Findings and Literature Review
Due by the end of Week 4 at 11:59 pm, ET.
For this portion of your slideshow, share your conclusions based on your analysis and
interpretation of the primary source you selected. This section should contain findings that
illustrate your sophisticated knowledge of the history, values, politics, communication styles,
economy, or beliefs and practices of your subject you acquired from your primary source. For
example, imagine interviewing someone from another country. In your examination of the
source, inquire about their country’s history, personal experiences with that history, things
that make their culture unique from own, etc.
For this portion of your slideshow, you are to locate two secondary sources from the College’s
Virtual Library or similar resource. You should provide a summary of the major findings from
these two secondary/external sources. A secondary source would involve someone else’s
study of a similar subject and/or primary source.
So, that your instructor can provide feedback on your findings and literature review, you are to
submit the following:
SOSC301 – Portfolio Project
1) Submit a one to two paragraph description of your preliminary findings from the
primary source based on your analysis and interpretation.
2) Submit a list of your two secondary/external sources in APA format, along with a
summary of each source.
Week 5: Step # 3 Present Synthesis of Research that Increases Multicultural Awareness
Due by the end of Week 5 at 11:59 pm, ET.
For this portion of your slideshow, express how your primary source research compares to the
research findings from your two secondary sources. Discuss how your findings along with
those from your two secondary sources builds upon your own prior learning. Also, reflect on
how the study of this primary source will influence your perspective of the sex, gender,
ethnicity, generation, race, and culture you chose to study in the future. For this portion of your
slideshow, express how the overall work you completed on this project will lead to future career
& life success. Specifically, be sure to analyze how adjustments in your own attitudes and beliefs
regarding the sex, gender, ethnicity, generation, race, or culture selected for study demonstrates
your willingness to engage with diversity, along with an ability to assess the impact of
assumptions, judgments, and/or biases in how others treat your subject.
So, that you can address the synthesis of your research and the career as well as life application
of your project, you are to submit the following:
1) Create a PowerPoint slide in which you outline how your findings from your primary
source examination supports the findings in your two secondary sources.
2) Create a PowerPoint slide in which you reflect on how your findings will influence
your future career and/or life success in relationship to the subject you chose to study.
For instance, some questions you may want to address include:
a. How will your research within this project equip you with the sensitivities and
awareness needed for collaborating with the group you selected in the
workplace? In what ways?
b. How will your research influence your choices and impact your life decisions
with respect to your life and your own professional growth?
Week 7: Final Submission to ePortfolio
• Due by the end of Week 7 at 11:59 pm, ET.
This week is the final submission of your Institutional Outcome Assessment. Incorporate
instructor feedback, make any additional corrections, and submit to your ePortfolio.
The following pieces should be included in your final PowerPoint:
SOSC301 – Portfolio Project
1) A slide focused on the sex, gender, ethnicity, generation, race, or culture you chose to
study, along with a rationale/explanation for its selection. (From Part I)
2) Your analysis of the primary source and secondary sources and how they enhance your
understanding of multicultural awareness and collaborating with others of a different
race/persuasion/background etc. in the workplace. (From Part II & III)
3) A slide on how your findings in this project will equip you with the sensitivities,
understanding and awareness to work with a multicultural group of people. (From Part
NOTE: For your final submission, be sure you cite all instances of paraphrases, summaries,
and/or direct quotations. Also, make sure that the last slide list all of your sources in proper
APA format.
Upload your Portfolio Project to the Institutional Outcomes in your ePortfolio listed below.
Use the following naming convention: SOSC301 – Portfolio Project:
Community and Career – Participate in social, learning, and professional communities
for personal and career growth.
For directions on how to upload your project to your ePortfolio, please see Student Resources
in Blackboard on the navigation pane.
SOSC301 – Portfolio Project
SOSC301 Portfolio Project Step # 1 – Grading Rubric
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Level 0
51 – 60 points
45 – 50 points
39 – 44 points
0 – 38 points
Identifies the specific sex,
gender, ethnicity, generation,
race, or culture that will be
studied AND provides a
comprehensive explanation for
the selection.
Identifies the specific sex, gender,
ethnicity, generation, race, or
culture that will be studied AND
provides a mostly comprehensive
rationale for the selection.
Abstract Paragraph
60 points
Student also creates a thorough
prediction about how this new
awareness will change how
they work with individuals
from these backgrounds.
Submission has no mechanical
and/or grammatical errors.
34 – 40 points
40 points
Primary source is cited in
appropriate APA format and
the summary is appropriately
Student also creates a somewhat
thorough prediction about how
this new awareness will change
how they work with individuals
from these backgrounds.
