Watch and answer

 Watch this video and answer the following questions I need 300-350 and I need it twice for 2 different students.  

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This video tells the story of the planning, construction and early days of management of a Disney theme parks.   Details are given on the background to the project and the expectations of success. Though, real life results did not always meet expectations. Problems were encountered requiring extensive adaptation of both strategy and tactics by EuroDisney’s management as well as Hong Kong Disney management. Eventually the parent company, The Walt Disney Company (“Disney”) had to step in to organize a financial bail-out for the French park. Reasons for the poor performance of EuroDisney(now Disneyland Paris), Tokyo Disneyland, and Hong Kong Disneyland should be reviewed.

Students should explore in aspects such as:

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  • the role of environmental factors in shaping international marketing strategies;
  • the impact of ethnocentric thinking on overseas investments;
  • the need for adaptation (versus the desire for standardization) of company marketing policies abroad;
  • market forecasting and assumptions about consumer response to foreign products and services;
  • cultural conflicts between buyers and sellers; and
  • issues involved in developing international marketing strategies, tactics and policies.


  1. Discuss Hong Kong Disneyland, Tokyo Disneyland, and Paris Disneyland – which site is the most successful of all of these three expansions and why?  What factors contributed to EuroDisney’s poor performance during its first year of operation? What factors contributed to Hong Kong Disney’s poor performance?  Research will be required as this is not covered in the video.
  2. What role does ethnocentrism play in the story of EuroDisney’s launch?
  3. Based on the cultures of these three countries (Hong Kong (China), Japan, and France) what specific changes were made for these locations  (choose ONE only to discuss)?
  4. Now that Disney has opened Hong Kong and begun work on Shanghai location, where and when should it go next? Assume you are a consultant hired to give Disney advice on the issue of where and when to go next.  Pick three locations and select the one you think will be the best new location for “Disneyland X.”


Deliver solid content in 300-350 words –   deductions taken for shorter responses.  Remember that the   restatement of the questions and the reference recap at the bottom of your   postings do not count towards the word count requirement.


Use   an authored outside   reference beyond your textbook. Zero points given for non-authored web   sources.  It is   okay/great to use your textbook, but I want to see more research beyond your   text. You may use a brand web page too, but you still need an authored source   too. Recap your reference in APA format only   at the bottom of your posting. Your reference must be clearly   cited in APA format within your posting to count. Always provide   the exact web site address for this course in your recap of references for   full credit.

Research always beyond the   materials provided to ADD to the discussion.  An authored source is simply one   that is associated with a human(s) NAME.   For example, your textbook is   an authored source.  The United States Census Bureau is not an authored   source.  But it is fine to use as long as you ALSO use an authored   reference source.

No videos, blogs, tweets, wikis, interviews, podcasts, encyclopedias,   or dictionaries allowed – use an authored reference.

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