Submission has one or two
mechanical and grammatical
30 – 33 points
Primary source is cited in APA
format, but there are one or two
errors, and the summary is
present, though somewhat
Identifies a more generalized Does not identify a sex, gender,
sex, gender, ethnicity,
ethnicity, generation, race, or
generation, race, or culture
culture that will be studied AND
that will be studied AND
does not provide a rationale for
provides a vague rationale
the selection.
for the selection.
Student does not predict how
this new awareness will change
how they work with individuals
Student attempts to predict
from these backgrounds.
how this new awareness will
change how they work with
Submission is difficult to
individuals from these
understand due to number of
backgrounds. However,
mechanical and grammatical
prediction is vague.
Submission has more than
two mechanical and
grammatical flaws.
26 – 29 points
0 – 25 points
Primary source is cited APA
format, but there are three to
four errors, and the
summary is present, though
it is underdeveloped.
Primary source is NOT cited in
appropriate APA format AND
there is no summary present.
SOSC301 – Portfolio Project
SOSC301 Portfolio Project Step # 2 – Grading Rubric
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Level 0
51 – 60 points
45 – 50 points
39 – 44 points
0 – 38 points
Preliminary findings are written in
one to two paragraphs.
Preliminary findings are
written in one or two
paragraphs. Findings are
too generalized, and there is
either too much summary of
the primary source and/or
inadequate critical study of
the primary source.
Preliminary findings are written
in one underdeveloped
paragraph. Findings are a
summary of the source and
lacks a critical study of the
primary source.
Preliminary findings are
written in one to two
60 points
Secondary Sources
40 points
Findings are appropriately
specific and evidences a critical
study of the primary source
through objective, scientific
appropriate means.
Findings are somewhat specific
and evidences a critical of the
primary source through objective,
scientific appropriate means,
though some bias is evident.
There is some objectivity
evident, but most of the
findings evidence bias.
34 – 40 points
30 – 33 points
26 – 29 points
0 – 25 points
Secondary sources are cited in
appropriate APA format and
each summary is appropriately
Secondary sources are cited in
APA format, but there are one or
two errors, and a summary for
each source is present, though
somewhat underdeveloped.
Secondary sources are cited
in APA format, but there are
three to four errors, and a
summary of each source is
present, though
Secondary sources are NOT
cited in appropriate APA format
AND there is no summary
present for each source.
SOSC301 – Portfolio Project
SOSC301 Portfolio Project Step # 3 – Grading Rubric
Research Synthesis
50 points
Reflection in
50 points
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Level 0
43 – 50 points
38 – 42 points
33 – 37points
0 – 32 points
Submission evidences
instances of sophisticated
similarities, differences, and
enhancements of the ideas
found in the secondary sources
when compared to the
findings from the primary
source study.
Submission evidences somewhat
sophisticated instances of
similarities, differences, and
enhancements of the ideas found
in the secondary sources when
compared to the findings from the
primary source study.
Submission evidences only
identification without
discussion of instances of
similarities, differences, and
enhancements of the ideas
found in the secondary
sources when compared to
the findings from the
primary source study.
Submission evidences only a
summary of each source
without specific identification of
similarities, differences, and
enhancements of the ideas
found in the secondary sources
when compared to the findings
from the primary source study.
43 – 50 points
38 – 42 points
33 – 37 points
0 – 32 points
Presentation illustrates an
awareness of multicultural
sensitivity. This is
measurable through
evidence of examination of
the topic, but it lacks
analysis and reflection.
Presentation illustrates no
reflection that would facilitate
multicultural sensitivity. This is
measurable through a summary
of findings that lacks critical
examination as well as a lack of
analysis and reflection.
Presentation illustrates a deep
awareness of multicultural
sensitivity. This is measurable
through the demonstration of
their own analysis and
reflection of the topic.
Submission illustrates how new
learning will lead to significant
future career and/or life
success through greater
multicultural sensitivity.
Presentation illustrates an
emerging awareness of
multicultural sensitivity.
This is measurable through the
demonstration of their own
analysis but it lacks reflection of
the topic.
Submission illustrates how new
learning will lead to some future
career and/or life success through
emerging multicultural sensitivity.
Submission shows that there
has been minimal learning
that will restrict future
career and/or life success
due to limited multicultural
SOSC301 – Portfolio Project
SOSC301 – Portfolio Project
SOSC301 Portfolio Project Final submission – Grading Rubric
Project Content—
Primary Source Study
25 points
Project Content—
Secondary Source
25 points
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Level 0
22 – 25 points
19 – 21 points
17 – 18 points
0 – 16 points
Demonstrates a
comprehensive study of the
subject’s history, values,
politics, communication
styles, economy, or beliefs and
practices acquired from the
primary source.
Demonstrates a somewhat
comprehensive study of the
subject’s history, values, politics,
communication styles, economy,
or beliefs and practices.
Submission covers most of these
Demonstrates some
understanding of the sex,
gender, ethnicity,
generation, race, or culture.
While the submission
provides an effective study
of a few of these criteria,
there are notable
Demonstrates little to no
understanding of the sex,
gender, ethnicity, generation,
race, or culture. The
submission only covers one or
two of the stated criteria.
22 – 25 points
19 – 21 points
17 – 18 points
0 – 16 points
Demonstrates a full
engagement through regular,
sustained and balanced
engagement with both
secondary sources cited in the
Demonstrates regular and
sustained engagement with the
secondary sources, though there
is more frequent engagement
with one source over the other.
Demonstrates some
effectiveness to enter
conversationally with
research performed by
others evident through the
integration of information
from one or both
secondary sources, though
it is sporadic and/or
significantly imbalanced
toward one source.
Demonstrates little to no ability
to enter conversationally with
research performed by others
evident through few, if any,
instances of integration of
information from either
secondary source.
Specifically, the project’s
content illustrates significant
instances of convergence,
divergence, and/or
enhancements in thought via
methods that are objective and
Specifically, the project’s content
illustrates instances of
convergence, divergence, and/or
enhancements in thought via
methods that are mostly objective
and appropriate.
Specifically, the project’s
content illustrates a few
instances of convergence,
divergence, and/or
Specifically, the project’s
content illustrates one or two
instances of convergence,
divergence, and/or
enhancements in thought via
SOSC301 – Portfolio Project
enhancements in thought
via methods that are
somewhat objective and
Project Content—
25 points
methods that are mostly
subjective and inappropriate.
22 – 25 points
19 – 21 points
17 – 18 points
0 – 16 points
Reflection demonstrates a
profound adjustment in
attitudes and beliefs regarding
the sex, gender, ethnicity,
generation, race, or culture
selected for study and evident
through student’s welldeveloped written awareness
of how significantly their new,
informed perspective deviates
from the perspective they held
prior to the project.
Reflection demonstrates evidence
of adjustment in attitudes and
beliefs regarding the sex, gender,
ethnicity, generation, race, or
culture selected for study and
evident through student’s mostly
well-developed written
awareness of how significantly
their new, informed perspective
deviates from the perspective
they held prior to the project.
Reflection demonstrates
some evidence of
adjustment in attitudes and
beliefs regarding the sex,
gender, ethnicity,
generation, race, or culture
selected for study and
evident through a
somewhat well-developed
written awareness of how
significantly their new,
informed perspective
deviates from the
perspective they held prior
to the project. Reflection
demonstrates some
willingness to engage with
diversity, along with some
ability to assess the impact
of assumptions, judgments,
and/or biases.
Reflection demonstrates little to
no evidence of adjustment in
attitudes and beliefs regarding
the sex, gender, ethnicity,
generation, race, or culture
selected for study and evident
through an underdeveloped
written awareness of how their
new, informed perspective
deviates from the perspective
they held prior to the project.
Reflection demonstrates little to
no willingness to engage with
diversity, along with little to no
ability to assess the impact of
assumptions, judgments,
and/or biases.
Reflection demonstrates a
significant willingness to
engage with diversity, along
with an insightful ability to
assess the impact of
assumptions, judgments,
and/or biases.
Presentation has a noticeable
introduction, body section
with specific evidence, and an
effective conclusion that offers
Reflection demonstrates a
willingness to engage with
diversity, along with an insightful
ability to assess the impact of
assumptions, judgments, and/or
Presentation has an introduction,
body section with evidence, and a
conclusion. However, transitions
between major sections of the
presentation are weak and the
conclusion does not provide
effective closure.
Presentation has an
introduction, body, and
conclusion. The body
section lacks specific details
and the conclusion is
Presentation lacks structure
and each of the major elements
of an effective presentation—
introduction, body, and
SOSC301 – Portfolio Project
Project Submission
Mechanics &
25 points
22 – 25 points
19 – 21 points
17 – 18 points
0 – 16 points
PowerPoint slides are
organized effectively and are
easy to read. All research is
cited appropriately in APA
PowerPoint slides are organized
in a mostly effective and mostly
easy to read, though there are one
to two instances where small or
large font sizes and/or
improperly scaled images make
the slides more difficult to read.
PowerPoint slides are
organized in a somewhat
effective way and are
somewhat easy to read,
though there are three to
four instances where small
or large font sizes and/or
improperly scaled images
make the slides more
difficult to read.
PowerPoint slides are
disorganized and difficult to
read, caused by five or more
instances where small or large
font sizes and/or improperly
scaled images make the slides
more difficult to read. Little to
no research is cited
appropriately in APA format.
The project is largely free of
grammatical and/or
mechanical errors.
Most research is cited
appropriately in APA format. The
project is mostly free of
grammatical and/or mechanical
Some research is cited
appropriately in APA
format. The project is
somewhat free of
grammatical and/or
mechanical errors.
The project has significant
grammatical and/or
mechanical errors that make it
difficult to understand the
ideas expressed.
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